Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Jersey Woman Can't Close Her Eyes

Marilyn Leisz has had a bunch of plastic surgery. A ton of it. So much in fact that her doctors warned back in 2005 that the procedure she wanted done would be dangerous because she had so much work done. Well, the procedure worked, but there is one downside. Marilyn cannot close her eyes anymore. Yep. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Marilyn has her eyes open.

"That's how it is when I sleep. That's how it is 24-7, 365 days a year. All the favorite things I used to, like tennis, racquetball, swimming, horseback riding, bike riding, skeet shooting, gardening, I can't do those things."

Do you do those with your eyes closed? Skeet shooting? Really? I want you to know that when I garden, which is almost never, I always do it with my eyes closed so I know exactly how she feels. Who on earth could possibly ride a bike with their eyes open too? Oh, the horrors if you kept them open. Naturally Marilyn is suing her doctor although no one is sure why she waited 5 years to sue. Maybe she thought it was kind of neat the first few years? You know, kid sneaks in the house thinking everyone is asleep and there is mom on the couch with eyes wide open watching Eyes Wide Open. Wow.


looserdude said...

Who would have guessed that letting someone cut your face open with a sharp knife could be a bad thing?

mikey said...

The most important thing is she does look better. Closing your eyes is so over-rated.

MISCH said...

Well she can always have the excess skin put back on....RIGHT !

Actually I don't know what she expected....she didn't leave much to work with...

RocketQueen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RocketQueen said...

Having a hard time summoning any sympathy, but then again I had a breast reduction 10 years ago, and I have a hard time summoning any sympathy for women who get implants and then complain about back problems or about being treated like sex objects afterward. Exactly.

Unknown said...

She probably needs more money for more procedures.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

To Enty (or whomever wrote this),
Did you forget your brain today? I know it’s fun to disparage the woman who screwed up her life because she had too many plastic surgeries, but take a moment and think, truly think, about why she may no longer be able to do certain things like gardening, sports, etc. Think about how important the ability to close your eyes is in terms of protection from foreign bodies and keeping the eye moisturized, and then explain to me how she is supposed participate in actives (tennis, horseback riding, etc.). As an active gardener, I can’t count how many times I’ve had bits of debris fly into my eye from digging, wind, etc. even though I’m wearing some sort of glasses.

Bottom line, the woman is an idiot who shouldn’t be suing, but not being able to close her eyes properly is an issue. If she were a burn survivor who couldn’t close her eyes due to scar tissue, you wouldn’t say such things.

Ms Cool said...

Um Treesap, we would feel sorry for the burn survivor because they didn't CHOOSE to get an unnecessary cosmetic procedure against doctor advice for the sake of vanity. It is very hard to feel sorry for this woman's choices. Why I can feel al little bad for her, I'll save my true sympathy for the latest victims of inescapable tragedy in Japan.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if she is playing dumb or what but I feel it's reasonable to know on your own that when you do excessive plastic surgery sooner or later their are consequences.

kris said...

yeah, no sympathy here. ITA with Ms.Cool.

Aly said...

Another day of zero interest from pseudo-Enty! WTF happened? Anyone else salivating for another Shimmy-Timmy, MV and/or Coke Mom?

Barton Fink said...

There is a kind of moral ambiguity in my attitude toward victims of plastic surgery: on the one hand, they're human and I recognize I should feel compassion. But on the other hand ... Lisa Rinna. I mean, seriously.

Why didn't she get her legal team to pressure the doctor behind the scenes? Why put her story out in public? Did the plastic surgeon refuse to settle? Does she want attention? I don't know why this story is out there.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

@ Ms Cool & Kris--I understand where you’re coming from; however, the point was to tackle the idiocy of not understanding how the inability to fully close her eyes would negatively impact her life. I don't feel sorry for her because she's an idiot; however, not being able to close her eyes is a legitimate problem. The burn survivor was merely brought up as a guide to illustrate that one would be more willing to invest time in thinking about how their life would be impacted.

bflogurl said...

Boo. This place stinks.

dani said...

well said treesap..

Funny Girl said...

So, has anyone determined what has happened to Enty or the daily postings of pictures?

If I had donated money towards the pictures, I'd be upset that they are no longer being provided.

Patty said...

Looks like the posts are done for the day.

Anonymous said...

