Friday, June 05, 2009

Your Turn

All of this talk about food the past two days definitely makes me want to talk about it some more on here. I noticed lots of you were talking about your favorite cereal in the Crunchberry post. My mom would not allow any cereals which had the first ingredient listed as sugar. I think it needed to be 3rd or lower for me to be able to eat it. When I would spend the nights at friend's houses I would cry with joy when I saw Fruit Loops and Cap'n Crunch and all of the other wonderfully sweet cereals I longed for on television. I never wanted to stop eating them. The funny thing was that my mom would let me put as much sugar on my cereal as I wanted so to me that kind of defeats the purpose. Cheerios with a quarter pound of sugar on them are probably not that good for you.

Today I just want to know about your favorite food or cereal or your favorite meal of the day. I don't care what you say as long as it is about food. I love all cereals and will eat it 24 hours a day. I love big one pound greasy cheeseburgers two at a time. Chocolate covered donuts are my favorite, although I would not turn down a few dozen glazed Krispy Kreme if you went and got them and put them in front of me.


Emma31 said...

I love all food in general at this moment due to being prego...but my cereal of choice is Count Chocula....

MontanaMarriott said...

Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles, Lucky Charms or Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Favorite meal is after a night of dancing and partying Breakfast at any diner or Mcdonalds Breakfast.
Well actually I can eat breakfast ALL THE TIME

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Lucky Charms for sure.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I agree with Montana. Breakfast is good at anytime. I love having breaskfast for dinner.

Ryan said...

Cracklin' Oat Brand. It's like crack. I love dat stuff.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


Clanger said...

Plain old Cheerios, dry, for fave cereal!

What meal I miss the most after changing my eating habits this winter.....a nice greasy, overly gooey grilled cheese sandwich. WITH a can of Campbells Tomato soup made with milk with a little shredded cheese in it. Dunk that sandwich in the soup and *slobber slobber slobber*. God, I feel like Homer Simpson right about now drooling. Can we see why I felt the need to fix my eating habits? Having that for dinner a few times a week kind of puts a timer on your life. LOL>

princessd said...

corn pops.

and mcdonals breakfast - egg mcmuffin meal without ham, two hashbrowns and a diet coke (yeah I know) is the best hangover cure ever.

and I'm obsessed with veggie curry. mmm

dee said...

When growing up, was always envious of the cereals I saw on American programmes and always wanted to try this "peanut butter and jelly" they kept mentioning. Its my snack of ALL time as is my favourite cereal (Rice Krispies). I think I shall go and have some of both for dinner.

Miss(pdx) said...

I am right next door to Voodoo Doughnuts and let me tell you.. its breakfast, lunch and dinner! They have bacon maple bars for the love of god ( Anthony Bourdain's favorite ). My favorite is the Old Dirty Bastard which is a doughnut rolled in Oreo crumbs...mmmmmm...doughnuts..

Emma31 said...


Was that place on Man Vs Food...if so THAT PLACE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kris said...

pizza, gyros, greasy cheeseburgers and anything with chocolate...

...these are some of my favorite things....when I'm hungover....which is often...

Unknown said...

when i was little, I loved boo-berry, cinnamon toast crunch, apple cinnamon cheerios. Golden Grahams once upon a time also had a limited run of "Smores" cereal, which I adored and had little chunks of chocolate and mini, freeze-dried marshmallows (like the ones in hot chocolate. MMM.

Now as an adult, I still love cereal, but I will sell my soul for a filet, hamburger or pizza. Its true.

Miss(pdx) said...

ha! I posted this before reading the Doughnut day post! Totally on the same wave length today Enty. I am all over the tequila donut btw

Sinjin said...

Croqueta in Spain: A deep fried ball of bechamel (white sauce) with ham & cheese. O.M.G.

mooshki said...

I wouldn't have survived freshman year in the dorms without Cap'n Crunch. The cafeteria added a cup of salt to every recipe, I swear. Thank god for the cereal dispenser.

Favorite food: Watermelon, with a side of watermelon, and a bit of watermelon sprinkled on top. Yes, this time of year is my paradise. My PawPaw had a watermelon field in Alabama, so I think it's in my blood.

annie cat said...

