Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Jason Mraz Wants His Money Back

In an effort to see if the Jonas Brothers tune Introducing Me was the same as Jason's song, I'm Yours, the singer coughed up some money and paid it to iTunes. Although he noticed similarities between his song and the one by The Jonas Brothers, he told PopEater that he was not planning on suing but wanted his money back after listening to their song.

"I heard the song, and it was just a tremendous, tremendous horror of a tune. I noticed a few similarities in the melody, but it wasn't enough to pick up the phone and argue with somebody about it. If anything, I just wanted my $1.29 back that I spent on iTunes."


  1. Bhahahaha!! A real musician sees what a joke they are. Good on him!

  2. Good luck with that one.

  3. And sales of both songs immediately go up. Well played.

  4. Jason Mraz has the sense of humor John Mayer dreams about.

  5. @timebob. Plus Mraz's music is better.

  6. timebob said "Jason Mraz has the sense of humor John Mayer dreams about." hahaha so true. How embarrasing it would have been for him to fight about such a horrendus song?

  7. How clever of him.

  8. So no one told Jason he could probably have found it on youtube for free?

    (good joke Jason, you've earned another bong hit).

  9. He just wanted his $1.29 back...LOL...snicker

  10. I just love this guy....I needed that smile today.

  11. Jason also has the talent and class John Mayer can only dream about. Also, though I don't know anything about his personal life, I imagine he has a lot fewer disgusted hotel staff left in his wake. :)

  12. What's the point of that??? I watched Camp Rock and thought the song was really cute and actually made me think of it as somewhat of a tribute to Jason Mraz when I heard it. It wasn't a copy. I actually thought it was kind of a sweet song. Jason shouldn't take himself so seriously. Also, I don't think it is nice for artists to put one another down.

  13. Now that is how you handle a copyright violation with grace and style. No big $$ to lawyers, just one well placed diss that gets the point across.

  14. @Valerie: what copyright violation? Even Jason said there was none. I just listened to both songs and while they are of the same "style" they are 2 completely different songs. Unless, of course, Jason has copyrighted all songs featuring one singer and an acoustic guitar.

  15. I dunno Ice Angel, I think the Jonas kid (if he wrote it) based it on the Mraz song, whether he realized it or not. There are unmistakable similarities, at least to my ears. Mraz (who is looking a bit thin, btw) graciously took the high road and decided not unleash the wrath of prepubescent girls everywhere.

  16. hahahaha! i adore Jason Mraz! he has the best sense of humor!

  17. They practically have the same melody, just different lyrics. I feel they go WAY further than just the same style.
    BTW... When I looked it up on You Tube, I thought it was a 'joke' version of the Jason Mraz song! I guess it IS geared for seven year olds, so I'll be quiet now.

  18. They practically have the same melody, just different lyrics. I feel they go WAY further than just the same style.
    BTW... When I looked it up on You Tube, I thought it was a 'joke' version of the Jason Mraz song! I guess it IS geared for seven year olds, so I'll be quiet now.

  19. Am I the only one who thinks Jason Mraz music sucks? I think all his songs are annoying so this so called dig just makes me laugh.

  20. They really don't have the same melody at all. It is simply an acoustic song with a pop/singer/songwriter style. That said-it isn't necessary a bad song. It is taken from a movie. It is supposed to specifically have been written by a boy played by Nick Jonas to a girl who was mad at him for not telling her more about himself. He wrote it to make her laugh and to be silly and to make her smile. It is supposed to be lame because the boy Nick plays is shy and kind of awkward. In that respect, the song is great, in my opinion. And while most of the movie was not all that great, I felt that one song and that one scene was the best thing about the whole movie.

    In my opinion, there was no reason for him to slap another artist in the face so publicly. If he truly felt he was ripped off, he should have picked up the phone rather than make fun of the song like that. And if is sounds like his song, I guess his song sucks too.

  21. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Veg Mommy, you're not alone, my friend. I'm a bonafide music snob, though.

  22. I agree, Veg Mommy. And if I hear that I'm Yours song one more time I'm gonna stab my eardrums with an icepick. I'm Yours is this year's You're Beautiful.

  23. I guess I missed the cleverness -- he just called the thing a "tremendous, tremendous horror of a tune" when it's so close to his own that everyone is saying he should sue for copyright violation. Hmmmm.

  24. I like "I'm Yours". It got ridiculously overplayed, but when it first came out I thought it was cute and catchy. I've seen Jason Mraz live and think he is tremendously talented, he's also got some incredible b-side tracks.

    That Jonas brothers song makes my ears bleed. Then again, I'm 29, not 9, so maybe that's why.

    I'm willing to bet this quote was taken out of context, he's probably sick of hearing about this, and Popeater asked him a stupid question so he gave them a stupid answer. It's obviously said in jest. Jason Mraz probably doesn't give a crap what the Jonas brothers are doing because again, he's not 9. I'm sure he'd rather be asked about his own music.

  25. I love Mraz. And the photo of him in a hotel room answering the door in a Speedo is the hotness. I like his laid back style and the Jonas Bros. are a farce. This is my opinion and I think that the Jonas boys need to step down and retire.

  26. So I guess Mraz is the final proof that smoking pot doesn't necessarily make you fat?

  27. This reminds me of the Tom Petty/Red Hot Chili Peppers deal from a few years ago. There were rumblings that Californication was way too similar to one of TP & the HB's songs (Mary Jane's Last Dance?) and sometime after all the hubbub about plagiarism started, Petty was reported to have finally commented that it was no big deal to him. Love Tom Petty!

  28. Yoooo, that was a NICK JONAS song.

    Leave Joe out of this, he's precious.
