Friday, January 08, 2010

Your Turn

A reader sent over a really good idea for Your Turn last night. With all of the Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien drama going on, it would be interesting to see who you would pick to be your late night host. But, I am also going to add in another question about your overall favorite late night host.

#1 - Conan or Jay

#2 Best late night host.

A - Jay Leno
B - Conan O'Brien
C - David Letterman
D - Craig Ferguson
E - Jimmy Kimmel
F - George Lopez
G - Carson Daly
H - Nightline
I - Hell, Enty I don't watch television I listen to Coast to Coast all night.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#1: Conan
#2: Letterman

kitty litter said...

david letterman

but craig is hilarious when i do catch him.

RocketQueen said...

#1 Conan
#2 Tie between Ferguson/Kimmel

mygeorgie said...


(Late night Conan though, not the hands tied, subdued Conan)

Babs said...

I get up at 6:00 a.m. so don't watch TV that late. If somebody could bring Johnny Carson back, though, I'd stay up for sure.

holyrollernova said...


and i second what mygeorgie said.

Sinjin said...


But lurves FERGUSON!

oldhippieinsideasoccermom said...

Team Craig all the way - can't watch Leno or Conan....

Anonymous said...

#1. Neither. Run old movies.

#2. Craig Ferguson

Anonymous said...

Jay over Conan.

FERGUSON! over all!

nancer said...

1. conan, hands down.

2. letterman

kitty litter said...

ooops...conan over jay too

annie cat said...

#1: Conan
#2: Letterman

Cheryl said...

I was raised on Carson. My grandmother was a night owl and I had no bedtime.

Letterman back in the day was awesome. I'm talking about his old show when Merrill Markoe and Chris Elliot were writing.

Anonymous said...

1- Conan
2- Conan when he was hosting Late Night

telesma said...

#1 - Between Conan and Jay, I pick Conan.
#2 - Overall, Ferguson. Hands down. IMO, it's not even a contest. He's just that much better than the rest of them.

Maja With a J said...

Letterman all the way.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea Handler, please.

Karmen said...

#1 Conan
#2 J for Jon Stewart (if that counts, but I doubt it does)

Anonymous said...

of the two.. conan. leno bores me.

for ever and ever? craig ferguson FTW!!!

lmnop123 said...

#1 Jay

#2 Letterman (if I'm in the mood for late night chitter chatting)

Pookie said...

i have a soft spot for jay, so him.

kris said...

I like Conan but I LOVE Craig.

.robert said...

Conan and Craig

Anonymous said...

Rove Live!!!!
I guess Craig Ferguson... I really don't care for the rest. Whenever I see Leno or O'Brien I think of plastics rubbery toys. Gumby!

Masula said...

1. neither conan or leno

2. Craig Ferguson(wavy)

Anonymous said...

#1 Conan
#2 Letterman

mooshki said...

1. Can't pick, sorry. I like different things about both of them. I vote for the half hour Jay show followed by Conan.

2. Ferguson all the way, baby!

Unknown said...

#1 Conan
#2 Kimmel

Unknown said...

#1 Conan
#2 Craig

Melody the First said...

Conan, no question.

Ferguson and Letterman really but I want to sound intellectual so I'll say Nightline (haven't watched it but once in ten years, though). :)

MCH said...

Good one Enty because I am FIRED UP about this topic.

Jay Leno seems like a nice guy but he is not funny IMHO.

#2 Conan O'Brien, once again

I cannot stand Letterman. Think he is an a-hole.
Really like Fallon and Ferguson alot and DVR them both.
Jimmy Kimmel is ok.
Haven't watched George Lopez but he isn't my favorite comedian so I figure I won't like his show.

If Conan ends up getting fired then he should move to FOX or maybe ABC if there is a timeslot. Maybe Fox viewers would appreciate Conan more? Obviously all the old people that watch Leno aren't getting Conan's humor. Sorry old people. You can't please everyone! ;)

Anonymous said...

#1 Conan
#2 Craig Ferguson

laura said...

1) Conan
2) Craig Ferguson

Anonymous said...

Chelsea Handler ftw!

hollase said...

