Friday, August 28, 2009

Four For Friday

#1 - This game show host thinks of himself as a rock star and loves nothing more than to find groupies of the show he can take back to his dressing room so he can get some rock star treatment if you know what I mean.

#2 & 3 - This former B+/A- female television star and now probably a C lucky to get work was overheard complaining the other day that her A list movie star boyfriend has not had sex with her in two years. She is hoping that if they get married she will get some action that day.

#4 - This permanent B list television and film actor and Golden Globe winner/nominee has had a string of normal sexual relationships with the women in his life. It is only when he is with men that he explores his more umm eccentric pleasures. He loves nothing more than to be spanked and whipped. Umm, yeah, sounds like fun.


whole lotto luv said...

#1 Drew Carey

Gotta think about the rest.

farmgirl said...

Game show host with groupies?
Wayne Brady?? He certainly considers himself a singing star.

#2 needs some work

#3- Could it be John Goodman? Who is permanent B list? Alan Alda?

RocketQueen said...

1 - So's your mother, Trebek! lol. No, but for real - I'll go with Howie whatshisface

2 - I feel like this one should be easy?!

3 - dunno but looking forward to the guesses :)

Priscila said...

Well, this week it is really hard to guess..not enough clues...

i will wait untill the reveals...or keep reading the others taking their chances, maybe someone has good ideas

Cancan said...

1. Trebek
2. Calista Flockhart
3. ?

sunnyside1213 said...

1. Drew Carey
2. Hello, isn't your boyfriend gay?
3. Viggo Mortensen

FrenchGirl said...

2# jennifer aniston and brad pitt: that explains angelina jolie LOL

Majik said...

Drew Carey was my first thought...he's supposed to be a decent enough guy, but loves the poon.

#2 is an idiot.

#4 Clooney comes to mind, but I think he'd be A list...

sunnyside1213 said...

@ Cancan, I like your guess. Never thought about too old even for viagra.

Majik said...

#1 can't be Howie Mandel...well known germaphobe, doesn't even shake hands with the contestants, let alone bump uglies with groupies!

Anonymous said...

#3. I don't know why, but this screams Jason Bateman to me.

FrenchGirl said...

1# no idea
2# i like calista flockhart/harrison ford guess
3# alec baldwin?

It's just me! said...

Oh come on people. Groupies for Jeopardy or the Price is Right? The average age of those viewers have to be at least 50. Doubt they'd give "the rock star treatment" to any of the hosts.

whole lotto luv said...

Agree with Cancan, #2 is Calista and #3 is Harrison Ford.

#4 - Jim Carrey

It's just me! said...

Enty says #2 is lucky to get work and Calista has had steady work on Brothers & Sisters for years now. Not her.

Dick Insideu said...

1 is Drew Carey - I should know, I've fucked him.
2 is Calista Flockhart. I should know; I've eaten her pussy.
3. This is definitely Tom Cruise, and I haven't fucked him. Afraid of catching HIV.

peppermint p said...

darn #2 will be so obvious in hindsight, i bet...
sorry i cant contribute, dont even have a TV (for a decade)- i thought the calista guess was genius :)

blog hopper said...

1. Pat Sajak! haha

2. can't be Calista- she's on Brothers and Sisters.

3. this item is a dime a dozen

kregger said...

#2 Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey perhaps, if he is still A list.

It's just me! said...

Throwing an curveball for #4: Burt Reynolds.

blog hopper said...

Craig- I like that guess, but didn't Jenny just get a show deal with Harpo?

Funny Girl said...

No idea on any of these; however I don't think Calista can be #2 since she is currently on TV

Lori said...

#2 - Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christiansen? Even though it's all for show?

Audrey said...

1) Drew Carey - I'd do him!
2) Calista
3) No idea - too vague

0 said...

3. John Stamos

Susan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

LMAO @ RocketQueen...those SNL skits are my favorites.

Unknown said...

How about Howie Mandel for #1?

