Monday, August 17, 2009

Random Photos Part One

If you run a 9.58 in the 100 meters you get the top spot. Usain Bolt was pretty damn fast in Berlin yesterday. That is unbelievable. To put it into driving perspective he ran about 28 m.p.h or about 47 k.p.h
Alec Baldwin shows why he is an actor and not an athlete.
Also playing softball were Jean Reno who I am glad to see doing better and former pimp and now talk show host James Lipton.
Oh, and Lori Singer.
Antonio Sabato Jr. is not a bad looking man.
Beyonce on the other hand. Look at all the people staring at her hair.
The family Bure.
And the family Johnson.
Charlize Theron alone on the beach in Malibu. No doubt she is probably singing the pina colada song in her mind.
Drew Barrymore looks great here.
And can I say that I have actually missed having Hugh Jackman in the pictures.
Holly Madison and Kevin King.
The only thing missing from this photo is Joe Francis. The guy on the left is Joey Buttafuoco and the guy on the right owns the Bunny Ranch.
From now on Jon Cryer will only be referred to on the site as Duckie.
Jefferson Starship - New York
Jessica Simpson and CaCee Cobb filming Jessica's new beauty show in Japan. Did they make Ken Paves dress like this also?
Lily Allen broke down in tears in Finland during her show. She said she fell and hurt her back and the pain killers weren't doing their job.
Laura Bennett and Brian Batt at the Mad Men season premiere party in Times Square.
I thought Jesus was supposed to walk on the water not take a boat.
Do you love Dark Shadows? Here are Marie Wallace and Kathryn Leigh Scott.
Total drunken randomness. Pamela Anderson and Suzanne Somers.
Patricia Arquette looks really good here.
Paul Mitchell and his wife. I wonder how often she gets her hair done?
Kevin Smith always wears his denim shorts and Robert Rodriguez always wears his hat and jacket.
Happy 21st birthday Rumer Willis. Here she is with her boyfriend.
I think those three spots on Sienna Miller's shoulder are for each married guy she has dated.
Cute, but posed.
Cute, but posed, Part 2
Zac Efron looks about 12 here.


Pookie said...

you GO, usain bolt! *in awe*

oh beyonce. that's unfortunate.

hugh jackman's little one is such a ham!

eeep. joey buttafuoco just did not age well.

omg, jessica simpson in kabuki m/u...NO.

wow...rumer has a bf? *shocked*

mooshki said...

Random pics this early? What am I going to do for the rest of the day - work? ;)

I love Lori Singer. It's so weird to see her back in the public eye.

Uh-oh, Lily Allen is the last person to need a back injury. They're a straight ride to addiction for a lot of people. :(

Rumer is getting closer to finding that magic angle!

Ewww, seeing Zefron's butt dimples makes me feel like a pedophile. Where's the "unsee" button?

JustJenn said...

Rumer looks great in that pic.

Iloved Zac Efron in 17 Again. Loved him.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Bryan Batt is a terrific actor. Anyone see Mad Men last night? Sal was featured prominently.

Ms Cool said...

I tell you who I miss in photos: DANIEL CRAIG. I heard he was in Chicago a few weeks back. Just a hundred miles away. *sigh*

lmnop123 said...

Hah! Never realized John Cryer was Duckie. LOL!

Are these women from THE "Dark Shadows"? If so tell them to say hello to Barnabas Collins and Quentin for me.

Madonna's tactics for adoption may be highly suspect but at least she knows how to hire the right person to care for Mercy's hair. If we're lucky she's also hired the right people to care for both of the children.

califblondy said...

Why did I think of Gloria Swanson when I saw that picture of Madonna?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

nice to actually see that shrew madonna out with her kids.

drew does look great, but i always love her, so i may be biased haha.

beyonce: YUCK!

Unknown said...

woops, sorry, posted twice

Kat said...

Charlize-pina coladas-answer to a blind?

I'm sorry, but I'm really suspicious of Usain's win. Wasn't it leaps and bounds, pun intended, over his previous performances? Maybe I'm jaded, but I have trouble accepting any athlete's exceptional results these days. I hope I'm wrong.

Patricia Arquette's breastages-probably one of the only real pairs in Hollywood. Gotta love her for that!

Anonymous said...

Re: Jessica & Cacee - Actually, I saw a picture that Ken Paves was in a kimono, but didn't have the make-up on.

Lori Singer will have a special place in my heart for VR.5.

Antonio's got a decent peen (NSFW), too. You're welcome for the Full Frontal Monday, ladies. ;)

Enty, thank you for coming over to the mancrush side with Hugh. I know I appreciate a good Hugh photo, would've preferred one with more bare arms, though. Make that happen will ya! ;)

I have a little crush on Bryan Batt. I would give Sal some lovin' if I weren't taken already.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GladysKravitz said...

Madonna: You can only have your eyebrows lifted so many times before you start looking like Joan Crawford.

I'm with Mooshki re: bad news for Lily Allen on that back injury. Vicodin, Norco and Dilaudid are infamous gateway drugs to addiction. It doesn't help that she looks like Liza Minelli in that photo.

I'd pay a lot of money to see Ken Paves in full makeup and kabuki.

Love Mad Men. Brian Batt did a great job in the premiere.

No, Enty, there are not three spots on Sienna Miller's shoulder. I think there are about 20. We just don't know who the other 17 represent.

chucky-baby said...

Lori Singer is one of those people that I go what ever happened ...
I saw those staged photos of the Cruises this weekend and was hoping that Enty would post the one of Tom's leg up in the air, showing off his platform runners. I laughed so hard when I saw them. oh, well, lol.

amazonblue said...

LMS&M - I was so glad to see Sal finally getting what he craved, I had to cover my eyes when he was caught. SOOO GOOD!