Jay over Conan.
If I'm not watching something else, I'll either watch Kimmel, Ferguson or Fallon.

Coast to Coast!! Ha!! When I was young (like 6 or 7)I would wake up after a bad dream and turn my radio on to calm down only to hear Art Bell on. Then I could never get back to sleep! When a teenager, we would listen when camping and treat it like a massive ghost story. The memories...

Sadie said...

Letterman - always on top
Ferguson is hilarious but on too late
Lopez is funny too when he doesn't stay on the same subject for his whole monologue

Anonymous said...

Conan ... Leno (as well as Letterman) both peaked a while ago and are no longer funny.

Craig Ferguson based on the list otherwise Jon Stewart.

Anonymous said...

#1 - Neither. Can't stand Conan or Leno. So irritating.

#2 - Ferguson! My most favorite former Scot of all time!

Anonymous said...

#1 Conan
#2 Craig

Whatever last place is: Letterman

Tammy said...

#1 - Leno (Conan's pointy face scares me)

#2 - Ferguson. Hands down.

Anonymous said...

#1 Sorry, but both of them lost me like Letterman did.
#2 Craig Ferguson is so great!!!
#3 I'm liking Handler and Lopez a lot too so maybe the can clean out the old and bring up the new?

Unknown said...

Is J - Jon Stewart an option? How about K - Stephen Colbert? These guys are way funnier than anyone on that list.

Bella said...

Neither. They should show re-runs from the 70's and 80's.

looserdude said...

I'm in bed before 10. Hey, I'm old.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea Lately!! AKA chelsea handler

Unknown said...

1)- No choice at all, both are bland, idiotic and lame.

2) Letterman followed by Fergusson-
No contest.

Ms Cool said...

I don't catch a lot of late night.

#1 Conan
#2 Ferguson

Seachica said...

#1 - Jay all the way. Conan excited me for awhile, but he gets boring with time.

#2 - Graham Norton. He's hysterically funny, and is a really fun interviewer who gets all sorts of interesting stories out of his guests. From your list, Craig Ferguson, but I don't get to watch him alot (I'm usually asleep by then).

Peg said...

1) Conan

2) Letterman/Ferguson

Linnea said...

Marisa I am soooo with you
1: Conan
2. None - except for Colbert/Stewart who ROCK

Anonymous said...

#1 I gotta go with Conan, they're screwing around with him, and he doesn't deserve that.

#2 Craig Ferguson...honestly, I don't watch anyone else but Craig.

Anonymous said...

1. Conan
2. Craig Ferguson, then Letterman

Merlin D. Bear said...

1. Conan

2. Hands down, Johnny Carson.
(Yeah, I know he's not on the list and died some years back, however none of the current hosts can begin to hold a candle to Johnny. Besides, the question was "Best late night host, not "best living/current late night host")

chihuahuense said...



JustJenn said...

#1 - Leno - used to be Conan but once Andy Richter left it just wasn't as funny. I think they're funny together not separately.

#2 - Leno - I HATE Letterman. Craig is funny but there's just something that I find really, really likeable about Leno. I could totally see myself hanging out with him. And I'm 30.

Anonymous said...


Casey said...

Craig Ferguson -he's by far the best interviewer of them all.

ms snarky said...

# 1 - Letterman (except when he's pandering to Paris H)

# 2 - Craig Ferguson, not for the interviews, but for the fun.

# 3 (tie) Conan & Jimmy Kimmel.

and hey, why did you leave Wanda Sykes off the list??

I despise Jay Leno and would never watch him. Not funny, not a good interviewer,

Kelli said...

1)Aw Conan is so funny in a goofy way, so I'd have to say Conan over Jay.

2)If I had to pick from the list given I'd say.....Ferguson.

How come Fallon's not on the list?

ms snarky said...

# 1 - Conan, Conan, Conan. Jay Leno is the worst host ever. Plus he has a rep for stealing other comedians' jokes, which makes me really not like him.

yourfaceisamess said...


Letterman & Coast to Coast

fordellcastle said...

