Thursday, July 02, 2009

Raise Your Hand If You Are Tired Of The Beckhams

I'm sorry. I can't handle it anymore. I know many of you love looking at David Beckham half naked and that is fine and all, but I for one am getting so tired of this Armani campaign with The Beckhams. One month we get Victoria alone in lingerie then the next month we get David and then the next month both of them. I got it. They are good looking and I am bored. Armani needs to find someone else or do something different. Could they at least take a photo in color? I am so sick of this ad campaign. It ceased being sexy for me a long time ago. While you may find David someone who is umm worthy of your thoughts, Victoria doesn't do that for me. I just don't think she is that great looking and she annoys me.

I don't know if the ad campaign is successful or if Armani just paid them a bunch of money and so are trying to eke every last penny out of the contract, but please, Armani, move on to something else.


clatie said...

raising hand.

Karmen said...

I just read the title and immediately raised my hand. Didn't have to read the article.

Emma31 said...

*Raising BOTH hands*

Anonymous said...

I just don't find glaring to be sexy. I think he's cuter than hell, but he's got to stop the scowling. And wasn't color film invented in the last century?

MontanaMarriott said...

YAWWWWWNNNNm slow news day, huh?

lanasyogamama said...

I dissent! Becks is hot, and I like Posh, she knows she looks miserable, and I think she pulls off a lot (but not all) of the looks she puts together.

califblondy said...

Sits on hands.

Sorry kids, I still love them. The pictures? Not so much.

warmislandsun said...

both hands up ...yawn... stretch....yawn ... what were we talking about?

Audrey said...

I don't think Posh is attractive at all. She is all pointy and skinny. Now, David is a whole other mater...

kimi said...

Why does Victories boobs look different in this ad? in real life there like two oranges stuck to her chest.

mazshad said...

kimi - Victoria had her boobs reduced ! - 1 hand up - she's a total bore - but him - well, I could look at him all day, and he does smile and when he does - wow !

McDooks said...

Raising BOTH hands AND feet.

McDooks said...

Raising BOTH hands AND feet.

Sinjin said...

He's all squinty shifty eyed which is not attractive. And I agree that Vicky is all right angles, or as Audrey put it "all pointy and skinny", lol, best line today.

I don't want to see your tendons Vicky! What if you pass something sharp and they get snagged? What then, huh, you'll be pretty f***ed.

Maja With a J said...

*LOL @ Lisa*

I'm kind of meh with these two. They don't bother me but I'm also not that interested, never was. There certainly are other celebrities that I'm more tired of.

Anonymous said...

I really don't see anything appealing about either one.

First of all she is all plastic and him well I think he is plastic downstairs hahaha.

Lisa (not original) said...

*raising hand* I lost interest in Beckham when he went to Real Madrid.

ardleighstreet said...

She is as plastic as my niece's Barbie doll but nowhere near as pretty. He is pretty but seems to have a plastic personality (given the interviews I've seen)and if you are handsome but boring where is the fun in that.

Anyway they hang with the Cruises and that I find just scary.

nancer said...

i'm sick TO DEATH of both of them. why don't they just hurry up and get divorced (you know they will) and leave me alone?

Anonymous said...

I'll see your hands, and raise my own.

I get it; they're beautiful. The advertising, however, is boring as all git-out. I'd like to see some creativity, maybe a running narrative about these two, or characters they're playing or something. Easier said than done, of course, but I'm thinking Armani could find that skill set in its budget. (If you can afford the Beckhams, you can afford anything.)

B626 said...


Ms Cool said...

Not sure how I typed this with both hands raised...

Anonymous said...

Hot. Bored. (Hand raised)

stiffkittens said...

I'm with you on that Ent!

He does NOTHING for me, and lol @ her trying to be fierce! She just looks cute/annoying.
Reasons for her not being a model go beyond aestetics. I can't wait to see her castings up on youtube when she tries to act!

Judi said...

Not tired of them, especially. I just don't care. We haven't seen much of them and that's fine if it continues.

Char said...

Hate to admit it since I have always LOVED DB, but... *raises hand*. Just totally overexposed. David, please go into hiding for about 6 months to a year, and I guarantee when you get back, I will re-embrace you with open arms.

empyrios said...

Victoria Beckham is a fembot.

kathrynnova said...

these are just two of the people i wish to never have to see again.... please also: brad+angelina, jon+kate, tom+katie, jennifer anderson+whomever she's pulling around, kirstie alley+her weight issues, paris hilton....

whatever happened to interesting celebrities - who do good work and look good and are exposed in the media, but not OVEREXPOSED!!?!?

watcher said...

I heard acne appears less obvious in B&W. Posh is known to have acne.

GladysKravitz said...

Curious why someone doesn't lure them onto a fake version of "I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here," and then just leave them in the jungle. She can forget to tip the people who drop her off in the jungle and that will be that.

We'll see how long that fierce look of hers lasts with the wild animals; I'm sure he'll be doing his hair when she gets eaten by a leopard.

Is that an Armani rope he's lying on, by the way? Who the hell are they supposed to be? Popeye and Olive Oyl?

Katja said...

becks, I'm just not that into you..

Jerry said...

Too tired to raise my hand.


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