Friday, March 04, 2011

BuzzFoto Blind Item

For our 500th Blind Item, we think we found some pretty good gossip, so enjoy! This celebrity couple is getting a lot of buzz but like so many other couples out there that have folks fooled, this relationship is also a setup. Arranged by publicists and management. Each celebrity in the arrangement gets something out of it. He gets a piece of what he’s wanted for a really long time and she gets to ride on all the extra publicity. We love both of the young stars, but can’t believe anyone is really buying it. No matter how sincere they might seem.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    selena and the biebs?

  2. Anonymous9:23 AM

    The Beaver & Selena

  3. I agree, Selena and Justin.

  4. Another lame 'blind.' Too easy.

  5. Just to be different, how about Joe Jonas and Ashley Green?

  6. He gets a piece of what he’s wanted for a really long time

    What does that mean?

  7. Ha ha, i think it means he gets some action. what has any 16 year old boy been wanting for a really long time?

  8. Selena and the Biebs....He is getting to "hit" that is what is meant. At 16. Yikes.

  9. @Susan: Yeah, I thought of that too, but it says that their management arranged the setup so that both, Bieber and Gomez (if it is really them), can benefit from it. So, does that mean that Gomez' management are pimping her out to Bieber so that he can get some. I would call that prostitution, since Bieber seems to be Gomez' john, right?

  10. how about Chace Crawford and Taylor Swift

  11. This is disgusting!

  12. Chord Overstreet and Taylor Swift?
    Does that girl EVER date for herself and not her career?

  13. bieber/gomez or Taylor Swift/ her new guy?

  14. If you look at the pics of Justin and Selena, he really does seem smitten. And if it were all a publicity stunt, why would he shoot the paps the finger.
    I think that one's real.
    I like the Swift/Overstreet guess.

  15. @JW - I agree with you. I don't think Selena and Biebs are good enough actors to be faking it so convincingly. I think they're for real.

  16. I don't think they're necessarily faking their affection for each other, I think this blind just says they were set up by their respective mgmt companies, which is pretty standard nowadays. Don't think what they're doing is fake, but the set up was probably arranged.

  17. I really think the Bieber/Selena one is real. Their happiness jumps off the page, and you see them being casual together - not made up, not fake posed post-workout shots - but real, everyday, people who do things together shots.

  18. ScarJo & Sean Penn.

    If Biebs wanted someone, he could VERY easily get that person...he's got that much brand power at this point.

    Sean Penn's got a thing for blondes.
    Scarlett's got a thing for older dudes.

    He gets to hit that (so to speak) and she gets some publicity...considering comic convention season is around the corner and The Avengers is dropping in 2012....

  19. Re: Scar Jo/Sean Penn -- can't be them...

    While the part about each of them getting something they need from the other might work, the part where Enty says, "We love both of the young stars" cannot be true about them. Sean Penn is not young and we certainly don't love him. (I'm sure his son and parents do, but the rest of us?)

  20. Panda, this is a Buzz Foto blind, not an Enty blind.

    I guess I'll go along with Bieber/Gomez because I can't think of anyone else.

  21. @nightmare child i thought the same thing, reread the blind and it says they are young

  22. I think it's Taylor Swift and somebody.

  23. Emily Blunt / John Krasinski

  24. Gillian you beat me to it.

    This IS Perry & Brand. I'll bet the farm on it.

  25. But is Russell Brand exactly what anyone would consider "a young star" He's what, 36?

  26. justin bebs hasn't even been around a "really long time", so can't be him.

    i think "she gets to ride" is a hint....

    i got nothin

  27. I took "He gets a piece of what he's wanted for a really long time" to be fame, not sex.

    Colour me gullible.

  28. "He gets a piece of what he's wanted for a really long time"? That sounds like Russell Brand - he's wanted to be popular in the US for a while, he's a huge celebrity in the UK but never really broke out in North America. Being with Katy Perry gives him exposure.

  29. canada girl, that is an excellent guess!

  30. Kstew and Rpatz!

  31. Kstew and Rpatz!