#1: Conan-I never watched the Tonight Show after Johnny Carson, and occasionally when he still hosted. Jay Leno-ugh. Bland and boring. #2: Tie between David Letterman and Nightline.

kelly said...

Conan by far

Craig Ferguson - He makes me laugh every time I watch him.

Anonymous said...

1. Conan
2. Craig Ferguson -- the best.

Anonymous said...

I like the guy who does "The Soup!" I pick him over all of the others!

fireflies said...

#1 Conan. Can't stand Jay.
#2 Craig Ferguson. He's my hero.

Anonymous said...

I quit watching late-nite TV when Carson retired.

Oh, wow... am I dated or what? :)

Anonymous said...

I love me some George and C2C am!

angelina said...

1. Late Night with Conan O' Brien
2. Tie between Conan and Craig

Sometimes Craig Ferguson will just sit behind his desk making funny sounds and leaning back in his chair, like he's thinking of what to do next, I still love him and his puppets though

frausimon said...

#1 Dislike both of them strongly...

#2 Craig Ferguson. He's hilariously funny (especially the puppet songs), smart, a great interviewer, not full of himself and nice to look at!

nunaurbiz said...

#1 Conan

#2 Letterman, but let's put Garry Shandling back on. Remember how good he was filling in for Johnny???

Anonymous said...

1 Conan

2. Ferguson/Handler

Anonymous said...

1. Conan

Unknown said...

Craig & Conan

Anonymous said...

#2. Ferguson! He's just hilarious!

littleoleme said...



Anonymous said...

CONAN over Jay

Letterman = Best

Which is the VERY PROBLEM. The SAME folks who love Conan still pick Letterman OVER Conan. The folks who DON'T like Letterman, like Leno. They have to *counterprogram* against Letterman. Not fight for the same audience.

Cindy said...

1 - Can't watch either -- blech
2 - Ferguson for sure. He is the reason I am bleary eyed every morning

shakey said...

I'm like Mooshki - they both have their strong points. I wonder if this sudden change will hurt Leno, though. Have to say, I'm watching both less.

2. Currently it's Jimmy Fallon. I watch him more than Leno/Conan. He's very unpolished, sweet, and funny.

Lucky777 said...

Conan would be my first, quick answer...but I have to be honest and say I've watched George Lopez a few times recently, and he does a really good show. I actually laugh at some of his jokes (as opposed to all the other host's jokes)!

Sarah said...


Craig for the win.

Anyone else surprised by how many people pick Craig Ferguson over everyone? He's very popular.

Anonymous said...

1) I don't watch Leno or Conan so I can't choose bewteen the two.

2) Craig Ferguson is the funniest person on TV. No question.

Reganette said...

CONAN. Conan. I also like Jimmy Fallon. I might be in the minority.

Mindy said...

#1 - Neither - they both suck.. but I don't hate Conan

#2 - Craig Ferguson... THE funniest man in Late Night TV!

Anonymous said...


HudsonJoe said...
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joey bagadonuts said...

1. Leno
2. Leno

I think he's great at what he does.

HudsonJoe said...

Tonight Show Host Leno but he fading and now either needs a completely new writing staff or to move on. Conan has just never done it.

Best late night host: Nightline with Kopel and that the current crew and format it bad.

Best real hosts / entertainers and I show my age here.

Jack Parr
Steve Allen
Dick Cavit
Craig Ferguson
Carson (his first 10 years by the late 70's or early 80's he was clearly phoning it it)

With two exceptional shows I have no use for Letterman.

His show when he returned from emergency heart surgery the monologue was touching.

His first show after Sept. 11 2001. I live within sight of the WTC and he just said all the right things.

lionsden said...

I love Conan but the only late-night show I listen to regularly is Coast to Coast. Love it.

lionsden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
slider1964 said...

1.cant stand either one!

2.David Letterman

Interplanet Janet said...

1. Neither - I don't watch either of them. Jon Stewart, on the other hand...

2. I!!! I am a card carrying follower of George Noory and Coast to Coast!! Glad to see others like me here!

jax said...


jax said...

but Graham Norton is for sure the QUEEN on late night hands down...your pants.

Kisha said...


