Friday, December 11, 2009

The Duggars Have Number 19

Do you think there will ever come a day when a Duggar will give birth almost every month? With all the Duggar children getting older and getting married and presumably all wanting to follow the same plan as mom and dad, I often wonder if the world will become one big Duggar. You might laugh but 20 kids all producing a baby a year starts to multiply at some point to some number I can't calculate.

Anyway, Michelle gave birth to number 19 yesterday in an emergency C section. The baby only weighed 1 pound 6 ounces. and I think this should be taken as time to stop. I don't think she needs to go for #20. I don't care if Jim Bob thinks they should have a few more just for kicks, I think she should stop. Doesn't she want to stop? They named their daughter and future mother to 20 kids Josie Brooklyn which is a nice name.

I will admit their television show is much less painful to watch then Jon & Kate and except for the wanting a million kids seem pretty normal. I get the feeling they would be exactly the same cameras or not and don't care one way or the other if they are around.


  1. I wish television and the tv-watching public would stop glorifying mass reproduction. It's not a freaking miracle for most people that a lack of birth control results in multiple pregnancies.

    And I'm willing to bet the Duggars are driving up other people's health insurance premiums.

  2. These people are gross. Josie Brooklyn is not a nice name. 1. Josie grossy 2. Shares a name with one of Posh's kids.

  3. I think Josie Brooklyn is much better than Track Enfield Palin however I also feel for Michelle's physical health. Granted, having that many kids may mean she'll never die, she may feel like she has already by the age of 50.

    I also think the mobile spay and neuter clinic needs to make a stop by the Duggars and get them all at one time.

  4. Ok, I have never heard of these people before, but this just seems creepy.

    I remember watching a documentary about a family here in Britain who had 23 children, and the woman was pregnant again.

    They said that they loved "the smell of a baby", so every time their newest baby started crawling they would conceive a new one.

  5. Oh dear, that baby is probably not going to survive. No matter what I think of their choices, that is really, really sad.

  6. This is just sad. The oldest are probably taking care of their younger siblings, and are missing out on being kids themselves.

  7. 1 lb 6 oz? It is really assured this baby will survive? This little girl will be in the NICU a long, long time. Poor thing.

    Since this woman has successfully reproduced 19 times, I feel free to admit that I hope this situation damaged her uterus so they will finally be done! geez

  8. As much as I love to snark on this family, I really hope this baby makes it out ok. It's so, so, so tiny and that is not good.

    P.S. Michelle and Jim Bob - God has given you a sign. Stop reproducing.

  9. They are free to decide how many children they want to raise. I've seen a few shows, they seem like very kind and loving family.

  10. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Baby girls seem to do better at surviving adverse birth circumstances so Josie has that going for her, but 1 lb. 6 oz. is really tiny, and at 25 weeks gestation there is no way everything is fully formed. The really sad thing is that these little ones born so early often end up with problems, like cerebral palsy or severe eye problems.

    I don't much care for the Duggars, but I don't want their baby to die or be sick. I do hope they see this as a sign they should stop.

  11. i agree with captivagirl. they have the means to provide, and they are known to be loving, kind, and generous family. so they're a little different. (ok, a lot) who cares! the children seem to be well-adjusted. they'll prob turn out better than a lot of kids from small families...especially h-wood spawn.

  12. I read/heard somewhere that mom had gallstones that caused early contractions. That can happen.

  13. I don't watch this show, but I'm wondering if maybe they don't believe in birth control - does anyone know? If not, I doubt this will be the end of her pregnancies.

  14. Octomom and Angelina Jolie are jealous!

  15. you can not "believe" in birth control and still not have 20 kids. Natural Family Planning, regardless of what people try to tell you, is actually really effective. If they have 20 kids, it is not because they are messing up the natural family planning, it is because they want 20 kids.

