Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sandra Bullock Can Keep A Secret - Or Can She?

Sandra Bullock sure is sneaky. Back in January she and her soon to be ex Adolf adopted a boy from New Orleans. Since the boy is African American, I'm pretty sure Adolf must have been crapping his pants thinking that all of his other Hitler loving friends would find out. Hence the secret. Anyway, Sandra gave an interview to Kneepads. This, by the way is why they wear the Kneepads. They live for stories like this. I will guess right now that this cover will be the best selling issue all year.

Inside the issue, Sandra says her baby's name is Louis and he is 3 1/2 months old. She also said she filed for divorce and that when she saw the picture of Jesse in the Nazi hat and doing the Nazi salute she had no idea about any of that and said that was not the man she knew or married.

Now that there is this crazy love fest for Sandra going on, let me play conspiracy theory guy or devil's advocate or what have you. What if I tell you that I don't 100% believe Sandra? I think it is really, really convenient that amidst all these Nazi allegations, Sandra shows up on the cover of People with an African American baby. I think it is very, very convenient that we have never seen this baby. Never. Until this cover story. There have been plenty of pictures of Sandra since the story broke and she has never been spotted with the baby. She says they counted on Jesse's 3 girls and their close friends and family to keep all of this secret. If the three girls did know, someone will ask them about it. Was the baby in Jesse and Sandra's house? Paps had that place staked out. There is no way that baby could have got out of the house without them knowing. Even with a nanny. I know Sandra is the golden child now, but allow me to be a bit of a skeptic. I would like to see some pictures of Sandra and Jesse and the baby. Let me know if there are some in the magazine.


Ms Cool said...

I choose to believe her.

Lyla Lou said...

I believe her too.

libby said...

They were working on the adoption for FOUR years. You left out that part of the story, and the fact that they made no stipulations about what race the child should be.

I am overjoyed for Sandy!

0 said...

I choose to believe her as well. She's not the one with something to gain here. I see no need to doubt her when she's not the person who chose to fuck up royally.

cdanluva said...

I like Sandra Bullock, but I don't understand how you can be married to someone for five years and have no idea they are a Nazi sympathizer and collector of Nazi memorabilia?!

jax said...

i believe Sandra.

i think the secret was waiting until the Oscars were over so it didn't look like a setup for votes. she also filed for divorce using her initials backwards- b-tch likes her privacy!

good for her. sometimes you can only see what someone lets you about themselves.

Alice D Millionaire said...

I think it takes time to adopt, even for celebs. She probably knew about the cheating right around Oscar time (before the scandal broke but not that long before). She has been meeting with lawyers and publicists and trying to figure out the best way to get out of her relationship with Jesse without his stench rubbing off on her too much. I can see where you are coming from Enty., but it seems like a stretch.

And there have been some photos of her since the scandal broke, but not many. I think when celebs want to stay undercover, they can.

The most unbelievable part of the story is that they were able to get kids to keep it a secret. Kids are the WORST about keeping secrets, especially exciting secrets.

jax said...

cdan- lots of women and men live and marry people they know nothing about until they are arrested,revealed or killed. it happens everyday,we shouldn't think this is any different because she's famous. you know how many woman find out about affairs after their husbands die? sometimes you just never know.

i highly doubt this is side he was loud 'n' proud with her.

slider1964 said...

I can't believe they had this baby before this whole saga began!! Unbelievable!! Bless her heart, the jackass not only decimate her winning an Oscar, he messed up her joy of having a new baby! JJ is truly despicable pond scum!

Leah said...

I too would like to believe that she is telling the truth. That is a beautiful baby!

Marna Palmer said...

Hold the phone, TMZ just got a hold of the divorce papers and this statement is in them:

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, "There is no child under eighteen years of age or otherwise entitled to support who was born or adopted of this marriage and none is expected."

Things that make you go hmmm....maybe Enty is onto something?

Penny Whacker said...

Congratulations to the new mom Sandy.

According to sources on the radio (so, don't take my word for it), Sandra and Ape-Nazi started the paperwork a few years back and she was going to announce it AFTER the Oscars, but of course, we all know what happened.

blondegossip said...

believe her overall & don't think she'd risk losing adopted child to keep secrets for JJ (even celebrities can have adoption obstacles, eg: Madonna) but getting JJ's three kids to keep the baby that has been living with them for 3 mos a secret, no way...that's what seems "off" about all of it

Ice Angel said...

As an adoptive mom to 3 children, one of them African American (I am white,) I can tell you that the adoption process is a lenghty one involving licensing, background checks, legal screening, etc... One cannot simply produce a 3 month old child out of a hat and say "tada" look at me...I have a baby! I believe her and am so happy for her and her beautiful little boy is just impossibly cute! I just want to take a bite out of him! Congrats to Sandy! You finally have a perfect person in your life worthy of your unconditional love.

