Friday, December 18, 2009

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

New Model Army - London (love, love, love them)
Is it just me or does the age disparity between Bruce Willis and his wife seem much greater in this picture.
I believe those might be Lindsay Lohan leggings that Eva Mendes is wearing.
If you are on Ed Westwick's Christmas list you might want to scroll down or close your eyes.
It must suck to have paps standing outside your house all the time.
The one and only Isabella Rossellini.
I can't believe James Cameron is just now getting a star. You would figure with his list of movies he has directed he would have the whole hand print and footprint thing and not just a long overdue star.
Jamie Junger shows a new way to find guys.
Jordin Sparks seems like she has been around forever. I can't believe she is still a teenager.
Shag carpeting for the nursery? Rebecca Gayheart does some shopping
Rocco wearing velvet? Love it. (Thanks Kris)
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Some black and white photos from the New York premiere of Sherlock Holmes.

Jude Law
Robert Downey Jr.
Rachel McAdams
This is the first time in a long time I have seen a photo of Shakira with her boyfriend.
Thomas Jane seems to be missing his shoes.
Perhaps Busy Phillips or Courteney Cox Arquette has them.
Tara Reid's Playboy issue comes out this week.


whole lotto luv said...

Bruce Willis' wife is doing the gotta-pee stand, but her legs make the V she's blocking in the visa logo.

Good looking readers.

Thomas Jane, that is just gross.

Kat said...

I keep waiting for Busy Phillips to become more well-known than she is. Not that I was a big Dawson's Creek fan, but I always felt she was the most interesting of all the females on that show (when I guiltily watched it, that is).

That said, I thought it was weird when she went to the Oscars with Michelle and Heath.

lutefisk said...

Aloha readers!! I <3 your photos, especially my friend in #2--you look so relaxed & rested at your tropical retreat.

Shmooey said...

Looking at Bruce Willis and his new wife, I can't help but wonder what the two talk about when they're alone.

I mean, they just don't look like they have anything in common, and it's a general vibe not just about the age difference.

With Demi, they were both two rough, self-centered knuckleheads, and one could see how they'd understand each other easily.

Shmooey said...

Waaaait... Tara Reid is appearing naked in public?
I've always heard that her surgically modified body was unsightly!

sunnyside1213 said...

Tara Reid in Playboy. Now that is a new low.

califblondy said...

Shmooey, I thought she was showing off the repair job?

She almost looks good in the red dress.

Bruce's new wife is too young and too similar to the ex, IMO.

chihuahuense said...

a new low for Playboy?

reader #1 has beautiful curls
and reader #2 and S.O. look like a couple I could play cards with--fun and chill

Every time I see Isabella Rossellini I think of that stupid movie and "whale penis"

hate that skanky dress on Demi 2.0

Mango said...

Hey, I'm a NMA fan, too!

Age disparity and height disparity for Willis and wife. I think he was still married to Demi when shooting a movie near where I live and he hit all the local titty bars. UGH. From what I understand the local talent at those places is not pleasant.

Is that Posh or Halle Berry in the torn jeans? I can't telll.

Shag carpeting? Now there's a blast from the past.

Wow, Rocco Ritchie is quite the combo of Madonna and Guy, isn't he?

Those B&W Sherlock Holmes photos look very old Hollywood but Jude Law is starting to look kind of stringy and bird-like. Not a sexy look.

Ewww at Thomas Jane's bare feet; reminds me of when Britney went into a gas station bathroom in bare feet a few years ago. *ack*
Can someone call a stylist for Patricia Arquette? Stat!! Somewhere a picnic table is missing its table cloth. :(

I wonder how heavily airbrushed Tara Reid's nekkid photos are?

mooshki said...

Here's the Tara Reid cover pic. It's a Photochop miracle.

Unknown said...

homeless dad! "i just want my kids back."

nancer said...

i may be alone on this, but i think bruce looks great. in fact, i think he's much hotter since he's gotten older. his wife is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Shmooey, what is that avatar? A Hedgehog? I LOVE IT!!!! How cute!

RocketQueen said...

I'm starting to lose my love for Rachel McAdams - she never smiles anymore :(

I'm still hot for Ed Westwick. I don't care what anyone says.

Eva Mendes comment, Enty...what are you trying to say? She's totally off the wagon, isn't she?