I love cereal. I had some Fruity Pebbles for dinner after the Crunchberry post yesterday =). My fave depends on my mood. Lately its been plain Special K or if I want sugar, Lucky Charms.

.robert said...

A cold unpressed cuban sandwich and a deviled crab ( ).

Dijea said...


Shhh, don't tell.

Jam...previously Jeb... said...

Some of my mom's homemade chicken soup...I could eat that all day everyday, and never get tired of fact, I think I'll make some right now :)

Sinjin said...

@ Jenn; have you tried Safeway's Signature Series soup? The Tomato Bisque is spicy and deliciously thick. Perhaps you can still have that. (I have mine with a grilled sharp cheddar cheese sandwich because I am still procrastinating on the food habit changeover!)

Miss(pdx) said...

Emma - It totally was. It has also been on No Reservations in the episode where Chuck Palahniuk takes Anthony Bourdain there ( my fav episode by far but I am biased its my city ) and another show on the travel or food channel. Best place ever!

Cheryl said...

I can (and often do) eat pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner. I alsways order an extra pizza so I can have leftovers for the next day.

I wish chocolate and pizza went together because it would save me lots of time. Belgian or Swiss chocolate is the best, but I can get jiggy with a bag of Hershey's kisses.

My best friend and I ate our way across Europe after college. This was before the Euro so we would exchange our currency when we left one country to enter another. We could only exchange bills, so we would pool our change and buy chocolate.

Beensie said...
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Beensie said...

Growing up, my favorite meal of all time was Chef Boy-ar-dee cheese pizza in the box that you made yourself. I added extra shredded cheddar cheese. That was the best.meal.ever.

But they changed the tomato sauce that goes with it and it's NOT the same anymore. It's dead to me now

CeCe said...

I have gone through several favorite food crazy phases. My current one is crispy apple fritter donuts. The crispier the better, which also means they left them in the deep fryer a touch too long. My other ones are as follows, in no particular order, and never more than one food craving phase at a time:

1) greasy, juicy burgers with mayo and extra pickle relish
2) McDonald's McGriddle's w/ sausage
3) raisin bagels w/ melted swiss cheese
4) champagne cake
5) turkey sub sandwich w/ mayo, stuffing, and cranberry sauce

I know there are more, but these are the ones that jump to mind first.

Beensie said...

I forgot about the La Madeleine tomato bisque soup. If you love tomato soup -- it rocks.

Add some of the free french bread from La M's with butter on it and it's a feast.

Emma31 said...

Thanks Miss....

My Husband seriously is thinking of taking a road trip due to that Man VS Food episode. The donuts look soooo good.

Sinjin said...

"My best friend and I ate our way across Europe after college."

Cheryl, I'm soooo jealous!

Unknown said...

My favorite cereals were Cookie Crunch, Honey Nut Cheerios and Fruit Loops or Frosted Flakes with fresh bananas or raisin bran.

My current obsession and today's lunch was the whole foods salad bar - the HQ location in Austin.

Oh and last night was breakfast for dinner: scrambled eggs and cheese on a biscuit.

AvaMore said...

LOVE my potatoes.




You name it, I love it.

ItsJustMe said...

In n Out

Double Double, animal and protein style

Animal style fries


Tania said...

For breakfast I love muesli with lots of nuts and dried fruit in it (except banana chips - ugh!) And any cereal with cinnamon is nice.
My favourite foods change all the time, right now it's Jazz apples (a crunchy, juicy and sweet variety, so much nicer than the cotton-wool red delicious etc), and honey-roast smoked salmon. Not both at the same time, obviously!

Dee said...

I buy sugary kids cereals constantly, they're my favorite snack. Reese's Puffs are my all time favorite, followed by Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, and Frosted Flakes. If I actually want a healthy cereal, it's Special K with yogurt clusters or Crispix.

Carte Blanche said...

Breakfast, anytime -
over medium eggs, hashbrowns, rye toast and fried tomatoes

I never turn down:
Speghetti w/ loaded tomato sauce

Pizza w/ lots of toppings including sun-dried tomatoes, artichokes & olives.


irishstayc2 said...

hmmm never was a big sweets lover so cereal would be Special K blueberry and as a kid capt crunch (tho the capt does tear up your mouth big time.)