121007 said...

SFG- is it possible that the adoption went through in her name only? With all of the custody issues he was having and his past before her maybe it was a joint decision but just her name on it - then it would mean it wouldnt be an issue in a divorce perhaps ?

Patty said...

I read somewhere the adoption isn't finalized yet. Maybe that's why the baby wasn't referenced in the divorce papers from TMZ??

Ice Angel said...

Sandra has decided to complete the adoption process as a single parent...hence the wording on the divorce paperwork. This baby will be her child alone and is not part of any custody issues involved in the divorce.

Steph said...

Believe Sandy!

She is not the type of person to lie about something like this. She has integrity and has proved it which is why so many stars like and respect her.

The TMZ divorce docs say no minor child because Sandy is adopting Louis on her own and cutting ties with the Nazi. She's doesn't want him involved in any way, and she doesn't need his money.

See ya Jesse!

Ice Angel said...

i.e. Angelina did the same thing when she adopted Maddox. She was married to Billy Bob Thornton at the time and he was supposed to be dad, but when they divorces, she completed the adoption as a single parent.

blog hopper said...

I dated a guy for 4 years and didn't know he'd been hitting on girls and emailing/texting inappropriately (and who knows what else) until toward the end when I started snooping.

Not as bad as dating a white supremacist, just saying things can be hidden, and love can blind you sadly.

I believe Sandra completely.

cdanluva said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steph said...

Hello Louis!

He's a chubby little cutie and it looks like he's already giving the paps the *side eye*. Like... "oh brother."

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I love that Ent is questioning this. I totally raised an eyebrow when I saw this on Dlisted. Who adopts a black child when they are a nazi racist?

Steph said...

Remember when Jesse said, "I want everyone that has been living at the house to be at the house again."

Now, we know what he meant.

Jenny said...

I believe her. Even a quickie adoption takes time, so her baby didn't suddenly and conveniently appear. The paps weren't there when she moved out of Jesse's house and back in to her house.

Three children can keep a secret if they are celebrity children. They are trained not to talk about personal business, so these three probably understood the necessity of not saying anything, even to their friends, until the adoption was announced.

Steph said...

Wow, Sue Ellen. You and Enty are really cynical.

If you both read the article you will find that this has been IN PROGRESS for over 4 years.

What's sad is that he really screwed up and now he's without a baby he's helped care for for two months!

libby said...

Sue Ellen, Enty is not telling all the details. See my comment above, or go to Kneepads and read it yourself. Please.

Lady J said...

I believe her, adopting in the US is a LOONG drawn out process, which is why some people choose to adopt from overseas. According to reports this has been a four year process and since finding out about his indiscretions she has decided to raise the baby as a single parent. He is not contesting in any way.
I also think it is possible to keep this a secret because the paps weren't hanging outside of their house nonstop until the scandal broke after the Oscars. And since she was told about the cheating and "Bombshell McGee's" interview before it hit the stands/media I think she had time to get the baby and some things together before the paps started hanging outside her house 24/7

Rachel Joiner said...

Jesse's statement, here:

"My whole life has been full of hard decisions.

The decision to let my wife end our marriage, and continue the adoption of Louis on her own, has been the hardest. The love I have for Louis cannot be put to words. Not having him around to love and to hold has left a huge hole in my heart.

Sandy is the love of my life, but considering the pain and devastation I have caused her, it would be selfish to not let her go. Right now it is time for me to beat this addiction that has taken two of the things I love the most in life.

I have always taken great pride in proving people wrong. That time has come once again to show that I am not what everyone says I am. I know in my heart that I can be the best father possible to my four children, and the mate Sandy deserves, and realize that this is an incredible mountain to climb. But I believe that the steps I have taken in the last 30 days are the foundation for making this happen. The lifelong commitment I am making is what being a real husband and father is all about.

I ask that you please do not judge Sandy for the things I have done. She has done no wrong. She played no part in any of this. She has been an amazing wife, mother, and best friend, for the over 6 years we have been together."

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I'm a conspiracy theorist from the word go, but I have to say this. Their house wasn't stalked by paparazzi until AFTER the cheating news broke, and by then, Sandra was already gone. So it would stand to reason there would be no photos of the baby there.

Also, they lived in Sunset Beach, a good 45 minute drive from LA proper, not exactly part of the "TMZ" where the paps hang out.

The thing I fine a little suspicious is that apparently she mentions in the Kneepads article she had a bris ceremony for the new baby. That struck me as disingenuous considering she's not Jewish. Perhaps she's answering the "Nazi question" with that detail. Maybe it was her publicist's idea. However, it doesn't negate the validity of the rest of the story.

