Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hi There

I just thought I would take a minute or two, well probably longer, because I am actually writing it rather than speaking. Sometimes it is easier speaking, especially with my grammar. I wanted to talk today about the blog and the radio show. Thanks to all of you who have sent me e-mails and messages on Facebook.

This might take awhile, so if you have some lunch you want to make, you can probably go put it in the microwave and come back and I will still be here typing.

Way back in November 2006 when I started this blog, I did it because I was bored at work one day and had just read a blog and said, "I can do that." I wrote something and the next day I wrote again and it kept on going like that for awhile and then that whole MV thing hit, and the rest is history.

Despite what many people may think, or believe, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is that it has been me since day 1 writing this blog. If anyone has ever contributed to the site they have been given credit, whether it was for a movie review or giving me a link. Everything else has been me. No team of writers, no switching between people. It has just been me. Whether you want to believe I am a lawyer or not is up to you, but since I have started this blog, I met with the then managing editor of Defamer (I miss them) and showed him my bar card. I have also met with people from The National Enquirer, US Weekly and Life & Style and done the same.

Many of you over the years have asked the question, how does a lawyer find the time to write a blog and work a schedule as busy as a lawyer would have. The answer is that it has been very hard at times. I will give you an idea of my daily schedule for the past almost five years. Wake up. Eat enough food for five people and go to work. Spend the next five hours juggling working, phone calls, meetings and blogging. Eat enough lunch for five people. I then work until about 8 or 9 at night every night to make up for the time I spent blogging in the morning. I do this every day. Just me.

If I have a trial that is going to last all day, I wake up early and blog the entire day ahead of time. Until Blogger made it possible to post ahead, I would wake up and post a whole bunch of things at 5am. If you go back and look at old posts before they allowed this feature, you will see this being done. If I have a calendar call at court, I try and guess how long it will take and post enough to get me back to work. Often you will see a large gap after say 10am because I guessed wrong and you will see a flurry of posts after 11am.

I have not had a vacation for five years. Oh sure, I have gone out of town and even been out of the country many times over the past five years, but I have never had a vacation. Imagine that you and your family went to Europe or something like that. Imagine that during the middle of each day, you told them all that you needed a four hour break so you can blog. To give you some examples over the past five years, I have done the blog from a hotel room while I suffered the worst case of food poisoning that any human has ever experienced. Bathroom then post. Repeat. I was in a third world country two years ago during reveals week and could not get an internet connection to save my life. To get the reveals posted, I had to blog from 1am to 5am so I would be the only guest using the internet. If more than one guest used it, the entire thing would shut down. Through all of this time, I have blogged the past five years as a hobby. There is really no money in it for me because I have not really tried to get money. I have some ads from time to time and they pay all the incidentals, but I do not actively try to get rich. I have had offers to do television or roundtables, and have been offered hosting gigs at parties, but my anonymity was the most important thing, and the other was it is just a hobby and I do these things everyday because I enjoy allowing you to take a break from your day, your schedule, and your life.

I have good days and I have bad days. My moods vary just like yours. Somedays I really feel like writing a lot and somedays it is a struggle to get through, but I am here everyday writing away. It has always been funny to me and to my closest group of friends who know I write this, when speculation runs rampant about how someone else is writing the blog now or the tone has changed. It has been five years. No one is the same. It has evolved. The personal things I used to write about, I cannot write about as much anymore because it would be too easy to out me.

In December, the firm I work for, started monitoring every page we go to on the internet. At that point, I could no longer do the blog on any work computer so have been forced to bring in a laptop and do it covertly. This has made everything much more difficult because I have to keep hiding and then dragging out my laptop. Over the past month, I had some days where I just wanted to give up. There have been lots of days over the past five years where I have wanted to give up. It is easy to criticize and to comment from afar, but I challenge each of you to do what I have done for five years for five hours a day and see if you are able to juggle everything in your life to make it happen.

As for the radio show, Carli and I have always wanted to do a radio show. So, we decided what the heck, lets give it a shot. What we did not take into consideration was the fact we would be giving up every Saturday morning for eternity to do the show. It is one thing to blog from almost anywhere, but for now the radio show would require us to be in one fixed place every Saturday morning.