Anonymous said...

Jude Law looks one step away from a serial killer.

Cecilia00 said...

Umm, no Four For Friday above this post?

My screen doesn't show it. Is it just me?

mooshki said...

It's not you, Cecilia, it's not there. Maybe Enty started the drinking even earlier than usual today. ;)

AJ said...

Did Enty forget to hit 'publish' on our Four for Friday or is he not doing one this week??

lanasyogamama said...

Tara Reid's Playboy shot makes her look like she's wearing full body pantyhose.ll

Anonymous said...

Enty. Put the bottle down and hit the publish button!

mygeorgie said...

I'm worried for Isabella. Why does she insist on down playing the gorgeousness? The manly look is not helping my girl crushing :(

warmislandsun said...

I loved Isabella Rossellini in the Red Riding Hood she did. She was hilarious on 30 Rock.

I also remember how mad I was when that cosmetic company dropped her for being too old. She was so beautiful then. With all the tweeners and one hit wonders that they put in cosmetic ads today, the art of photoshopping has gone to a new level. She did beautiful ads before things got so technically perfect.

Can anyone tell I am a fan? haha

Julie said...

wait, didn't thomas jane and patricia arquette break up? was that even him? lol

Kingrey said...

no, jane and arquette reconciled. I believe the divorce has been withdrawn.

No Blind Item or Four for Friday today?

Emily said...

Shocked I'm writing this, but Tara Reid looks phenomenal in that last picture. And I WANT WANT WANT that red dress!

Shoeaddict said...

I know she's a bad, bad girl but I think Rebecca Gayheart is so pretty.

Town Bike said...

Something has obviously happened. Some sort of emergency. Long, long time reader chipping in (since day one).

AJ said...

@TownBike bad weather maybe? Early travel to avoid it perhaps?

Unknown said...

Rebecca... Shag? For a nursery? White, no less? Yeah, that'll be fun to shampoo and clean, eh?

sunnyside1213 said...

Enty, hope you are ok?

bds1981 said...

I may be wrong but IMO enty is hinting that Jane and Courtney or Busy are having an affair. I remember reading a b.i. a while ago that just clicked when I read his captions for the pictures. Oh well, love the pictures.

Miss X said...

Enty, I hope everything is ok!

Maja With a J said...

Sometimes I forget that enty has a job besides entertaining us all day. Perhaps we will get "four for Monday" instead...*L*

RJ said...

Rachael McAdams is getting too skinny. She's getting that baby bird look.

Jordan Sparks needs to take Kelly Clarkson shopping. She (or her stylist) knows how to dress a normal sized young woman. She always looks great, and age appropriate.

I think Isabella R. is beautiful, just like her mother, but this is not her best look. Still, we're all entitled to an off day.

Tenley said...

Is Enty okay???? This ends at Random Photos Part I -- if he specifies it's the first part, there's a second part. And of course there isn't the Four For Friday.

Tenley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ballyhoo. said...

@tenley - i just checked back because i thought the same thing last night. must be an emergency or something. i hope everything's okay!

MCH said...

I thought Bruce's wife WAS Demi for a minute. Had to do a double take.

Unknown said...

i dont really comment alot but i just wanted to say that i hope everything is okay enty! this sites like the best part of my day most days.

Paisley said...

Enty skipped our Four for Friday because we were naughty not nice. :-(

Kelsey said...

is it just me or do eva mendes' hands look ghastly? sheesh.

chihuahuense said...

Re: Part one photos

Actually look back. All of the random photos say part one with reader photo and there hasn't been a long while.

That is not to say Enty is okay though.

Yes, he checked his list twice and we were on the naughty side.

ellapetal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katespades said...

just here to see wtf enty has to say about brittany murphy!!! WTF?!

Juria said...

Wasn't there a post about Brittany Murphy in the last week or so? Wow.

Genesis said...

Yeah something about her husband not being alive on an airplane

Janelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beca said...

ohmigosh, LOVE you for making NMA photo #1--they are my verey favorite band!

bionic bunny! said...

aloha, lutefisk!

lutefisk said...

aloha Mr. & Mrs. Bunny!

sunnyside1213 said...

@ lutafisk and bionic bunny, I laughed so loud when you refered to Mr. Bun that people came to see what was so funny.


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