I have also recently changed my eating habits but let me tell ya i still dream of a wendys double cheeseburger with extra cheese and nothing but mustard. fries and a large coke. That was my hangover, I'm stressed, I hate my ex , i'm happy and it's snowing meal LOL

ahhh yeah... good times

Anonymous said...

Cereal - we were on honey nut cheerios forever, and then my mom stopped caring. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is something I still eat today. There was also like Animal Crunchers or something that I ate for years as a kid.

My favorite food though, is something only available in Argentina. Havanna brand Alfajores. The white ones, it's like thin layer of merengue coating over 2 cookies put together with dulce de leche (thick caramel). You can get some other brands here in the states, but they're just not the same.

amazonblue said...

Rice Krispies have been my favorite since I was a kid. Homemade rice krispy treats are heavenly.

Another favorite of mine is a sourdough bread bowl filled with a creamy chicken and rice soup. Yum.

I'm with the majority in loving breakfast for dinner. Omlettes, waffles, french toast, etc.

Anonymous said...

Not for any major reasons, but I just don't like McDonald's and rarely if ever eat it. I can seriously count the number of times in a year that I eat food from there on one hand. But the entire time I was pregnant, despite never having had one prior, nearly every day I was like OH GOD GIMME A BIG MAC.

I gave birth over a month ago, and am still trying to break my Big Mac habit. Such delicious, heavenly garbage.

I've never been big on sweets either, but since the weather has been so nice and warm I bury myself in DD's iced coffees on a daily basis. Yum.

Unknown said...

As a kid, I ate Apple Jacks like they were crack. Then I went hardcore all the way and graduated to Fruit Loops. Or is that a decline?

As an adult, I am addicted to Cheeseburgers. I'm like Wimpy from the Popeye cartoons. I could seriously compete with Enty.

Unknown said...

As a kid, I ate Apple Jacks like they were crack. Then I went hardcore all the way and graduated to Fruit Loops. Or is that a decline?

As an adult, I am addicted to Cheeseburgers. I'm like Wimpy from the Popeye cartoons. I could seriously compete with Enty.

califblondy said...

Cereal - Frosted Flakes, they're grrrrrrrrrreat.

Food - Tacos floating in salsa.

And of course, chocolate. I could eat a brownie with chocolate ice cream and Hershey's syrup. Or a chocolate cake donut with chocolate frosting. Or chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream. Chocolate pie with an Oreo crust...

There's no such thing as too much chocolate!

Maja With a J said...

I like the Kellogg's cereal that has the dried berries in it. And I'm Swedish so I eat it with buttermilk, not regular milk. My husband startes at me in bewilderment every time. I also have a weakness for Count Chocula, but that, I eat with regular milk. Which, of course, turns into chocolate milk. Yum.

As for favourite foods, I don't discriminate. I love food. I love going out for dinner, I love being cooked for at home. My mom is a chef, and my husband is a chef, and I, I just enjoy food. I have developed quite the powerhips because of it, but who cares?

I don't like bacon and I don't like meat that has those big chewy pieces of fat on it, but other than that, I love pretty much all kinds of food. Today, I had Sushi for lunch. It was delicious.

Carte Blanche said...

Everybody's favourites are making me hungry.

Maja With a J said...

startes = stares. All this talk about food is making me unable to type.

Christine! said...

Jalama Beach Burgers are awesome.

Aebleskivers from Solvang- round pancakes smothered in raspberry jam and a sprinkle of powdered sugar!

La Superica on Milpas in Santa Barbara. #16.

Grilled cheese, fresh chocolate chip cookies.

Have a GREAT weekend all!

helenaonwheels said...


If you check the box, you'll find that Fruit Loops is now spelled "Froot Loops."

Does anyone remember Quisp and Quake cereals? Quisp was my absolute favorite childhood cereal. Loved those sugary little saucers. I haven't seen it in years.

fyi cdan followers, the markup on cereal is outrageous. Only buy it on sale or w/coupons.

