Thursday, July 23, 2009

Lainey Blind Item

Both former “It” girls, both around the same age, both with body issues, both experts at denial, both f-cked up, and they found themselves together one night in a limo, not alone, accompanied by assistants and business agents and other Hollywood hangers-on, and of course cranked up on something, and touching led to feeling led to stroking, led to …

The slightly more famous of the two on her knees, head between the legs of the other, totally givin’er, as the others sat by awkwardly, and the recipient with her head thrown back totally enjoying it even though, in showbiz, to receive doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a preference. To give however… well… suffice to say, the pleasure dispenser has very much established herself.


  1. Lindsay & Mischa.

  2. Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright?

    No, really, though, it's totally Lindsay and Mischa. Thanks for the easy one, Lainey (catty ho).

  3. I co-sign the Lindsay and Mischa guess.

    Lindsay the giver
    Mischa the receiver

    They must have been REALLY high to do this in a car full of people.

  4. @Guttersnipey LMAO at Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright.

  5. lol@Stephen

    that is just all kinds of wrong on so many levels.

  6. HOW AWKWARD for the other people in the car. Yeesh.

  7. I'm shocked at how easy this one was. Definitely Mischa and Lindsay.

  8. I looked at her page after seeing this and I gotta say, I understand why so many people think Lainey is vile. She comes across as half kissass half snarly rabid monkey... just saying. :)

  9. I couldn't agree more Big Mama!!!

  10. See, I though LiLo and Mischa too but Laineyblind blog says Sienna and Keira :/

  11. I just checked the laineyblind blog too and the clues make a lot of sense for Sienna and Keira. I think Kate Bosworth would be another good guess if I weren't already convinced it's S and K.

  12. Do Sienna and Keria have a history of bisexuality?

  13. I wouldn't be surprised by Sienna but Keira??? I don't know. Maybe Sienna and Cameron Diaz, wasn't she in London this week?

  14. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I don't get the Sienna/Keira thing. If the giver has an "established" history of lesbianism, neither one of them does.

  15. When were Lindsay and Mischa it girls. With body issues? I'm thinking Anne Hathaway and somebody. I like the Kiera guess.

  16. When was Mischa ever an "it" girl? She may have been one of the hangers-on. Paris and Britney

  17. Okay. No, no, no, no NO! After she hinted relentlessly that Hugh Jackman was gay and then was like, "Whoops, my bad, it's Matt Damon." (in blatant hint form, of course.), I think her blinds are made up bullshit. People believe them because they want to believe them. Yes, I really want to believe that Tim McGraw is a coke fiend and Faith Hill is a former coke fiend because I hate them. Many are also based on long-standing, well-known rumors (Beyonce's a diva. Will Smith and George Cloon are gay - BTW, she also hinted he was in love with a Mexican hooker.). Okay, I read the entire blogspot over one weekend cause I was fascinated, haha. She constantly links to mysogynist sites, she insists on bashing teens...I can't stand this bitch.

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  19. why the hate for lainey around here? i think sometimes her humour is a little sarcastic (maybe? is that the word i'm looking for?). we do have a bit of a different sense of humour up here (in canada). personally, i think she is hysterical - some of her family stories are too funny. and, i respect her "sad smut" policy. seriously, i'm really curious why some people don't like her - not in a mean, or snarky way, just curious :) s

  20. @labgrrl

    I agree - I love Lainey's blog - I read it every day...

  21. @princessdanikam

    i actually save it up for work - it is one of the few websites not blocked by IT :)

  22. Lainey is hit or miss for me just because sometimes she is so so hateful about people.

    Take Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott, for example. Okay, so she played her part in killing his marriage. Okay, so he has disowned his adopted daughter. Okay, so by many accounts, they are not superb human beings. But the way she talks about them, it's like she wishes we could burn them at the stake.

    It's unnecessary, man.

  23. I'm a Lainey fan too, I think she dishes shit where it's deserved. If you want to call someone a "Catty Ho" or a "Bitch" maybe you should direct that to Perez.

    This blind is definitely Lindsay and Mischa. Lindsay became the movie "It" girl when she did "Mean Girls" in 2004 and Mischa was the TV "It" girl when she was on "The OC" 2003-2007 (although the last two years were painful to watch). They both have yo-yo'd in weight and have serious body and nose candy issues.

  24. lindsey and mischa hate eachother, i vote linds, but not mischa

  25. I like Lainey! She can be a little mean at times, but it's a gossip site. I think every gossip blogger has his her favorite people to pick on and adore.

