Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This B+ movie actress from a hit franchise series has always been rumored to be in a heterosexual relationship. True. She is. She is also involved with a female costume designer she met on the set of a different movie other than the franchise.


Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Bella Swan and the costume designer of that Joan Jett flick.

danatestingsite said...

Kristen Stewart?

FrenchGirl said...

i like your guess (Kristen Stewart)

Jim said...

please let this be emma watson...

RocketQueen said...

Kristen Stewart for sure.
She and Pattinson therefore each have someone on the side.

J. Leia Lima said...


J. Leia Lima said...
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MISCH said...

This I can believe...I don't see Pattinson as straight...

Robert said...

He's only as straight as he needs to be to succeed in Hollywood.

The Nightmare Child said...

Oh, this reeks of Kristen Stewart.

JustJenn said...

I am way off - my first thought was Kim Cattrall or someone from the SATC flicks... LOL.

JustJenn said...

I am way off - my first thought was Kim Cattrall or someone from the SATC flicks... LOL.

Patty said...

I'm on the Kristen Stewart train.

sitcur2000 said...

I think its Kristen Stewart and she met the female costume designer on the set of the Joan Jett Bio Pic.

sun08 said...

I agree KStew

sunnyside1213 said...

I don't want to agree to the KStew guess, but it works best. I can't think of any other Emma Watson movies and what has Kiki been in lately. Megan Fox was in a franchise? Who else?

AnotherOneBitesTheDust said...

My first thought was Anna Paquin for some reason. But she came out as being bi awhile ago. So I'll go with Kristin Stewart.

Mango said...

KStew for cryin' out loud.

jagerlilly said...

Kristin Stewart is B+ list? Really? No way.

Tallulah said...

Keira Knightley.

RocketQueen said...

@Misch - yeah, I think they say Pattinson is diddling Tom Sturridge on the side?

@jagerlilly - I know, it hurts, but have you seen the projects coming her way??

Tenley said...

"rumored" to be in a heterosexual relationship? Who else can it be? I mean have K. Stewart and R. Pat ever actually confirmed they're in a relationship? I can't think of any other straight actress in a hit franchise "rumored" to be in a straight relationship

free said...

Kim Cattrall!!!

Char said...

Definitely thought first of Kristen Stewart due to the wording of "rumored" to be in a heterosexual relationship, which fits with the fact that she and RPatz have never donfirmed their relationship.

Can't think of anyone else there could be. And she is definitely B+ list. If you ask a teenager she's about as A list as they come.

Amy said...

Kim Cattrall or emma watson but lately my gaydar beeps loud and clear with Emma!

@char my gaydar beeps loud and clear with RPatz and his "friend" Tomstu too

free said...


"rumored"? You did not see the pictures of kissing between Pattinson and Stewart LOL

Heather said...

@free Because they have not confirmed their relationship it is still "rumored". Though pretty much everyone knows it's happening.

I've read a few blinds here but never posted before. I'm not sure what everyone thinks of Ted Casablanca but he has a blind that is most likely about Kristen, Terry Tush-Trade, that fits with this one pretty well.

Unknown said...

Emma Emma Emma Emma
Emma Watson for sure.

Unknown said...

Oh Emma!!

Hordaz1_01 said...

Judi Dench from the Bond movies

jenique said...

I don't think its Emma Watson bc she hasn't done any movies lately besides HP.

sunnyside1213 said...

Yes Heather, I read Ted, though the page progression is so annoying I only do that once in awhile. TTT has switched gender, so who knows who it is.

Heather said...

@sunnyside Yeah, Ted's site sucks.

I'm not going to go into it all here, but if you go to the message board at E and read the TTT thread or go to blinditemsexposed.com and read the thread there, you'll see that TTT is definitely confirmed to be a girl and everyone else but Kristen has been eliminated by Ted.

Julie said...

i want to say renee zellweger. just because nobody else did. LOL

free said...

Rob Pattinson said he was not going to talk about his life,kristen Stewart said the same thing too.
I saw photos of kiss, I saw the photos of your house.
Everywhere from site of celebrities they are called bf/gf.

fairylights said...

Huh, my first thought was Keira Knightly. And I have no earthly idea why. KStewart sounds like a winner.

Anonymous said...

kristen hasn't "always" been with rob. they've only been dating like a year and a half. also her career and personal life is currently white-hot and she's most definitely an A-lister..at least right now. my guess is someone like megan fox who's always been with BAG but is secretly into girls. she's more the b-list type right now since she was just passed over for the new transformers movie. and she seems like she'd be bi-sexual or at least into exploring a bit. kristen seems too naive and innocent to be that jaded. give her time though..she'll get there. they ALL do.

Casey said...

I call BS. Nikki Reed is friends with the dude who runs this site. She also fed him a blind awhile back about a brother/sister pair from a franchise dating but not being able to come out because the fans would never accept the pairing, being that they were related in the movie. Rob's always been all about Kristen, though, even before they got together. He never wanted Nikki, despite her best attempts by feeding false gossip to Lainey and Ted, calling the pappz on him every chance she got and befriending the girl that he really wanted in order to try to keep them apart. Nikki is an evil skank and publicity w hore, nothing more. Her career will disappear after Twilight because everyone hates her. She made sure of that with her shady dealings.

sunnyside1213 said...

"She also fed him a blind awhile back about a brother/sister pair from a franchise dating but not being able to come out because the fans would never accept the pairing, being that they were related in the movie."

I didn't think the blind ever said a movie or a franchise and I thought this blind was revealed as Michael C Hall and Jennifer what's her name from Dexter. They are now married. Does anyone have a link to that blind"

Also, while I think Nikki may be feeding Ted, I don't think she is feeding Enty.

free said...