Considering I was already giving five days a week to the site, Saturday's were going to be another day I would have to give up. Do not get me wrong, I have no greater joy in the world than doing that radio show. I makes me happier than I get all week and I love every second of it. The logistics of it are very difficult though and imagine trying to find guests, calling them, e-mailing them, while remaining anonymous and doing this during an already packed week. The radio show is not done or over. Carli and I just need to find a happy medium. I think it will eventually boil down to once a month for three hours or so and be more interactive with your calls and be more a reflection of the site than just a straight interview radio show. It is much easier to commit to once a month than every week. Plus, we are working on a way we can do it without having to be at a fixed place.

I realize that I should have given you more updates about what is going on and the the things that are going on in my life. The thing is there are lots of things going on in my life, as I am sure you do too. They interfere with not only the blog, but everything else. What is going on in my life is important to me and is very time consuming right now. That is still not an excuse for not keeping you, the people who have been with me for so long, updated and informed, but I do wish to say I am sorry.

I also decided in the past week or so that if everyone did stop reading the site, I would still keep plugging away and writing and posting photos because I love doing it. Despite everything I wrote above, I do love it or I would have stopped a long time ago. I do it for all of you and I appreciate and respect all of you. I value your opinions whether you like me, love me or hate me. I have never ever deleted a comment except those which are vulgar. Without all of you reading and commenting, the site would be much less interesting. Anyway, I will let all of you get back to your day or nights. Pictures to come in a bit.


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cdanluva said...

Luv you Enty!

potatogirl99 said...

thanks for the heads up enty!!! that's all these people wanted.

Linnea said...

Thank you! I am so glad you addressed this. And thank you for posting. I have fun here, almost every day, in between work and play and life.

Maria said...

**hugs** ur awesome, keep on keeping on :)

digal704 said...

Thanks for that. I really enjoy your blog!

Nosey Parker said...


The J.F. Drake Memorial LRC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I think there will be many people grateful to you for addressing this. Much appreciated!

Profetissan said...

Been reading this since 2008 and truly enjoy it! We are a few over here in Europe too you know. Keep it up and trhank you!

Lov C from Stockholm, Sweden

Unknown said...

love u enty!

Ms Cool said...

I haven't updated my blog since October. I can't imagine doing what you do. Thanks for the update. I hope everyone feels better now.

Terri said...

Hopefully this is appease a few people who have been very vocal the past few days.

Good luck in court or whatever it is you are busy with. Being busy is a good thing these days.

Chameleon69 said...

NOW where are those two imbeciles who couldn't stop ragging???

Unknown said...

Long time reader, just about from the start, first time poster. Let the critics have their say and ignore it. Screw 'em and keep up the entertaining work.

gralismom said...

Thank you Enty.

I really appreciate all the hard work you do. Coming here is one of my favourite things to do each day. It times perfectly with my kids' naps.

I can only imagine all the time and work you put into this. Not for one second have I begrudged the donations I have made, and frankly, I could care less if you used it to buy a radio show or a pound of bacon. :-)

Love you, and thank you. As long as you are blogging I will be reading.

Boriqua said...

Thanks so much for this update, Enty! Keep up the great work.

jax said...

thank you for doing it...now on to gossip.

Lizzie said...


sunnyside1213 said...

Love you bacon blogger.

looserdude said...

Team Enty!

MommaSaid said...

Thank you and now bring the gossip!

Patty said...

Thanks for the update. I look forward to this every afternoon at work. I get back from lunch and start checking frequently through the rest of the afternoon.

Now for that thing keeping you busy...is there a new wife in your future??

cheesegrater15 said...

Awwww, Enty! I love the site! You and Dlisted are the only gossip blogs I read! Thanks for the update; keep up the good work!

Weekend decorator said...

Thanks for all that you do, Enty! I love your site and read it everyday. I think you're hilarious and I'm amazed that you can juggle a high pressure, time consuming job that requires a lot of thought and brains, with writing this blog.
If I knew who you were, I would send you a 10 lb. package of the best bacon I could find!
BTW, I heard an ad on the radio this morning for Denny's - it was for a bacon sundae! I immediately thought of you. (Sorry if I'm late to the party on bacon sundae thingy). Thanks for blogging! And go take a real vacation, we can live a week without any gossip!

joymama said...

Thank you.

JagerLilly808 said...

No apologies necessary, Enty. The ones that question you obviously don't appreciate what you do. I do, each and every day. You've made me smile and laugh on some of the worst days of my life and for that, I thank you.

Anonymous said...

and this was all that was needed:

"The radio show is not done or over. Carli and I just need to find a happy medium. I think it will eventually boil down to once a month for three hours or so and be more interactive with your calls and be more a reflection of the site than just a straight interview radio show."

califblondy said...