    BTW, I would go with Lindsey and Mischa. They were both former "it" girls, they are both messed up, and of the two, Lindsey is established. Didn't Enty even say the other day that most people wouldn't know who Mischa is? That seems like she is NOT established to me...

  26. On another site someone guessed Lindsay and Paris. Def sounds like Lindsay and someone.

    Slightly OT: How sick and shallow are you to work for one of these people? I could never manage or do PR for anyone that would spend years of their life on drugs and in bad situations. Do all of the yes-people just sit back and let it happen?


  28. labgrrl...I'm Canadian and I can't stand Lainey. I tried reading her site for awhile and gave up. It has nothing to do with our sense of humour being different up here. I love sarcastic and snarky. I just can't stand Lainey.

  29. Did this happen when they were current "It" girls or already former "It" girls. If it happened a while ago (before #2 "established herself") it could very well be Lindsay and Mischa. I know they used to be friends...there was a gawker stalker item about them hanging out together a few years ago. Though you probably wouldn't find them in a limo together recently

  30. Notvotingforsuckno has it exactly right. I'm sitting here trying to think of a Lainey exclusive that hasn't been proved wrong - Lautner and Gomez having a bitter break up? Well, nope, they were seen TWO days later hanging out all friendly. Aniston and Butler? He's been denying that and maybe I wouldn't believe him, but since the original source was Lainey, I believe him. She can't even get the facts right when she's cribbing her stories off of TMZ. Some of her blind items are so absurd and contrary to how the world and Hollywood actually works, it seems clear she's writing them using Danielle Steele novels as a source.

    Also, just like Perez, she has only sunshine for the people she likes and she straight out distorts the facts and goes crazy on the people she dislikes. That's not enjoyable reading for me, nor is her insulting celebrity children, and I haven't even tried to read her site in over a year. I lasted all of six weeks. (I have all the crap she's gotten wrong from times when I've seen her stuff reproduced on other sites. I try to skim but somehow, the made up comes right through.)

    She makes me like Debra Messing because I am so sick of people popping up in comments to say they "know" Messing had a lap band.

  31. There's a video from a few years ago where Mischa voices her disgust for Linds... She's going to get her hair done and the pap tells her Linds is there and she rolls her eyes and mutters something about "Oh great".. Paris isn't Linds age. I would say Mischa, but Idk... Did they ever really like eachother? I never saw anything stating they did

  32. Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox.

  33. I agree with the wise and mighty Fish.

    I hate Lainey because she's yet another woman-bashing woman. Her posts about certain female figures in Hollywood are unbelievably high school and incredibly cruel. I'm specifically thinking about Jessica Simpson. I don't LIKE Jessica's music, movies, or creative output in general, but I don't think she needs to be the object of such obsessive scorn and derision.

    I mean, put a picture of Lainey next to Jessica Simpson on her WORST mom jeans-wearing day and tell ME who looks worse.

    You know, I came to an epiphany one day wherein I decided that Perez's blog pissed me off more than it entertained me, and I stopped visiting it completely. I admit that I stop by Lainey's site from time to time, but why bother? Enty's not an A-hole, and he posts Lainey's blinds eventually, anyhow.

    Oh, and Enty's blinds are way better.

    The greatest pleasure I take in all of this is knowing how Lainey is probably reading this. The fact that she never links to Enty only shows how jealous she is of him.

  34. This one MUST be revealed in the next reveal session.



  36. I agree with Lisa (not original).

  37. No no and no to Keira! There have never been any reports indicating she is messed up. She seems way too classy to do this.

    I'm on the Lindsay/Mischa bandwagon.

    I don't read Lainey since Enty reposts the good stuff here, but ITA on Perez. I can't stand him. Not only is he mean-spirited, he's not even clever! His writing is sub par and I hate how he draws juvenile things like peens on photos.

  38. I have no need for blogs other than Enty and Dlisted.

    Here's something juicy about Perez -- his SISTER is his ghostwriter (warning, disturbing picture of Perez ahead!)

  39. There have never been any reports indicating Keira is messed up? rotflmao (though, I don't think this blind is about her)

  40. I never gave it a thought but great pick up Guttersnipey, this is the ONLY blog she has never linked to. Which makes Enty look even classier.

    Weird but it must be insecurity, plus she never reveals anything - so who knows if her BI are made up or not.

  41. lainey blind blog has 3 clues that point the finger at Kiera & Sienna.