OK, so what happened to Jean Reno? Is he the blind about the actor that had the heart attack but didn't go to the hospital?

Rumer's face does look great, but please eat something!

figgy said...

Usain Bolt--best name EVER for a sprinter.

I just figure all professional athletes dope or do whatever the latest not-yet-findable trick is. Eh.

There's just something disgusting about Sienna's coochie in that picture, like she has a bad case of the Brit-Brit hangouts or somethin'.

Why does Tom Cruise TRY to freakin' hard? Dude, relax. We're all onto you and frankly, we don't care either.

Anonymous said...

Alex Baldwin, can't believe how big he is.

Antonio Sabato, how old is he? Wonder if he has work done?

Beyonce, can't stand her.

Don Johnson looks like a midget LOL.

Yuck Buttafuoco!!

I love 21/2 men but can't stand Jon Cryer, such a wimp his character.

Bimbo Jessica. I might take a peek of her reality show than will never watch it again.

Used to like Madonna, now I can't stand her.

Patricia A. looks very nice here.

Robert Rodriguez wonder who his next bimbo will be.

Rumer needs to do something about her chin it's too long or something just makes her look weird.

Sienna #1 slut.

Gay Cruise, what a fake.

Zac below Gay Cruise. Is that a hint LOL?? Supposedly Zac and his suppose gf are engaged to get married.

sunnyside1213 said...

Jon Cryer was Duckie? How did I miss that?

BigMama said...

i'm surprised Tori has enough strength in her legs to hold up a bicycle.....

TinselSass said...

@ Figgy - Usain Bolt - best name EVER for a sprinter.


@ Kat - I'm sorry, but I'm really suspicious of Usain's win. Wasn't it leaps and bounds, pun intended, over his previous performances?

You have every right to be suspicious of great athletic achievement in the Age of Drug-Enhanced Performances... but word is Bolt is clean and just a freak of nature who luckily, found and nurtured his talent. Great article in today's LA TIMES about how his body works and is optimized in a way no other sprinter's has been (kind of like Michael Phelps and swimming). The cool thing... every now and then, a person actually finds what they were meant to do. Kind of like ENTY and CDAN!

Dassala said...

VHudge and ZEfron will never get married.

<3 Jon Cryer

I need some 'razzi shots of Jensen Ackles, ffs.

Majik said...

Anyone else thinking if Rumor and her bf (he of the cast iron jaw) decided to breed that their offspring would have chins of Mulroney/Lenoish proportions? Anyone?

momo said...

tori and dean, get the f* off your bikes and walk 'em thru the crosswalk like you're supposed to!

mooshki said...

Amen, Kate. (On the Ackles pics.)

mooshki said...

Enty, if you're reading this, I think most of us would agree that Jensen Ackles is equally as yummy as Nathan Fillion, so don't you dare ever miss a picture of him! :)

lanasyogamama said...

I can't help but like Beyonce when I see her perform.

Lily Allen... going downhill soon if she's crying on stage.

Bennett sure embraces her flat chestedness.

Ew to the drunken randomness.

Don't like Drew.

Best pic ever of Rumer. If they can make her look that good, I wonder what they could do with me?

B626 said...

I wasn't looking at Beyonce's hair.
Too busy gaping at those tree trunk thighs.

The little dance Zac Efron does with the cheerleaders at the beginning of '17 Again' is the BEST part of the movie!
Total tadpole.

Jingle Belle said...

Paul Mitchell's wife is a very BAD advertisement for his products. Her hair looks like straw and not fresh straw...the old stuff at the bottom of the pile.

ardleighstreet said...

Jean Reno was ill? I missed that one.

What happened to Lori S.? She use to be the "it" girl and then nothing.

I missed Hugh in the pics too!
His little girl looks to be doing the joke " I caught a fish this big." CUTIE!

I like Laura Bennet and think she should have won.

Dark Shadows! Yeah! can't wait for new movie with Johnny.

Is Pammy A. smuggling beer out in her kangaroo pouch of a top?

Like Patricia A. and LOVE that car she is posing by.

Sienna might have that "threesome" mark for the diseases she carries.
You know as a warning by the CDC.

Bxrlvr said...

Just goes to show that Alec Baldwin either needs to lose weight or never appear in public in an outfit like that ever again.

Lori Singer - where has she been all this time?

Duckie it is!

Miss X said...

Thanks for posting a pic of the (Cameron) Bure family. I saw them (Candace & Val) speak recently - they were great.

Jade, That Girl said...

Rumer needs to make him go everywhere with her so she can pose like that. She actually looks....gasp....pretty.

lanac said...

OMG! I love Paul Mitchell's wife only because she was in my favorite childhood movie! Weekend at Bernies!!!!!! HAHAH its amazing how well she has not even aged. but of course she is married to some guy that probably does her hair and makeup. ooo and i love the pix of susanne somers and pamela anderson. its about time enty mixed it up a bit

Sorka8 said...

I wonder how much Daddy Willis has to pay the paps to take photos of his unattractive stone jawed daughter Rumer?

Not one person so far has identified to me any thing remarkable this cretin has done to be in the news.

Unknown said...

I have always loved Jon Cryer!

Enty, please don't say that Zac looks 12...that makes me feel very dirty and wrong for wanting to lick the small of his back.

MnGddess said...

It's kind of fascinating that, individually, Rumer Willis' facial features could be very pretty, but combined, they look really, really ugly...

Sinjin said...

TaterHead AGAIN?!

Melody the First said...

Kathryn Leigh Scott played Maggie Evans (and Josette duPres and etc.) and Marie Wallace played Eve (and Megan Todd and etc.) on Dark Shadows. Kathryn also published my first book. I swear she has a portrait in her attic somewhere. She looks younger as I get older.

They are both nice ladies, btw.


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