Pookie said...

i choose to join the sb love train. this is great! god bless that little wee one.

teehee @ "soon to be ex Adolf".

Tenley said...

off topic I know but what shocked me about the cover is that People 25 years later is still pimping Julia Roberts -- JULIA ROBERTS?!? -- on the cover as one of the most beautiful people of 2010 (gawd, talk about a pretty ugly woman inside and out)

Princess Shyness said...

I choose to believe, but I do defend Enty's right to question the story. And, who knows? He may very well be right.

Sis Cesspool said...

What would be the reason to fake it? To clear her association with VG? That's a bit of a stretch.

Maja With a J said...

I believe it. I have always said that celebs that complain about being followed by the paps are full of shit and that if a famous person really wants privacy, they can have it. To me, this proves my theory.
If they decided to keep the adoption a secret, for whatever reason (until after awards season, or because they knew all that shit was going to go down, who knows?), they could. It's a months old baby, it doesn't need to go to the park or go shopping. You can keep a baby at home for a few months without it being weird. If they brought him home before Vanillagorillagate, maybe there weren't paps at the house all the time then?

Anonymous said...

Team Sandy here too. As one who didn't realize until after the divorce that her husband had cheated on her from Day One, I do know that the man you live with can be a whole other man outside the house. As for the divorce petition, SHE is adopting the baby as a single parent, so the child is NOT born or adopted of the marriage. And I can totally buy that she would not want the adoption to be seen as an attempt to influence the vote of the Academy at Oscar time. There may be a conspiracy here, but it may also have happened exactly as Sandy says it did.

mamalama said...

I believe Sandy. I am an adoptive parent of two (both domestic adoptions) and the process is lengthy. Paperwork, portfolios, home visits, waiting for a match, waiting for the birth, finalization, etc...

Ms Cool said...

Tenley - I was thinking the same thing. How much did Julia Roberts pay to be considered the most beautiful? That woman is ugly inside and out.

libby said...

OT or not: Amen, Tenley, AMEN!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

@Steph and libby

I never said I doubted that this was a valid adoption, I just raised my eyebrow to the fact that Jesse, as a nazi racist, would want to adopt a black child.

I am wondering what his motivations were.

Anonymous said...

Sue Ellen - maybe so he could say "Look, I'm not a racist, I have a black child."

Anonymous said...

Team Enty!

jax said...

his motive was to hide the fact that he's a dick to his wife and everyone else. seeing what he's capable of hiding,why is this even a question?

do you really think he's gonna say to Sandra one day, "Hey you know what? I decided I only want a white baby, not a black one from N.O."

its kinda fucking obvious the motive was "business as usual" for him.

Sue Ellen- are you suggesting he had ulterior motives for this child based on skin colour?

libby said...

Sue Ellen, as I said, the actual article states that Sandy (and VG) went through the normal process, and didn't know who they'd end up with. Sandy says something like: They didn't care who they got, they just knew the right guy would show up.

PLUS, The Nazi stuff came out AFTER the baby was already home.

mikey said...

Isn't there a period of time following the birth of the baby that the birth mom can change her mind and take the baby back? I certainly understand keeping things very quiet until SB knew for certain that she could keep the baby legally.

I know someone who adopted a baby from India, with her husband, and then found out after they received a baby girl that he was calling the baby a rather unpleasant name behind her back. They are no longer married and he does pay child support.

libby said...

Btw, I'm from Indiana-r, and many Whitey-Whites live here. Most of them have Black friends or co-workers that they like and 'exclude' from the 'problem' of the AA population as a whole. So this individual lil baby may have never heard or known about VG's real 'politics'.

Obviously, it's not just CA & Indiana, the whole White Power thing is very, very common. And well-hidden when they want.

libby said...

I should mention---I am NOT friends w/ any White Power types. It's just they often have loose lips around White girls like me, assuming I agree or sympathize. I've heard a lot of crap here in 39 years.

timebob said...

I would like to think this is the reason she took so long to file for divorce. Sites kept saying she didn't want to piss Jesse off becuase of "secrets". Well this was a whopper of a secret.

I guess she needed to manuever Jesse into giving up custody of the boy. BUT in his statement he says he has 4 kids. 2 from 1st wife 1 from the 2nd wife and the fourth would be Louis.

But I do feel crazy sad for the little girl Sunny. That kid is in for a rough time. Hope she doesn't end up on the pole like her mother.

I do highly doubt the baby was living with them since January. But sounds more like the final adoption was just recently. That kid will have a nice life with Sandy. I am glad she has a child of her own now.

TR said...

