Tuesday, September 15, 2009

NY Post Blind Items

WHICH has- been action hero has knocked up his comely assistant? When his longtime girlfriend learned of the impending birth, she angrily split .

WHICH world-famous actor has fallen out with his equally A-list director? They have weeks to go on their upcoming block buster, but the actor thinks the director is arrogant and dismissive of his ideas, while the director considers his leading man to be a spoiled, over rated punk.


Priscila said...

Russel Crowe and Ridley Scott??

mooshki said...

"Spoiled, over rated punk" seems to sum up RC pretty well. :)

Anonymous said...

action hero - Harrison Ford??

mooshki said...

Steven Seagal? I always want to guess Stallone for has-been action stars, but the truth is, his movies still do well. He's just such a chump.

SkittleKitty said...

Punk sounds to me more like Leonardo, though Russell Crowe's clearly an ass.

sunnyside1213 said...

I am going with Crowe and Scott. Whomever, that must be a fun set.

GladysKravitz said...

Just throwing it out there--what about Brad Pitt and Quentin Tarantino? Arrogant is one word that comes to mind when thinking of Quentin. Spoiled and over-rated might describe Brad, too.

soniabegonia said...

I'm new so please don't skewer me!! Could it be Leo and Scorcese?

Alice D Millionaire said...

Harrison Ford and Flockhart have been together forever but he isn't a has-been...his Indiana Jones movies still do well.

Could be Segal.

My first thought was Crow for the second one.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Quentin and Pitt seem to have a great relationship. On the other hand I have heard a lot of rumors about Crow and Scott not getting along.

Alice D Millionaire said...

Sorry for the Crowe misspelling!

Unknown said...

punk seems like a term for someone younger. what about shia and oliver stone?

RJ said...

I'd guess Jean Claude VanDam or Stephen Segal for the first one. They were the first two to enter my head at the mention of has-been. If it's either of them - who cares? So I'm thinking it must be someone else who is more relevant. Maybe they're still making movies, just not action movies.

For the second, I think the word punk is a clue. Maybe Ashton Kutcher (Punk'd). In case, it's probably a reference to someone young. That lets out Crowe.

RJ said...

Just checked imdb.com and saw that Ashton is currently filming a movie called Valentine's Day with Garry Marshall as the director. I think we have a match.

.robert said...

LaBeouf and Stone

RJ said...

Sorry to keep posting, but I just went back and looked at the cast of Valentine's Day. Every person in the freaking world is in that thing. I think you could swing a dead cat on that set and hit a spoiled, over-rated punk. It reads like a Who's Who of a-holes.

empyrios said...

no way is Crowe "overrated"

he might be total dick, but you can't knock him for his acting ability

Will Smith is doing a project with Spielberg. That's my guess.

SkittleKitty said...

DiCaprio is currently filming "Inception" currently with Christopher Nolan (Dark Knight) directing.
Robin Hood, however, is supposedly in post-production (i.e. not filming anymore).
I stand by my Leo vote.

Anonymous said...

Hm what about Bruce Willis for the first one? He has a girlfriend, right?

K said...

I think Bruce Willis married the girlfriend within the last year or so. On a beach somewhere.

jax said...


Shia and Stone is a good guess.

sunnyside1213 said...

LOL @ RJ. I think the dead cat would hit more than one spoiled, overated punk.

anniebgood said...

I think Leo and Christopher Nolan. Although Shia and Stone is a good guess. I might even prefer that one...

David D. said...

I cannot read the words "spoiled, overrated punk" without thinking of Shia LeGoof. I can well imagine him driving Oliver Stone right screaming up the wall.

Funny Girl said...

Shia and Oliver Stone. I agree that "punk" implies someone young.

tm0004 said...

1.michael keaton
2. depp and burton

FrenchGirl said...

"Robin Hood " is in post-production so they're not Scott/Crowe
Depp and Burton yet made 6 movies together and "Alice" is completed

i hesitate between Nolan/Dicaprio in "inception"(because it's filming,it's a blockbuster and DiCaprio mustn't be as serious as Christian Bale)and Shia Leboeuf/Oliver Stone in "Wall street 2"(filming in NY,Shia's young and honestly i could understand Stone doesn't care Shia ideas but is it a blockbuster)

emailchallenged said...

im on the brad/tarintino for the second one

Teresa said...

I think it's Nolan Dicaprio. It definitely isn't Russell and Ridley. Robin Hood finished filming in early August.

Lissette said...

I was thinking Bruce Willis and Kevin Smith.
Didn't they have a public falling out recently?
Just throwing it out there.

Judi said...

1. Van Damme's married; Seagal isn't so this could be him.
2. Not really sure but will guess either Shia/Stone or Kutcher/Marshall.

Judi said...

Okay, wait. The item reads "world-famous actor." I don't think this describes Kutcher or Shia. It would describe both Willis and DiCaprio.
I think Pitt's well-liked enough to not be considered any kind of punk.

ms_goddess said...

Lissette - Thank you! I remember reading about this spat and couldn't recall who was involved. This was the first thing that came to mind when I read the 2nd blind.

FrenchGirl said...

willis/Smith movie "couple of dicks" is only in preproduction

caydian said...

Empiryos...Will Smith the wannabe Scientologist is doing a movie with Spielberg?!? WOW, wonder if that will add to the Hollywood Wars saga.


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