Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Escorts Rejoice - Eliot Spitzer Has A Job

Escorts along the eastern seaboard must be thrilled that one of their biggest customers has not only got himself a new job, but a job that will pay him way more than he ever earned as Governor of New York. Eliot Spitzer has been hired by CNN to co host some prime time program which will undoubtedly bore me to tears and make me question why I am willing to listen to a guy who cheated on his wife a bazillion times, was a hypocrite about the laws he was sworn to uphold and why he is getting paid an astronomical amount of dollars to sit there and pontificate. (GOOP Word Of The Day)

I think the program is going to be exactly like that Morning Joe program on MSNBC, but this time the guy is the liberal and the woman is the conservative. It just shows you that cable news executives have as much imagination as the movie studio executives. They probably thought they were being brilliant. Meh. The only thing that will make this exciting is if they have Ashley Dupre on as a special correspondent.


Goodgrief said...

For some reason I thought CNN was better than that. Guess not. I could see Fox hiring him, but not CNN.

__-__=__ said...

CNN?!?!? Are you kidding me???? OK, they've officially jumped the shark. No more news for me.

jax said...

from what i've heard,aside from the scandals, the guy is actually quite the smarty pants.

Linnea said...

i think you mean smarty socks.

MontanaMarriott said...

Oh great they gave him a a female to co-star with..... see a sexual harrassment suit any day now.

Lady J said...

Surprised CNN went this route. Spitzer may not be able to keep it in his pants, but I figure at least half of our population has the same problem(and that includes women).

Anonymous said...

So does this mean in order to apply with CNN one of your qualifications is to be married and screwing around LOL?

RocketQueen said...

@jax - yeah, he is. I've seen him on the Daily Show before and after the scandal and he's really quite well-spoken and likable. Had a good laugh at his own expense after the fact, etc.
That being said, really CNN? You can't find someone that might actually be scandal-free (for the time being)?

weezy said...

Funny thing -- Dupre has a weekly column in the sunday NY News and actually lectured a reader on morals this week (ok to keep seeing a dominatrix for 3 years and not tell his girlfriend about it? uh, no.)

Sonia in MO said...

LOL...okay, the GOOP word of the day is killing me lol...

And back on topic - here's another reason I won't watch CNN. Spitzer? Really?

sunnyside1213 said...

They are just hiring him for the ratings.

LeeshaLou said...

I watched him on the Bill Maher show and he is actually likable

Unknown said...

i think this is actually a pretty good idea. People will tune in originally because of the scandal, but because he's actually quite smart and likeable, they'll continue to watch.

selenakyle said...

I like the man and think he is smart as hell. Doesn't bother me one bit!


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