Wednesday, November 04, 2009

More On Josh Duhamel, Fergie & The Stripper

The spokespeople are out in full force for Josh Duhamel and Fergie. Of course Fergie's rep doesn't actually deny the cheating took place. They just said, "These allegations are nonsense." I think that pretty much sums it up right there. It happened. If it didn't happen there would be threats of lawsuits and such and some denials.

The interesting thing about this whole story is that Josh apparently brought it upon himself. The stripper didn't tell anyone what happened. She was just being a single mom to her two kids and stripping secretly at night. Josh bragged on a movie set that he had sex with the stripper and where he had met her. Someone overheard this and told the Enquirer who tracked down the stripper. She passed a lie detector test and has a phone full of texts from Josh.

She was also paid $20K for the interview but now her children found out she is a stripper and so is going to have to find a job that doesn't pay as well.

As I predicted when the story first broke there is now a lengthy line of women all coming forward who want to share their stories of sex with Josh while he was dating, engaged and married to Fergie. He has been very, very busy. Above is one of the funniest pictures of them. I'm guessing there won't be many more together unless Fergie just enjoys being embarrassed because it will continue.


Zak said...

Wasn't there a blind about Josh bragging a few weeks ago?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

That would make a great Caption This picture at Dlisted. I'd love to see what people come up with. That is a messed up pic.

empyrios said...

Sue Ellen, I think Enty already captioned it perfectly:

"More On Josh Duhamel, Fergie & The Stripper"

you just have to read the first two words as one word, like i initially did ;)

Jesse D said...

I feel badly for Fergie.

Anonymous said...

I too feel badly for Fergie- it has to suck to not even be married a year and have the entire world know your man is stepping out on you.

jax said...

he was cheating before they married,don't feel bad for Fergie,she agreed to marry anyway.

Drcocks said...

I hope she had a pre-nup. Rat bastard.

Tigercat said...

i thought josh and fergie were a blind item - something about her still being hooked to the drugs and it being ok for him to seek company elsewhere; that was their agreement.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


Ha! Moron.

Linnea said...

Yeah Carla, I think I can recall that, or something like it.

RocketQueen said...

Oh man - even though I really don't like Fergie, this has ruined any lust feelings I have(had) for Josh. He BRAGGED about cheating on his wife? What an asshole. Even if you have an open marriage, you don't go around bragging about cheating on your wife. This divorce will be fun.

sunnyside1213 said...

Josh has officially gone from one of the hottest guys on the planet to idiot deluxe. Moron indeed.

Judi said...

Yup - kick him to the curb.

BlahFrickinBlah said...

I never understood the Fergie hate. So she used to be a big meth-head. 90% (and I'm being kind here) of Hollywood has a drug problem sooner or later so why do people hate her so much? I've never read anything about her being a bitch. Maybe I missed something or lots of things on her. I like some of her songs, some of them suck. Sometimes she looks really good and other times she really doesn't. That's the only odd thing I see about her personally. Her husband is an asshole if he was running around bragging about banging a stripper. Classy guy.

hotchacha said...

Poor Fergie. I've been in very similar shoes and it sucked.

Anonymous said...

Too bad another failed marriage Hollywood Style.

c17 said...

"and so is going to have to find a job that doesn't pay as well"? Are you f'n kidding me?

She'll just go on to the Pink Pony or one of the other tons of strip bars that Atl. has. She'll be fine.

strawberrygirl said...

I just hope they don't have a band-aid baby.

PJ Nelson said...

Sad for Fergie. Never thought much of Josh - even less now.

abigail7881 said...

I thought Josh was hot when he was on All My Children. Now... not so much. Not necessarily because of the cheating, just because. But the guy I find hot is Justin Hartley, who was on Passions and appears occasionally on Smalltown as the Green Hornet. He's a hottie!


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