Fully agree with Enty. Sadly, this is a case of damage control that goes so far as to actually use a baby to meet its needs. Very dubious story and clearly aimed at saving Sandra's image (slightly tarnished through association) and Jesse's (wrecked). I love how she planned a brisk--unbelievable.

tina said...

"Enty" you are a dumbass and so is this theory. You can't even get the basics right. Jesse does not have three girls. He has 2 daughters and a son.

Can we PLEASE get the original "Enty" back? This new one and their writing style is driving me batshit crazy!

Kara said...

I don't get it, enty. What is it with you?

Why blame her for her husband being a jerk? Every other time a woman speaks up about being used, tricked, or abused by a man you believe her. Or at least give a side eye to the man. Hello, David Copperfield. And that woman was HORRIBLE.

So why so tough on Sandy?

MISCH said...


Ice Angel said...

Has anyone actually accused VG of being a Nazi? I'm just curious. I saw the costume with the salute and all...but was he just joking around-perhaps making fun of Nazi's? I mean...has the man been photographed attending Nazi party conventions, white power meetings, etc.??? I'm just curious.

J-Mo said...

Many idiots with an ignorance of history and real "issues" find Nazi crap "cool." I'm a visible minority and I find WWII and historical memorabilia of many types fascinating. I'm not defending Jesse James, in fact I'm calling him an ignorant idiot who acted like a pubescent boy in the Nazi photos, BUT I doubt he's any more rascist than many Americans.

Ice Angel said...

And as for keeping the secret, many stars keep babies a secret, especially with adoptions. They want to be secure that the adoption will move forward, etc...And the funny thing is...while everyone was running around trying to dig up all the dirt they could on this one was looking for a baby! LOL! Love it! Way to go, Sandra!

SkittleKitty said...

I am in the camp that thinks Ent-y's got it wrong.
I don't think it would be hard for her to keep a baby out of the public's eye. Hello dark windowed vehicles and garages with doors?

It also would NOT be unusual to not take such a young infant out in public, particularly an adopted infant you are trying to bond with. Only in Hollywood is it hip to make sure you and the kid are photographed from day 3 on.

I hope George Lopez, if not others, can/will confirm Sandy's tale.

emailchallenged said...

does it really matter at this point? Can;t people just be happy for her and not believe that there's some ulterior motive behind it, even if there is? either way i say congrats on her decesion

emailchallenged said...

does it really matter at this point? Can;t people just be happy for her and not believe that there's some ulterior motive behind it, even if there is? either way i say congrats on her decesion

__-__=__ said...

Am I the only one who noticed he's been photographed wearing that Local 81 Hells Angels T???? Would anyone in that group who is not lilly white please stand up?!?!?!??!?! I hope Sandra and Louis have a great, great life together. Very sad for Jesse's kids. They must be having a sad time at school with all his continued douchery.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

@Jax et al

I don't know what that suggests. I'm thinking along the lines of perhaps he just went along with her, even though he may have been sickened with the idea of raising a non-white child, as a way to keep up the facade (and double life) he was living. Perhaps that was a catalyst in cheating on her with other adolf youth members? As almost everyone has pointed out, adoption is a long process, so the cheating/adopting time line might fit.

Sheyna said...

I don't think there is any evidence that Jesse James is any more racist than anyone else.

Regarding the kid, I do think it's pretty convenient to pop up with a baby post-PR crisis.

And as long as the adoption process is, you don't think that fame, money and power could grease some wheels? Nah...

Princess Shyness said...

@Libby My experience is the same as yours. Racism is deeply embedded in many parts of the country, and it isn't always clear what people really think or belief.

Maja With a J said...

I also don't think JJ is a nazi or even racist. I think he is a dumb guy, who made a dumb, tasteless and offensive joke when he posed in that photo. And while I do think that sex addiction is real, I don't believe for one second that he suffers from it. I think he's just a regular old asshole.

Sheyna said...

oh i mean besides the nazi photos but that means he's an idiot not a racist.

Linnea said...

libby - i know what you are talking about. one of the most high up nazis in sweden was black. nobody seemed to have a problem with it. really, it happens

Unknown said...

Entwizzle darling, a little mad coz you didn't call it? Hmmmmm? Blind-sided, huh?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's most likely a duck. I wouldn't think anyone would dress up like that, date chicks like that, and identify with the Hell's Angels like that unless they were, at least, sympathetic to their ideologies. I would stay away from people like that. And that's the truth.

mooshki said...

The adoption isn't final - she's going to proceed with it alone. And they apparently just got him a week before the Oscars. And what was it, just a few days after the Oscars that she found out he was cheating? I agree, it makes sense for Enty to be skeptical, but I think he's wrong in this case.