A site/service I joined about 1/-1/2 years ago, regularly sends me all kinds of coupons for cereal and other foods, plus free samples of new or revamped P&G products (the site/sevice is run by Proctor & Gamble). I recently got coupons for a free boxes of Kashi waffles and Frosted Mini Wheats.

I highly recommend it to anyone who likes getting coupons and other stuff in exchange for receiving 2-3 emails a week. They also have product surveys and all kinds of other things through their web site. I've had a lot of fun with it and wanted to share it...

Unknown said...

There is nothing like a Philly cheesesteak with whiz.

But my boyfriend's bagels, lobster bisque and fajitas (with homemade tortillas) come pretty close

Pookie said...
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Hilary said...

Garlic Cheese Bread... with ranch dressing for the win

Lisa (not original) said...

My fave is nachos. A big vat of queso, taco meat, tortilla chips, and a salad bar of goodie to choose from for toppers. I could live on that junk. Yummmm

Pookie said...

enty, choc. covered doughnuts are my fave too. yum!

as for food, i'm a lover of all things pan-asian, especially if there are noodles and/or seaweed involved. oh, and seafood. pretty much, if it comes from the ocean, i'll eat it.

cereal? give it to me, captain crunch (the original one).

jbdean_79 said...

I'm from the south, so anything fried or dipped in chocolate works for me... (or both! even better) Yum!

My favorite food is Cuban boliche though. Pork roast stuffed with carrots, potatoes, and chorizos. Grease and fat overload...

and Petit Fours from Publix for dessert. Cake dipped in chocolate! How can you beat that?!

The mere thought is sending me into a sugar coma... and drooling...

Lolita Breckenridge said...

TwoI can't believe no one mentioned my favorite cereal of all time before:
FREAKIES!!! Remember them?

Also, grilled cheese with american cheese and then - stuffed by hand with potato chips.

Unknown said...

Lucky Charms are the best! I also really like Cracklin Oat Bran.

Favorite Foods:

Guacamole and avocado in general
Hush puppies
Pretty much all Mexican food. Mmmm
And I love the California Pizza Kitchen, specifically their chopped salad.

hromaki said...

Since I'm pregnant, you know what sounds good to me right now? A big dirty martini. Followed by a medium rare steak and a bottle of pinot noir. And a cheese plate full of soft and unpasteurized cheeses for dessert.

HannahPalindrome said...

Peanut Butter cereal.
I'm with you ENTY. I love cereal. I could eat it 24 hours a day.

I LOVE Frisee Aux Lardons. YUMMY! I'm always tempted to lick the plate...if the chef prepares it correctly.

littlemanwhatnow said...

I love food! I love pizza and donuts my favorite! I'm a junk food junkie for sure!

but i have a horrible cold for the past few days and it's tofu and spinach. i can't smell or taste a thing!

it's killing me on donut day but a great diet!

jax said...

a nice greasy, overly gooey grilled cheese sandwich. WITH a can of Campbells Tomato soup made with milk with a little shredded cheese in it. Dunk that sandwich in the soup and *slobber slobber slobber*."

wow, i think i need a smoke.

my fav food ever was amazing pizza in Sitges, Spain...Enty , youknow the pizza. we've dreamed of this deliciousness...

i ate myself sick accross the Spanish coast last Patatas Bravas,so easy to make and DAMN GOOD.
try it!

MISCH said...


mooshki said...

Jax, you had me at "potatoes."

nancer said...

i love almost all food, but for breakfast, i love cream of wheat with brown sugar, a pat of butter and milk. i ate that obsessively every day for over a year. haven't had it in ages but when it comes to cereal, that's the ultimate for me.

Miranda said...

Breakfast, oh god, breakfast.

Oven-roasted hashbrowns, omelet loaded with veggies and cheese, five or six strips of bacon, and multigrain/rye toast. Hot cup of coffee. After-breakfast cigarette.

I could seriously eat omelets for every meal of the day for the rest of time!

Anonymous said...

Harriet - buttermilk? I'd be staring at you, too.

Jax - I will have to try that recipe sometime, sounds yummy.

I forgot empanadas on my list of foods I could eat forever. But only if they're fried (baked ones just don't taste the same). Mom always put a little sugar in with the meat so it was sweet and smoky flavored.

