Thursday, December 16, 2010

Are Katie And Tom Splitting?

Normally I don't really concern myself with the Tom Cruise ad Katie Holmes rumors because I don't think their contract is up yet. However, their have been some reports not only from Star Magazine this week which put them on the cover, but there was also this interesting Tweet that was sent to me by Jax.

"Rumors spreading amongst the mi4 Prodn office that Cruise will be single"

This was followed up with another Tweet that says Katie is not thrilled with how Scientology is affecting Suri. Now, there have been rumors before about the couple which have never panned out, but with all of the rumblings and this being divorce week in Hollywood, I wonder if there is any trouble in paradise. If they do get divorced, does Tom ever see Suri again or will this be a Nicole Kidman type thing where she never gets to see the kids again? According to Scientology, one of those must happen. My guess is that Katie wins and we never hear Tom mention her again.


Missjenny619 said...

Wow. Just wow.

MISCH said...

Don't know how she stood it for this long.....contract or not...if Suri is Tom's biological child (which I doubt) he will fight for custody....

Carte Blanche said...

Oh please let Katie regain her sense of self, get that sparkle back in her eye... and take Suri with her!

Patty said...

That would be so awesome!

Run Katie Run!

jax said...

tweet is from a staffer working on the MI4 set in vancouver.

yup...this is what i predict:

tom and katie have a riveting separation during the next few months of fabulous publicity for Tom,then he'll meet some gorgeous Beard we've barely heard of and bring HER to the MI4 premier to the delight of his adoring and clueless fans.

rinse,repeat fuckery.

mikey said...

Don't believe Suri is Tom's bio child for a moment. Since we always see Suri attached to Katie's hip, Suri goes with Katie. Not saying Tom isn't fond of the child but she is (was) only for his image.

Anonymous said...

A little off topic but Enty brings up a good question (or maybe I just never realized it) How come we never see Nicole with the kids she adopted with Tom? Is he THAT controlling or is she really an ice queen? I can't imagine divorcing my husband and not spending time with my children that I helped raise.

Sunnyhorse said...

I see both Katie and Tom in that child's DNA. That said, Katie needs to grab Suri and RUN. I don't think she had any clue just what she was getting into with the Scientologists, and I'd like to see that little girl have a fighting chance at growing up normal.

Tenley said...

For some reason I've got the impression he'd fight like hell on wheels for custody of Suri. But it sure would be interesting if Katie then pulled the paternity test card.

Sunnyhorse said...

Marianne, I think the kids are indoctrinated (although I have hope that Isabella will get the hell out of the "church"), plus I don't think Nicole ever had any interest in whoring them out the way Tom has.

nancer said...

i used to like katie holmes so i hope this is true so she can regain her identity and get on with her life and career.
i will pull for her if she gets away from him. tom cruise is a very bad man, IMO. he's probably already in search of beard number 4.

Patty said...

The kids were at Nicoles wedding. I think she is still part of their life, albiet a small part. I'm sure the Sci stuff has a lot do do with how often (if ever)she gets to see them.

I do believe that Suri is Tom's. They both have the same manipulative-my-way-or-the-highway look in their eyes. Tom is a control freak, no doubt. I'm afraid the only way that Katie will get Suri is if, and only if, Tom allows it.

mazshad said...

Katie - take Suri and run like hell!

mooshki said...

Suri is a huge publicity draw - he'll never let her go.

Tam said...

I have always thought Suri was Tom's cousin William Mapother's child. I think he looks more like her than Tom.

TaterOnTheCouch said...

Oh I have no doubt that Suri is Tom's biological child. Tom's cousin William Mapother (Ethan from Lost) looks a LOT like Suri so I know Suri has to have Tom's DNA.

That is weird about Nicole not ever mentioning her kids with Tom. I would love to hear more about that one!

looserdude said...

If Katie does split up with Tom she'll get everything she wants, Suri, separation money, a polite send-off, everything, or else she'll be on Oprah's coach and she won't be jumping up and down, she'll be telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and that scares Tom more than anything.

timebob said...

Katie was so pretty before she married Tom. Now she looks like a slave looking for the undergroud railroad for freedom.

jax said...

that's not his'll see he'll let them both go but still pull her out for photo ops.

RocketQueen said...

BG has been hinting for over a year that Katie wants out of her contract and is playing dirty to get out of it. This is happening.

Miss X said...

@RocketQueen who is BG?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

What RocketQueen said. I think Katie's dad has been working hard behind the scenes to secure Suri's custody for Katie. I imagine that Katie's silence is the bargaining chip that will win her her own child. I don't for a single nanosecond think that Suri has a drop of Cruise/Mapother blood. Nor do I ever think we'll hear Katie Holmes utter a negative word about Tom.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

BG=blind gossip

RocketQueen said...

Thanks Little Miss!

@Miss X - check out all their blinds regarding "Chip" and his wife.

Here's a couple:

Anonymous poster said...

The tweet mentioned is gone.

Start the conspiracy theories.

Jeannies Bottle said...