E. DuBois said...

I'm sorry...I can't hear any of this JJ isn't a nazi or a racist. This mistress certainly is a white supremacist and then there are photos of him making a nazi salute wearing paraphernalia. What in the what would be convincing evidence of his views?? If you know enough about Nazism, you know it's not a game or a joke, PERIOD.

Truth be told, I've never thought that idiot was any great shakes, and I never really held Sandra Bullock to be anything other than a pretty non-descript personality and not an actor. And I'm still not convinced she's a good actor. She seems like a decent enough person, but I don't need to be in love with this woman for doing what millions of people the world over have done.

RocketQueen said...

I totally agree with Harriet.

Beyond that, all I want to say is congratulations to Sandy :) I'm beaming for her! I suspect this little piece of happiness will make separating from douchebag much easier.

Sonia in MO said...

I remember when K-fed Jr. left his wife Mary Jo Eustace for Tori Spelling - they were in the process of adopting a baby girl and he walked off and left them.... Mary Jo completed the adoption on her own. I can't remember off hand but I don't believe he pays child support for the little girl, just his bio son. It happens.

I adopted my baby girl and it took 5 months to finalize - even though she was my child from day one. Depending on Louisana's family laws, there could be a waiting period between when the baby was relinquished and when the birth mother does the final sign-off and the adoption is finalized. Enty should be able to check this :) The timing seems right as far as everything being reported... and perhaps as a condition of the divorce, SB may have requested JJ remove himself from the picture. Legally they could have terminated the adoption, but she is in love with this little guy - obviously she is his Mom now! Having been through custody issues with James and his ex's, SB knows exactly where the skeletons are buried, and James no doubt folded as a mea culpa for all the crap he's put Sandra through the past two months. He should - he owes her that much.

J-Mo said...

E.Dubois: I have no doubt he has racist tendencies and is into Nazi stuff, I just don't think he's much of an exception from middle American, the ignorant idiot parts of it.
I'm of the population that can "pass" for a couple ethnic backgrounds, it means we get to hear how many racists there are out there who are not considered to be so.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Anyone else glad they're not American if what Jesse James does is considered standard practice?

Sorry and no offense!

Sporky said...

I choose to believe Sandra, too. Were it 99% of the rest of Hollywood, my answer would be different. I know people who know her and I have never, ever heard one bad thing about her...Jesse, on the other hand, is a different story. I'm glad she's getting rid of him. I feel for the other kids, but HE should have thought of that before he started banging skanks behind her back. And to paraphrase those who commented earlier, he's just an asshole, period. Hopefully Sandra will maintain a relationship with his kids, but if not...I wish Sandra and Louis a very good life. I'm sure they'll be fine.

Paisley said...

The bris thing seems weird. She's not Jewish. And why mention it at all except to show you're not a Nazi sympathizer. That part seems fake or staged to me.

Growing up, one of my neighbors was an adoption waiting period foster mom. She had the babies until everything was finalized, or in some cases, not finalized. It saved the adoptive parents from becoming too attached only to have someone in the birth family change their mind. The babies were usually with her 3-6 months depending on the circumstances. My neighbor loved babies.

jax said...

thnx for clarifying Sue ellen, it kinda sounded like you thought JJ wanted a black child for evil purposes.

and Nazi glorification/memorbilia is JUST as popular up here in Canada as it is in America,but we call it "collecting war artifacts" to make it sound nice.

J-Mo said...

Sue Ellen Mishkey: I have to clarify, I'm actually Canadian and I mean Canadians too.
I don't mean to generalize and say everyone is racist, I think if we're speaking really strictly and being honest, few people (minus you, E.Dubois?) could say they're free from ethnocentric attitudes, it's just more obviously repugnant when their background is caucasian and there's a link to genocide.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


You're probably right about Nazi glorification up here being the same as down there, but it wouldn't be tolerated like it seems to be now (as far as JJ goes). If you say/do something racist here (in Toronto) you get called on it. I've seen it done. That is, of course, within the group of people I live/work/go to school with.

J-Mo said...

ooh so many fellow Canadians I was not aware. Yes, I'm near Vancouver and there are many liberal people who will not tolerate racism but there are many hicks who don't have a clue what their Nazi flags even mean but don't consider themselves racist and aren't generally considered to be either. Ignorant, yes for sure. The saving grace is they're usually very young (which Jesse James was NOT in that infamous photo of him saluting). Ignorant idiot....have I said that enough?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...


You're probably right about people having preconceived notions about others based on ethnicity, but, to me, that's a big jump to dressing up like a nazi and dating nazis.

nunaurbiz said...

I'm on Team Sandra. I do believe that her PR team is heavily spinning in her direction, but I believe her heart's in the right place. She knew at one point, the baby would be "outed," so I think she did this to control what was said.

