Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Khloe & Lamar - Still Not Married

Over the weekend I was reading US Weekly and they said Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom had made their marriage legal. That was news to me and it is apparently news to everyone else because the couple still aren't married. TMZ and Radar both claim to have exclusive information about what is happening in the pre-nup negotiations. What it boils down to is this. Lamar isn't giving Khloe half of anything. He will give her a certain amount of money every year for being his wife and that's it.

At what point I wonder does this become too much and they finally decide to split? How about in time for the season ending cliffhanger of Keeping Up With The Kardashians because this is what it sounds like is happening. All this drama is probably being played in front of the cameras.


Pookie said...

i'm w/ you, enty. this has GOT to be a pr stunt, nothing more, nothing less.

figgy said...

Good for him, cuz you know that "marriage" would have a shelf life of 6 months, tops.

selenakyle said...

Do. Not. Care.

Has been, has been, has... Oops, wait a minute--one must first "be" something before they can be a "been."

I stand corrected.

Fame whore, fame whore, fame whore.

sunnyside1213 said...

Is that dress from the Sluts r Us Maternity line?

lanasyogamama said...

I think we need an amendment against celeb marriage, and leave gay people alone.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would you give Khloe Kardashian half of anything except pubic lice? He's an idiot AND an ass if he allows more than $100K/year. She's living in his house, trading on his name, and spending his money as it is!!!

Unknown said...

i am a sucker for terrible reality stars and LOVE some of the worst. the only ones i really can't stand (to the point where i will change the channel if it is a commercial) are the Kardashians. The whole family disgusts me. To have a kid and get married just for ratings... PATHETIC!

B626 said...

We evil people at work like to play 'cutest and ugliest couple' game when we gawk at the wedding and engagement pics in the society pages of the Sunday newspaper.
I think we have a winner here!


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