Monday, August 17, 2009

Paula Abdul Wants $100M To Guest Star On Ugly Betty

My headline above has no basis in reality. I mean I don't know how much money Paula Abdul wanted to guest star on Ugly Betty but apparently it was a lot because they turned her down. I really don't understand her at all. All the rumors and whispers say she will be back on American Idol. Part of me agrees with that but I think it would be at slightly over her old salary. I also don't think it is a done deal.

Why? Well this Ugly Betty fiasco for one thing. They wanted her on the show and she wanted to be on the show and then she gave them a huge number and wouldn't lower it. If you knew you were going back to American Idol and going to make some serious coin you probably wouldn't be playing hard ball for an episode or two of Ugly Betty. If, on the other hand you knew that you need to make as much money as possible then you might try and squeeze your former salary out of the few shows who want you to show up. I hope she realizes there are not an infinite number of shows out there and that eventually she will need to say yes. It is also interesting that if she is making all these plans to guest star on shows for next season that she must not have any shows of her own in development.

Meanwhile, according to the NY Post, Pimpa Joe has been offering up Jessica for Paula's old job saying she would be perfect. I think it is an interesting possibility.


.robert said...

Jessica would be interesting for only a very short while and then it'd just suck, bad.

Unknown said...

i would actually LOVE jessica on AI. It would make me watch it. She's such a dolt, even more so than Paula ever was, it would be hilarious! It could get annoying after a while, but i don't think I'd watch it enough for that to happen to me.

lmnop123 said...

I would watch and episode of AI with Jessica but I've already heard they turned her down.

GoddessNow said...

Paula, Paula, Paula. Clearly she thinks she is a bigger brand then most.

Ricky Sprague said...

Let Paula Abdul write her own script, and it would be worth at least $50M.

califblondy said...

Jessica might entertaining for a short time. I think Simon would probably make her cry, she'd leave the show due to "creative differences" with Daddio threatening legal action.

I hope all this is crap about Paula. If it's true or even half true, she'll be back to the "whatever happened to" status like she was before Idol.

Not many has beens get a second chance.

mikey said...

Jessica would be an improvement. Paula really can't sing, but she can dance. Jessica can't sing or dance - perfect! Jessica could possibly even make less sense during her critiques.

Ms Cool said...

My family is struggling financially now so these numbers just make me sick.

Pookie said...

yeah. she's coming back to AI.

lanac said...

ugly betty was over after the first half of the second season! i dont know anyone that watches that anymore and thats saying a lot because most of my friends dont have cable and still wont watch that crap, they rent dvds of cable shows then that crap.

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