Friday, August 06, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

You know, it is not Sarah Ferguson getting her toes sucked, but Prince Andrew does seem to be enjoying time with his friend who does not appear to be much older than his daughters.
Comparing breast size.
Some kind of torture and grape game.
This is a piranha pedicure.
I really really hope they are not reusing the same pair everyday.
The Real Housewives DC minus the evil one who decided to have her own premiere party.
Sorry jax, but Robbie Williams is getting married Saturday.
And Renee goes from a size A to DD in about two days.
Soundgarden - Chicago
The Roots - New York City
Usher at an aquarium in Atlanta.
Long time no see on a red carpet, Wes Bentley.
Wycleaf Jean in Haiti.


Jessi said...

Woah Renee!
and Love Wes, he's a cutie!

Anonymous said...

OMG, Soundgarden! They're back! And suddenly the world seems a much better place....

Carissa said...

Let me get this straight....The Roots played a concert sponsored by a hair salon/product company? Who else was there? Blondie? Hilarious! Did they only invite bands that had hair related names? =)

Oh, and having fish nibble on my feet sounds like torture, not something I would pay spa money on! Eeek!

Stacy said...

WTF? Why does Prince Andrew look like Glen Beck?

Shmooey said...

I didn't know John Frieda was sponsoring music shows.

Other brands should support the arts too. I'd go see a band on the Vidal Sassoon Tour.

Shmooey said...

Also, the Prince Andrew photos: proof that inbreeding and privilege do not attractive people make.

lmnop123 said...

Okay so Renee doesn't believe in subtlety.

RocketQueen said...

Prince Albert is giving Michelle Trachtenberg a run for the "whitest celebrity" money.

Agree Wes is totally cute. I wish he were in more movies.

mooshki said...

Ugh, Renee's flotation devices are awful! Maybe she has a phobia about drowning?

I think the piranha pedicure would be fun. Fish nibbles are funny.

jax said...


it's ok, he's a bit manic/bi-polar. she can have him! hope he's happy,but seriously don't see him being the married type forever.

RJ said...

Damn!!! When I was a teen, Prince Andrew was seen as something of a sex symbol. How have the mighty fallen!! He looks like he could stand a stint with Weight Watchers. Oh well, I guess he and Val Kilmer have said to hell with it and decided to embrace middle age. Oh, and the girlfriend is icky-level young. And way too hot to be anything other than a gold-digger.

Anonymous said...

Yuck, Renee Zellwegger. Why is this woman A list???? (Is she still A list?)

shakey said...

RJ, I remember those days, too. He was GORGEOUS.

I thought Robbie Williams was gay.

Renée better put on some weight to go with the rack, otherwise she'll float away.

Tenley said...

WTH?!? ROFLMAO. It looks like Renee stuck water balloons in her bra as a joke. If it's a joke I'd actually turn around and start liking her. Please be a joke. It's a joke, right?

Monica said...

I agree Tenley, gotta be a joke. Wasn't she just photographed a week or two ago? Don't implants require a longer recovery time? Especially for such huge knockers.

Ms. said...

@ RJ @ Shakey

I met Prince Andrew when I was 15 - had a huge crush on him then LOL. I went to a tree planing ceremony in Ottawa and tried to get an autograph. He politely informed me (with a very pained look on his face) that he didn't sign autographs.

So I asked if I could shake his hand. All of this was happening while he was rushing to leave and the handlers were hustling him along.

At this point, his pained look changed to horrified at my bumpkin-like lack of protocol when meeting Royalty. Nevertheless, he gave my hand a quick shake and scurried off.

Now when I think of him...Eewwww. He turned out to be such a loser.

Shmooey said...


LOL. You should have asked him to suck your toes, just like his wife likes it. He'd probably faint.

lanasyogamama said...

OMG please let Renee just be displaying a sense of humor I didn't know she had.

Andy said...

Holy hell, Randy Andy looks like crap!

Nicole said...

HolyBoobaliciousRenee! WTH did she do to herself? Has to be a joke....
jax, I feel you with the Robbie Williams thing. I used to have the BIGGEST crush on him!

J-Mo said...

If Renee is joking I am going to adore her for the first time in my life.

mooshki said...

Renee probably got them because B.Coop is a boob man. BWAHAHAHA! I crack myself up.

Unknown said...

If you ask me no way would Renee Z get implants! She's a serious, every day runner and those knockers would interfere -- I call padded bra

Lothar said...

I still believe Robbie is gay (and i don't believe I am hurting anyone by thinking so.) What will the man who he shares his mansion with do?

I will chalk this up to an image p.r. move. (He also just rejoined Take That- can't believe they are still making music.)

Now i am going to take my Robbie doll out of its box and dress him up in Earring magic Ken's sparkly outfit.


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