Friday, March 12, 2010

Four For Friday

#1 - This starting to age but still gorgeous B- list movie and television actress has a very intimate relationship with her brother. So much so that she sleeps in the same bed as her brother and his wife.

#2 & #3 - This right on the cusp of A list television and movie actor on a very hit network show is supposedly happily married. Why then did he spend the night with this A list comedienne.

#4 - What A list television and movie actor broke up with his most recent girlfriend because she didn't spank him hard enough?

Random Photos Part Three

Tom Hanks gets the top spot. Not so much for Tom, but for the work he has done to help veterans from World War 2. Here he is comforting a veteran who inspired The Pacific and who broke down crying during a ceremony yesterday.

Alice In Chains - New York City
Your top 12 on American Idol.
The one of a kind Annie Lennox.
When is Amy Adams due anyway?
Umm, Dear Millions Of Milkshakes, While I enjoy your milkshakes tremendously, especially after a night of drinking, I'm worried that you are letting Aubrey O'Day get naked in your kitchen with her dogs where you prepare those wonderful shakes.
One of Amy Winehouse's new fashion designs which are set to hit the market.
One of the worst pictures ever of Beyonce. Top 5 probably.
A first time appearance for Catherine Keener.
Diane Keaton looks pretty damn good doesn't she?
Eli Roth and Peaches Geldof need to get a room.
The long lost Frank Stallone.

Random Photos Part Two

George Michael smoking a joint on a yacht in Australia.
Some of the cast of FlashForward. Jack Davenport, Joseph Fiennes, and Dominic Monaghan.
One of the coolest people ever, Jami Gertz.
Jake G on the set of his new movie.
Apparently there are people in Paris who are willing to pay Jesus Luz to DJ at their party. Why?
Judge Reinhold makes an appearance on the red carpet with his wife Amy.
Jessica Simpson after appearing on Rachael Ray. Seems a little overdressed for Rachael Ray.
Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart last night.
Kristen immediately changed clothes after the movie while Dakota stuck with the dress. Oh Taylor from Twilight showed up.
Kristen having a moment with the amazing Joan Jett.
While Dakota shared some time with the woman she portrayed, Cherie Currie who looks great.
Lyle Lovett and his girlfriend April Kimble.

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Michael Bolton - Englewood, NJ
I guess Lisa Marie Presley is putting all those ballooning weight stories to rest. Here she is with her daughter Riley Keough.
Some randomness. Ricki Lake and Cisco Adler.
Rose McGowan and her new boyfriend. Is she about to flash everyone or just checking that everything is in place?
Ryan Phillippe after getting his nails done. How many phone numbers do you think he got while inside?
HBO has released some stills from Sex And The City 2.
Snooki and her new boyfriend.
Sarah Paulson, and could it be, why yes it is. It's Alice! Otherwise known as Linda Lavin.
An Animal House reunion between Tim Matheson and Bruce McGill.
If you would rather have a Fletch reunion, Dana Wheeler Nicholson was there but I didn't see any photos with Tim.
How about this one? Yes, I know it is a father and daughter, but when the father and daughter admit the father hit on the daughter before then you really, really have to start to wonder.

Kendra Wilkinson Has Never Seen Hugh Hefner Naked

Not that I would want to see Hugh Hefner naked, but I was kind of surprised that Kendra Wilkinson has never seen Hef naked. Well, that is what she says anyway. I mean if you put someone on national television with their husband next to them and you are asked if you saw your "ex-boyfriend" naked, you would probably say no also. Especially if it is Hef because it is kind of believable. Kendra also talks about her boobs and baby weight and blah blah blah.

9 MInutes Of Crazy - Lady GaGa And Beyonce - Telephone

This is safe for work in the sense they have blurred out all the nudity.

Your Turn

Two questions today. The first has to do with something Jessica Simpson said about not brushing her teeth ever. While I am sure it helps to know that you will never have your toothpaste confiscated at an airport security checkpoint, I still can't imagine never ever brushing your teeth. The few I have left I brush well. So, with this in mind, here are the questions today.

#1 - How many times daily do you brush your teeth?
#2 - Favorite toothpaste?

For me I would say twice a day and Crest Whitening. I like it to be blue. Oh, with those little white chips in it whatever they are.

NY Post Blind Item

Which champion climber -- social and otherwise -- is moving on after her latest husband suffered financial setbacks with the help of her conspicuous consumption? Their friends are sticking with him.

