Thursday, December 31, 2009

Top 25 Songs Of 2009 - Four Minute Mashup

An incredible video splicing together the top 25 songs from Billboard.


mooshki said...

Where are J.Lo's Louboutins? Oh that's right, that was the worst song of 2009.

captivagrl said...

really good

Pookie said...

i love this! i've gotten it in my inbox about a gazillion times w/in the past few days and i can't get enough of it. this guy did a great mixing/editing job. go him.

ThoughtElf said...

Boi haz mixin' skillz

Took some marginal pop and made it interesting.

Majik said...

I seriously love shit like this.

DJEarworm, for anyone who's interested in the name behind the talent.

whole lotto luv said...

It's a little scary to think that all of these songs could have been mixed together like this -- are they that similar, or did this guy just do that good a job? I don't listen to music as much as I used to when I was young.

"I Gotta Feeling" has been all over the damn place this year. Damn the BEP! I hear it and it sticks in my head all day. After the first time I heard it, I had to have it on my ipod. Fill up my cup, mazeltov. Now I have to go listen to it again.

annie cat said...

these have been on repeat since he posted on FB!

2009 download here:

2008 download here:

annie cat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lian said...

Awesome. I think you need to have an ear for this stuff to be able to mash them like that. He definitely got better with each year (been watching the 2007 and 2008 ones).

I love that he has the mp3s available for download too :)

Anonymous said...

very cool indeed and better than 2008 IMO

WednesdayFriday said...

Whole Lotto- That song always reminds me of my wedding, so I love hearing it too. My DJ played it, and for some reason it really just stuck with me. At least I have a pretty good song to listed to and remember that day with.

Jillian S. said...

I'm shocked that Empire State of Mind wasn't in the top 25. I don't think I've gone 1 day without hearing it at least twice.

LottaColada said...

This guy has an amazing ear for mixing! Really good mix

Cindy said...

I can't help it, I don't get that Jay-z crap Empire state of mind. It just annoys the crapola outta me.

Sarah said...

That was very cool! Happy New Year everyone. :)

Anonymous said...

i don't really listen to "pop" music and i didn't really know who a lot of those people were, but that was really amazing.... how do you even begin to put something like that together? that's pretty incredible.


MCH said...

LOL @ Whole Lotta Luv
My sister thought the lyrics were "Fill up my cup with Mazeltov."

I don't think I had seen any of those videos except Single Ladies and the Taylor Swift ones. Do videos still appear on MTV? :)

This was a really cool mix....

Ghost of Songs Past said...

Very cool


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