I need a tissue, I'm teary...

I used to write a snarky soap opera recap and what started out as fun, turned into a very time-consuming ordeal. Add that to a full-time job and I finally got burned out.

I hope Enty never gets burned out.

Now back to our crazy days and nights.

RocketQueen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolita Breckenridge said...

Every time I see bacon, I think of you. I'm a lawyer too - and it's hard to just keep up reading this blog, let alone write it! I've been through some dark days with my children's health the last few years, and your writing regularly keeps me laughing. Brain bacon, brain candy, whatever you call it. Thanks for this post.

Linnea said...

I think that if there is one party you WANT to be late to, it's the bacon sunday party. But that is just me.

Wee S said...

Thanks Enty - love the craic here!

Diane said...

Thanks Enty!
As for the gossip ... Is Tory having Deans baby or did she get sperminated by aliens???

Audrey said...

Thanks Enty - I was one of the more vocal ones complaining. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to us. I love this site and your comments clarified quite a bit. Now, as Jax said, on with the gossip!!

RocketQueen said...

Thank you, Enty :) I very much appreciate this blog and the fun you provide. Love the blinds, your twice yearly reveals and the photos especially.
I would also like to say a great big thanks to the commenters that keep this site fun and on point. Some of you are additional reasons to keep coming back to this blog and your humor and gossip knowledge are appreciated :)

RenoBlondee said...

Thank you so much for what you do, Enty! LOVE you!!!!!!! This site makes my days so happy!

Cecilia00 said...

Thank you.

This was all that was necessary.

MommaBear said...

I have always loved your site Enty. Catching up with all your juicy gossip makes my boring housewife existence a little more thrilling. I'd be quite lost without your daily posts. As for my fellow readers comments, there days that I can't see for the tears, I'm laughing so hard. I appreciate all of you very much!

Michael said...

I have a question. If your law firm is checking all of the websites you surf so you have to bring in your own laptop, wouldn't your firm still know since the laptop has to access the Internet anyway?

pilly said...

Thank you!! I love love LOVE you!!! Your blog is my escape and I'm so very grateful for that. I work 12 hour days at a job I hate but it pays the bills. Thank you Enty! Sending lots of Love!

Baka Neko said...

Thank you for saying something so we can get back to the gossip. I also agree with Rocket Queen about commenters making the site special. It was nice to see what they added the times Enty was busy(like the blind items in the comments.)

crila16 said...

Chameleon69...they weren't imbeciles, they were rightfully concerned. Don't be so mean.

I'm glad Enty posted this though, to put people's minds at ease. It's nice to know he's working his butt off trying to make this into a good site and entertain people.

Jesse D said...

I've been here since Timmy/Shimmy, off and on... spent the last six weeks of my pregnancy bedridden, hanging on your every post. You've helped me through some tough times. Thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

@ Chameleon

I don't think it is fair to call them imbeciles, especially considering that this point is undoubtedly the result of their "ragging".

It seems that they got the result they were looking for, so they did something right :)

bluebonnetmom said...

Well, my sincere apologies for questioning whether you were a male or a lawyer at all. Truly sorry. : ( Thanks for getting this out there to hush up the disgruntled and let's read some good gossip. Please do take a vacation and have a life. We can put on our big boy or girl pants and do without for a short period of time! : ) You are appreciated.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Luv u Enty!! most interesting entertaiment blog by far!

trogdor said...

Cool. Thanks, ent.

@michael - probably has his own WAN with the laptop. There are also ways around blocked sites at your work. The simplest is using a prox on your machine with port forwarding. Super easy!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

How hard was that really? Still don't buy it, but it's a nice token.

Upwards and onwards.

potatogirl99 said...

@chameleon69 get lost if you want to call people names. They were concerned about Enty/radio show. Get over yourself! I am so tired of rude, obnoxious folk ruining it for the rest of us!!!

*looks at Jax*

Jillian S. said...

Dearest Enty, I will allow you to take a vacation if you post at least one more Full Frontal Friday post and include screenshots of Michael Fassbender from Hunger. TYIA.

sassyyankee said...

Sorry you felt you had to do this. You really don't owe any of us anything. You give a great deal to the blog and to us that NONE of us has a right to complain if you have an off day or even if you choose to stop. We come here for the entertainment and ENTY value offered. If people don't like it, they have lots of other blogs to choose from. This is just the most fun to read and the community makes it the best.

Thanks for all you do, Enty. You are appreciated.

RocketQueen said...