As for the bris, anyone think that perhaps the baby's birthmother is Jewish? That would explain it. Perhaps the child is mixed race or perhaps the mother is Jewish and African American.

Also, I'm not getting the VG thing. Am I alone?

JJ said...

I believe her. And the baby makes Jesse an even bigger douche. Not only did he spoil the joy of her Oscar win, he spoiled the joy of being a new mother. I wish she could have enjoyed that bliss without all the cheating crap.

von said...

I think it's entirely possible we never saw the baby even though he was already with them in January. Let's be real, pre-scandal, Jesse and Sandra were not targets of the paps. She's always been super low-key and while they would get photographed, they didn't get stalked like is happening now.

As for Louis being African-American, this doesn't surprise me. I think boys and non-white children are the most under adopted kids out there.

He's a cutie. Congrats to her and him.

E. DuBois said...

As a Canadian ex-pat, and a person of colour, I have definitely noticed a difference in how Canadians react to racist behaviour versus Americans. I have to say the US is more OVERTLY racist. Which isn't say that Canada doesn't have it's issues!

I just feel like people are getting very lax about Nazi sympathizing and with anti-Semitic and racist comments and behaviour on the rise all over the place we all need to be vigilant, and that means calling a spade a spade. If people are ignorant of the meaning of Nazi symbolism they should be enlightened, but I do not believe that is the case with JJ.

Paisley said...

@ nunaurbiz, Vanilla Gorilla is Jesse's nickname. I think it's on one of his bikes. I can't remember if it stands for him as a person or what he calls his penis.

nancer said...

to those who don't believe her and are having an attack of raised eyebrows:

are you suggesting she put her PR people to work finding her a black baby to use as a sort of prop?

please. absolutely NO WAY.

Unknown said...

Weirdly off topic and on topic at the same time. I once saw a Hitler Head paper weight in an antique shop on the coast of North Carolina and was weirdly drawn to it. Not enough to actually buy it, but that odd, tennis ball sized Hitler head rolling about on the table was crazy facinating. So un-dignified that it was almost appropriate. Now, this is not like dressing in a Nazi uniform and performing the "salute", but... Also, I never told anyone about this for almost 5 years! Secrets and Nazis - On Topic and Off Topic at the same time!

The Adventures of... said...

Enty, a PR stunt is for today, maybe tomorrow; a baby is for LIFE!

I choose to believe her. It's possible, I grant you, but I seriously doubt it. Now if she turns around and says she's staying with Jesse, then I'd raise an eyebrow with you.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

As for the bris, anyone think that perhaps the baby's birthmother is Jewish? That would explain it. Perhaps the child is mixed race or perhaps the mother is Jewish and African American

Statistically speaking, coming from New Orleans, it's not likely the baby is Jewish, although it is theoretically possible.

I think the bris was a PR move, and I'm Team Sandy.

J-Mo said...

Sue Ellen Mishkey & E.Dubois:
Gotcha. I agree people need to be educated and we shouldn't tolerate this crap, especially not from a grown man. Sadly, when I've calmly called people out on their racism, I find people stand by awkwardly waiting for me to shut up.

mygeorgie said...

Team Sandra, but appreciate Enty's scepticism, especially concidering she chose People. there is a bit of "Hmmmm" there.

As for the racist tolerances, I find some people that claim to be liberal can be selective about their anti-racist causes. I have seen many times people jump to the podium for african americans/black canadians, but show complete disrespect (and fear) for muslims & first nations people. Not all racists are wearing overalls & missing teeth. The problem in Canada is that you don't *know* if someone is really rascist or not, in America they at least tell it to your face. A black American friend told me that once after being drafted to the Argos.

Unknown said...

Well, I believe about 80 percent of her story. The thing is, look, I was born, raised and entrenched in the entertainment industry. Hollywood is a VERY unreal place. For all of you who think that there is just. no. way. that she could "magically" produce an A-A child in a short amount of time? You have NO IDEA the lengths these people (celebs) will go to to protect a heavily crafted image. Yes, money can make EVERYTHING go away. My mom wasn't even that well known, but several incidents (drunk driving, child abuse/neglect, etc) were totally brushed aside or ignored altogether because she had connections. Now, SB has the MAJOR connections and cash and a serious need to protect and promote her investment- herself.

So, while I think a whooooole lot of this is PR overdrive, I also think that she genuinely is doing what she wants to do because she wants to be a mom. However, to those who say "oh she can't be doing this for PR because a baby is for life!", well yes and no. In Hollywood, children are like pretty much every other accessory. The kids may be around and live in the house and get photographed but you would be SHOCKED at the kind of non-parenting that happens. Even the "nice" celebs, too.

nancer said...

