Monday, November 22, 2010

Mark Wahlberg Admits The Happening Sucked

I don't know why I had never watched The Happening but I never got around to it until a few weeks ago. Was it great? No, not really, but it was not the worst movie I ever saw. Sure, there were major gaps in the plot and no one really explained why the trees just picked one area of the country and decided the rest was ok. It seemed like the entire population of the town and that state was decimated but at the end, there did not seem to be a noticeable drop in population.

I still also don't understand why you were safe inside. Like no breeze could have got through some of the insulation on these 100 year old houses? And why was the woman at the end crazy?

Anyway, Mark Wahlberg was doing a press conference for his latest movie and talked about how Amy Adams was lucky that she managed to not have to do The Happening which she was supposed to do.

"I was such a huge fan of [Amy Adams]. We’d actually had the luxury of having lunch before to talk about another movie, and it was a bad movie that I did. She dodged the bullet. I don’t want to tell you what movie… All right, The Happening with M. Night Shyamalan. It is was it is. F*cking trees, man, the plants. F*ck it. You can’t blame me for wanting to try to play a science teacher. You know? I wasn’t playing a cop or a crook."


  1. Oh come on now it wasn't that bad of a movie.

  2. Somehow this guy always comes across as an egotistical douche.... but yes, this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It wasn't so much the storyline but the acting. It was over dramatic, weird and stilted - but that's the director's fault I guess. His vision.

  3. I don't care what anyone says, I like M. Night Shamalamadingdong's movies. The problem is that The Sixth Sense set the bar so high that everyone is waiting for the jaw dropping twist. I love Signs, which actually has lots of jokes, and I really enjoyed Unbreakable. The Village isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

  4. Honestly M.Knight blew his load on the Sixth Sense.

    Not that Marky has any right to bash another artist. I still think he sold his soul to the devil to be Hollywood A List.

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    he has a point... he for one wasn't playing a cop or a crook... well that was before lovely bones........

  6. "hey tress, how's it hanging? say hi to your mother" -someone on twitter making me lol.

  7. Not to mention what an awful actor Wahlberg is.....that voice...awful...
    He's much better as a producer and should stay on the other side of the camera.

  8. I didn't see this and I don't see everything just because he is in it but I love him and have since he was Marky Mark. He is pretty funny. He can either shine or fail.

  9. Cheryl I agree. I also loved "Lady in the Water". I always like the background characters in his movies.

  10. I love the Wahlberg brothers. So what, they aren't Oscar winners or nominees? They get their jobs done. Better than a lot of actors who HAVE won, but don't deserve it. I can think of so many...

  11. I finally saw The Happening the other week....I was more interested as they filmed parts of it at the top of my brothers street. I agree it was cheesy, but parts of it still freaked me out and it was not *AS* horrible as people say, IMHO.

  12. We should start a discussion of bad movies on the fan page...

  13. I found his honesty refreshing.

  14. What if you're not on facebook? You're shunned from the conversations? Sounds elitist to me.

    Anyway. I really liked all of the M. Night Shamalamdingdong(classic Cheryl) movies I've seen. I thought the Village was great, even if the plot was fairly obvious.

  15. Scratch that last, kinda. I can read it. It's open. Sorry.

  16. I knew that movie was going to be crap. My friends tried getting me to see it but I told them they couldn't pay me to sit through that garbage. I think I actually had someone offer to pay my ticket and I still refused.

    @Sue Ellen - I don't think it's elitist to have conversations on Facebook (go to for proof); however, I do agree it's unnecessary. If people want to talk on Facebook, fine. Honestly, I'd rather stick to the comment board.

  17. @Karmen

    I admit, elitist was a slight stretch, but I was going for dramatic effect. I clicked on the site and am confused. Who made this? Hello kitty, or Ent?

    On a side, and somewhat off topic/on topic note, I hate like hell when people are on a forum like this and say something like "yeah, remember we were talking about it/her/him on twitter/facebook/myspace?" It reminds me of elementary/high school where you just talk mad shit about someone you're too afraid to confront in person.

  18. he's such an asshat *grumble*

  19. finally he saw the movie LOL it's very awful but so shitty than it's funny(when he talks to the fake tree in the office)

  20. Sue Ellen, you might have a point if the facebook page weren't open to anyone who wants to join. Yes, I know lots of people hate facebook, but it's not like she's trying to start a "too cool for school" group. Facebook is just a convenient spot to try to bring a bunch of fans together. :)

  21. Did I not say scratch that last? And apologise?

    I know you don't e-like me, and that's fine, but everytime I say something you don't have to always chime in and tell me I'm wrong just for spite.

    It's old and boring.

  22. it was a HORRIBLE movie. shyamalan has made ONE good movie---the sixth sense, and that is it.

  23. Maybe Enty could do some type of announcement for the FB page. I know that he didn't set it up but it might be better than finding a reason to link it in most posts.

  24. One thing M. Night Shyamalan did was...well...change the way I watch movies forever. I expect a twist now. I assume there will be one. I loved The Sixth Sense and I also thought The Village was really good. Never saw The Happening but I probably will at some point.

    The whole twist thing has gone too far though. These days you can figure them out from watching the trailer (see "Shutter Island").

  25. I'm actually quite enjoying the group, Hello Kitty! I just noticed the Bembenek link - saved me from having to go look it up :)

  26. I loved the Village. But The Happening is really bad. And his comment is something I would do and regret it later.

  27. Anonymous4:35 PM

    jax, making you for what? an attention seeking fool? what are you trying to do, get more followers on twitter?

    enough with these facebook followers campaign, hell's kitty!

  28. you people... *sheesh!*

  29. @jax - I cannot look at Mark Wahlberg anymore without thinking that same thing (Say hello to your mother).

    He's right. Good for him for admitting it. IT WAS DREADFUL. My husband and I loved all his other movies but we walked out of the theater shaking our heads and laughing. I was ashamed for Zooey Deschanel.

  30. My husband and I call it "The Crappening" It was god-awful. I'm glad he didn't try to sugar-coat it.

  31. Just in case you come back: I've been leaving you alone for months, Sue Ellen, no matter how many bigoted imbecilic things you post. You're the one bringing up old shit.

    Sorry I missed your "scratch that" post in the middle of the rest of your bitching and moaning, but since less than 10 minutes later you posted again complaining about people who talk about facebook groups, I don't think my comment was misplaced anyway.



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