Thursday, September 10, 2009

One Reason To Watch SATC2 And One Reason Not To Watch

So, with Sex And The City 2 filming right now and some women I know already making plans for the first day it opens in theatres I thought I would give you one reason to see the movie and another not to see it. Yes, they could be considered spoilers so if you don't want to know, then please don't read any further.

The reason to watch is that apparently Liza Minelli is in the movie and has a great scene where she is performing at the wedding reception of the characters Stanford and Anthony. Liza is supposed to be extremely funny in the scene. Think a great performance combined with the kookiness of her acting in Arrested Development.

The reason not to watch is that producers are trying to make a deal with Miley Cyrus to have a decent sized role in the movie. They really want to expose the show to a new group of fans and think she will be perfect to bring in tweeners and drive ticket sales as well as a new group of fans to buy the DVD's. Really? Miley Cyrus in SATC2? It is going to happen.


  1. I was soooo hoping the Miley thing was a bad rumor.

    Liza, on the other hand, makes it all worth it.

  2. Noooooo....not Miley!!!!

    I mean, I'm still going to see it, but MILEY?

  3. what mother in her right mind would let her tweener go see this movie?

  4. Miley will ruin the movie.

  5. fashion has officially gone down the drain...miley is no where near a fashion queen a la carrie bradshaw...i'll wait for it on cable...thanks for the tip enty.

  6. wonder if she will be Carrie's sister or something in those 80s flashback scenes. They do resemble each other (as sisters)

  7. I've had enough of Miley. She can go on a loooooong vacation back to the farm. Sorry Liza, I'm going to have to pass on this one.

  8. Way to go, Billy Ray, pushing those underage fans of hers to go to an R-rated movie.

    Eff the SATC people. If I ever watch this movie, I will only watch a pirated copy.

  9. At the last movie some hag brought her grandkids. They were no older than 10. What was she thinking.

    If Miley is in this, I will wait for the dvd. Gag.

  10. Its Miley!

    Sorry, I had to.

    Shouldnt her Christian values come in the way of this? She said something about that earlier.

  11. Anonymous12:05 PM

    This movie is not meant for kids so why bring in one. If Buck-teeth Cyrus is going to be in it I doubt I will go see it.

  12. Liza - good :)
    Miley - bad :(

    SATC is not suitable for the tweener market. Children are growing up far too fast now.

  13. WTH! I just pictured a bunch of screaming tweeners watching Kim Catrall with her legs in the air getting it on with two guys.

    Yeah, that's tweener appropriate (*rolls eyes so far they see the back of skull!)

  14. ...and this movie just got worse.

    Maybe Miley performs on her pole in a scene, and Liza bodyslams her off of it.

    Sorry, I'm not in the greatest mood today.

  15. linnea said...
    Its Miley!

    LOL! Guess you watch The Soup. Just saw Joel McHale live and he is hilarious!

  16. So they're bringing in Miley to attract the tweener fan group? NO tweener should be watching SATC(the series or the movies). It is an adult program with adult themes. I loved watching it, but there is no way in hell I'd let my preteen watch. What the hell is wrong with people today? Have we completely lost our moral compass?

  17. I love palebrew's comment :-)

    MommaBear, I KNOW, right?! I didn't watch the show, but I did watch the movie on cable because I fell in lust with Gilles Marini and wanted to see what he was working with :-p

  18. Was never going to see it anyway. Now I'll certainly stay 1 mile away from every theater showing it.

  19. I agree with so many of ya'll. This is not a tweener movie!!! Now, seeing Liza at a gay wedding performing, sounds great!! But Miley, no. Besides, who wants to be at the theater trying to watch this with little girls screaming everytime Miley comes on screen???

    Think about it, SATC was always a "Mom's guilty pleasure" thing. Part of the fun of it was being able to sit down, without kids and hubbys, and enjoy something for us gals!!
    This sucks........

  20. The Liza idea rocks and the Miley idea sucks like a Hoover. I think I'd rather spend my money on anything but this movie.

  21. Miley!?! Oh HELL No!! I will burn my SATC DVD collection if they do that crap! Jesus .. NO!!

    But .. point to the yeah for Stannie and Anthony getting married. To this day .. I imitate Mario all the time with his "Hates it!!" from when Anthony and Char were shopping for her wedding dress for her marriage to Harry.

  22. And the Rat is okay with this??
    First it was the semi-nekkid pics (accidentally leaked to the Internet) - then the crap over her Leibowitz photo shoot - then the other BS she pulled, culminating in her pole dance on cable TV - doesn't the Rat have some control over her due to the contract?
    You just know Uncle Walt is spinning in his freezer over this.
