Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This B list movie and television actress from a hit network drama went ballistic today when she overheard two crew members making fun of the fact that our actress was in the lowest grossing movie in the history of movies. Bonus points for the movie.


  1. Heigle in Zyzzyx Road

  2. I ditto that kh and Zz road

  3. Ding ding ding. We have a winner...

  4. Wow, Ausiello just reported that she managed to get a "leave of absence" from Grey's for 5 episodes to film a movie. Enty, you've gotta tell us who she's blowing to get all these great deals. :)

  5. On the other hand, if she was the answer to the blind about the drunk actress you had to pick up, we know she's experienced at blackmail. :)

  6. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Whatever was the last movie Jessica Simpson did was very poorly received.

  7. Yep, Wiki is good for something!

    What's her deal? Why give a shit what the crew members are snarking about if you're so high & mighty?

    Grow a sense of humor, biotch!

  8. Just read the Entertainment Weekly article about that movie. Knowing the truth about why it only made $30 (they only screened it at a Dallas theater 6 times at noon to fulfill a SAG requirement before selling it internationally) makes it way less fun to laugh at Heigl for starring in it. It's not her fault they didn't promote the movie at all, or even try to get people to see it whatsoever.,,20011268,00.html

  9. They ought've been laughing that she did a move with Sizemore...

  10. I didn't think she had the chops to go ballistic. That would require effort. She seems bland and incredibly boring to me.

  11. Georgeann - it only made $30? Was that a typo?

  12. Heigel in Zzyx Road

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Definitely Heigl.

    The film opened at one theater, Highland Village Park Theater in Dallas, Texas. It ran for six days, and made $30 at the box office. A crew member who took a friend got a refund, so the final domestic box-office gross was $20.

    per imdb

  15. I still don't get the hate on her but I'd be pissing myself personally if it happened to me.

  16. The REAL important info is that "B list movie and television actress" means Heigl.

  17. So even her own fricking family didn't go see it? Not even her taking her family and paying for it to help out the gross? Wow, but I still love her.

  18. Only $30? Ouch.

    HA! The budget was $1.2 million!! HAHAHA!! The tickets only covered 0.000025% of the budget. Probably only three people saw the movie. That's even less than people who saw Manos: The Hands of Fate ( BAHAHAHA!!

  19. Sorry, I know I'm evil. I just find that amazing.

  20. It is nice having an easy one today! Going ballistic over people talking about it is a serious overreaction. She should be grateful to even have a job after all the crap talking she did.

  21. Hopefully, she's in a coma all season on Grey's. I wouldn't put it past Shonda Rhimes. She literally threw O'malley under the bus. Unhappiest set in television.

  22. Didn't "Sahara" actually lose money? Female star was Penelope TV for her...

  23. Karmen, you get extra credit for mentioning the movie with on the most awesome characters ever.

    Viva El Torgo!

  24. Easiest blind in a while. Definitely Heigl. Would definitely not mind if her character spent the entire season of GA in a coma. People with Stage 4 melanoma don't last long.

  25. what's funny about this? heigl has starred in a couple of hit movies and is clearly not considered a b-lister anymore. 'the ugly truth' has grossed nearly 100 million. sure it looks like a piece of crap, but it's makin bucks. the crew members making the snooty comment are the ones who come out of this looking really dopey and jealous. ps: i'll be completely honest here and admit that i'd like nothing more than to give ms. heigl a thorough work-out in the sack. yes, that's a euphemism for sex.

  26. My first thought was KH too, but had no idea of the name of the movie - and even now i know it i have never heard of it :)

  27. t-man. I think they did it just to get her rowled up too.

  28. Seriously. If it's Heigl, get a sense of humor, babe. That's a fabulous story to go on late night with. Think of the laughs. You might actually get invited to stay for two segments for once in your completely self-involved boring life. ick.

    Does anyone else get the sense that she would be no fun at all to have a cocktail with?

  29. @t-man - strangely I always do get a vibe from her that she would be a dynamo in the sack. Some people you can just tell.

    I love that you said all that. Made my whole morning.

    Personally, I would like to get David Ducovney naked and give him a very thorough work-out. Maybe a whole weekend.

  30. Im not trying to excuse the going ballistic part, but if you actually read the article its kind of obvious why it didnt make money - it wasnt supposed to!

    Also, it said KH considered it the most creative work she had ever done - if i had done a movie that i really felt close to, i would probably be upset, too...

  31. Whatever on hurting her feelings. She's a television and movie actress and thus she has chosen a career that puts her work out there for the general public to critique and comment on. Crew members are entitled to their opinions as well.

  32. she should have just laughed it off. Lots of actors have been in bombs - it happens. If she were the type to just shrug her shoulders they probably would not give her such a hard time but she is so up her own a*& that the people she works with are going to give her crap just to take her down a notch.

    You think a crew would bust on Lea Thompson for being in Howard the Duck? Probably not and even if they did she would laugh about it because she is not self entitled Heigl.

  33. Heigl is ok with me. "The Ugly Truth" surprised me, it was actually quite good, lot of good dialogue back and forth.

    And she was right about "Knocked Up." I had the same feeling about it being a bit sexist after seeing it. The reaction to her comments were over-reaction by people who didn't read the Vanity Fair story.

  34. about budgets? i just found out that repo the genetic opera had a budget of $8.5M...

    Really!? necessary? I kinda like the concept, like an Alex Cox Repo Man for this generation, but it was too...glamourized. ugh.

    but yeah. Heigl lol

  35. I also agreed with Heigl's comments about "Knocked Up." The plot was beyond stupid and the "moral" was nauseating.

    I strongly suspect that Judd Apatow is a socially conservative evangelist. Once you get past the haze of pot smoke, he reminds me of those "christian message" "rock" bands.

  36. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Hey the movie made $30 that's better than losing millions like many of the big budget films do. I guess the story here is that it didn't sell any tickets.

    Nothing can really compare to the craptacular showing of ZYZZYX Road, the film that brought in a whopping $30. That's no typo -- it didn't bring in $30 million, not even $30 thousand. I'm not sure any film could ever compete with that, except for maybe a For Justin & Kelly sequel, but there is a stinker this summer that comes sort of close.

    It was set to be her big comeback. Two films, one she was headlining, and one that she wrote, directed, and starred in. The first made the rounds, but the other didn't go much further than a blog post or two. Figure out who I'm writing about yet? Yes, it's Nia Vardalos and her feature I Hate Valentine's Day. Gordon and the Whale dug into the little feature that couldn't, revealing that after spending $5 million and making well over $200 million on My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Valentine's Day only brought in eleven thousand dollars in the U.S., from three theaters. Sure, the film hit almost a million with its foreign run, but that doesn't even cover the film's estimated $3 million price tag. Ouch.

    Nevertheless, Tom Hanks' Playtone loves her. The TV show might have tanked, as well as her long-awaited follow-up feature (and disappointing showings on the rest of her post-stardom work), but she's in line for two more Playtone productions -- one writing, and one writing and acting. Will they bring more success? It'd be nice, but at this point, it'd also be a shocker. Maybe they should have waited until February 14 to release this puppy. At least then they'd have gotten the coupley audience.