CDAN Mod said...

cereal GROSSES me out, and i don't care for it. ask my mom if you think that i am lying!!

i am a foody, and so i would say anything in the italian family of foods.

Maja With a J said...

Linnea, where are you, I need backup on the buttermilk! *L*

West End Girl said...

Definitely cereal. I've only got one box in at the moment. There has to be a selection for me. Typical woman in that respect - indecisive.

That said, anything Italian in origin, Chinese Dim Sun & Noodles, most potato based dishes, or melted cheese on most things and my mum/grandparent's cooking. My grandma is one of the best cooks ever, but she's very judgemental still so asking for extra is akin to torturing her dog! My grandpa, on the other hand, likes to feed an army when he cooks. I love it.

Also, well done Cheryl, where was your favourite dish from? I'm planning to do the same but across the States. I begrudge paying £8.50 for a box of Lucky Charms over here. I found a wonderful place online - - and I *will* be visiting it sometime in the future.

Mmmm food. Off to munch on disgraceful Pizza Hut.

sassafrass said...

I love food and love fixing stuff to eat. My fav lunch is Eggless Egg Salad in the Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen. Her recipes rock if you are vegetarian.

sassafrass said...

Also, if you are not vegetarian. NotMartha is always posting goodies, too.

sunnyside1213 said...

Where to start.
Kix was my favorite when I was kid. However, my mother thought the health benefits of raisin bran was more important.

Buttermilk - yes!

Watermellon is a new favorite. My Grannie used to grow them on the farm and I HATED them. What was I thinking???

All time favorite - doughnuts.

Top all time winner. Lobster. I miss living in Maine.

whole lotto luv said...

Mom used to make oatmeal or cream of wheat a few times a week in the winter, but she let us load it up with sugar. Maybe she thought there was some nutrition in there so it was ok. We had Quisp, Capn Crunch, and Cheerios or Rice Krispies loaded down with sugar in the warmer months. Mom kept a sugar bowl on the table because she drank coffee all day long, and she taught us how to make sugar sandwiches (she also introduced us to jumping on the bed). Then when she had grandchildren my brother caught her teaching them to lick their fingers and dip them in the sugarbowl.

I'm not so much into sugar these days, but if I had a box of Krispie Kreme glazed, I swear I'd eat them all in one sitting. And I love chocolate eclairs, and I'm sure there's a Freudian reference to oral sex in there.

I love eggs over easy, where you break your toast into little pieces and scatter it over the eggs, then stab the eggs with your fork, then chop it all up and eat it all mixed up and gooey. Yum Yum Yum.

After moving to the semi-south as a kid, I was introduced to biscuits and sausage gravy. Lots of pepper. yum.

I tend not to buy that stuff or I'd eat it all the time. I usually eat my cheerios with no sugar, just milk. Boring, I know.

Unknown said...

pastizzi. yummmmmm.

but also creme brulee, a good tarte au citron, any kind of good quality milk chocolate (preferably galaxy or cadbury's), vanilla-bean ice cream (with the little flecks of vanilla bean in it), crepes suzette, grand marnier souffle and chocolate fondue.

what can i say ... i have a sweet tooth. :)

Melissa said...

Good Thai food, all day, every day. Even for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

Oh god, where to start?

Sugar frosted flakes
Quaker cinnamon roll oatmeal
Cracker Barrel cherry pancakes
Waffle House pecan waffles and hash browns
Rye toast with strawberry jam

Grilled cheese has to be dipped in veggie soup and is best made with sourdough bread
Tomato soup - if you make it with half 'n' half and float potato sticks in it
Radish sandwich
McDonald's fish filet but scrape off 3/4 of the sauce

Cannot beat lobster, steak, pot roast, oven roasted pork loin. Potatoes of any kind, you can not do anything to a potato to make me hate it.
Grilled asparagus
Sweet corn
Crab, shrimp, any sort of seafood

The most decadent thing I ever ate was bread pudding made from Krispy Kreme donuts. Heart attack in a dish, especially after you covered it in sugar syrup and whipped cream. Love me some pecan pie too.