@crila16 - to be fair, kympossible was beyond "concerned". Her intention was clearly to ruin this blog for everyone else by posting the same question every two posts. Childish.

libby said...

Enty, you have been my first stop (after e-mail) since Timmy/Shimmy (whenever that was).

I admit when the daily blinds and photos disappeared, I was suspicious and stopped coming every day. I was sad.

Thanks for all your hard work...a bright spot in our workaday world.

reticulation said...

Thanks so much for this kind post. I have always appreciated your blog and look forward to it every day.

I think that people probably forget that bloggers are human too, and life crops up. Kind of like how you fall out of touch with someone even though you didn't mean any ill will. Whatever - I'm glad you wrote this post.

Anonymous said...

Sorry point = post

Unknown said...

This is the absolute best blog out there...actual intelligent gossip i always say...work days would be a whole lot longer without it :) thank you ENTY!

Anonymous said...

See how simple it is to clarify to prevent misunderstandings?

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

ROTFLMAO...I LOVE a fine whine! I don't buy it, either.

Here's what hasn't been addressed: the MONEY. Why people who expected Tamblyn's book didn't get it. Etc etc.

Please, kids, do NOT apologize for having reasonable doubt and asking questions.

I'm going off about the rest of my day now. After I dry my (fake) tears.

Anonymous said...

Still a bit of a newbie here. If enty is a lawyer, where would he or she get information to gossip from?
I guess I'm interested in the Blind items and how much truth they contain? Like I said, I'm still new at reading blog gossip.

potatogirl99 said...

Speaking of Jax...I'm not done with my rant yet.

I love how he/she/gross got all kinds of offended and called everyone morons on such, then says she hates when people drag her into something she has nothing to do with. You are one class act Jax!!!

I don't care if you blocked me on twitter. You are truly a nasty person. Now onto the gossip!

Tania (blue-k) said...

I've been reading this blog for years,never commented, don't even know why, but this is my fave place to check when i'm done with work and school after a long day; i can only imagine how hard it should be to juggle all that you do! It's so easy to judge, isn't it?

Greetings from Mexico City =)!

Pookie said...

(((my cookie snookie!)))

Tallulah said...

Thank you for posting this, Ent! I have been reading this blog since -06/-07, but have changed my nick several times (before Tallulah I was April).

You truly do brighten my day with delicious gossip, and I hope you will continue to blog.

ms snarky said...

Nicely said, but still none of our business. This is all voluntary, on your part and ours, and everyone should just be happy that we have a great site to go to for our gossip. Thanks for all the great work.

Liz said...

Thanks Enty, much appreciated :)

Although I have to say, I hate when people feel the need to apologize when others ask legitimate questions. There was nothing wrong with questioning why there had been no updates.

But glad that things seem to be back to normal, and looking forward to more gossip :)

kris said...

so glad people are still jabbing each other. did he not give you what you wanted?

Enty, I thank you from the bottom of my heart - Your blog gets me thru each stressful day. I find it very entertaining and it feels so good to get lost in mindless entertainment throughout my long hellish days at work. Truly - I think your blog is keeping me from snapping at people who walk in my office...so sad when I see others snapping on my favorite blog. Thank you for all you do and please don't stop. EVER. :)

CDAN Mod said...

"Entertainment" Lawyer,

"We'll" be "seeing" you sooner than you think. ;)

Anonymous said...

Love you (((((Enty)))).... please take some time off for yourself. If you are serious about the things you have shared with us about you physically, I am concerned for your health. This blog has become such an oasis for me on a daily basis. It is the only blog I have on my bookmarks toolbar. It has helped me through some horrible times and knowing I could come here and escape from my reality has been a blessing. I deeply appreciate everything you have done for me through this blog. I deeply appreciate your humanitarian sensibilities. It is obvious you have a huge and loving heart. Please take care of yourself and only blog if you feel like it. You deserve happiness and a life too.

Much, much love,


Maja With a J said...

Thanks for doing this enty and for proving that you do read the comments and the messages we send you! You might want to adress the donation thing too though, as some people really have their knickers in a bunch about money they gave away voluntarily.

As far as the posting goes, like someone else said, I have to really scramble to be able to write even a post a week sometimes, so how anyone can post several times a day is beyond me *L*.

Now - back to gossip and ignoring pathetic trolls! :)

KLM said...

First of all, thanks for posting this. Secondly, thanks for all that you do!

