Monday, March 01, 2010

Jude Law Finally Meets His New Baby

In what sounds more like a financial conference than a father meeting his child, Jude Law was in Florida over the weekend where he finally met his five month old daughter for the first time. The reports I have read all focus on how Jude and his daughter's mother met with his lawyers and her lawyers and hammered out an agreement for the financial future of the child. What about news of their meeting? Was he happy? Why do the articles only focus on the money? I wonder if the mom is going to try and sell pictures of Jude meeting his daughter? Maybe that is why there is no news of the meeting. In any event, if you want to know the money, it sounds like Jude is going to have to pay $7,000 a month in child support plus school and medical bills.


  1. see if i had his kid I wouldnt ask for money, Id just ask that he be a good father to her. grubbin whores.

  2. mwahahahahahaha! I was in Wal-Mart a couple of months ago and saw her with the baby stroller. The only person in Wal-Mart pushing a luxury stroller, and the flaps were all down so no one could see the baby. Poor kid was riding around in the dark. She probably wouldn't have been so obvious if she hadn't tried to act so secretive.

  3. this asshat waited 5 months to meet that innocent baby girl? mofo.

  4. But he's so dreamy... I especially love his hairline. Wait - I can't decide if I like that or thy way he can cheat on whoever he is with better. I guess all but disowning his daughter trumps all.

  5. the lesson of this story is "use condom!"

  6. That is ridiculous. That is way more money than a child needs to be VERY well-cared for. That is enough for the mother and the child to live comfortably (it's tax free). Honestly, this kind of thing is why losers try to get pregnant - so they can be supported off their kid. It's disgusting. Utterly disgusting.

  7. pomme, I could agree more!!

  8. typo .... meant couldn't agree more!

  9. Anonymous1:44 PM

    It serves him right. Maybe next time Law will use protection LOL.

  10. Geez, when I got knocked up by a one-nighter I took responsibility and worked. My stoopid.

  11. If you wants to screw around and won't use protection there is anotyher way to solve that pesky baby isuue,Jude.

  12. Sorry. That lovely misspelled word should be another. I'm tired AND having PC issues.

  13. Most successful prossie whore out there so far! Only had to trick one night for the big pay off. This is kind of sickening and I'm sure it will effect how he feels about the kid.

  14. thats 1.5 million dollars until the child is 18, not counting school and medical bills.
    i hope he sets up a trust of a couple of million for the kid and let the mother take the funds out of that.
