Saturday, January 01, 2011

Blind Items Revealed

October 21, 2010

This Golden Globe nominee/winner movie actress used to be A list. Barely, but she was. Now though she is probably a C+ with much higher name recognition than that. Her slide into C list land is probably because she is not the most likable person in the whole world and she does not work as much as she used to. Anyway, on her most recent production, she had brought along her three dogs and two cats and they would hang out in her trailer all day. On one of those days, while she was out with her dogs, one of her cats knocked over a candle and the trailer caught on fire. The trailer was a loss, but the cats managed to get out. In fact, production was halted for a day, not because of the trailer damage, but because she insisted the entire crew look for the two missing cats. I am still awaiting word whether the cats were found, but will let you know as soon as I here.

Ashley Judd


  1. What a bitch.

    I think someone guessed this one.

  2. She is never less than appalling in her behavior, is she? Ah Ashley, you spread sunshine and good feelings wherever you go!

  3. This does not surprise me. Not onebit.

  4. In retrospect, this seems obvious. She seems like the kind who would have a bunch of candles in her trailer, and who wouldn't think twice about leaving pets alone with them. Jerk.

  5. She always leaves a trail of bad stories. I've even heard one from a political writer who happened to be in the same area while she was doing her I'm a saint goodwill stuff. She complained about the heat and kept taking everyone else's water bottles and making everyone wit on her hand and foot.

  6. I would be rather frantic too if something like that happened where my cats were involved BUT I wouldn't be dumb enough to leave a lit candle unattended.

  7. I don't think it's bad behavior to have them look for her animals but she didn't need to bring FIVE of them in the first place. Or if she HAD to, hire someone to look after them. And don't leave lit candles unattended. Sheesh.

  8. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I've never heard anything nice about Ashley Judd...but nothing ever this specific. Is she just an all around diva or is it something else?

  9. Anonymous3:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My question is why did she leave a candle burning in the trailer in the first place? Dumb twit. You'd think trailer trash would know THAT much. Whoops! Was that snarky?

    I can't fault her for wanting to find her cats. I would, too.

  11. I thought she slid out of A list becuase she was lazy and did the same role type over and over again.

    You can only do so many role with Morgan Freeman before the audience gets sick of you.

  12. This chick is another waste of time & space on this planet. Candles and animals unattended? She should be charged with animal cruelty for those traumatized and missing cats.

    That said, if my pets were missing, I'd insist the entire city be shut down and enlist citizens and the army to earch for them.

  13. search, not earch.

  14. How important does she really think she is?

  15. Entitled moron.

  16. @Cheryl - was this the account of Ashley in Africa you are referring to? :

  17. Thank God this selfish bitch didn't have kids. Methinks the Judd Sister Bio's would be nothing less than jaw dropping. Waytta go Momma Judd.

  18. I have never liked her. Can't wait till she is D.

  19. If this is what she does on set imagine what she's like at home! Hope she had good paid up insurance...just sayin!

  20. @ mygeorgie

    Yeah, the tidbits that have come out about their upbringing certainly won't win Momma Judd any parenting awards. At least the kids come by it naturally.

  21. i like her as actress even if she's a nice woman

  22. Good lord what did Naomie (their Mom) do to these two? Both of them are so messed up.

  23. Ugh, I loved her so much in that movie with Natalie Portman, I wish she wasn't such a total nightmare.

  24. @lanasyogamama - Where the Heart Is? I loved that movie too (and the book). I have loved several of AJ's movies, so it's too bad she sounds like a byatch in real life.

  25. Dumb stupid bitch. Adults who put their pets and children in danger make me furious.

  26. I like several of her movies. The candles/unattended pets combo is just dumb, accident waiting to happen.

  27. I.Can't.Stand.Her.

    Prententious Bitch!
    She thinks she's smart because she uses big words from the dictionary. Ughhhhhhhhh
    I hated watching her on talk shows.

  28. I'll be the unpopular one here, but I think she's wonderful. Very bright -- yes, a little pretentious -- but also was exceptionally nice at a fundraising event I worked at which she was hosting. She arrived by herself, on time (despite a snow storm), and was all smiles and quite lovely. She also was very generous with her own financial donation. I like her. Always have.

  29. Didn't she date Michael Bolton? This explains so much.

  30. I bet those two missing cats are sooo happy to be away from her...

  31. can't beleive a pet owner took a whole day to look for her missing cats. whatta fuckin pretentious cunt whore bitch slut

  32. Wasn't AJ the same one who let her animals die in her New York apartment? I could have sworn she was. It was pretty horrific from what I remember about it. She took off for a couple of months and never told anyone about the animals.

  33. It's entirely possible that she was a complete hag in South Africa (wouldn't be the first report of bad behavior on her part), but I would have to take anything said about her by a member of the Free Republic crowd with a big grain of salt -- she's an outspoken liberal, and those people are total assholes about anyone who doesn't march in lockstep with them.

  34. Why would she leave candles unattended in a trailer with cats? You don't leave glasses and trinkets or anything volatile or fragile unattended with cats. If she loves them so much, she should travel with a pet nanny.

  35. this fire was in 2005. you can google ashley judd trailer fire and it comes up.
