Monday, March 07, 2011

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

An actual smile from Mark Zuckerberg. Of course a new dog will do that to anyone.
Nicole Richie in Paris for Fashion Week.
Rosario Dawson was not in Paris, but at an event in LA.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart out on a date in Vancouver. They were joined by
Kellan Lutz.
How old is Suri Cruise? Like 4 right? Isn't that too old for a pacifier?
Seth Green and Mindy Sterling take a picture for some fans.
Long time, no see Samantha Mathis. Here she is with Carla Gugino.
Sophie Monk has called off her engagement to the old dude. Seems he bought his ex a really huge ring for her birthday.
Toccara Jones looks at herself on the big screen.


nunaurbiz said...

wow, I don't think I've ever seen Kristen Stewart smile like that! It's a good look on her.

Note to Samantha Mathis: points for wearing the Little Black Dress. Next time, though, get one that fits, accessorize and do something with your hair!

RocketQueen said...

What is going ON with Monk's face? She's had so many fillers it's all swollen and jowly around the mouth area. Why do young girls DO this to themselves??

Love Gugino.

Not surprised Suri still uses a pacifier. Don't think that girl has ever been told 'no'.

Patty said...

Ohhhhh, that pacifier comment will get the comments going.

On the snarky side...maybe that's the only way Katie can get her to walk on her own or wear a coat.

On the serious side, as a parent I weaned those that used a "binky" by the time they were one/walking. That was a choice that my husband and I made and it worked for our family. I think it is easier to break the habit while they are younger than at Suri's age. I also had one that refused to use it as an infant (kept spitting it out), so that was easy.

SkittleKitty said...

Samantha Mathis usually looks so much better than this.

shakey said...

I think she's high, nunaurbiz. Like your comment about Samantha, too. She looks like she's wearing a wrap-around thing and about to jump into the shower to wash that hair.

The pacifier thing - we had a hard time getting our son off his despite the fact he'd pop them out of his mouth and into the toilet. I think he was 3 or 4 when I finally told him big boys don't have soosies. I know what it's like when a child goes bonkers because they don't have one. She'll grow out of it.

stephani said...

Patty: My son never took to a binky either. Too bad. He had a healthy pair of lungs.

Pookie said...

my SURI!!!!!! day. made.

annnnnnnnd, in normal appropriate shoes/socks. *throws confetti*


chopchop said...

1. Nicole, where is your neck?
2. As long as we're on the Nicole topic, for someone who has her hairstylist on speed dial (if not traveling with her), she's in dire need of a root touch up. I'm not a celebrity, I have four children & no nanny, and I am able to keep my dark roots from taking over the fake blonde on my head. When the "up" part of the "updo" is several shades lighter, it's time to give Miss Clairol a call.
3. FWIW, my DD#3 had her pacifier until just before she turned 5. We had successfully taken it away when she was 3 but she had horrible night terrors. After the NINTH night in a row waking up to inconsolable crying & hysteria, we figured out she slept better when she was able to use her suck reflex to soothe herself into a deeper sleep. Was I embarrassed about it? You betcha. But it made nighttime much more manageable. So. this time, I will not judge the Cruise household. This time only.

looserdude said...

Spit out that binkie, Suri! The power of Xenu compels you!

Paisley said...

Suri is officially 5 next month, but I'm part of the group that believes she was born earlier, so she's already 5. Way too old for a pacifier. If she was being socialized with other kids her age, they'd make fun.

This is a Sci thing. They're treated like mini-adults and allowed to make their own decisions. I'm shocked she's wearing a buttoned up coat!

Anonymous said...

SURI gets what suri wants. I am sure Tom tells Katie to let the kid have what she wants and katie does not know how to tell the kid NO!!!! and is not allowed to ask her sisters, mother any child raising questions. OR ANYONE ELSE. (ruins that perfect child image) would not be surprised to find out that she still breastfeeds the kid on occaission.

Maja With a J said...

Now, I don't claim to have ever been a normail child, but I used a binky until I was 6 or something. My parents were going to make me stop but the dentist said that in my case, it wasn't damaging my teeth or anything, so they let me keep going, they figured that soon enough my friends would stop and I would follow. One day, I quit, quite ceremoniously. We put all my pacifiers in a bag with rocks, went down to the beach and threw the bag into the water.

That same night, I started sucking my thumb. I didn't stop until I was like 14 - which, incidentally, is when I started smoking. Oral fixation, anyone?

Maja With a J said...

"normal". Not "normail".

Anotheramy said...

I am very proud that at 5, and yes, shes 5 already or will be shortly, that she is walking on her own and wearing regular shoes and a coat.
Lots of kids keep binkys a lot longer than they should. Most parents are embarrassed enough to keep them in the bedroom only.

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

The Sheen girls are certainly growing up. God, I hope they are largely clueless about what's been going on with their crazy father. But...

Majik said...

I shit you not, I have the EXACT SAME coat as little Suri Cruise, but mine is charcoal, not white. And adult sized. And probably no where NEAR as expensive (actually, I got it at the second hand shop for $30).

But seriously...the same coat.

lanasyogamama said...

Kellan kind of seems like a dbag.

I think Suri is too old for a paci and too young for a double breasted jacket. Majik, I think you're probably old enough for one. Like over 13.

Julie said...

if the price was right, i would get that jacket for my kid. seriously. that is so freaking adorable. and Suri is only 6 months older than her.

but... my daughter didn't even ever take a paci so...

Mango said...

Suri, Suri, Suri.

Samantha Mathis looks as if she paused to pose for that pic while having that dress fitted. I'd like to see the "after" picture.

Anonymous said...

Me love me some Carla Gugino!

juliann said...

Uh oh. Probably means Suri is in for some auditing....

zeldafitzgerald said...

enty, dude, that kstew & rpattz pic is so old, in LA and not with klutz - what are you doing?


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