I agree with some of the previous posters - while I love reading the posts and blinds, I think my favorite thing about this blog is that I particularly like reading the user comments (let me qualify that - not the major drama like last night, but in general)... Keep up the blogging!

Unknown said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!! I was about to text you again! All I want is to go to the comments section and see guesses for good blinds. Ent, keep on keeping on. "Thank you kind sir!"

Karmen said...

Sorry I've been such a bad reader lately. I've actually been meaning to tell you this: I have so much more respect for the work you've done for this site after I started my own blog. And I can't believe how selfless you were to blog on your own vacations! I didn't even want to write the posts for my travel blog while I was traveling. You are seriously one hard-working cat.

I never did understand the theory that you couldn't be a lawyer and write a blog at the same time. At the store I managed, there were two owners with full time jobs. One is a securities analyst and the other is a lawyer. Not only did the lawyer do the buying and general overseeing, but she started the boutique when she was in her second year of law school in a completely different city. The point is: You can multitask. And you've done a great job doing so.

jax said...

potatogirl- how many more social medias would you like to stalk me on? obsessive much?

kinda scary,girl.

Err said...

@Globetrotting Gypsy:
All the "" in your comment come off a little creepy...

Be careful ENTY!

annie cat said...

Haters are just gonna hate.. but we still <3 you Enty.. ever since the beginning of the blog! <3 annie and vivien

Karmen said...

Gah, fixed my blogger name. Damn html.

canopener said...

Yep, still not one word about the MONEY. Nice try, but you are still not keeping your readers updated and informed by refusing to address the MONEY. I have NOTHING to apologize for. And while ENTY finally threw everyone a bone, it has no meat on it. Where IS the book? Where IS the money? That's it. Answer that, and you will have appeased the doubters.

TinselSass said...

Thanks for all you do, Enty! You are one of my favorite Web voices and entertainers!

Unknown said...

I never even knew there was contraversy until I read some comments yesterday. I truly enjoy this site and the work you put into it.
Thanks for taking the time to keep me, and everyone, entertained. I for one appreciate it.

-From a loyal fan in Boston

CDAN Mod said...

My comment is not in relation to violence of any kind. We don't have to resort to those measures.

Rose said...

This was all that people wanted(and not even more than a sentence a month ago) so Thank You Enty. I'd like to think it was my email I sent this AM but I think it was karrots desire to really get an answer yesterday. She earned it.

After a month of silence she spent a day and got it. I think most people here enjoy and appreciate the site. Why else would they have donated in the first place or be so hurt?

I'm sure Enty does work very hard. I haven't had a vacation in more than 5 years either and it sucks. Ultimately I hope he does this for him and not us because you need to do what you love not what your obliged. Most readers don't come here and post because they hate it though and they really want to stick it to him. You don't have to blindly follow or agree with someone to like them.

ali said...

Love the site, it is the best site I've come across for gossip. I don't even go to any other sites anymore, and love being 'aware' of the tidbits of information. Thanks for keeping the blog up and running! I would sure miss it if it went away.

I also agree that you should definitely take a vacation! Get one of your buddies to write a movie review/ a day, or nothing at all!


Parisss said...

Hez is Enty.

Anothergrayhare said...

Okay maybe I'm a real sucker but now I feel very sorry for complaining about the grammar. And two kymwhatever and karrotsomething, you really were getting annoying.

Cij said...

I've been reading for three years, and your posts always made my awful job more bearable. Thank you for all you have done.

Lori said...

You really didn't need to explain yourself, Enty. Been a lurker for years and I can say that I've enjoyed every single post:) If people dont like what you do or how you do it they can visit another blog.

I work for lawyers and I truly dont know how you do this...especially during a trial AND with out help!!

crila16 said...

Middle-aged Diva...You've made a very good point.

potatogirl99 said...

How is responding to a tweet stalking? I was just pointing out the irony of you trekking over to CDAN to chastise people for having legitimate questions about this site and then crying "poor me" on twitter. YOU were the one who said you weren't involved, so why did you comment? So no, you were not pulled into drama, and no, you do not have nothing to do with it. Not to mention the fact you called people morons.

Speaking of scary, your profile pic is a whole other level. You definitely have a face for the blogosphere.

As for Enty and the radio show, I understand the enormous undertaking this all has to be, I love the site to death and have been reading for a while now, but that doesn't answer the questions about the money, amber tamblyn book, etc. Just sayin'.

pilly said...

PS. Enty think about your next vaca to the UK. The bacon here is Amazing---like you!

eklovall said...