Sarah said...

I don't consider Clooney B list,but Lainey revealed a blind @ one of her blind item soirees to be Clooney as a gay actor in the blind item entitled "Cuba and Chocolate". I was shocked. Oh, and Cuba was revealed to be Matt Damon. Very interesting IMO.

I have now decided that everyone in Hollywood is gay/bi, or all of the false rumors/blind items out there make it seem as if they are all gay/bi.

mooshki said...

"Alan Alda?"

Best guess ever.

Sinjin said...

P, read Majik's comment. Majik beat me to the comment though :-)

mooshki said...

Sarah, I don't think Lainey does much checking on her blind sources. I know Enty tries to be as sure as he can be that things are true before he posts them. :)

FrenchGirl said...

Cuba and chocolate are Georges Clooney and Matt Damon? OMG!!!! i can't believe that

Ells said...

#1. Regis lol

K said...

#1 really sounds like Drew Carey. I know someone who knows him. (That sounds so douchey, but it's true.)
Nice guy; also a major horndog and partyboy.

Green Wave Gal said...

sad...just read that DJ AM was found dead in his NYC apartment...drug paraphenalia found at the scene. :( After being sober for so long and surviving a plane crash...sad.

Jaiden_S said...

OMG @ Green wave....He's dead?! Holy shit. That's terrible!

Green Wave Gal said...

yep...just saw it on TMZ...

Anonymous said...

Now wait. #2 is going to gamble a lifetime away in hopes of one night of sex??? I hope she has "C" batteries on her wedding gift registry.

mooshki said...

DJ AM had a really hard life. I'm sorry he never found peace. :(

selenakyle said...

F*CK! I just read at MK's that DJ AM died!


That's effed up.

SUCKS, if true.

Jonathan Chang said...

3. james franco

Green Wave Gal said...

I don't know who it is but Calista was/is on Brothers and Sisters so she's not hard up for work...

.robert said...

If it is Drew then go Marine! Dunno the rest right now.

nunaurbiz said...

I know the answer to #2: Tom Cruise's next wife!!!!!!!!!!!



selenakyle said...

About these:

#1-Drew Carey kinda IS a rock star to probably a lot of women!


#3-not interested enough to think hard about it. But...

light-to-medium spanking with the right tools can be VERY pleasurable!

(no matter who is weilding)

TinselSass said...

RE: Majik said...

#2 is an idiot.


Thanks for the laugh!

Lib said...

1. Wayne Brady (recently divorced to I think)

2. Not Calista

3. Jeremy Piven comes to mind..

selenakyle said...

I meant #4...

Beth said...

I don't think it's Drew Carey cause Enty would have said something more than "game show host", he'd have said "B list tv actor/game show host."

And it's not Calista/Harrison cause Calista has a steady gig on "Brothers and Sisters."

Beth said...

I LOVE nunarbiz's Katie/Tom guess!!

Too bad they're already married cause otherwise they fit.

And whoever she is, hello your man is gay.

Kathy K said...

#1 has gotta be Wayne Brady. I thought of Drew first, too, but I don't think he thinks he's a rock star. Wayne, totally. I think his fame (or his inability to handle it) cost him his marriage. Big head, if you know what I mean.

lmnop123 said...


Lainey's blinds are not worth the reveals. For a long time Hugh Jackman was listed as Cuba and all of a sudden it was changed to Matt Damon.

After that error I no longer considered her B.I.'s or reveals credible.

Mrs George Glass said...

Interesting, not on my $. I think I file Lainey under 'sometimes credible'. I suspect she has some less-than-stellar sources that she believes too readily. And of course being majorly biased against some stars helps her easily suspend disbelief. Did you see her recent post where she interpreted an innocuous comment Renee Zellweger made as a dig at Jennifer Aniston?!

I want to say Robert Wagner for #4 - TV & film, Golden Globe nominee (astoundingly!), longevity but not really ever talented/important enough to be A, and most likely bi. But I'd think the blind would say once married to an A+ star or something.

