Monday, November 22, 2010

Today's Blind Items

Last night, these two male, British celebrities hooked up at an AMA after party. No big deal really except for the fact that bother are married to women.


  1. More stuff on the fan page...

  2. Gavin Rossdale was there.

    Was Russell Brand?

  3. Gavin Rossdale and.....

  4. Eeeeeeeeeew!!!!!with Russell Brand? Yuck!

  5. I think Dana nailed it.

  6. @dana: your guess is great

  7. gavin rossdale and seal??

  8. Instant thought: Russell Brand and who?

    Then retching.

    Then not really caring to explore the idea further for fear of more retching!


  9. I totally thought of Russell Brand when I read this, too! Not sure about the other one, but I have a hard time seeing Gavin Rossdale and Russell Brand together...eewww! By the way, that picture of Katy Perry and Russell Brand smothering Justin Bieber is very scary!

  10. Was Robbie Williams at the AMA this year? Didn't he just marry that girl?

  11. I think it's telling when the blinds say celebrities and not singers or actors. At least IMO.

  12. Gross. I hope the wives don`t catch anything.

  13. What would they catch? The gayfluenza? A itching desire that can only be relieved by same sex sex...

  14. @Stuart. Gay isn't the issue here. Russel Brand looks like a walking STD and we know that he has had MANY partners. Many partners (of any gender or orientation) is bad news for the spouses.

  15. Gavin Rosdale and Christopher from Muse.

  16. @Stuart: Hiv for starters. m/m sex is very high risk. Many married women have become infected by their selfish closet-case husbands. Check the CDC!

  17. I think Dana has it.

  18. @Missy Thank goodness you have this forum as a public platform - your insight may have gone unnoticed. We must pass on this intelligence to the gays immediately before they all kill each other. Quick! To the Batmobile!

  19. @Missy is right.

    If you weren't so sensitive and playing gay bash police, you'd comprehend the issue isn't that they're gay...the issue is they are MARRIED to WOMEN who may not know a/b them creepin on the down low for same sex sex. It is one thing if she knows her hubby is bi and will be screwing both men and is another if he is screwing around with ANYONE and leaving her open to an STD she didn't sign on for.

  20. Did anyone ever establish where Brand was that night?

  21. Yep, what Lisap515 said!

  22. @missy, @lisap515 @cheryl

    You are missing the point. STD and HIV are not gay diseases. And plenty of folks have sex without transmitting anything.

    I responded with a humorous jibe to a comment that appeared to say "ew gross" to gay activity. When @missy immediately threw out the HIV card, she showed a bit of ignorance. All gays do not have HIV. And m/m unprotected sex has no greater risk than m/f unprotected sex. (HIV educator here)

    And lighten up. I took some care in crafting an entertaining comment, for an entertaining blog while attempting to address a perceived prejudice. Perhaps if the original commenter had thought a little more before responding or been specific as to what was "ew gross" this would have been avoided. If you'd look beyond this blog just a little, you'd see a lot of kids committing suicide because a lot of very vocal folks think being gay is "ew gross." I didn't want to bring all that up originally and tried a witty retort.

    Next time I'll be more direct.

  23. @Stuart I was referring to men who sleep with men(MSM) not just gay men.

    1 in 5 Gay/Bi Men Have HIV, Nearly Half Don't Know

  24. @Stuart - I agree with your comment. I was surprised at all the "eww" comments as well. I thought we were more of an enlightened, open-minded bunch here. At the end of the day, ANYONE can get HIV, but reacting to mutually condoned adult sex with "eww" is childish.

  25. I don't care if you're screwing a goat (although ewww for personal preference) again "It is one thing if the wife knows her hubby is bi and will be screwing both men and is another if he is screwing around with ANYONE and leaving her open to an STD she didn't sign on for."

    I believe that covers STDs in general and sex with MEN and WOMEN other than your partner.