Thanks, Enty. It was thoughtful and kind of you to post this. I'm sure it wasn't easy. I love your blog. I'm a lawyer too and reading your blog is one of my favorite parts of my daily grind. Keep it up as long as you enjoy it. And seriously, take a vacation. You deserve it. Take care.

gralismom said...

One more thing...

For all of you intent on exposing ENTY, whatever your motives, good, bad, or just bored - please think about the readers who really enjoy coming here. ENTY exposed means no more CDAN. That sucks a lot harder than no book (IMO).

Please, if you are so unhappy handle your complaints via pay pal. If you haven't donated and just don't like the way things unfolded just go elsewhere.

Thank you.

Carrie said...

I appreciate what you do, and the personal time that you give up to do it, Enty. I really do. To have that kind of dedication while trying to lead a normal, bacon filled life is tough. You deserve a big round of applause just for that.

I can understand why there are questions about the money. Unfortunately, when people give you something (no matter how large or small) they expect you to hold up to your end of the bargain. It sucks, and I wish that these grievances weren't aired in public.

Hope everything gets resolved between everyone. I have read this site every day for as long as I can remember. I'm choosing to give Enty the benefit of the doubt.

Anonymous said...

Most readers don't come here and post because they hate it though and they really want to stick it to him. You don't have to blindly follow or agree with someone to like them.
rose, you said nothin' but a word!

Anonymous said...

Thanks as always, Enty, for everything you do. As a habitual multi-tasker juggling more stuff than I probably should, I can understand where you're coming from. This site is one of my favorite places on the web, and I would miss you if you had to go--but if you ever needed to stop, then I would appreciate all the time you gave us.

From the get-go, I considered the little $ I decided to donate was, if nothing else, a "thank you" for the past reveals on NYs & 7/4--those are awesome :) The radio show was just an added bonus (and having once worked on-air, I can appreciate you guys wanting to do it b/c it can be a lot of fun).

If someone came on here tomorrow and did their best to prove to me that you weren't real, the radio show was a gank, and none of the blinds were ever true, I frankly couldn't give a tinker's damn. I've enjoyed it, others have enjoyed it, and so and that's gotta count for something.

Anonymous said...

I love you Enty! Please don't ever stop!

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Hez is not Ent either. Nor is Jax.
Jesus, "Ent" isn't even an "Ent".

My bloody head hurts.

Lori said...

@KYMPOSSIBLE: the money is exactly where you sent it.

marias_treasure_box said...

I really enjoy this blog, thx Enty.

Amartel said...

Thanks for creating and keeping up an interesting celebrity gossip blog! This blog is (often) unique from the standard sheep-like nasty gossip blogs and that's part of the formula, along with the consistent hard work no doubt. I give Enty static sometimes but do appreciate the effort that goes into the blog and the willpower that must be required to maintain anonymity. Always have wondered if Enty is really a practicing attorney or a celebrity in disguise. The mystery continues .... ;-)

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I only discovered this blog 6 months ago and I love it. It's one of my favs for sure. I started a gossip site back in september and although it is fun, it's a lot of work. I'm working on mine from 12 in the afternoon until 8 in the evening. I know exactly what Enty is talking about. Some day's I'm like "Fuck it, Nobody is reading my site. Why am I bothering?" Because to quote Colin Firth in that movie that became so popular this year, "I have a voice." And Enty has a voice and it's one of the more enjoyable gossip ones on the net. (And I've pretty much visited them all.) I'm plugging away at mine and I don't care if only two people read it (which I think is the actual number of hits I do get. I'd hate for Lindsay to stumble upon it, though. But thyen again probably not.)

I HATE the gossip sites that just tell you what happend and don't over any insight from the writer. "People, Us Magazine" Yuck. Then there are the ones that make up shit (Star, OK) and these are awful. And then there is the one that manages to do both - write bland shit, kiss ass and make up shit - and we all know who I mean.

Enty's critics should probably just head on over to the other guys website where you can read how fucking awsome Lady Gaga is and how we're not fit to walk the same ground as she does.

For the rest of us, we'll be perfectly fine right here, being treated with respect and not having our intelligence shit on.

Belle said...

I've only ever been a lurker on the site, but wanted to go ahead and post to tell you that I LOVE the site. It's fun, and really does allow me to take a few minutes out of the day to kind of take a mental break.
THANK YOU for doing all that you do and for keeping up with all that you have to keep up with. Blessings to you and I just might break my Lent vow of "no bacon" tonight in honor of your amazingness.

caralw said...