    I hope little Josie is okay

  16. I can't hate on them. Their lifestyle is not for me but everyone seems safe and happy and they are self supporting.

  17. I don't like their religious doctrines, and I think they are huge famewhores, but I feel for the tiny baby, who didn't ask to born from her mother's clown-car vagina.

  18. not the lifestyle that i would choose for myself but i dont understand the hate for these people.

    they support themselves, they are nice and loving and no, the children dont all want to following in mom's footsteps. i believe the oldest, who has one, talked about maybe 4 kids.

    and as a preemie mom, i know the battles that they face but modern medicine has come a long way. my youngest child weighed only several ounces more and is thriving now years later.


  20. This is just sad in SO MANY ways!

  21. So sad about that tiny baby. I hope she survives and will be healthy.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Not only to they not believe in bc, they follow a doctrine that basically only allows them to have intercourse when a woman is most likely to be fertile.

    Natural family planning in reverse.

  24. They practiced birth control early in their marriage. At some point (I think she had a miscarriage), they stopped the birth control and decided they would accept how ever many kids God would give them. I don't think they actively try, but they're not preventing either.

  25. What religion are they?

  26. Thanks, Mikey. Wow. And Mother Earth cries.

  27. The Duggars are part of the ultraconservative Christian Quiverfull movement, which advocates maintaining a welcoming attitude towards bearing children - i.e. having as many as "just happens". While I certainly question how responsible it is to bring that many children into the world while we are quickly destroying our natural resources, the Duggars appear to be caring parents who care for their children. Just because someone's lifestyle doesn't gel with yours doesn't mean they are worthy of your scorn. When Jim Bob starts screwing the babysitter and hosting pool parties in Vegas, then we can start judging.

  28. As much as I sincerely hope that tiny little baby will be OK, I also really wish that this woman realises that her body may have had enough.

  29. So, are some saying that because this was a difficult pregnancy/early birth, that she should not have any more? What about the couples whose 1st or only child is born early or has complications? They should never try again? No, I would not or could not think of having that many children, but this family seems to be a very loving, self supporting family, so I say let them be.

  30. I really enjoy reading this website and the comments that are posted. I have never voiced my opinion before, never really felt the need. But I must, after reading everything above...WOW!

    For every single one of you individuals that said something negative about the Duggars, please have someone slap you in the back of the head now!

    I've watched their show and read about them for roughly a year now. The family is nice, caring, loving and help those in need. Just because their values are slightly different than the majority of society doesn't mean you need to dislike them. These are good people and if we all stopped for a moment out of our busy lives...we could learn a little from the Duggars.

    Having 19 children is what they CHOOSE to do, and they have the right to do so. Its her body, its their family. As for expense on society...if you watched their show or knew anything about them, you would realize the family is very good with money and doesn't even have debt - so no, society is not footing the bill. Finally, again, the Duggars CHOOSE to have 19 children, they do not go around telling others that they should do the same. In fact, please don't...your children couldn't live up to the standards of the Duggar children - they are well behaved, smart, kind and generous -- All qualities that are lacking in a majority of today's youth.

    Many of you have disappointed me today...

  31. eeep. i hope that precious little wee one has a long and healthy life.

  32. I don't mind that they have so many kids, because they actually TAKE CARE of them. I mean hell, they built that mansion of a house they have mostly by themselves. My concern is that Michelle is so addicted to having babies she doesn't know anything else. I am, sadly, not at all surprised to hear this has happened. A body can only take so much. What happens if she dies in childbirth? You can't expect the older kids to take care of the younger ones. Not fair. And as much as Bob and Michelle apparently love each other, he's a tad skeevy.

  33. Kathryn, the Duggars are right-wing fundie Christians who desperately want to tell the rest of us what to do with our bodies. Why can't we tell Michelle what to do with hers?

    This isn't some random family out there -- these people are politically and vocally active against our own rights and yet they would populate the planet with more Duggars than anyone can really care for.

    BTW, little Josie is said to be going to survive just fine. Even the tiniest neonate babies come through with flying colors these days.

