Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nicole Kidman Not Pregnant!!!!!

Holy crap, who comes up with this stuff. Did I fall asleep on Sunday and just wake up now? US Weekly is reporting that Nicole Kidman's rep is saying Nicole is not pregnant. Did anyone here think she was? I have read and read and I haven't seen anyone say she was. This is all a set up job by the ass kissers at US Weekly because they probably want some exclusive pictures of the family during Thanksgiving or something.

According to US, the rumor started because Nicole had the audacity to take pictures on the red carpet holding her stomach with her hands. In what was a planned move for sure. Anyway that led to speculation she was pregnant which her rep denied today. OK, I don't remember anyone saying she was pregnant. Were you speculating she was pregnant? I think that is what she wanted people to say and then she would respond. The thing is I don't think anyone cares what Nicole does and they sure don't like to imagine her having sex despite what she may think. I am still not entirely convinced that Sunday Rose was not immaculately conceived or grown for nine months elsewhere and showed up one day in Nicole's arms.

So, if you have been on pins and needles all week about Nicole's pregnancy, she isn't and please get a life. Oh, and one more thing. I HATE how at every event Nicole goes to with Keith she lays her head on his shoulder or leans in like she is going to kiss him. It is such garbage. Every event? It ticks me off so much I went and found one from the AMA's. It happens at every event.


  1. I think Lainey mentioned her maybe pregnancy, or rather the notion of the pillow again.

    Still, it's Kidman. Who cares?

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    nicole purposefully posed with her hands on her belly hoping it would cause speculation in a desperate attempt to be relevant. And to make the nite all about her - a nite that celebrates music. I can't stand her.

  3. oh yeah, that was the obvious " im pregnant" pose!

  4. Lainey mentioned that she was purposefully cupping her stomach - hinting that she thought it was for publicity, too. I don't think Kidman can be bothered growing another baby in her sister - it takes a lot of work to hide it!

  5. Anonymous12:20 PM

    you know she does it purposefully. pathetic cry for attention. i'm surprised she doesn't carry her oscar around. the academy should be ashamed. and for tha marissa tomei thing, too.

  6. Now that I think about it, one of the commenters on here said she looked like it....lemme go find it

  7. There's also a picture, i shit you not, that has her cradling her belly while making a 'shhh' finder looking DIRECTLY at the camera.

    She is just tragic. No one looks 28 forever, and no one stays right on top forever. Time for Nicole to let go.
    She looks terrible. The botox made her forehead super-high. With those horrible lip implants. Ugh.

  8. Caption: "Are they looking? Tell me are they looking, pipsqueak, dont make me squeeze your hand harder."
    Keith thinking...omg shes gonna kill me.

  9. found it:

    Kat said...
    I wish people would leave Kidman alone. She's a beautiful woman and she's no more abusive with botox than any other aging actress. I say pick on someone who merits the snark.

    Plus, anyone else think she's pregnant?

    Is Kat on here other times, or is she Nicole's publicist?

  10. lol @ chihuahuense! That is an EXCELLENT theory!

  11. Yeah, i don't get the snark about Nicole either. Although I do suspect sunday did not emerge from her loins, and I do think the name is stupid.

  12. Perez Hilton was speculating that she was pregnant. But like you said, who gives a shit?

  13. It must kill Kidman that after trying to establish her own identity away from her first husband she more and more is only being seen because of her more successful second husband

  14. Lola: Perez also claims to have exclusive knowledge of Fidel Castro's death.

  15. Here are the pics you were referencing libby...

  16. Thank you, Urban Myths. I think I saw it on ONTD.
    Seriously, who here wouldn't see that photo and know she is desperately trying to start something? Just in time for a big movie? Please.

  17. I saw that picture, too, Libby. That was a weird picture.

  18. I heard about this today on the radio from a C/W station.
    It's a big ole "is she isn't she" that they said we'd have to wait about 8 months to find out for sure.
    Given her age (42) and the higher instances of birth defects among women in her age group, I'd think if she were that she'd keep it hidden until tests came back clear. Aside from that, there's alway surrogacy - right SJP?