Get Ready Cartier!!! Jennifer Love Hewitt Is Single

It is their favorite day of the year at Cartier. The day some tabloid says that Jennifer Love Hewitt and her boyfriend of the month have broken up. Because as sure as the sun comes up every morning, Jennifer Love Hewitt will be dragging whatever guy comes next in the "Why does your mom always have to be so close" hit parade into the store for promise rings or bracelets or whatever else she thinks shows her commitment to the guy.

According to Extra that day has come. They are reporting that Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jamie Kennedy have called it quits or her mom got tired of him or something. Maybe he got tired of waking up every morning to find her mom staring at him waiting to get up. Whatever it is, they are done and the sales people over at Cartier have a little extra spring in their step.

I'm Torn

I read today that Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds are set to star together in a new movie. I think they would be great together in a movie and so I read on wondering what the plot would be. Then I saw it. It is a switch movie. I hate those kinds of movies. From Vice-Versa to Freaky Friday to anything that involves any kind of switch like that, I am not a fan. The plot is that one is a responsible family man and the other is a lazy man child. I might, might be willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for $1 on DVD, but no matter how much I like the two of them I am scared that if I even give my one dollar that this will produce what I like to call the Switch orgasm. At about the time Vice-Versa was made there were five or six movies made at the same time that basically dealt with the same issue. From Big to the one that had Dudley Moore and Kirk Cameron to actors who played twins and then concluded with Multiplicity where Micheal Keaton played 16 versions of himself. It was just never ending. The Switch orgasm wasn't as bad as the volcano and meteor hitting the world movies that followed a few years later but it was close.

More Cheating From Jake Pavelka - And The Worst Pickup Line Ever

US Weekly has a report this week about another woman who claims Jake Pavelka of The Bachelor hit on her after he was already engaged to Vienna. In the middle of January, Jake was at a basketball game in Dallas and followed a woman from her seat to the concession stand. OK, sure, a lot of guys will stalk like that. But wait, this is the best part.

He grabbed her hand, looked at her and said, "You might have seen me on a TV show." No hi I'm Jake, but straight to the try and get laid quick by throwing out the television card. Showing that he is capable of more than one sleazy line he then said, "I think you are so beautiful, and you shouldn't be standing here alone." As it turns out she wasn't alone and Jake soon came face to face with her fiance'. So, try and get yourself out of that one. Holding her hand while the fiance' comes up is not really a smart move. I have no doubts this behavior has repeated itself. Jake picked the woman who was willing to milk this for publicity and money.


The Newest Four Letter Word: CLOG

It seems with the birth of a new decade, is the re-birth of the age-old shoe; the Clog. Clogs have been around since the beginning of time, and over the years have been altered almost as many times as Heidi Montag’s face.

As 2010 rolled in, so did the clogs. They’ve stomped their way down all the big runways and landed on the feet of your favorite Stars on the red-carpet.

Here’s how to sport clogs the right way, without breaking the bank.

FASHION: ALEXA CHUNG in clogs by Chanel.For those of us who LOVE the look, but would still like to afford next month’s rent, here’s an equally cool, but much less-expensive pair for $148.
FASHION: SHENAE GRIMES AND ½ OF THE OLSEN TWINSIf you like the effortless vibe sported here by Shenae Grimes and Ms. Olsen in clogs, get a similar pair from Steve Madden for $89. They come in three colors—Cognac, Black and Taupe
**For more budget-friendly fashion tips, follow me on twitter.

Shocker! Katie Holmes Not Pregnant!

You know all those rumors about Katie Holmes being pregnant? You know the extra Scientology sessions and the visit to a restaurant which was conveniently next to the office of a doctor and how Katie has been wearing what looks like maternity clothing, well forget it all. According to her rep, "Katie is not pregnant." Would any of us think she was? I think it is fair to say that Tom Cruise would like nothing more than having another child. He could use the publicity. Oh, and he would probably like to have an heir to the Scientology throne in case Suri backs out and runs for her life at some point.

All this does is show me that there is something very funny about the parents of Suri. Tom and his people want the world to think he is Mr. Macho and can pump out babies as fast he wants. To that end they keep throwing those rumors out there about her being pregnant. He couldn't have kids with Mimi Rogers. He didn't have biological kids with Nicole Kidman. Katie had a child, but we don't know if it is his. Does she look like Tom? Tell me one feature on her that looks like Tom. The thing I look forward to more than just about anything is the day Suri turns 18 and someone convinces her to do a DNA test.