  34. Melody...."the Duggars are right-wing fundie Christians who desperately want to tell the rest of us what to do with our bodies. Why can't we tell Michelle what to do with hers?"

    Obviously you have never watched the show or read anything about the family. They DO NOT "tell the rest of us what to do with our bodies." They have been very up front with society stating that this was THEIR choice...but that it may not be the same as what others choose.

    "these people are politically and vocally active against our own rights and yet they would populate the planet with more Duggars than anyone can really care for."

    ROFL - That is the only response I have to that. ROFL!!!!! WOW, what a moron.

  35. Ginny1:48 PM

    I really, really hope little Josie pulls through, but being born at 1 pound 6 ounces at ~25 weeks is not a small hurdle to overcome. We can do amazing things with preemies now, but 25 weeks is barely past the barrier for being able to survive outside the womb. There is a big jump in survivability at 27 weeks, and again shortly after that. I don't think it's quite as rosy as much of the media is making it out to be, and I REALLY hope TLC is leaving them alone during this time and not documenting every moment of it to turn into some ratings grab special about Josie.

    I just hope that she makes it through and doesn't have any major problems, because with 18 other children it would be difficult to care for her and everyone else.

    Also, I don't think everyone is saying that everyone shouldn't have more children after rough pregnancies and/or preemie births, but that at ~44 years old and after 17 pregnancies and now all the health problems she should take it as a sign to love and care for little Josie and not try for anymore.

  36. Anonymous1:56 PM

    It is my understanding that the "Quiverfuls" actively try to procreate in an effort to populate a right wing evangelical majority, with the eventual goal to "own congress" someday. That means that their end goal is to take away the rights or deny rights to those with whom they don't agree with, lifestyle-wise. If you want to have lots of children, please do. But don't have children as part of a political movement. Not to mention - this concentration on childbearing sets their women and daughters back to hundreds of years. Do you think that these families will go to the expense of a college education for a breeder? How will these women support themselves and their children if something happens to their husband? I understand the Duggars do well financially, but not all Quiverfulls do or will.

  37. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I really hope the baby is ok. It's a sad thing for anyone to go through, but I'm sure the family has a lot of support from family and friends. After the problems their friend Kelly Bates went through with her latest pregnancy, I hope these religious fundamentalists take note. It isn't fair to the many children they already have to keep putting the mother's life at risk. Just my opinion, of course.

    And I get a little annoyed when people say I shouldn't speak our against the Duggars. While I agree that what they decide to do is their own business, I can still have an opinion. And they decided to put themselves on TV. If they don't want their lifestyle to be criticized, find another way to pay the bills.

    These irresponsible people, Jim Bob and Michelle, continue to have child after child and turn the oldest children into slaves. They do not parent their children, their children parent each other. The oldest daughters are basically teenage mommies who never had a choice in the matter.

    And yes, they have do a very nice house. Which they started building themselves. They crammed their already large family into a couple rental properties while taking years to try to finish the house. TLC finally stepped in to finish the house for them. This family is trying to be an example for people like them, but not everyone is going to have a TV network provide for them.

    And before the show became so popular, they did take their kids to pro-life rallies. So yeah, they are telling others what to do with their bodies. But they don't do the rallies anymore because it would alienate a lot of their viewers and they want to be more acceptable to mainstream society. (gotta make sure the gravy train doesn't stop) Also, Jim Bob is/was pretty active politically and campaigns for people who want to tell women what to do with their bodies.

    I apologize for ranting about this in response to such a sad event. But at least I'm not calling people names for expressing their opinions.

  38. Kathryn, anyone who thinks the planet isn't overpopulated is betraying her own lack of intellect. Stop watching Fox ... starting reading on the topic. I've read seven books on climate change (pro and con). Have you read one?

    I don't give a good goddamn what they do on their stupid TV show (networks and sponsors will curtail their invective), I care what they do with their votes and their mouths to the rest of humanity. They're a bunch of Christian cretins who are with the same groups that have dragged our country into the dark ages and made us the laughing stock of the educated world. Papa Duggar actually thought Jesus spoke English in one interview. They are sub-mental. Familial stupidity is its own form of child abuse.

