Monday, November 22, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This very classy A-lister who is older is estranged with her sister. It’s because she, the A-lister has slept with her sister’s first and second husbands!


  1. This would make my life if it was Kidman.

  2. The Collins sisters?

  3. Slept with Tom Cruise..I doubt it.

  4. A-list, older and classy? Sophia Loren is the only one that fits this.

  5. Who are the Collins?

  6. I agree with what MommaSaid:
    The Collins sisters? They were my first guess.

  7. Does Meryl have a sister?

  8. A list older classy brings Helen Mirren and Meryl Streep to mind. Sophia Loren could also fit. I doubt Joan Collins, not because of her morality, but simply because I don't see her as either A list anymore nor classy.

  9. Joan Fontaine and Olivia deHavilland. Perhaps Olivia slept with Joan's husbands?

  10. It doesn't say A-list at what. I'm on the Collins train. Although I like Ms Cool's guess, and that goes waaaay back.

  11. The problem with the Joan Fontaine and Olivia deHavilland guess is that they are BOTH A-listers. Otherwise brilliant.

  12. @looserdude - I would think they are both A listers, too. I didn't bother to look them up to see about their awards.

    I know they hate each other haven't spoken in decades.

  13. I thought Olivia and Joan were both dead?

  14. Michelle Phiffer? I know I spelt that wrong but still..

  15. Kylie and Dani.

  16. The Collins sisters deny ever being estranged. Jackie just tweeted congrats to Joan on a show or whatever Joan in currently doing.

  17. Not sure who it is, but I do think that only one of the sisters is famous.

  18. I'll take The Kidman Sisters for 1000, Alex.

  19. @sunnyside1213 Believe it or not, Joan Fontaine and Olivia de Havilland are both still alive. In their mid-80s, but alive.

  20. Does Meryl Streep have a sister?

  21. Thanks Melody. Found this on imdb.
    Relations between de Havilland and younger sister Joan Fontaine were never all that strong and worsened in 1941, when both were nominated for 'Best Actress' Oscar awards. Their mutual dislike and jealousy escalated into an all-out feud after Fontaine won for Suspicion (1941). Despite the fact that de Havilland went on to win two Academy Awards of her own, they remained permanently estranged.

  22. Maybe Lorna Luft and Liza Minnelli. That would make sense, given that Liza can't seem to attract straight men of her own.

  23. Halle Berry is extranged from her older sister Heidi. No one ever said why...

  24. Joan Fontaine is 93 (10/22/17) and Olivia de Havilland is 94 (7/1/16). Still alive, and still feuding. Incredible.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Thanks, Robert. Math never was my strong suit. Mid-90s? Truly, genetics is a wonderful thing.

  27. Dame Helen Mirren

    Michelle Pfiffer

  28. Helen Mirren has an older sister, I don't know the sister's martial history but, since I see photos of them celebrating Helen's Oscar win together, it doesn't appear they are estranged.

    Sophia Loren's sister Maria passed away in 2006 and therefore I can see that the description of "is" estranged applies.

    Olivia de Haviland and Joan fontaine have, by all accounts been feuding since birth. Notably they were feuding in 1941, when both were nominated for Oscars. At that time Joan was married to her first husband and Olivia had never been married. While that wouldn't preclude later adultery with the other's spouse it would preclude any such adultery being the cause of the original estrangement.

  29. Michelle Pfeiffer and one of her sisters, Dee Dee or Lori?

  30. I took "older" to mean that the A-lister is the older sister - not so much as older as in over I like Nicole.....or on a long shot, Rosanna Arquette?

  31. She can't be classy if she's sleeping around with her sister's husbands!!

  32. As soon as I read it, I thought Olivia and Joan- that feud has lasted forever!

  33. BOTH husbands???? Good Lord!

    That is some old "ho shit" as Michael K would say.

  34. Read the blind again. The A lister is the one who is older. So it's an A lister with a YOUNGER sister who she's estranged with, who may or may not (probably not from my reading of it) be famous herself. The A lister slept with the younger sister's husbands.

    Nicole Kidman's sister Antonia is younger than her, and has had two husbands. However, she is currently married to, and expecting a child with the second one so this would have to have been very recent. Also, I'm pretty sure they are not estranged, unless again, it was very recent.

    Other than that I don't know.

    Halle Berry only has an older sister. Michelle Pfeiffer does have two younger sisters, at least one of whom has had more than one husband but no idea if they are estranged. (is Michelle still considered A list though?). Can't find any info on whether Meryl Streep has any sisters. Helen Mirren only has an older sister and a younger brother, no younger sisters.

  35. I'm going with Kidman. She's always stuck me as a ho bag trying to disguise herself as classy.

  36. Cher. Classy. A list. Younger sister married twice. But I haven't heard anything about their relationship.



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