So sad about DJ AM.

lmnop123 said...

Mrs. George yes I saw her comment about the supposed feud between Jennifer and Renee but don't believe her.

Sometimes Lainey's articles are too childish for me so I just ignore her.

However I really enjoyed her article about Gwyneth wanting Chris to go solo. Her comments regarding their relationship were hilarious!

Unknown said...

Lainey also hates George Clooney, so he's the devil to her - I heard he blew her interview off after she talked shit about SL, and so most of her stuff about him not true.

A friend of mine dated Matt Damon and there is nothing remotely gay about that man.

Viggo M is not a tv actor he may have done a couple of guest roles in the mid 80's but he's Movies only.

With that I am going for Wayne Brady for the block.

Calista sounds good, but is she C list if you have a long running not very good show?

Number 3 needs more info to guess it correctly because there is no real clue.

peppermint p said...

Regarding Lainey. I think she picks up on all sorts of stuff we wouldnt have since we are not in the industry 24/7. I think its ironic that Aniston is famous for her hair and Renee chose to use hair as the example in the article. Like Renee doesnt know the magazines are pitting them against each other and she (the less pretty one) won the trophy? (not my idea of a trophy. theirs)
i actually think Lainey knows exactly what she is talking about. Look at Rebecca and McSteamy. Lainey said Rebecca was drug addicted and he told her to get off the drugs before she can have a baby... and suin minutes she lands the cover of the Inquirer with a crack pipe in hand, then the sex tape, now they are announcing a pregnancy.
Yup I wouldnt write Lainey off just yet. And what balls to out Clooney and Damon. omg that threw me for a curve. and she's been outing her fav gwennie lately as well. i do not agree with her obsessions eg rumie, and her hate ons, but i doubt any of us would agree with each other on those.
...but thats just personal preference :)

Jingle Belle said...

To to person (sorry too lazy to scroll up) who said something about the target audience of game shows to be in their 50s and older....why do you think that older women can't be groupies? Women over 50 are just as depraved, if not more so, than younger women and have had decades of practice. :)

PotPourri said...

Cuba = Matt Damon with his Cuban Male Lover. Chocolate = Clooney who loves black men, and wants to come out.

Mrs George Glass said...

I don't write Lainey off altogether, I do believe she has some good inside info, but I take a lot of it with a big heaping of salt - whether I like the star or not. I can't stand her high-school-clique writing style at all, so wouldn't read it if I didn't think she had some real dirt! One reason I like CDAN so much is Enty brings the snark, but it's never as vicious or childish as some bloggers. And he doesn't seem desperate to believe dirt on stars.

ahdaboom said...

on the george clooney as gay thing. i am convinced that he is doing randy gerber, cindy crawford's husband. dude is ALWAYS hanging with them.

Kimberley said...

If you watch the price is right... there are TONS of college girls in the audience. I'm sure more a few of them would give it up to him! The show has a concert like vibe... Well... that might be stretching it!

trashtalker said...

#1. "Cleveland Rocks!"

#3. I'm not convinced it's Jim/Jenny. She has done a decent amount of work in the last few years. But I can't think of any other A-list movie actors who have been dating the same woman for a while. And the "if they get married" part makes it sound like they're not engaged, i.e., not Harrison/Calista and not Rachel/Hayden.

DrPsychodelic said...

#4 Keifer Sutherland

Linnea said...

"4 cant be bateman. First of all, he is maried and wouldnt really have a string of women without getting noticed (i think...) and second I love him and dont want it to be him! :)

The Cocoanut Grove said...

I love the Robert Wagner guess for No.4! Go RJ, you bad thing.

Apart from her having a regular TV gig, Harrison/Calista is a good guess for No.2. She always seems way interested in him that he is in her.

Dijea said...