  39. Melody -

    Please scroll above. Did I ever state that I didn't think the world is overpopulated?

    Thank you for insulting my intelligence by your comment! The world is overpopulated. And you seriously think that the world's overpopulation can be directly fingered at the Duggars? Or families like them? They are making similar choices that your grandparents, great grandparents etc. Hell, if you really want to talk about overpopulation, perhaps you should look at China? (see I do read on the topic...BTW, I hate Fox - LOL!) China is the most populated country in the world! But that's clearly getting off the subject.

    What I do find very humorous is your claim that "Papa Duggar actually thought Jesus spoke English in one interview" and also the comment "I don't give a good goddamn what they do on their stupid TV show"....I am noticing a trend, your opinion is strictly from what you have read in the tabloids and not from actual knowledge of the family through several media outlets. I would think that someone with the intelligence to read seven books regarding the climate might be able to obtain their information from a better informational outlet.

    I'm done with this and just simply proving how ignorant some people in society can be.

    Have a great weekend!!!

  40. man, this went sour with the quickness.


  41. Kathryn - this is a blog where we express our opinions, and I am one of those that think that having multiple MULTIPLE children is irresponsible.
    I will not ask someone to "slap me in the back of the head" because you are personally okay with this lifestyle.
    I'm glad the children are being raised well, but we must respect each other's opinions (to a fair degree) without calling each other names.

  42. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I had no idea that such a sad story about a preemie would inflame the culture wars. Here are my views. If you agree with me, fine. If you don't, that's also fine. This board is famous for having wonderfully respectful posters...and I hope this continues.

    1) I hope the baby survives and lives a full, healthy life.

    2) The chances of the baby surviving without lots of future medical problems are small.

    3) 19 children is too many, no matter your religious or political beliefs, IN MY OPINION. I've seen 1-2 episodes of the show and the older children are somewhat resentful of having to care for the younger ones. If you're 13 and responsible for 2 babies, you'd probably have issues, too. Even if the children are well cared for, that doesn't mean that all of their emotional needs are met. How much time can you really spend, as a parent, with 19 kids?

    4) Lots of babies/children are in foster homes and orphanages. I believe they'd love to join such a loving family. if the Duggars want more, they might consider this option.

  43. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I am a liberal from New York, an atheist, and adopted one of my two children, so on paper, I should really loathe the Duggars, but I am a huge fan of the show. They seem like a really nice family, and I tune in every week, because it is always helpful to see how the other half lives. I even read their book and found it pretty interesting.... I kind of have a crush on Jim Bob, too, possibly because he is very hard working, can fix things up around the house, and is probably good in bed, with all that practice. I mean, I would much "rather" with Jim Bob than Jon Gosselin. OMG -- I can't believe I just admitted that.

  44. Wow, you guys are really nice about them! I think it's ridiculous and irresponsible to bring so many children into this world. There is no way you're going to have time to know each of them as a person. How the hell are they supposed to raise a preemie daughter properly when they have 18 other children to take care of? Premature babies sometimes face health problems that last until adulthood. And what about the other children? I'm sure they're loved, but that doesn't mean their parents are being responsible. Disgusting....

  45. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Does anyone know what the parents have to say about the time comes when one of their kids does not want to leave and move to a big city?

    I also hope that they are aware that at least one of these kids could be gay. What will become of this?

    I am so ready to read or watch about these kids say 5-10 years from now.

  46. Kathryn, I think you've defined yourself with your own words. With that, I will say what I say to all fundies, thank you and the dinosaur you rode in on.