I enjoy the blog. It was nice that Enty posted something to make everyone happy. Well, most everyone.

I think it is perfectly fine to raise questions publicly after being ignored privately. If that hadn't happened, I doubt we would have gotten this post. It was long overdue.

However, I am a bit skeptical of his persona still. I also think he should not ask for donations any longer. Or just put a "donate" button on the site and let people do it at will, rather than having drives for specific things. It's not like he's NPR or something.

Oh, and by the way, if NPR offers you a gift if you donate at a certain level, you get it. Just sayin.

lanasyogamama said...

Thanks Enty!!

I can't help but wonder why people who are so down on Enty would have given him $$ in the first place, and however much it was, $5 or $10, is it THAT BIG A DEAL to you?

caralw said...

@lanasyogamama It's the more of the principal of the matter. Broken promises are bad pr.

Lady J said...

Enty love you and your blog! Glad you finally addressed this situation although you were under no obligation to do so. I appreciate your blog and all that you do. I will continue to visit and post as long as you have a site.

Christine said...

I very much enjoy your site and appreciate the effort you make to keep it updated.

girltrav said...

Love the blog too-and I never complained. People get busy sometimes regardless of what they do. I love ya Enty, and your loyal followers will always come back. Haters please go elsewhere.

Lizzie said...

I agree with Middle Aged Diva...you didn't respond to any of the serious stuff....what is that old adage..."when you don't have either the law or the facts on your side, pound the table"
Does sound like you were pounding.

I didn't send any money, but I do think you owe it to the people who did, an explanation as to why they didn't receive the book, or whatever it was they were suppose to receive, in addition to the radio program. You've been pretty much accused of fraud, and as a reader, that concerns me that you didn't address that issue.
You really didn't answer any of the serious issues. Truthfully, it made me wonder if you felt force to respond as you don't want TMZ, or The National Enguirer looking into it.
Hope it's all just a misunderstanding, I really do. I don't want you to be just another jerk.
Those people felt they had no choice but to post their concerns.

KLM said...

@Nate F - loved your post!!!

jbdean_79 said...

Thanks! ITA with gralismom, wendi, and lori, but glad you gave the information to those that wanted it.

Unknown said...

Love you! Totally makes my day...

RocketQueen said...

Nate F - what's your site? I'll check it out :)

Personally, I won't communicate with complainers and spammers from now on in these boards. They're really not worth the energy and seem to get more than enough attention just ranting back and forth to each other.

ForSure said...

Enty, after reading your explanation of your daily schedule, part of me wishes you would seriously consider just doing your updates each night instead of going through all this hassle to post during the day. I can attest to your advance posting though, I saw your Oscar show post on Sunday night, right after the show, and it disappeared as I was posting a response. Sure enough, it reappeared the next day at the usual time.

I appreciate the work that you do to keep this blog going, but I have no wish for you to kill yourself over it.

Also, I want to express my appreciate for some/most of my fellow readers who keep the comments and discussions lively and interesting. I can do without the namecalling and hatred though. Honestly, if you don't like/trust/believe Enty, why are you here?

crila16 said...

I have to agree with Lizzie and Middle Aged Diva. Your post was very nice and you took a chunk of time out of your day, but if you could address those important issues at hand, I think people would feel better.

Danielle said...

@ gralismom I could not agree more! I've stayed out of this whole mess so far but just wanted to say Thank you to Enty whoever he/ she may be. "They" do alot for us and it's much appreciated. As for my opinion about the conspiracies and fraud.. Don't donate your money if you're concerned about where it may or may not be going.

iheartjacksparrow said...

I'd still like to know why a lawyer needs to solicit donations from his readers. Funny that wasn't addressed at all.

Shauna Z said...

Thanks! It is encouraging to read how you feel about blogging. I feel the same way and I've only been at it for less than 6 months. It's daily. I often beat myself up for not being better or wittier and so on. Your dedication is admirable and I'll keep on with your example in mind.

caralw said...

Enty needs a publicist. That's all. ;-)

Jolene Jolene said...

I don't know about the book, but isn't the fact that he just said the radio show is still coming along/is not dead your answer for what has happened to the money people donated to the radio show? Whether or not you believe he could or could not pay for the radio show with his own money is one thing. But he asked for money for his radio show. People gave it. And now he is addressing that there is in fact still a radio show but it is still under construction. A radio show and air time is not free. That's where your money is...what more do you want him to say? (That is a serious question.)

CDAN Mod said...