ENT is dead, isn't he? Mad Cow disease.

Anonymous said...

lol. that was so funny yet inappropriate at the same time, brendalove! i needed that. it's raining here.

chopchop said...

Doesn't Enty realize if he just told us what's going on, we'd stop the bitching & the speculating? We're not stupid; there's obviously something up whether it's lack of time, funds, interest, whatever, I don't care. I just feel like we, his loyal fans, deserve the respect of him telling us what's what. It's like Enty invited us all over to his house and there was an elephant sitting in the middle of the room that he refuses to acknowledge. "An elephant? No, no, that's my coffee table!" At some point the truth needs to be addressed.

Anonymous said...

He's either dead or bankrupt. Or back on crack. Put the pipe down, ENT!!!!

jbdean_79 said...

Oh, chopchop, you know there'd be no room for the elephant in the basement with Enty around. Elephant = Enty.

However, count me in on the "WTF is going on around here" train. Definitely for the past few months...

What the hell am I supposed to do during the day now... WORK!?!?! "Oh, Hell to the NO!"

Seriously though, this was my one gossip site, and it always seemed it was totally new stuff. I found about it here before anywhere else it seems. It took like a day to post the soccer dude, seriously?!!? I found out about it on first... Now, that is just plain not right.

Anonymous said...


Do you know what's the deal? Enty's concentrating more on the radio, etc?

Anonymous said...

Or rather he's trying to find a new home for the radio show?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's on the crack because he's making awful decisions. He's busy making the switch to that upcoming, ground-breaking format - the radio - because the internet is so passe and old-fashioned. Right.

If he wants to hemorrhage money, he needs to drop Blogger, get a REAL website on a good server, and get some color and artwork to spice up the look. The format (the OLD format) stands strong just as it is/was. Sell the site as a haven for the "intelligent gossip".

That being said, I would still suck the lips right off his face if given a chance. LOL!

Rickatoo said...

what radio show?

Ms Cool said...

Hey Treesap - I see your point a little better now.

Melody the First said...

With all those doctors' warnings, chances are she signed a ton of doctor CYA agreements before they cut into her. Good luck with that lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if she can find some kind of tape to actually close her eyes at night and get some z's. Didn't watch the video, so I wouldn't know if she alluded to such.

J Ruth said...

Has anyone else tried emailing Enty? The email account has been shut down. What is happening, Enty??

sassyyankee said...

I miss the old site. My one real vice was CDAN. What is up? I miss the photos, the good blinds and just the fun of checking in a couple of times a day for the gossip that no one else had. Boo. Come back, Enty.

Anonymous said...

his email account has been shut down? hmmm...

rickatoo here ya go. the first mention of radio:

there are other posts. just google "radio"!

Cancan said...

This was my only vice too. I gave up Perez Hilton two years ago for Lent and never went back. I don't like to read DListed because I'm always concerned someone's looking over my shoulder. It's just so tiresome to check in every hour and find *nothing* has been updated. Or, if it has, it's stuff we've seen somewhere else (coffin guy) or things that aren't interesting in the first place (eyes lady) or people I hate (Kardashians.) Even the blinds have been dull.

MnGddess said...

Ok - Cancan - that you gave up Perez for Lent is hysterical!

Two, Brandalove - Enty crack is spelled b-a-c-o-n.

Third, concerning this idiot of a woman - I see Treesap's point. Even if the woman insisted, the plastic surgeon must have known this would probably happen.I don't care how much a client pais me I would refuse.

And has anyone noticed that, although this woman is addicted to plastic surgery it's done NOTHING to improve her appearance. She looks in her mid 50's. Now, if she is really 80 years old, THEN...

Bad Ass Momma said...

I have emailed a couple of funny bacon pics/links over the last week or so and I thought it was getting through. Unless this happened over the last few days?

Linnea said...

Someone mentioned in an earlier post that they had tried emailing a couple of times but that it bounced back.

Bad Ass Momma said...

That's why I was asking

ljsmed said...

I saw this story two days ago, on more than a few different sites...

JJ said...

Regarding this woman, it looks like she can close her eyes. She knew the risks but went ahead anyway. Her fault. I'm sure her surgeon had her sign many waivers listing all sorts of worst case scenarios. I know mine did.

Regarding Enty, I miss you ya big lug.

GladysKravitz said...