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Oatmeal with brown sugar, and lots of it! A double portion...yummmmy.

any kind of pasta with red sauce.

Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

Gee, I wonder if any of the stars ever eat this stuff. I can't imagine they fact, I can't imagine they even eat...

jax said...

i'm sure at least 3 of them binged and purged while reading this already Middle Aged Diva!


Unknown said...

Growing up I really loved King Vitamin. I don't even know if they make that anymore. My mom never bought Cap'n Crunch. It was probably too expensive. When we were really small, she would make us eat oatmeal and farina. When we got older she gave up and bought cereal.

Ells said...

I love food, so I'm loving this topic... except that it's making me hungry.
Lately I have become addicted to this Mexican place that my brother introduced me to. The food there is not like any other Mexican place that I have been to. It is called La Costa near Atlanta. The fish tacos are my favorite. I've had them 3 times this week so far.
My favorite donut is Krispy Kreme glazed, but Dunkin Donuts is closer and is on the way to work. I have a good recipe for yeast donuts, but they take forever to make.
I also love seafood, Italian, sushi, Big Macs, Checkers seasoned fries, Chili Slaw dogs from the Varsity in Atlanta, chili, expensive chocolate, Hawaiian pizza, pot roast, steak, BBQ, and Reuben sandwiches. I was in Chicago once, and I really liked the Chicago style hotdogs. In Illinois. a restaurant made a dessert called a Cookie Monster that is made of a hot cookie with a sundae on top.

Ms Cool said...

Pizza, Sprecher Root Beer, and Skor Bars.

lmnop123 said...

Breakfast: Raisin Bran

Lunch/Dinner: Cornbeef on wheat, hotdogs(can't get enough of them), ribs, tilapia, salmon,shrimp, cornish game hen, chicken tacos, rice, jambalaya, fried cabbage, and of course PIZZA and all things chicken.

Snacks: Weight Watcher's Ice Cream(It's Awesome!), Baskin Robbin's ice cream, lemon or lemon filled cake/pie

Fruit: Pink Lady Apples, oranges, grapes, watermelon, ruby red grapefruit

jagerlilly said...

My favorite breakfast meal was Rice Krispies with about 3 big spoonfuls of sugar. Not ON the Krispies, but tossed around them so it would sink to the bottom of the bowl. Then once the cereal was gone, I could scoop up the sugar and eat that. Manna from heaven baby~!! However, now, my favorite indecent food is chicken wings. The more the better. Spicy, mild, anything, just love, love, love them!

monalisa999 said...

My mind is swimming when one speaks of food, but here goes:

Archibald's Reuben sandwiches and charbroiled burgers are awesome, as well as their fries. Also, you might want to try their California coissant and club sandwich.

A favorite breakfast to make is whole grain pancakes or waffles, scrambled eggs and crisp turkey bacon, coffee, juice. Has to be real maple syrup and butter on top of the pancakes. Another favorite is a variation of chilaquiles with scrambled eggs and linguiça with salsa.

Plain Cheerios are awesome, btw...:p

TinselSass said...

I'm a freak for chocolate chip cookies. My two currents faves in LA are from City Bakery and The Curious Palate.

What are your favorite cookies?!

kelly said...

My favourite meal is T-Bone steak (with whatever) that my husband makes on the BBQ. I especially love it when we are up at our cottage. My son is a huge meat eater and has been his whole life. Years ago when he was about 4 he woke me up in the middle of the night and said "I want meat" lol it was, and still is, one of my funniest memories of my son (he is 21 now)

TV said...

cinnamon toast crunch. i have to go have a bowl...or three

Casual Observer said...

As I was driving home from work tonight with fried chicken and potato salad from Ezell's (well-known in Seattle), I thought to myself that this is the happiest I've been all week. Pathetic, but true.

I love anything lemon. I almost cried in the grocery store the other day when they were sold out of lemon sorbet.

Krispy Kremes are like crack to me. I only allow myself to have them every other month. Or maybe once a month if it's a really big emergency.

KellyLynn said...

I miss Krispy Kremes. The donuts around here just don't have the same taste.

My favorite cereal is grape nuts. Or maybe berry Kix.