Niiki is dating with elizabeth reaser!
Those are the rumors.

Tatyana said...

Isn't that rather late for Enty to jump on the "KStew is gay" bandwagon?

Cammy91 said...

I'd say KStew is probably the best bet, as much as I'd love it to be Emma Watson.

What about Dianna Agron? She's rumoured to be dating that Alex guy from I am Number 4? Though that doesn't fit in with franchise.

Donna said...
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Donna said...
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Donna said...
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Donna said...

Ewwwwwww...Enty is friends with Nikki Reed? I am grossed out by that.

I had the same reaction when I found out that Chelsea Handler is friends with Jennifer Aniston.

I have to reassess everything.

monika said...

Kristen's costume designers for TRA, WTTR and OTR. OTR has a male designer and these are the others: http://carolbeadle.com/profile.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJv5mr6IlGM They are talented women but a bit mature for Kristen, don't you think?
That's not her, maybe try thinking outside the box why don't you?

monika said...

As it happens, there are other actresses in other franchises besides Twilight...just FYI

Unknown said...

I am going to throw in Milla Javovich??? from the Resident Evil franchise.

Casey said...

it's not kristen stewart and carol beadle, the costume designer from the runaway. my friend contacted her on facebook and she said it wasn't about her - 'Carol Beadle August 31 at 11:44pm Report
Hilarious, not me but fun to be in the mix!' - besides, her facebook page says she's 'single' and into 'men.'- http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=705859675 - and she kinda OLD. - http://carolbeadle.com/profile.html- so yeah, it's not her.

Heather_P said...

You think if she had had a random hook up with Kristen Stewart she would admit it to a complete stranger on Facebook? Of course she would deny it. You probably also believed Bill Clinton when he forcefully said, "I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman...Miss Lewinsky" but we all know how that turned out.

Milla Jovovich is married, not in a "rumored" relationship.

People, just ignore the Twi-hards (it should be obvious which ones they are). They won't give any good guesses but just try to point away from Kristen who they believe is eternally bonded to Robert Pattinson, just like their movie characters.

Aleksandra said...


Those are just basic facts
OTR costume designer is a male
WTTR designer is some old cougar
and TRA is also a bit too mature. And she denied.

Not everything has to be about those Twilight kids you know, there exist other franchises and actresses.
KStew is JUST a guess, doesn't mean it is her. You obviously want it to be her, but you have no proof whatsoever and the BI is as vague as it gets.
Nothing to do with Twihards, but use common sense.
Besides this is just gossip, until there's proof, nothing is certain, so don't act like what is said here is a fact of some sort, you're only showing how narrow-minded you are.

Aleksandra said...

The BI subject is in fact a relationship with a guy but just has someone on the side. An open relationship of some sort, or cheating.

jenique said...

Wow. The Twilight die hards are out in force to save Kristen Stewart. LOL. They are so enamored with the whole Kristen Stewart/ Robert Pattinson relationship.........its a pity these two have eyes for the home team........

Anonymous said...

R/K are official, especially since the money shot is out, everyone in the media world ackowledged them as a couple. Not rumored anymore.
Do some people need a public announcement of some kind or what? Thye are not famewhores to go around talking about their private lives. You have Kardashians, Hiltons etc for that.
And they are not publicity-seekers to flaunt it in front of cameras. You have the likes of Carey/Shia for that.
Finally a couple that is not about attention in this biz and is getting slammed...

Seems the public is so used to Hollywood PR whores, that they can't grasp the fact not everybody is like that.

Anonymous said...


and you know this how? You know them personally? You saw actual proof of what you claim? No, so if you don't want to sound like a hypocrite, you would not state something like that as a fact. It's only your opinion, everyone has one, and neither is more valid than the other one. I feel sorry for you more than Twihards.

Heather_P said...

LOL! Like I said, the Twi-hards will be easy to spot. They won't add anything to the discussion of who the item could be about so just ignore them.

Anonymous said...

I say put up or shut up. You claim they're gay, show proof. Come on, waiting....is there even a shred of evidence out there? No there isn't, you're basing your claim on what exactly? Share you brilliant ideas with the rest...

Anonymous said...

and like you add anything LOL
sorry but you don't, don't be so self-obsessed

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the blog owner is probably not above getting crappy info from sources.

Anonymous said...

People here and twihards are the same, they just have differing opinions, but both sides think they have the God's given right to be....right.

Anonymous said...

you're no better than Twihards, they have their own ideas, you have yours, who's to say which one is right? Surely you can't say you are right, cause you can't prove it. Can you? What are you basing your opinion on? Tell me. Or will you just ignore this basic request, cause you have nothing sensible to back up your theories?

monika said...

wow I didn't realize Stewart was the only actress that's starring in a franchise....common sense says there can be more than one guess.
I suppose some people are just so hang up on this, they see nothing else besides that one potential outcome. Can you say obvious agenda?

and the BI says there is a relationship between the girl and the guy, so what's the big deal?

Unknown said...

Ok ok
I think it's Emma or Keira!

Unknown said...

@Amy I think he's gay too.He hates vaginas lol

GauchoGirl said...

I think you're on the right track with Twilight, but I've heard rumors that Nicki Reed is bisexual.

RocketQueen said...

@jenique - I'm with you. This thread just got WAY too Twi-hardy.

D said...

Kristen Stewart is the new Ben Affleck.

erin said...

Natalie Portman

southerner09 said...

kristen stewart is just a kid. cut her some slack.


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