Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today's Blind Items

Although it pains me to admit it I guess this aging television actress is B list. It is more because of her show than any real acting talent on her part. I mean it is a hit television show. Anyway, our actress has child/ren and because of that our actress found herself at a recent concert by this tweener star. Of course they went backstage. The actress and the tweener started flirting and the next thing you know they were having sex together in her hotel room. Luckily the next morning when the child/ren came into the room, the couple wasn't actually having sex, but still, very awkward. The tweener can't stop telling everyone about that night. And no it wasn't any of the Jonas Brothers. They are all pure. Haha (Nelson from The Simpson's voice)


  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Teri Hatcher

  2. Second that. Scary Hatcher.

  3. WireImage has pics of Teri and her daughter in NYC July 8, 2009. Any tweener acts play around that time?

  4. Teri Hatchet-face was my 1st thought as well.

  5. Hatcher and Jessie McCarthy?

  6. Just...ew. I like the Hatcher guess because clearly she and her daughter were not in their hometown because they were at a hotel...

  7. LOVE using the Nelson voice. Perfect for so many snarky situations!

    About the blind--Good for her! Hey, cougars gotta have some lovin' too!

  8. "The tweener", "the couple", "the tweener"?

    Personal pronouns anyone?

  9. What about Mary-Louise Parker? Weeds is popular and she has two children.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Alright tweener stars who do concerts:

    -Taylor Swift
    -JoBros (notted)
    -Jesse McCartney
    -Aaron Carter (lol)

  12. I just looked at teen and kid's choice awards nominees for an idea of who the male tweener star would be...Jesse McCartney is the only one that I think would fit.

  13. Another wiki quote:

    "Hatcher beat out Monica Bellucci for the role of Paris Carver in the 1997 James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies."



  15. I don't think Teri Hatcher is that sexual. She almost never had sex with her husband (which is why she knows the night her daughter was conceived). I think she had one short-term boyfriend since her divorce (years ago).

  16. I like the Denise Richards guess!

  17. Jesse McCartney is not the tween star in this blind. He had no choice but to age from the tween market when Zac Efron came along.

    No clue on the actress but the tween star could very well be Soulja Boy. He's of legal age, but his market is mostly teens/tweens, he's ALWAYS on tour and is known to talk a lot via YouTube, Twitter, etc.

  18. Ghigu, you forget that Terri Hatcher dated Ryan Seacreast. I imagine that they boinked like horny wild rabbits on ecstasy.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. ZOMG, Denise Richards fucked Miley Cyrus!

  21. When Enty says "it pains me to admit it I guess this aging television actress is B list" that makes me think that at one time she was much higher ranked, and that it's someone Enty really likes. Was Teri Hatcher ever really an A/A+ actress? I never thought of her as one. And I'm not sure DH counts as a hit show anymore; he says "is a hit show" which makes me think it's doing pretty well right now. Hasn't DH's time really passed? And if you were a tweener would really be bragging all over about doing Teri Hatcher? (Unless you were a virgin maybe.)

  22. Jesse McCartney is a known carouser, no? There aren't any other male tweener concert acts touring that I know of, not that I would.

    I do LOVE those Jonas Brothers though!!!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Andrew, I read that the other way! Enty doesn't like the person and wants them to be lower ranked, but the popularity of the show makes them a B.

  25. Doesn't Jesse McCartney like older women?

  26. Jesse McCartney was on tour in July (ie "recent"), including stops in Vegas (July 12) and NYC (July 18). So we may have a winner!

  27. I agree with Jill--it's someone that Enty thinks has no talent but has been elevated to a B purely by the success of her show. Teri Hatcher would be a great example.

  28. Sally Field popped into my head but I doubt its her

  29. Heather Locklear? She's had a few hit shows, but not currently, but she does like her some musicians...

    Plus, she has a tween daughter.

  30. While Teri was my immediate first guess, she's done interviews stating how much she hates sex and how when she was married to John Tenney she was able to determine the exact conception date of her daughter - Valentine's Day - cause it was the only time in a year that they had sex.

    Someone who hates sex that much wouldn't just slut around with a teenager.

  31. Teri Hatcher has stated she was sexually abused for years by an uncle, and that is why she hates sex.

  32. I can't imagine it being Teri Hatcher (for the above stated reasons). I'm sticking to Heather Locklear until someone comes up with a better guess. I remember seeing Heather and her daughter at the American Idol finale, so I can see her taking her daughter to a tweener concert, easily.

  33. Also, since when does Denise Richards have a hit show? Am I missing something?

  34. @figgy...surely you jest? he's GAY.

  35. Molly Ringwald?

  36. What about Trace Cyrus as the tweener? Miley Cyrus's older (half?)brother. He has been on tour this summer.
    Also I think he has been the subject or at least a guess on another blind item on this site, about the tweener singer who met one of his teenaged female fans, promised to meet her if she flew out to his next concert, and then never showed up for her.

  37. Molly Ringwald just gave birth, so I doubt it's her.

    Trace is a good guess.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Well, everyone's assuming that the tweener is a male. But... what if?

    For some reason, I think the "tweener can't stop telling" reminds me of a stupid one... and for some reason, Miley pop into my mind. On the other hand, no clue on the cougar. Haha (I have no clue whatsoever about this blind but Nelson has inspired me )!

  40. hatcher for sure. she has a 12 year old daughter.

  41. it might be wrong. entty got the blind of rachel mccadams preggers stster wrong/

  42. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Heather Locklear.