  19. I'm far more concerned about the hideous monstrosity of a dress she has on.

  20. Me too, Caroline. I saw these pictures on another site and everyone was gushing about how gorgeous the dress was...I couldn't believe it. It looks like some pillows I tried to make from fabric scraps when I was 10.

    P.S. It cracks me up when lainey talks about "Granny Freeze's" pillow baby - although I must say I saw a recent picture of Sunday Rose and thought I did see a resemblance to Nicole (or her sister?)

  21. P.S. I just noticed Keith's cheesy-ass chain on his pants. Hahaha!

  22. Sporky, can you see his tribal chest tattoo peeking out as well? I bet he refers to it as his "tat", or possibly "tatty".

  23. Lol. Sorry, I'm not anyone's publicist, but I do know someone who went to school with Kidman years ago and who has always maintained that she's a fairly decent person. That said, I am always amazed at how people are so easily influenced into hating certain celebrities because they are basically told they should. Like I said, if botox is a crime, most women in Hollywood should be convicted and I don't get why she, specifically, is always centered out for it. We know her boobs are fake, as are her lips, but this hardly qualifies her as an original.

    I also asked if anyone thought she was pregnant because of the photo where she was holding her belly in the ugly dress. Clearly, it was a bad shot or she was intentionally trying to draw attention to it, but it seems like a natural question, no, given the pose?

  24. Maybe she had a tummy ache.

  25. a long time ago, Nicole was quite beautiful and she was a really great actress. Seems that all slipped away with the split from Cruise. Just really really curious is all I'm saying....

  26. OMG Harriet thank you for pointing that out.

    The cheese-o-meter is officially pegged.

  27. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I will never believe that she was pregnant with Sunday.


  28. Maybe people thought that because of that booby dress she wore recently.

    I also have their little heads down pose. They do it every time, even their wedding picture. What are y'all looking at on the ground?!

  29. shit, i rememeber when she always had the best dress on the red carpet. this thing is an abomination.
    i think the whole deal with cruise about did her in. i just can't hate her. i've read interviews with her, she came from a good background and has a nice family. she's not a horrible person.
    i think when you hate somebody, it's just easy to be irritated by every fucking thing they do. i know that feeling well---just not about her.

  30. Kat, there are many pictures from that event. She is cupping her belly with one hand in most of them.

  31. "The thing is I don't think anyone cares what Nicole does..."


    and it's b/c no one cares that something needs to happen to bring her a little press again. no publicist worth their salt is above suggesting the belly cupping. i can't hate.

    now the lay-your-head-on-my-shoulder thing, well, that's all her.

  32. These Nicole Kidman articles on are very funny and well worth a read.

  33. nicole learned from the best publicity whore herself...tommy girl.
    she's boring...retire already.

  34. The woman is a fucking bamboo stalk. It's no wonder that if she dogs a shrimp cocktail or something, she's gonna grow a foodbaby.

    But, to paraphrase you, Enty: who really gives a shit?

  35. You know... she's not not known for being a snotty twat like Goop and she had to endure 10 frickin' years married to that freak of nature Tom Cruise, so I kinda feel for her. She doesn't have a rep for being hateful to people, so I tend to give her a pass. As for the baby... I dunno who carried it for her but GEESH her hair needs to be addressed immediatamente.

  36. Anonymous6:14 AM

    who cares???

    she's utterly vapid.

  37. Nicole usually has better taste than this ... that dress is horrible.

  38. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I really really can't fathom all the dislike for Nicole Kidman when there are so many other worthy targets. I think she is utterly gorgeous and is a great actress. I am not her publicist or sister or Keith Urban etc.

  39. No more PR babies, Nicole. Just stay at home and retire like you said you would.

  40. Nicole did the same orchestrated posing with Tom Cruise on the red carpet that she now does with Urban ... snuggling close, looking adoringly into face, whispering in ear ... totally predictable and totally WEIRD.