I think Suri is Joshua Jackson's child. She looks just like him and he and Katie were good 'friends'. Also remember years ago Mimi, Tom's first wife, saying he was sterile...and that didn't like sex much. Scientologists are spose to disown anybody in their family who isn't also a scientologist, and I think that's what happened with Nicole and Tom's kids....not that they disowned her but Tom insisted they stay with him and she agreed cuz he had the most power and money and she knew she couldn't win that fight.

Lothar said...

I'll go a little further:

I don't think Suri is Tom's or Katie's. I think her nanny is the bio mom. (She looks a lot like her.)

I know a pillow pregnancy sounds far fetched . I didn't believe it'd be possible UNTIL the John/Kelly fake belly slip up on the dance floor.

MISCH said...

What happened to Chris Klein....wasn't he #1 in the daddy pool?

Cecilia00 said...

I have heard the opposite about Nicole and the older kids.

That they don't want to be with her.

Seachica said...

I don't think it matters whether Suri is Tom's bio child or not. Tom will fight like heck to keep her, just like he did witht he adopted kids. It's about keeping the kids under his (and Scientology) control.

ali said...

@Lothar - I missed the story about the fake belly slip on the dance floor. Please share!

Dare said...
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sunnyside1213 said...

Wonder if she does escape, will she lose that stepford wife look?

sunnyside1213 said...

Just found my Run Katie Run tee shirt.

ardleighstreet said...

I have always thought that Suri was child of Tom's cousin. Think about how his career took off AFTER her birth.

This should be very interesting to see play out.

Ms Cool said...

After Lothar mentioned the John/Kelly belly slip, I did a little research and found a bunch of websites stating that she is hiding a son with her former husband, Kevin Gage. That son was also disabled:

Has anyone else heard this?

Pookie said...


run, katie, run!!!

HannahPalindrome said...

Scientologists are weirdos.

Disowning family members?!
Secret babies?!

What a bunch of nutjobs!!

mooshki said...

Lothar, Katie DEFINITELY used a fake belly for at least part of the pregnancy. At one point her belly went from about 8 months size to 5. I still think Katie is her bio mom, but I think Suri was born a couple of months earlier than they claim.

MadLyb said...

Tom is probably scoping out girls as I type. Blake Lively? She seems to be the new "It" girl and her career could certainly use a bit more of a boost as she tries to transition from tv to movies. I've just read the rumors about her and Ryan Reynolds, but he's blah and won't take her far.

I really wish Tom Cruise weren't so whack, but he's been that way since Mimi Rogers, who was the one who introduced him to Scientology.

And I hope Katie gets the hell out of there with Suri and gets some of the life back in her dead eyes. God, this whole sham has just sucked the soul right out of her.

MadLyb said...

And come out already, Tom. Jesus - everyone already knows anyway.

memyselfandi said...

I don't think Tom would fight Katie for Suri. With the public being more aware of the Scientologist ways, I don't think he would chance losing the last of his fans by ripping a 4 year old girl away from her mother. I'm sure it will be an "amicable split" and Katie will never speak one ill word about her life with Tom.

lanasyogamama said...

That is so sad that Nicole barely sees the kids, if at all.

cheesegrater15 said...

Anybody else think it's weird that the first line of Kevin Gage's bio is

"Kevin and his ex-wife, Kelly Preston, had no children."

It seems awkward, don't ya think?

Is there no end to the madness that is Scientology?

Anotheramy said...
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Anotheramy said...

1) Tom and Katie split over a year ago right before she moved to New York to do My Three Sons. Tom would fly in, parade Suri around a bit, try to force Katie back into line, then fly back off. You may recall Katie looking like absolute hell at the time and the whole Thanksgiving debacle with the Beckhams. Nasty business the things they were holding over each others heads. The split and rehearsals for the play nearly did her in.
2) Suri may or may not be Toms biological child (most likely not) but she is absolutely older than they claim. Katie fell off the radar the last few weeks of her pregnancy. Shortly after giving birth she was strapped into a pillow and shipped off to shop daily for shoes. The point wasn't only to confirm Toms parentage but more importantly, to promote his film. Every day that she was at the mall shopping was more interest for him, and a better chance to sell more tickets. The closer Suri was born to his movie opening the better. At one point her pregnancy was too far advanced for travel so a double had to be brought in. She was about "7" months pregnant and he was in some other country on a yacht. I wish I could find a link.
When Scientology and Tom chose Katie to be the newest Hollywood Royalty they didn't think she would grow a backbone and fight for herself. She has enough dirt on Tom to get away with Suri and has. Nicole caved and had to walk away from her children.

PotPourri said...

Nicole lost the fight with Tom, because she signed a contract that any children in the marriage would be raised Scientologists. The children are not allowed to be alone with Nicole. Nicole was not having Tom's spies in her life anymore while she had the kids, so she saw them randomly. She knew the kids were safe, but she was not.

By the way, she always mentions them, because reporters always ask.

Meg said...

Yikes!!! I'm learning a lot reading this thread.

That is really sad about Nicole and her kids.

How does the guy tweeting all that stuff not get in trouble for leaking information???

Meg said...

@Ms Cool - That story is crazy!?!

The fact that all that info used to be on Gage's iMdb and now it's gone? WTF?


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