  42. wow i dont get the hate for lainey. I dont agree with her on alot of subjects by far but she is literate and does what a gossip should do; be a catty critical bitch. Where is the juice in a nice fair un-bitchy gossip blog? And she does reveal. Holy crap she had huge reveals on clooney and damon and the heroin sitch with rebecca g. I myself cant stand her personal crap about her mom and her dog and her friends, but the gossip is good; i just accept that its her choice since its her site and read what i want to read. sheesh
    love this site and love all your comments though... but need a little more to get me through the day other than this and dlisted. plus lainey posts earlier than dear ole enty... i need my fix at 7

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  44. When people say "Mischa," do you mean Barton, and if so, she's been let out of the hospital already? (I missed that news if so.)

  45. This is Sienna & Kiera for sure. Both are known coke heads (Kiera and Rupert were the subject of one of lainey's blinds about a couple's love of coke). Also a few years back Enty did a blind about a young couple who were conveniently together because it was more platonic than anything else, and, even when he looked at other girls chances are she was looking at said girls too. Everyone was under the assumption that this was kiera & rupert.. i think he may have even revealed this one too??

    I too don't get the hate for Lainey. I visit her site, Dlisted and this one every single day. I love all three for very different reasons. Sure Lainey can be a Mean Girl - but aren't all of us too at some point? So she hates on Tori and that muppet she's married to.. big fucking deal - they're assholes. She loves Gwyneth (i can't stand the woman) and the Brange but we all have our faults, right? I'm just curious how she's not constantly sued all the damn time for her blinds...

    Anyway, i thnk it's Sienna & Kiera...

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  48. she did do that extensive relationship comp of kiera and kate.

  49. I don't think that Lainey seriously loves GOOP, she is making fun of her. Lainey's sarcasm is probably too sophisticated for most. She does reveal, but you have to pay attention to find them. I don't always agree with her, but she represents alot of women who are childless by choice (not me) and she sticks by her opinions. I can respect that.

    Awful blind though, whoever the women are, they are extremely inconsiderate to the others in the limo

  50. Could you imagine being one of the other people trapped in that car? How GD uncomfortable would that be? Think about it. Your current boss/co-worker getting/servicing someone while you are trapped in the room with them. How could you ever look them in the eye again and how could you not tell everyone
    because you're shocked they had the stones to pull that behavior in front of you.

  51. Guttersnipey - I stopped reading Lainey because Ent posted her blinds but she wouldn't even link to him. Besides, she sold out when she got that gig with CTV. I like snark, but she was so much better at it before she became a part-time talking head. Now she's juvenile.

    Personally, I find it hard to believe that at this time either Lindsay or Mischa would have assistants, business agents, and other Hollywood hangers-on. They can't afford 'em (or the limo), and these other people could easily work for more famous celebs. I hope they stopped the car and left.

  52. Lainey isn't snarky. She's horribly jealous of female celebrities and filled with hatred for some really beautiful people.

  53. wow - i can't believe how many people replied to my question re: lainey! i guess we can't all like the same things. i do love enty, tho, but usually just lurk.

    as for the blind... i suck at these things and usually just read what you all have to say, but i'm going to throw my vote in for paris and lindsay. so freaking gross - you couldn't pay me enough money to work for these people...

  54. This was revealed on another site as Sienna and Kiera.

  55. Anonymous10:05 PM

    It's extremely easy to hate Lindsay now. I know someone who was somehow friends with her mother and they went to dinner years ago when LL was 15 and she kept disappearing to the bathroom. He noticed, others noticed, but her mom never stopped talking shop. Yeah, Lindsay is a mess, but not without reason.

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  57. Paris and Lohan...I do think this ref from a few years back.... Does anyone remeber the BI that everyone thought was Paris where she went to a Strip Clue and all the girls lines up and she picked one to go down on her?

    I am a long time Enty reader first post in over a year, LOVE Lainey meet her at a Smut Night in Calgary last year at BLVD during the Junos. Shes wicked also meet Tanya Kim she rocks. Maybe its cause I am Canadian but shes a witty writer and hoestly its a gossip site how can someone say shes mean? fo real? ITS A GOSSIP site! Its like reading Star magazine for the actual news!!!!!!

    so yeah Paris and Lohan.... would love it to be Ashlee Simpson and Hilary Duff bahhh

  58. I don't really care that much for Lainey because she works for etalk daily, or something of the sort, and isn't the same anymore. I know someone else already said that, but it's late and I'm not scrolling back up.

    Also, maybe Lainey doesn't link Ent because she doesn't think he's real,like Santa.