Tie between Letterman and Ferguson

JoElla said...

#1 Leno!
H/D Nightline/Ferguson

Ells said...

1. Leno
2. I'm evenly split between Leno & Letterman, but I do love Ferguson.

TV said...


letterman if i can't have johnny.

Robyn said...

When your choices are old guy, funky chin, albino, frat boy, or that crazy scottish man, ALWAYS go for the Scot tbh..


Anonymous said...

I haven't watched late night TV in years but I was a huge Letterman fan back in the day. Most people would be shocked to know that Leno basically got his start, made his name as a guest on Letterman's NBC show. I love having to explain to younger people that Leno and Letterman were both really funny once upon a time.

Anonymous said...

why isn't jimmy fallon on here? the roots are rad.

sunnyside1213 said...

Well, I am late to this party.


I am team Chelsea too.

Majik said...

Um, I'm a Coast to Coast gal.

But I Utube Ferguson, so I guess that means I'm paranoid with a wicked sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

conan. i think he's hilarioius.

if i could get coast to coast i'd be very happy...that show gave me the heebie jeebies on more than one occasion! i love it!

Anonymous said...

CONAN!!!! Always Conan!

Anonymous said...

Here is my complete order of preference:

1. Ferguson
2. Conan
3. Letterman
4. Leno
5. Kimmel
6. Lopez (he could move further up on the list if his show lasts more then one season. I like the format and I find George funny and very likeable)
7. Nightline
8. Coast to Coast ( haven't listened in more than a decade)
9. Carson Daly

Tara said...

#1 Conan, forever and ever
#2 Craig Ferguson, he is the only one that makes me actually laugh out loud

And because I can't help but comment on the situation, Jay Leno needs to STEP OFF.

Unknown said...

#1 Conan
#2 I love David Letterman but Craig Ferguson is so awesomely hot and funny, the only thing I don't like about Ferguson is the overuse of the puppets. If he promises to keep the puppets in a box, then Ferguson can be my late night host.

Jenny S said...


PotPourri said...



How the HELL can you include Tiger Woods BFF Carson Daly the cokehead?

Unknown said...

Oh, and I would run away with Stephen Colbert in a heartbeat, so he would qualify as my favorite pretend boyfriend ever.

Anonymous said...

1 - Conan
2 - Ferguson (no question!)

Anonymous said...


None of the above. Good late night hosting ended with Johnny Carson's retirement.

Anonymous said...

#1: Conan
#2: Robert Osborne (Turner Classic Movies)

ardleighstreet said...

Although I don't often get to watch them. ( I have to be up at the a**crack of dawn.) I prefer Leno to Conan but would rather watch Craig Ferguson.

Anonymous said...

1# Conan
2# Letterman

Lyra said...

Craig Ferguson

B626 said...

My perfecy late nite:
Best of Johnny Carson reruns
For the over 40 crowd!

Next up, Conan

Bringing up the rear,
Craig Ferguson

Kingrey said...

1- Definitely Conan

2- D.) Craig Ferguson

I enjoy how Ferguson tears up the interview card and just asks the guest random questions. It's like a conversation you have at a cocktail party- very natural. His interview with Audrey Tatou was especially hilarious. She was promoting the bio film about Coco Chanel. And when he gets the puppets and some on the staff to do those dances- it is Must-See TV. Watch his lip-sync of Britney's Oops I Did It Again. lmao

Kingrey said...

Now, if Conan is forced out, i.e. fired because he doesn't want to start at 12, he should jump ship to Fox or ABC. Staying on a network gets you a larger audience guaranteed(with few exceptions), but being on cable gives you more creative freedom I think. I read a user comment, at Radaronline I believe, that expressed my exact sentiment. Mr. Zucker has not done well at NBC. I can't name a show that has emerged under his helm that is a ratings sucess. The Leno Show is not good, and ideal programming at the 10 o'clock hour had to be moved or canceled. The Tonight Show with Conan has dipped in the ratings because he has a terrible lead-in. Leno had ER, Law & Order, among others, which strengthened his ratings. Conan is getting the short end on this.

sassyfrassy said...