  26. i thought all the ewwwwws were just about russell brand personally not abt gay sex hmmm anyway...... anyone is suseptable to any disease (blood transfusions etc)not just gays or straights but lets get back on topic yes? Robbie & Gavin? Robbie & Russell? Gavin & Russell? i got nothing!!! oh and the marriage thing? maybe the wives know about it? after all, wasn't Elton John married to a chick at one time.......?

  27. @Stuart, for an HIV educator, you don't know much about HIV. Anal sex is a HIGH Risk sexual activity, no matter who does it, but since it tends to be most practiced between men, we see the disproportionate HIV rates among gay men. Aso, it is easier for a man to give a woman HIV than vice versa through vaginal intercourse as well. Female-to-male transmission is more difficult.

    So yes, eww gross at the idea of married men having sex with other men and then taking that home to have sex with their unsuspecting wives. This is not about gay-bashing, this is about irresponsible and gross behavior in the age of HIV and antibiotic-resistant STDs.

    I am as pro-LGBT as it is possible to be. What I hate are men who don't have the balls to live openly, and hurt their wives with lies and possibly incurable STDs. It is despicable behavior and should be universally reviled.

  28. @Missy: need to clear something up for you.

    Half of the 19% of self-identifying gay and bisexual men with HIV who were in nightclubs in cities with ridiculously high reports of HIV infection did not know they were infected.

    This is NOT the same as 1 out of *every* 5 gay men.

  29. @Sean,
    Thanks for clearing up the misinformation from that person called Missy. It is a HUGE difference from saying 1 in 5 men have HIV to saying 1 in 5 men in large cities with epidemic rates of HIV transmission have HIV. Very big difference.

  30. If practiced safely, anal sex is not a high risk activity.

    Having safe sex with a man and later having safe sex with a woman, again is not an "ew, gross" situation. It's called bisexual.

    That would be the B in LGBT @Christina Penn.

    As far as the cheaters go, this blog would be really boring without them...

  31. @Sean,AK Artisan: You can spin it all you want. MSM get infected at higher rates. Sorry if I`m not PC enough for you.

  32. HIV infection rates are dropping in the gay population. The new infection rates are rising much higher amongst minority populations (heterosexual or not) than any other group.

  33. And amongst the 30% female infected, I'd bet a hell of a lot more of them got infected by unprotected sex with infected men than got it from husbands on the down low.

  34. but we all agree Russell Brand is eeewww gross right? I mean, even we have standards. (lightening up as requested)

    Yes, it would be a very boring blog without all the cheating. I would hope all the cheaters use protection for the sake of their possibly unknowing partners. But people being human, fallible and slightly immoral or in the heat of the moment probably do not always practice safety first.

    Can't choose who you love and can't force your beliefs down other peoples throats.

  35. Actually Mooshki, HIV rates are only dropping amongst the WHITE Gay population. It's rise amongst minority groups is mainly due to their view on homosexuality and the prison industrial complex. Black men make up about 75% of the prison population in the US right now. A lot of them get raped/have sex in prison (they dont hand out condoms in the penn), get infected, and go home to their female boo's acting like nothing happened.

  36. @Missy: "spin" is when you misrepresent information to fit a biased conclusion or, in your case, outright bigotry. I corrected your spin using the facts from the sample study you quoted. The percentage of general population MSM is not 19%.

  37. @Sean: So now I`m a bigot for stating the obvious?

  38. @Missy: you're a bigot for intentionally misrepresenting (or spinning, if you prefer) the scope of that study. Drunk kids at nightclubs in the 21 markets with the highest rate of infection does NOT represent the entire MSM population. Did you fail statistics or are you a wingnut neoconservative?

  39. @Sean: a wingnut neoconservative? LMAO I`m neither. I`m just disgusted by the down-low behavior that closted men partake in. If you wanna be gay, be gay.

  40. While CDC estimates that MSM account for just 4 percent of the U.S. male population aged 13 and older, the rate of
    new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the U.S. is more than 44 times that of other men
    MSM are the only risk group in the U.S. in which new HIV infections are increasing. While new infections have declined among both heterosexuals and injection drug users, the annual number of new HIV infections among MSM
    has been steadily increasing since the early 1990s.