  43. Whoever it is, good for her! *L*

  44. I say Denise Richards. Teri Hatcher is too classy to do something like that. Have an affair with her costar, sure, but this, not so much.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. What about Vanessa Williams? Shes my guess because the only time you really see her at events is for her show or with her kids

  47. I like the Teri Hatcher guess! On a different issue, like coke mom - do Denise Richards eyes look messed up in the photos today???

  48. No...definitely not Terri. She has a boyfriend that she's been with for a while now. Besides, sleeping with Terri is nothing to brag about. Also, she's not a target. If she had a hit show, it wouldn't pain anyone to see her do well. No one cares. Now, Denise Richards is an excellent guess...though is she really a B list now? That would definitely pain me to hear that. She's also 38/39 yrs old and guys still think she's hot. Sleeping with her would be something worth bragging about. She can't act at all...but would her reality show be considered a hit? I think definitely Jesse Mc. and possibly Denise. Heather L. would also be brag worthy, but people like her and it doesn't pain anyone to see her do well. Heather isn't on a hit tv show though.

  49. No...definitely not Terri. She has a boyfriend that she's been with for a while now. Besides, sleeping with Terri is nothing to brag about. Also, she's not a target. If she had a hit show, it wouldn't pain anyone to see her do well. No one cares. Now, Denise Richards is an excellent guess...though is she really a B list now? That would definitely pain me to hear that. She's also 38/39 yrs old and guys still think she's hot. Sleeping with her would be something worth bragging about. She can't act at all...but would her reality show be considered a hit? I think definitely Jesse Mc. and possibly Denise. Heather L. would also be brag worthy, but people like her and it doesn't pain anyone to see her do well. Heather isn't on a hit tv show though.

  50. Can't agree with Denise, not considered an actress, or if so has a D list at best. Teri ftw!

  51. I will say it again: Heather Locklear is A list television. So many leads, hits, iconic roles. Also Enty doesn't hate her. Also not on a show right now.

    Denise Richards would have sex only if she were paid, and her show's not a hit, it was barely renewed.

    Teri Hatcher is a great guess, but her publicized hatred of sex seems to negate that idea.

    There are tons of network dramas out there "Brothers and Sisters", all the police shows, etc. But I don't know those shows, so I don't have a better guess. Just here to shoot y'all down, I guess.

    (And Sally Field is PERMANENT A-list, two Oscars, beloved by America, living legend--NOT HER.)

  52. AND Sally Field is grandma-age, her kids are grown men with kids of their own.

  53. If Teri Hatcher doesn't like sex with men, it very well could have been a female tweener.

  54. I like Jen's guess--Vanessa Williams.

  55. I thought of Vanessa Williams, too. She's got kids that fit the 'tweener' musical interest age range. Hit show: Ugly Betty. I could see a guy bragging about sexing her moreso than Teri Hatcher (ugh)! Denise Richards is nowhere near B list and Heather Locklear doesn't currently have a hit show. That's my best guess.

  56. I don't think Enty dislikes Vanessa at all, does he?

  57. The other reason I say its Vanessa Williams is b/c she was on Wendy Williams and said herself she really only goes to events with her kids or to promote her own stuff

  58. Has it been concluded that enty was wrong about the jude law- blind? I mean, that it was referring to him, that blind?

  59. i think so linnea. i find it odd that he has not brought up anything about it on his site either. i wonder how many more blinds are fabricated?

  60. Would Corbin Bleu be considered a tweener? He's younger than Jesse McCartney.

  61. Littlemanwhatnow, Enty never said that the person in his blind was Jude Law. What, you find it that improbable that there could be another celeb who knocked a chick up?

    And if you're so worried about the blinds being "fabricated," STOP FUCKING READING THEM!!!

  62. Anyone considered Kate Gosselin? She just took her daughters Cara and Mady to a Jonas Brothers concert on July 23.

    I am unintentionally implying that Kate Gosselin is a b-list celebrity. I personally don't consider her any letter of "list material".

  63. What about Mitchell Musso as the tweener? He's quite popular in the tweener world and seems to be on tour right now...

  64. Wow Cadence. I don't know if I could recognize a Jonas Bro song if I heard it. I've heard stuff by the youngest, he is super talented. Not a prodigy, but talented. Get a tad annoyed when he is compared to Prince. Anyway, I digress...

  65. Could be VW. I remember an interview she gave where she talked about living with both of her ex-husbands at the same time and how everyone was happy. Also her and Rick seem to still have sexual chemistry. So we know she at least has the sex drive to pull that off.

  66. I think the answer to the tweener is Mitchell Musso.
    He's not known for being that innocent - from what I heard, he's a damn huge flirt in a way he expects it to go further, he's a huge pothead though he's a generally easy going kid.

    He's from Hannah Montana and has been introduced by Disney onto the music scene this Summer.

    On tour now ...

  67. I think the answer to the tweener is Mitchell Musso.
    He's not known for being that innocent - from what I heard, he's a damn huge flirt in a way he expects it to go further, he's a huge pothead though he's a generally easy going kid.

    He's from Hannah Montana and has been introduced by Disney onto the music scene this Summer.

    On tour now ...

  68. um.. there's two photos of denise richards in todays pics... and i could definitley see some teenage boy bragging about that conquest

    ps. i enjoy the site but the 30 secs it takes each page to load for the ads is quite tedious for 2009...

  69. Lisa Edelstein from House

  70. Julia Louis Dreyfus popped into my head. She is on the New Adventures of Old Christine. She is aging. Was once huge but is now prob B list. She has kids. I don't know how old but probably early teens.