Man. I know I have better favorites than this, but (just like the past few weeks) I can't think of any that are worth posting about. Sorry.

Judi said...

Enty... Tito's Tacos!

Nosey Parker said...

I could eat Thai style curries for breakfast, lunch and dinner. (Penang curry is a favorite)
I love Thai food!!!

Kay said...

when my son was a teenager you could not get cocoa puffs here in Canada, something about the FDA not liking the sugar content probably. i remember going on a business trip to the states and wandering around grocery stores to fill up my suitcase to take cocoa puffs back home for the teenager.

Kay said...

when my son was a teenager you could not get cocoa puffs here in Canada, something about the FDA not liking the sugar content probably. i remember going on a business trip to the states and wandering around grocery stores to fill up my suitcase to take cocoa puffs back home for the teenager.

sassafrass said...

This topic made me dream about state fair food. I woke up drooling. buttered corn, rib-eye samich, grilled cheese, bananas foster, bbq pork samich, milk shake, mozzerella sticks. two more months.

Unknown said...

I love Laksa. The spicier the better:)

Unknown said...

Oh and vegemite on toast, with a nice cup of tea..the perfect breakfast:)

Terri said...

I'm with Helenonwheels...

King Vitmin
Cap'n Crunch.

And my mom makes Chipped Beef on Toast It is the best...must be a Southern thing though.

And grits :)

mooshki said...

Ha, I just remembered once when we were kids we had to eat 20 boxes of Chex to get cheap airline tickets. I like Chex alright, but not quite that much. :)

mikey said...

The most decadent thing I ever ate was bread pudding made from Krispy Kreme donuts. Heart attack in a dish, especially after you covered it in sugar syrup and whipped cream. Love me some pecan pie too.

This sounds amazing. I cannot get KK donuts around me but as soon as I find some I'm trying this.

I love animal crackers and vanilla wafers. When I'm alone for dinner I make toast and I put butter,peanut butter, and honey on. I could east half a loaf.

shakey said...

These are a few of my favourite things:

Tiramisu (with marscapone cheese - it is not tiramisu if it's made with ice cream),
Pretty much anything BBQ'd on charcoal (and cedar branches, mmmm) - none of this gas shit,
Lemon meringue pie,
Bread pudding (been years since I've had that),
Sweet potatoes,
Strawberry shortcake,
Mashed potatoes with cream cheese,
My SIL's homemade tourtière (it's like a meat pie, usually served at Christmas),
Garlic bread,
Penne Arrabiata with clear garlic sauce and peppers.

I can go on - and on - and on.

Cereals? I'll give you my favourite, and this is something I share with my father ... Pablum. I LOVE Pablum. It's been about 7 years since I've had the chance to have some, but I still get cravings. I also used to eat dog biscuits when I was a kid.

Cindy said...

Mooshi -- wanna have watermelon all year?
Its absolutely amazing!

helenaonwheels: you can get Quisp here Its a little pricey, but the memories are worth it, lol.

My all-time favorite meal is an Arabic style chicken -- stuffed with spiced rice/ground lamb and roasted to perfection. And I don't even like chicken, lol.

Fave cereal is my roomie's oatmeal -- vanilla, fresh ground cinnamon -- yummm

Elaine said...

Right now I'm crushing on Kellog's Raisin Bran. The Kellog's part is crucial. Post Raisin Bran is half bran. Don't forget to add the splenda. :)

Golden Grahams are lovely too.

mooshki said...

Thanks, Cindy, I'll try that!

siwillia said...

ANONMOM - you're so right!! I love Double Double and ate it with fries at least twice a week. Then we moved!!! I once brought some back on the airplane. Remember what some did with the bumper sticker, removing the "B"?

Steak & Shake double cheese burger is almost as good

Dick Insideu said...

Pussy is my favorite thing to eat.

bionic bunny! said...

amazon market has a lot of hard to find stuff- i buy cereal there. free shipping, and i actually wind up saving money.
just another tip!

ktr said...

buttercream frosting... made fresh and eaten out of the bowl
chicken lettuce wraps from pf changs... loved them in college and haven't had them since i moved back to new york
tcby frozen yogurt with reeses peanut butter cups
pizza. pasta. beer.


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