  47. I just wanted to say I read all your comments and I think it is really sweet that everyone- regardless on which side of the fence your on- has concern and nothing but warm wishes for the baby girl.
    Anything else mentioned is up for grabs, as these people are on television which unfortunatly means they influence people and so rather than have the view that they are just a simple loving family that wants to have kids and we should just accept their personal choice its a bit more complicated than that.
    As a family they are puting a face on what it means to be from the ultraconservative Quiverfull movement. And this movement, which some have mentioned is really nothing but ways to populate more people that think like them and can help vote and take away others rights, such as of course gay marriage and roe v. wade.
    I have slightly gone off on a tangent, lol, but to me to simply wave your hand and glibly say that this doesnt affect us you are wrong, it does. This movement is tryng to suppress us normal people who just want everyone to have rights and who dont think the earth was created 5ooo yrs ago, lol again.
    I am TEAM MELODY, in conclusion.
    And i will leave the Duggars alone when they get off t.v.
    Btw, who do you think pays for some of their stuff, they are on a t.v. show afterall, yeah they may be good with money but I am sure the millions rolling in from tlc doesnt hurt.

  48. Anonymous11:13 PM

    The phrase "loose as a wizard's sleeve" gets thrown around a lot these days...

  49. Hahahaha!@ Sporky and Anon 11:13. That's all I ever think when I see these people. Like give it a rest, no? That thing must be beat.

  50. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I can't focus on anything else but wishing this family the best with their new little one. I had a preemie at 25 weeks 2 days, and 1 lb. 14 oz. When she came into this world, everyone said it would be a roller coaster. That it was. The surgeries were many, and the hospital stay was 4 months and 4 days. Some of the scariest moments of our lives were having her "code" while we were holding her. (She is now a thriving 4-year-old with no health problems other than reactive airway disease.)The risks of complications for the Duggars's little one are many. There is a high risk of brain bleeds and a host of problems, including CP and epilepsy. Babies born this early are bright red; their skin is so fragile you can't touch them. This little one will probably lose a few more ounces in the coming days/weeks. Her eyes may still be fused shut. The vascularization of the eyes is incomplete, and she may require surgery to prevent retinal detachments/blindness. A major artery above the heart often doesn't close on its own leading to a murmur requiring a terrible surgery to close it. Feeding/swallowing problems are common, and the intestinal tract may simply stop working. Respiratory problems are almost certain. There is more, so much more that can go wrong...

    True, this family has some unusual beliefs that are hard for an outsider to comprehend. But here they are, with a little one who needs prayers and hope and whatever kindness we outsiders can muster (whatever our beliefs), but most of all good medical care like we had with our daughter. I am praying for them.

  51. I am 24 and have lived ten minutes away from the Duggars my entire life. They are good people who are actively involved in their community and REALLY DO CARE FOR OTHERS. I have no doubt in my mind that if i needed help from them they would be there in an instant. They are good people who are not judgmental of other people choices and from what I have seen of them, if one of their children wanted to move off to New York they would be concerned as any parent from Arkansas would, but they would be supportive and help prepare them in any way they could. Please dont think that I am a conservative christian from arkansas. nothing could be farther from the truth. I just know these people have good hearts and am happy to have them as member s of my community. Now back when Jim Bob was running for Senate, I was totally opposed to that, but that is for totally different reasons. Bottom line, I have seen their positive parenting my entire life and also think that this premature baby will be the sign they were waiting for and they will never have a child again.

  52. "I had no idea that such a sad story about a preemie would inflame the culture wars. Here are my views. If you agree with me, fine. If you don't, that's also fine. This board is famous for having wonderfully respectful posters...and I hope this continues."

    Kimberly, well said.

  53. These people are crazy! That is one tired uterus. As a labor and delivery nurse I would cringe if I were her labor nurse. After just having 2 babies I have seen women with uterine windows - yes, where you can see the baby through the uterus like looking through a window. Had they tried labor or had another future pregnancy they were at great risk for uterine rupture which means mom AND baby both die. The Duggars need to thank God for what they have and just move on to the business of raising the kids they do have. And maybe get a little counseling for "hoarding" kids more than Brad and Angelina!