E, that may be true but i don't believe it's true about her. she's been totally hands-on with HIS children. she will be with her own, too. i just don't get the cynicism about SANDRA BULLOCK, who i've never heard one bad word about.
she came into a store my friend works at several years ago. she was with a girlfriend from austin who brought her child and sandra carried that baby all over the store---only put her down to try on some clothes. that's the way she is. my friend said she was totally down to earth and didn't want any fuss made over her at all.

J said...

I stop supporting her TODAY


This is OBVIOUSLY damage control so she trots out a little black baby to distance herself from the Nazi affiliation. Janine is of German descent & so is Sandra, coincidence?


She knew he was a nazi just like she knew he was a cheater. Janine is of German descent & so is Sandra, coincidence? I'm inclined to believe that she was at least tolerant of his views, which bothers me.

And to think I really thought she was different. She's just like the rest of them, career outweighs everything else. I so fcukin hate her now, more than Jesse.

A poor, little hapless New Orleans baby and Sandy saves the world again. This b*tch deserves everything she gets.

I hope my Jewish brethern step up & BLACKBALL the b*tch in Hollywood, just like Mel.


MAC said...

Perhaps the baby was not circumsized at birth and they opted to have it done later and just called it a bris...

Vanessa said...

I'm just happy its american and even more that its a boy.
It's like people only want girls these days.
Hopefully, all those people who want to get a latino child are black child....we have lots of them in the u.S. that needs a home....just try before you get into foriegn adoptions. Plus, it isn't has hard as getting a healthy white baby from white I understand is a long line.

I don't have enough money to b/c a foster parent or adopt a child....but I will once I finish school. So, people adopt and/or foster if you can.

I like Sandra Bullock...always have always will.

Robert said...

I've always felt that many celebrities in Hollywood adopt babies from other countries/cultures the way some people buy exotic pets. As E points out, after the photo ops, they're dumped on the nanny and it's back to business as usual. SB's adopting an AA baby may be genuine, but the idea of a bris is almost too good a PR spin to not question.

J said...

I really don't care if the kid is purple, this adoption is SUSPECT. She was out & about regularly prior to the cheating allegations, no baby? So you weren't bonding, the kid was with the nanny? This is to make it look like Jesse wasn't the nazi racist that he is and to make her appear UBER tolerant of other cultures(PR 101), and they used the black card SMH. She obviously needs a way to deflect questions from the mess Jesse made upon her comeback. We now know that she couldn't POSSIBLY be a racist/nazi because she in fact has a black kid thats having a BRIS. Enty you hit the nail on the head, thanks for having the balls to call it what it is(unlike KNEEPADS). And judging from the comments & todays headlines, their stunt is working. And all those saying it takes years for adoption, that only applies to average everyday citizens. Did Madonna get that baby or not? I hope Janine spills the beans on this one...

sunnyside1213 said...

I lived in NO many years and if you want a baby and you have some cash, you don't have to wait 4 years. There are people selling their kids down there all the time.

Erin said...

Wow. I'm astonished at the comments.

I'd just like to say, I don't believe most Americans are like VG in that we all harbor some racism, or think that dressing like a Nazi is funny/harmless. I find it disgusting and would gladly kick anyone in the balls (or lady balls) spouting racist gibberish! We aren't all ugly here.

She probably didn't specify race when she began the adoption process, so I think it's rather mean spirited to assume she did. Also, I doubt she wanted to be an ass and bribe the NO agencies to fast track her, since others have to wait four years or more as well. She probably believes in equal treatment when it's something as life-changing as this.

And I agree that some men really are that good at hiding their rotten natures. If they are desperate to keep their partners (as mine was) they have no problem telling lie after lie to save what they think is a good relationship. Five years later, I learned the actual truth and was not only shocked as hell, but mad as f*ck!

B626 said...

pure crapola

Meg said...

Well, this was certainly my shocker of the week. How the hell DO you hide a baby???? I didn't think she'd be giving an interview this soon either?? But I love I'm Team Sandy. And that baby is RIDICULOUSLY cute.

Mango said...

Anyone else glad they're not American if what Jesse James does is considered standard practice?


I believe Sandy.

nancer said...

erin, you are right on the money, honey. agree with every word.

J said...

It's terribly NAIVE to assume that race was not discussed during this alledged adoption

and WOW@everyone giving Jesse a pass on being a NAZI

Is this what the vast majority of Americans do in the privacy of their own home and deem it "ok"? How do you have all of this nazi evidence and people STILL doubt that you're a nazi/racist? Yes the two are one in the same.

How does it take four years to adopt a child that isn't born? This kid is 3months(4-5, if the child was born & entered their life in Jan as they say).