1. Conan
2. Craig Ferguson
---- Preferably with Betty White.

Anonymous said...

#1: Conan forever! Leno blows.

#2: Conan, Jon Stewart and Colbert are tied for best.

mooshki said...

Changing my vote after reading what you guys said. :)

#1 Joel McHale
#2 Johnny Carson reruns
#3 Jon Stewart
#4 Ferguson

mooshki said...

Changing my vote after reading what you guys said. :)

#1 Joel McHale
#2 Johnny Carson reruns
#3 Jon Stewart
#4 Ferguson

Wil said...

1. Neither .. but if I am forced to pick Conan.

2. Johnny Carson .. not that he was listed. If it must current .. I did watch alt of David Letterman back in college .. so I guess him.

Jungle007 said...

CoCo!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 I LOVE my Conan and have been watching him since I was 14!!!
Leno is okay... but it's not so much HIM that I'm laughing at. For instance, the "jay-walking" segment is hilarious, but only because of the dumb-ass people he talks to.

CONAN for both!!

PollyPureBred said...

1. Conan
2. Conan - But I'd go for Stewart in a hot second

Christina said...

#1 Conan

#2 Conan

Jay Leno has always underwhelmed me. NBC has given numerous opportunities to him that other people just don't get. Remember how shocked everyone was that Leno was chosen over Letterman to replace Carson? He must have pictures of NBC executives doing bad things with farm animals. His career success seems remarkably undeserved even in a town known for rampant favoritism.

MCH said...

Kingrey - I think you are right on the FOX thing. I'm very eager to see what transpires in the next few weeks!!

Peggy said...

#1 jay
#2 Craig. Love him to death.

Mags said...

1. Team Conan
2. JIMMY FALLON! Where's the Fallon love, Enty?

warmislandsun said...

1. Conan

2. (D) Ferguson

Jasmine said...

#2 Team Jon Stewart (you really should have added him in enty, he IS late night as well, as far as comedy central goes anyway.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

1. Conan.
2. Letterman. I love Dave.

Jerry said...

I'm still pissed at Conan for moving to LA and taking the band with him. As a result, two of the band members, Mark Pender and La Bamba, can no longer play with my favorite band, Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes, which is based on the East Coast.

Curse you, Conan O'Brien.

shakey said...

I meant to mention one of my faves of all time - Tom Snyder. Loved that guy.

Miss X said...

1. Conan So not happy that he's getting the short end of the stick in this deal.

2. Where's Fallon? Love him. And Ferguson.

Honestly, if I'm up that late I prefer to watch reruns of The Simpsons.

redronnie said...

I don't watch late night talk shows but what little I have seen throughout the years, I'd have to say..
#1 Letterman but if forced between Conan and Leno..Conan in a heartbeat he didn't ruin my Law & Order viewing.
#2 Craig Ferguson

Carrie L. said...

#1 - Conan
#2 - Joel McHale!

I have to say that I'll be ticked if NBC kicks Conan out of his well deserved place. Conan was never give a chance to shine with the Leno show earlier in the evening. It definitely "stole his thunder", and as a result he never got the press or guests Leno received instead. I'm usually a big supporter of NBC, but they've handled this one horribly.

Anonymous said...

#1. Conan
#2. Letterman

Least favorite is Leno. He is just not funny.

crichmond1000 said...

Ginge..he makes me laugh. Silly, smart, silly...HA HA HA HA

crichmond1000 said...

Ginge..he makes me laugh. Silly, smart, silly...HA HA HA HA

Geebz said...

arsenio hall
craig ferguson

Geebz said...

and...the sexy Joel McHale

Unknown said...

#2 - Jimmy Fallen for sure.
If you haven't seen it ENTY you are missing out

#1 - Conan although Leno suited The Tonight Show time slot better.

Judi said...

#1 - Leno.
#2 - Craig Ferguson.

gordon said...

1. Conan
2. Letterman, then Craig

caydian said...

#1 - Jay

#2 - Jimmy Fallon (why's he not listed?)

jaariel said...

Stephen Colbert
Jimmy Fallon
Craig Ferguson

Letterman way back in the NBC days


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