Regarding the eyes lady: No one made that doctor perform surgery on her. S/he CHOSE to do so. If I went in and asked for a surgeon to amputate my arm, s/he wouldn't do it just because I asked. It is irresponsible, immoral and definitely unethical for a physician to perform any procedure in which the risks outweigh the possible benefits. Yes, she's an idiot to have done it despite the MD warning her not to do so, but the MD is more of an idiot for doing it anyway. S/he deserves to get sued.

And--I can only imagine how awful this is for the woman. I'd imagine that she can't do much of any activity for fear of harming her eyes--and it must be close to impossible to sleep for more than two or three minutes at a time. Personally, though, I'd take skin from my ample ass to make up for what I screwed up earlier. Or from my ear. Anywhere, just to get some damn shuteye.

As for Enty--my imagination tells me that he is preoccupied with something. Let's say he's met a special someone or has had some other big event occur in his life. Maybe he's trying to decide whether to share that with us---inviting us into what is pretty much his until-now very private life (unless you really believe the basement/parents stories)--or whether to just shut down the site as his real life has become more pressing. I don't believe he has any bad intent--I think he's distracted either by work, love or food.

It doesn't matter to me--he's provided more than his fair share of entertainment these past years, and whatever he gives me now is just gravy, in my opinion.

And for the record, I donated $$ for photos, and I liked them (for the most part), and I got a couple of years worth of them from a small donation. No complaints from me. I didn't donate for the radio show, mainly because I was so busy during that time that I barely signed on, but I still managed to listen to it. Thank you to those who did donate. It was a fun little show, and I hope we get more.

Anonymous poster said...

E-mail seems to be working fine.

I think he said something about finding a new home for the show that would start in April. Hoping he makes an announcement soon.

Anotheramy said...

Yawn, really, why do something half assed?

And in case anyone wonders, no I dont believe the parents basement bacon loving fat guy story. Its a cute story tho.

Rickatoo said...

@ea17 - i was being subtley sarcastic :) i was an active east coast participant for the 2 shows he did, was waiting for the third this past saturday (which was when he promised the new home for the radio show) but it never CAME

Kathy K said...

@cancan: I'm right there with you. I gave up Perez and felt much cleaner afterwards.

But the whole CDAN thing really has me bummed out. I do 3 things when I mosey over to the internet during the day: check Drudge, check CDAN, and check TMZ.

And I'm so bummed that CDAN has just kind of fizzled out. It doesn't close with a blind, there aren't any photos ... I mean, everyone can do whatever they want with their blogs, but I became a fan because of those things, and the topics on here now are mostly stuff I've read somewhere else already.

Just kinda bummed.

Unknown said...

Maybe he's too busy filming Goonies 2. Has Jax disappeared as well? Come back soon, chunk/Jeff!

Unknown said...

OMG I gave up Perez for lent too!..I felt a little silly at first but now life is much better now!

K said...

April fool?

deity2 said...

I just have a feeling the blog is over..........I hope not....

Anonymous said...

no, anonymous blogger. he stated that the radio show would return last saturday. we aren't stupid. unless you have insider info. are you enty posting under anonymous blogger?

i guess his bullshit excuse of being sick was a lie.

Anonymous said...

selenakyle said...

Waaayyyy late here, but I also have sensed someone missing from the comments recently --- jax!

Where you at lately, jaxie-baby?

(or am I just imagining this because I'm not reading as many comments as I used to...probably because CDAN isn't quite the same these days...?)


selenakyle said...

Oh, and about Eyes Wide Open Lady---I don't give a rat's eyelids. She made the decision to do this to herself!

Who were her Doctors...the same schmucks who over-fertilized OctoMom???

C'mon, please! What she needed was therapy, not surgery.

Funny Girl said...

@selenaklye - That's a really good point. Jax seems to be missing too.

selenakyle said...

I ended up seeing a comment from her on yesterday's Canadian RHO post.

KLM said...

I hope everything is okay with the person who started this blog - would be nice to return to the old format (or at least announce that somethings up). I keep coming back here hoping for a change, but alas, here we all are...

RocketQueen said...

jax is working on her own blog these days, and good luck to her :)

jax said...

LOL. you're right i'm not here that often but I do read!

lots going on but i'm not gone!

and if i'm being honest...twitter is addicting!


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