To the poster above, I lived in NO many years too & one thing no one can dispute, New Orleanians are FAMILY oriented & would KILL you behind their kids

Sandy has friends in NO@Warren Easton and donates millions.

Funny, Michelle McGee claims Sandra was never around. Apparently neither was this baby. DEAD@naming the baby after Louis Armstrong. Sandra I hope you're not exploiting NO for your own self-serving purposes.

St. Sandra WOULDN'T!

mygeorgie said...

I have an elderly friend, a lawyer. She's as sharp as a whip. Her husband of 45 years passed away last year and while she was grieving, another woman came out of the woodwork, claiming rights to the estate as a SPOUSE! She had a 'committed' relationship with this chap for almost 20 years. She still sees no signs, looking back.

I believe it is possible to bamboozle your spouse. It must be some freudian conjecture to adamantly not believe it's possible, as though the personal possibility is too great to entertain.

Anonymous said...

J - she wasn't adopting THIS child when she started the adoption process - she just started the adoption process for ANY child possible four years ago. sorry i just hate when people are deliberately obtuse to make an argument work. you should also look into the adoption process if you don't understand the time it took - it is a difficult and lengthy process (i know what some friends went through and it took a very long time)

Unknown said...

I think the baby was an honest thing. But here's where I call BS: Jesse settled a sexual harassment suit in 2007, without Sandra's knowledge? So how does that work, exactly?
She knew he was cheating all along, she HAD to. But I bet it was one of those, "don't embarrass me arrangements" and he blew it. I am sure the same is true for the Nazi fetish.... keep it to yourself and we're good. Since he got caught it and all got out there, Sandra was done. She had to be, the connection to him would ruin her career.

Keli Jackson said...

I am so sick of celebrities using their children, adopted or otherwise, as publicity pawns. I truly thought that Bullock was above that, but no. She ripped a page out of the Jolie handbook, slapped some Mardi Gras beads on it, and called it a day. She shouldn't use the adoption of a baby as a game-changer in this situation. That was pretty manipulative and sad.

ChasingHeaven said...

Hey, we shouldn't be critical of Enty questioning. Considering all the deceit and juicy gossip he knows, how could someone not be skeptical? This is probably the first time in Hollywood history an adoption was legit and for the right reasons! lol

I see where Enty's coming from but I mostly believe Sandra. The fact that she didn't know Jesse's nazi fascination, I don't believe. She couldn't honestly admit she knew without seriously jeopardizing her image for staying with him knowing this. I am very surprised he didn't mention the adoption to one of his booty calls, but I guess that would take away from his "marriage is a sham" excuse if he did. I'd expect one of those girls to leak this.

captivagrl said...

a partial story and a huge part of the divorce settlement..there's more info to come. word is he's not going down as the bad guy(without a huge payoff). there's a prenup but she'll pay him off.

karen said...

...and even more that its a boy.
It's like people only want girls these days.

Um, I would say that it's most likely that parents want to keep the male babies and want to get rid of the female ones.
Do you know how many female Chinese babies are waiting to be adopted because a girl is worth nothing in China?
A boy/son is still worth more than a girl/daughter. In every society in this world. A boy is the son and heir, a girl is just a convenient help for all things domestic.
Men mostly want to have boys and women begin to think that way too because raising a girl and taking care of her in this misogynistic world is too difficult and exhausting in their eyes.

So I think it's really funny or better said ridiculous if a female commenter on here complains about too many girls being adopted these days.

Audrey said...

Enty - I find your theory interesting and I don't put anything past Hollywood and the PR machine. My mind is still open on the whole matter. Thanks for having the guts to question "queen sandy" or should we call her "Sandra the Perfect"?

K said...

Makes sense to me that it would go to Kneepads... lots of women I know equate People with Good Housekeeping or RedBook, not a 'trashy' gossip mag like US Weekly or In Touch. You want to buy a magazine you won't be embarrassed about when the preacher is suddenly behind you in the grocery store line? People.

I can only speak for the area I live in AL, but for the most part racism is just NOT tolerated. Do we still have jerkwads who are "Huuurrrr I hates evverbudie who ain'ts like me un mine!"? Yes, those still exist, but we're doing our best to make them understand that the rest of us think that attitude is wretched.

Which pretty much means that group now hates everybody, no matter what skin color we have..... *sigh*

Breadwinner Wife said...

The cheating scandal broke about a month ago, the Nazi pictures a few weeks ago. I find it highly unlikely that she got a baby in that short of a time. Even if she is Sandra Bullock.

Selock said...

I agree with Enty on the skepticism, but it does seem like too short notice to procure a baby...even a brown one. But I'm sure stranger things have happened.


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