1. Definitely Drew or Wayne
2. Not Calisa - and Rachel knows Hayden is gay. Come on.... But I seriously have no clue.
4. I love the RJ guess, but it would make mw soo soo sad. I'll go with George Clooney, but I can't believe no one said Hugh Jackman.

lmnop123 said...

@Mrs George and Peppermint,

About Lainey I agree some of her blinds are true but how do you explain getting YOUR OWN REVEALS WRONG? For months she listed Cuba as Hugh Jackman and I had no reason to distrust her. One day a CDAN reader informed us that she'd changed the reveal to Matt Damon and I was floored.

Sure enough when I checked the reveals it had been changed to Matt.

Why would she mistakenly put the wrong name of an outed homosexual on her blog for months if she didn't know what the hell she was talking about? You can't mistake Hugh for Matt.

And to think every time Hugh said he wasn't gay I didn't believe him.

Now I don't believe Matt is gay (thanks Zandra for the confirmation) and even though I believe Clooney ACTS like he could be bi or gay, I'm taking Lainey's reveal with a grain of salt.

Jingle Belle said...

I'm curious...why does everyone assume that the man is gay because they haven't had sex in 2 years? My ex-husband and I didn't have sex for 2 years either but it was because our relationship had fallen apart and he was cheating on me.

Maybe he just doesn't find her attractive anymore or he's found someone else.

Jingle Belle said...

Oh...never mind! It was my error. I forgot that the next blind was about a gay/bi man. :) It's Saturday and I'm still not awake.

Leah said...

For #2 I thought it was Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake, but it didn't say A list SINGER. Other than that I would have bought it.

shakey said...

1. My first thought was Drew Carey. Peter Marshall and Bob Eubanks don't do shows anymore. (I bet they've been involved in nefarious activities.)

2. Delusional. Sounds young-ish to be thinking that way. Young-ish or Kirstie Alley-ish. I agree with Jingle Belle. I didn't necessarily think gay, I thought he has to be screwing around on her.

4. I have this vision of Burt Reynolds in chaps and bending over. Paul Giamatti? Is he A or B?

Chick_on_Speed said...

@not on my dollar - not gonna discuss the reliability of Lainey, but what are you on about the reveals? The laineyblinds blogspot is not associated to Lainey Gossip, it's just a woman who helpfully compiles the clues, eliminations and reveals, that's where Hugh Jackman was listed as Cuba. Thought I would clarify that for you.

Seachica said...

No way is #1 Alex Trebeck. He has groupies, both older and younger (me me me!), but I met him at a taping recently, and no way was he the skirt chasing type. The man seemed very happily married, and wasn't showing the least bit of interest in me or my two attractive friends. (And if he had, oh yeah, I would have gone there!)

Drew Carey for the win.

I'm not sure Jenny M was ever a B+/A- star. Maybe in her singled out days, but only for a nanosecond.

Permanent B list on #4 made me think of the cast of Frazier or some ensemble show like that.

peppermint p said...

thanks itziar. I was just going to send an email to 'not on my dollar' asking where the heck lainey was revealing all this because i read the damn thing religiously and never picked up on any of the reveal being jackman and then changed. Whew! I thought that there was a new skill called reading between the lines that i suked at, or that i needed reading glasses. There are 3 things that i find very perplexing about lainey. 1) how can she reveal when she works for a national TV station. wouldnt they frown upon that esp when it comes to clooney and damon? 2) what inspired her to unveil those HUGE blinds via twitter in one day? It took me completely off guard. i thought she must have indulged in copious amounts of grey goose to have messed with those HUGE powerhouses. Maybe it was a dare by one of 'her main gays' or she lost a bet golfing. How else could that be explained? It was so out of character
3) why does she link to everybody under the sun except enty? That is not coincidence. they must have had words. Neither EVER mentions each other. It is totally a white elephant. dying to know why.
thanks guys for being so much help and fun!!!!

slider1964 said...

1 I just don't see drew doing that, but who knows? There aren't that many game shows anymore so its a pretty small group to choose from.

