Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fantasia Admits She Got Pregnant - Had An Abortion

Fantasia Barrino testified during the divorce proceedings of her boyfriend Antwaun Cook and his wife. During her testimony, Fantasia admitted she got pregnant by Antwaun and that she got an abortion shortly before she tried to commit suicide. The lawyer of the soon to be ex-wife got Fantasia to admit the couple usually had sex in hotel rooms when they first met. The lawyer then pressed Fantasia about why they would need to go to hotel rooms if Antwaun was really separated as Fantasia has claimed in the past. He is leaving the door open for Fantasia to be sued under North Carolina's Alienation of Affection law.


  1. Please don't tell me this chick is dumb enough to have sex without a condom in this time of AIDS?!!?

    1. You can go to hell.. for your information condoms do always protect you from getting pregnant..THEY DO RIP����‍♀️

  2. But Montana, they were in loooooooooove.

  3. I think Alienation of Affection laws are absolutely ridiculous.

  4. Considering she was illiterate for about the first 18 years of her life, I can easily enough believe she was doing it w/o condoms just by being ignernt.

    Not cracking on the illiterate (hey, it happens) but she might not be too educated about a lot of important things that most of us inherently know because we've been able to read ads and news our whole lives.
    (But I'm not excusing it, that's for sure, regardless of the reason.)

  5. that ex-wife has some ballz. cheating is not cool,but suing the mistress ain't your bidness, your husband is.

  6. If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Life is all about choices, make good ones.

  7. I actally think Alienation of Affection laws are pretty awesome.

  8. Umm...I hate to break it to you, but there is a recent survey/study out that says teens are more likely to use birth control methods than grown ass people.

    What was Kelsey Grammer's excuse?

  9. Alienation of affection wouldn't fly in California that's for sure.

    Fanny needs an attorney to coach her with her answers. I would have taken the 5th before ever admitting any of that in court.

  10. let's not brand her 'ignernt' and say that's why she wasn't using birth control. that's grossly unfair. there are highly intelligent people out there who find themselves pregnant, unintentionally.

    there's some some quirk in human nature that makes your IQ drop to about 10 when you're in the heat of the moment. that's just a fucking fact.

    and i'm with jax. the wife was married to this prick---not to fantasia. deal with HIM, because there will be another one right behind her and were probably more before her.

  11. ANTWAUN??? W.T.F?

  12. I think Alienation of affection is a great law. I know when the husband is the cheater, many of you feel its only his fault but I disagree. We have seen too many golddiggers go after rich men just for their wallets. I think this law (if it were in more states) would totally curb the gold digging. ALso what happens when the wife cheats on an unsuspecting husband. Instead of being cuckolded, he was have a legal recourse. I wish this law was in NYS.

  13. Since when does gold-digging happen without the enthusiastic consent of the rich men involved? Bottom line for me is that if a man does something to break up his marriage, that's on him. The mistresses may be dumb, but they definitely don't deserve to be sued.

  14. I don't watch AI but I know who Fantasia is. Jeez, was she really illiterate until she reached her majority? That is unbearably sad.

  15. the problem with the alienation of affection law is its basic assumption: if not for this whore, my husband wouldn't have fucked around on me, and she must PAY.

    that's bullshit. put the blame where it belongs---on the cheating, lying jerk you married, who lied to you when he swore to be faithful.

  16. What about women who go after married men knowing full well they have a wife and possibly some kids? If you step out with a married man--who you know for a fact is married--why the hell shouldn’t you be held accountable for the emotional stress you've caused someone? It takes two people to have an affaire.

  17. I'm sorry but I do not believe that any woman gets into a relationship w/a man without finding out for sure that he is married or not.
    Sure some choose to believe that the man is leaving the wife but they know in their heads what they are doing is wrong.
    If you can sue the mistress along w/your sumbag husband, I am all for it.

  18. Okay, here's the deal. You make vows with the person you marry, not the people they eff around with. Your husband/wife is the one who wronged you. You did not make vows with any other person on the planet and they, therefore, owe you nothing.

    As for whether she should have testified or not, my guess is they had her medical records and if she plead the Fifth, they would have ponied them up as exhibits and she wouldn't have been able to give any testimony about them because she excluded herself from doing so. It's better to be able to give some reasonable explanation for yourself than let opposing counsel offer your testimony for you.

  19. Well said IndigoBlue and a few others! I can honestly say if my husband ever fucks around on me, I won't give a FUCK who he did it with. HE'S the one that will pay. And if it weren't her, it might have been anyone else. And she can have him.

  20. My only problem with that law is that it's effectively forcing traditional morals on society. I don't know if you can do that. I wonder if this has been challenged...

  21. It has been, but not at the Supreme Court level. It dates back to the 1800's as a carry over from common law when women were considered chattel. =/

    I hope someone takes this all the way to the top level of the courts and it gets repealed.

  22. I am so sick of this trick and her "Christian/I'm a strong black woman/everyone is out to get me sh*t".

  23. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I don't like Fantasia and I am glad the wife of that scumbag she is screwing with is being sued for Alienation of Affection. If she knew that the guy was married why should the wife not get even with her too.

    She looks horrible in that dress.

  24. in the words of her Aunt Bunny: Guuuuurrrrl Please!

  25. i think the law is great. if as a grown woman, you knowingly cheat with a married man you should get some consequences too. to me it shouldn't matter that he would've cheated with X other women- he cheated with you and you were an equal participant.

    as nene says "close your legs to married men!"

  26. i don't know how many of you are single but i worked as a single woman for 20 years. married men are out there, and they want it bad. they go after it---i bet less than 1% are actually seduced by some vixen, like you're implying here.
    you may not want to believe it if you're married, but a lot of married men are actively looking for sex outside their marriage. sad, but true.

  27. ^^^This is true, and I am married. Very little open REAL dialouge within marriages.

  28. She's totally classless. She already had a daughter out of wedlock. I'm sure she wasn't using contraception.

  29. I'm surprised she had an abortion, that baby would have keep Antwuan (however it's spelled) tied to her for at least 18 years.

  30. I agree 100% with Indigo, Rocket Queen and Nancer.

    Most women who blame the mistress are naive into thinking that if it weren't for "her", he would be happy and faithful with them (the wife). Psshhh!

    Indigo Blue nailed it - the mistress doesn't owe you a damn thing. She didn't say "I do", she didn't give you the ring, she didn't tell you that she loves you.

    The husband did.

    (PS...I'm married)

  31. At least she had the good sense of getting an abortion. Yes, I'm pro-choice and totally unapologetic.

  32. I live in NC & think the law is nuts but....I know someone who went thru this & had very right to sue the mistress. Depends on the situation too. Not every wife is some clueless dumbass thinking the marriage was perfect either.

  33. Congratulations to Fantasia for taking control of her life. She's doing better and that's a good thing. As for the cheater, and his wife, who cares. Go Fantasia!!



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