Here Is My Plan For Michael Lohan

I'm pretty much sick of the whole Michael and Dina Lohan thing. I can actually handle Lindsay because gossip that she is directly involved in is at least interesting. I mean who doesn't like to follow the exploits of a fallen actress who loves to steal, take drugs, is bi-sexual and can't spell. It's magic. What is not so magical are her parents. This is what I want. I want someone to give Michael 3 hours of uninterrupted time. I'm thinking Pay-Per-View. He gets three hours and can charge $4.95. In those three hours I want him to spill everything he has so we don't have to get it in dribs and drabs and see his ugly mesh shirt wearing face everyday. Bring out the home movies of Lindsay, the recorded phone calls, the proof of drug abuse and now his sex tape. Yep, apparently his ex-girlfriend and Michael made a sex tape. Well, God probably told him to do it. Anyway, he can rant and rave and bring out the ex and then she and Kate Major can have some type of wrestling match while Jon Gosselin referees. Then at the end of the show, Michael takes his check and walks away and we never ever hear from him again.

Charlie Sheen - Hookers & Drugs

Apparently no matter what kind of situation Charlie Sheen finds himself in, he can always seek solace in the arms of a hooker. In Touch is reporting that Charlie has started spending his nights with a $2500 hooker. I guess this was before his three week stay in rehab because I am pretty sure they don't allow conjugal visits especially since the magazine also claims Charlie has been doing piles of coke with her all night too. Ahhh, this is the charlie Sheen we all know and dislike. You know the hooker and porn star while doing drugs and the occasional shooting of a girlfriend and the threat of murder to his wives.

And tell me again why CBS has not dropped him and his show? Oh yeah. It makes a pile of money for the network because people will watch his a-holey self no matter what he does.

Ted C Blind Item

Last time we checked in on Parrish Maguire, the good-lookin' babe was getting set up on fake dates with available female celebs, and the dude didn't mind in the least!

Parish, as we've said before, is quite unlike the most famous closeted Hollywood man of them all, Toothy Tile, who hates that he has to trot women around in order to sell tickets.

That's no problem for adorable Parrish, who'd probably sell his soul to the Hollywood devil for even a bit more fame—only problem being, not sure the designing star has a soul. Hard to tell.

Especially with PM pulling stuff like this:

Attending a number of private Hollywood parties, with boyfriend in tow (the one he's had since before Parrish shot to matinee celebu-fame), and hitting on other guys! No wonder that bf of Parrish's looks like a Ken-doll caught in headlights. If that's the crap Maguire's pulling on his man in public, can you imagine the emotional abuse the boyfriend's having to put up with in behind closed doors?

But, let's get one thing clear here: There is nothing overt about what Parrish is doing with these men at varies soirees, a gay Tiger Woods, he's not. Nope, what gets Parrish's flirt on is literally rubbing up against good-looking guys with his (rather nice) legs, arms and—often-times—just his hungry eyes. It's all really kind of Crescent Kumquat kind of stuff, remember the guy who just liked to spoon with guys in bed, rather than actually screw them? Yeah, that's the one.

Isn't it interesting PM, who's privately never made it a secret he's gay, is now taking the next step of getting his homo on in quasi-public places?

And the Crescent analogy isn't exactly such a bad one, as—of course—now Crescent's doing much more than spooning with those guys he formerly just got sleepy-cozy with.

Does this mean Parrish is actually getting closer to coming out?

We say no.

And this is why the Tiger analogy is actually a better one. Parrish's recent party-lusty behavior is just another example of a guy who's used to getting away with stuff and thinks that'll go on forever.

Not so sure about that.

It Ain't: Nick Jonas, Robert Pattinson, Justin Bieber

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This movie actress who qualifies as A list under the rules but is probably just a B recently had a miscarriage at about four months. The reason? She couldn't stop using coke. Even when her doctors told her she needed to stop she just couldn't. The thing is her husband doesn't even know she uses coke. I wonder what she told him.

Random Photos Part Three

Merlin Olsen - RIP
Alexis Arquette was at the Pistol & Stamen cocktail party. The perfect place for Alexis to get all dressed up and interact with other drag queens. It is not
the place for kids, but Shauna Sand brought hers along anyway.
Do you think Andy Garcia sleeps in a scarf. The man is never without one. Here he is with Ruben Blades.
Amy Winehouse at a vitamin store? And wearing regular shoes? Wow.
Corey Feldman and the strand of hair that was killing me last night on Larry King.
Also on the program was Nicole Eggert.
Christina Ricci was a little too busy getting hammered out of her mind to watch the show. Here she is being carried out of a club.
Catherine Zeta Jones right before her appearance on The Today Show.
A reunion of Mt. Kilimanjaro climbing buddies. Emile Hirsch, Jessica Biel and Lupe Fiasco.
Tell me you would recognize Emily Mortimer if you saw her. She looks so different than she used to. Here she is with Parker Posey.
Ed Westwick is very popular in New York.