  59. iamcurious.. she was probebly puking at that point in time.

  60. I don't care for Lainey's double standards for people. I mean there are several couples that have cheated and got together with their paramours, and she is vicious. However, with The Brange, nothing but love and slavish worship, but venom for Jen. I don't care for any of them, but I don't think it's fair.

    I like reading her, but I do have my misgivings.

  61. I'm surprised at how many fans of Enty also like DListed. Enty seems to be for an older reader (like myself). I read a lot of gossip sites every day and rarely get annoyed by the writers, I just take them for what they are, I guess. Pretty indifferent about their personalities b/c although their bitchiness can be surprising they seem very nice by email (Perez, Lainey, and Enty). The only one whom I actually strongly dislike is the DListed person b/c the stuff he/she says can be pretty disgusting. Just a personal preference that I wish the author wouldn't call people "greasy anal beads" or "puss-filled ass boils" etc; But yeah, I still read the site.

  62. oh yeah, some more comments:
    Keira is often gossip fodder...
    I love Gwyneth, I'm not proud of it but I do.
    Another person I hate to like is Jennifer Aniston.
    Also, about Lainey and Brangelina, she gets sucked in the way I do with Gwyneth and Aniston but she does mock them for how contrived their public appearances are.

  63. I could think of Nicole Richie and someone else. You don't hear much about her anymore, whereas the other are still #1 tabloid fodder.
    I think you could still consider some of the mentioned people It-girls since the tabloids and gossip blogs are still pretty much interested in their shenanigans.

    As for the hate/love for certain gossip blogger and their blogs, respectively:

    I'm just wondering how many people here are also commenting on the Dlisted blog? I just think the tone on Enty's site is much more civil and less vitriolic and misogynistic towards the celebs and among the commenters as on Dlisted.

  64. what about nicole richie and paris? they were "it" girls when their show was doing well and would likely have had assistants/limo etc at that time. both have been to rehab and both had body issues.
    or is this supposedly recent?

  65. Mina:

    Dlisted requires too much energy to comment. You've got to think of these snappy one liners, or get really mean, and it's exhausting. With Ent its more of a natural commenting process where the more insightful/intelligent comments are the norm. It's like MK is speed and Ent is pot.

  66. I agree with everything Cooper's Mom said. And there have been LOTS of things said about Kiera, specifically her eating disorder, over the years. I also agree that Lainey doesn't *really* like GOOP - it's more that she loves to mock her.

    I love Dlisted so much, but don't comment there. I agree the readers and comments seems a lot younger, meaner and it's exhausting wading through hundreds of comments. This one (and BlindGossip) are the only two on which I comment.

  67. Just going back to what people were saying before about Lainey not always being right about her blinds (I don't read her so I can't speak to that)- it made me wonder. Enty posts her blinds, but not that often or with any particular frequency as far as I can tell. Do you think he only posts the ones he thinks are true? It's obviously not about how juicy they are; there have been far juicier blinds he has not posted, so I wonder how he decides? Just askin.'

  68. How about Nicole Ritchie and Lindsey Lohan? We know for a fact that Nicole used to have a severe drug problem and body issues before she had her first baby.

  69. Please don't say Lainey "speaks for women who are childless by choice." I'm childless by choice and I would hate to think that I've been reduced to having her for a spokeswoman.

  70. I don't get all the hate for Lainey. I like her site, although sometimes she does focus on certain celebrities too much.I like that she calls people out on their shit and I like her sarcasm. And most of the time, when she is mean about people, it's because they are actual douchebags.

    Anyways, I don't think this blind is about Keira or Sienna. I just don't see Keira being this low class and I am sure Lainey would referenced that one of them had a boyfriend. It just doesn't seem to fit. I do think Lindsay makes sense. And Mischa too. Or even Paris.

  71. Totally agree with Chantelle - Lainey calls people on their shit ...does she double standard it on occasion, of course. But come on, we all do. It's not always black and white, and even if it is, we sometimes have to stick with our faves and old faithfuls (mine is Julia Roberts even though she was a shameless heartbreaker in the 90s).
    And of course Lainey will use her site as a platform for HER faves and HER causes - it's HER site!
    My biggest beef with Lainey as of late - too much mother-effin' Twilight! I loathe all this hype...Ew.
    BTW, I'm totally on Linds and Mischa for this...could have happened awhile back when they were still friends - I think Keira is way too intelligent and ambitious to partake is something so C list and trailerpark. And Sienna likes dudes, lots and lots of dudes.