2&3 Don't know , but that seems very strange!! Two years?? He wouldn't be my boyfriend anymore!!

4 George is A and hes too busy saving the world anyway. I'm thinking David Spade??

slider1964 said...

Strike David spade, make that David Duchovny. Hes the only person i can think of who's been to sex rehab!!! Makes sense to me..

lmnop123 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lmnop123 said...

@Itziar, I'm not ON anything and don't need clarification from you or anyone else.

I'm aware that Lainey's reveals are supposedly not associated with her blogs and aren't hyperlinked to her blog.

I found the reveal blog from someone here on CDAN. However if you read the other posts prior to mine some of THE OTHER BLOGGERS guessed, Clooney, Damon and Jackman as the answer to THIS B.I. from Lainey's reveals.

Maybe you needed to clarify it for them but I certainly don't need your help.

And for the record I'm not convinced that the person revealing Lainey's blog is not associated in some way with her.

Itziar if you know Lainey personally by all means keep defending her, but if you don't it's a moot point to defend her against me because I'm not caught up in the credibility or fanatical love of blog owners. It's my right to express my opinion about Lainey's blog, B.I.'s and reveals and will continue to exercise those rights as I see fit.

There ARE many people who do care. If you should find them take your "Lainey love" and point it in their direction.

Capiche :)

Ellebee said...

what about the guy who host the Trivial Pursuit show? Christopher Knight, he was on a couple of VH1 shows and married a woman he met on the show. I think she won the first cycle of America's Next Top Model.

mygeorgie said...

not on my dollar-I think you are reacting a tad overboard. I was also under the same impression as Itziar: that you (& others) had confused Lainey w/ Lainey Blinds. If you re-read your original post, you'd see the confusion.

A simple & friendly clarification would be nice. No need to get snippy.

lmnop123 said...

Interesting comment mygeorgie,

I DON"T know how you got involved in this when I wasn't responding to you but I'll answer since you chose to address me personally.

You're free to interpret my posts as you see fit but if you re-read YOUR post you'll see that you did not follow your own suggestion.

I fell to see the "simple and friendly clarification" in your calling me "snippy" and accusing me of going a tad bit overboard. And in regards to Itziar if he/she meant no harm it's up to them to "clarify that for me".


I know an attack, and an accusation when I see it. I also know that if people are merely confused about a comment the "polite" way to address it is to ask a question.

Neither you or itziar made the "polite decision to ask but were quick to accuse/attack.

Now I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and maybe you meant no harm but FYI, in the future if you have an issue with people like me, in cyberspace and want to "politely" address an issue,
calling them snippy, and accusing them of going overboard all in the name of being friendly only incites people it doesn't clarify or settle disputes.


Now I'm done talking about this with anyone. As cyberspace neighbors we'll all have to settle on agreeing to disagree.

Good Nite.

BS said...

*4 Kyle MacLachlan

captivagrl said...

1. John O'Hurly/Family Feud

captivagrl said...

4. Don Johnson?

Papa Ray said...

These questions must be inside jokes, as most Hollywood idiots are not only bi-tri-anything-perverts that hundreds could be implicated or convicted of sexual deviant behavior.

But all jokes and reality aside, we need not only pictures but videos of these deviants and their escapades.

Where is the justice, the reality, the fullfillment of all of us in watching instead of doing.

OH..BTW...Walmart is having a sale on all of it's batteries and there are plenty of garage sales with second hand sex toys and such for your enjoyment.

Papa Ray
(I like the real thing, but they are getting so fat that I have to put them on the floor because my be just can't handle them.) Oh, I like Olive oil because if you leave them outside for awhile they get such a great shade of red and really warm to the touch.

figgy said...

Oh crimminy, can we skip the ad hominem back and forth attacks between/among posters here?

I think Perez is a better place for that kind of behavior.

Unknown said...

Could #1 be the guy that hosts the "Rock of Love" game show? Come on, Groupies... the show revolves around groupies.


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