Lizzie, others can still contact those sites.

jax said...

oh potato you big bully!
i'd care if i actually cared about a 20something bar star from Moscow,Idaho.

oh no i'm ugly!!! *sob*

done here..keep up your one sided fight. everything you say and post makes you look worse than anything i could have ever said.

keep it up,stalker!


love to the rest. later!

Cake said...

Love you!!!

Melody the First said...

We love you, Enty. I get realllly tired of a lot of the cheapshots made at you. Some people feel the need to lob tomatoes at people they see as powerful. It's sad but true.

You're doing a great job, as ever.

Parisss said...

Sue Ellen Mishkey is Ent.

Cate said...

Enty, you are the best. You have the best blog there is, and I read and look forward to it everyday that you post. Everything you've done is appreciated(I loved when you took questions on Facebook, I loved that you answered as best you could about Jennifer Morrison!) and as long as you are still posting, I will still be reading. Massive *hugs* to a great guy.

Chrissy Buns said...

i'll never stop reading this site. i love the honesty and the SUBTLE snark. some sites are just downright mean and nasty, but i get the feeling Enty actually cares. it's just a good site...

potatogirl99 said...

Phew. Now that Jax is gone....

I think we all need to appreciate that while the whole radio show debacle has been a bit catty (*coughjaxcough*) and rude, it has caused a whole flurry of activity and commenting that I have never seen before. I know that while I have been a reader for a while, I never had much to say until now. Hopefully this has breathed some new life into the comments! It is one of the best parts of the site.

The poeple questioning where their money went had every right to, it doesn't mean they are trying to bring Enty down, unmask him, or cause the site to shut down. That's the last thing anyone wants (which should be quite obvious since we all visit the site).

At the end of the day, regardless of where the money went, who Enty is, etc, all we are left with is a fabulous blog with wonderful, witty commenters and glorious photographs! I love this blog and although this mess is disappointing it doesn't mean I love it any less by asking a simple question.

And in the words of Biggie, can't we just all get along?

rhinovodka said...

Dear Enty, Thank you for making my life a little less mundane:).

Linnea said...

Potato - if you honestly feel that way, it would be good if you didn't insult other people by calling them ugly.

If you two are having some sort of discussion about things, that is one thing (and I enjoyed reading the debate between different posters, too) but I really dislike it when it gets personal like that.

If both decide to step it down and not be mean (even if you don't have to agree on anything else), it would make the comment section much nicer to read.

MizCaramel said...

Thanks for posting Enty, I never doubted you for a minute... Glad you responded though... Thanks for all that you do. You won't make everyone happy but you don't need to anyway, keep doing what you're doing...

DamYankee said...

Thanks for everything you do! It's always a highlight of my day to read your blog. :)

potatogirl99 said...

@linnea you are right. Nothing gets accomplished with name-calling and insulting. Point taken.

Anonymous said...

@Amartel, I totally agree. I had to stop visiting Celebitchy because of that sheep mentality. Most every post was something along the lines of "OMG, don't you just hate this actress" and then all the commenters would rip the actress apart. Ok, I'm guilty of being bitchy but it got to be too much. Plus Kaiser's continued overuse of the same words (ex: dong). And they moderate comments. Idiot Kaiser posted something about Julian Assange being hot and defended what he did but then had the nerve to delete posts that disagreed.

So that to say, this blog is different and the commentors have relaxed a lot more on this site. This site used to be really bad for bullies but it's really eased up.

Jasmine said...

Never doubted your dedication or that it was 'you' for a second Enty :)
I think its good to find a happy medium in your life with this site and your lawyer work and personal life. I think its super obvious if you have been reading this site for awhile (which i have) that its run by one person since there are inconsistances as far as photos and other stuff sometimes is there and sometimes there is far less posts (this isnt a criticism btw). I dunno, I think this was a sweet gesture and it was important to do as I myself was reading the outpour of people who I recongized as long time commentors being concerned about the radio show, money, and just other stuff. i think yesterday it got sorta tornedoed up and everyone freaked out so its good you addressed this.
<3 ya, -jasmine from Cali

Tea Lady said...

Love that you do the site, appreciate it a lot, and completely understand a busy life. Thanks, Enty.

Tam said...

I love coming to this site, it is my favourite one! I am not sure why there is so much craziness in the comments lately, but simple solution, if you don't like coming here leave. I don't post often, but until recently have enjoyed others comments. I never felt Enty was scamming money, nor was he other people. Hopefully those who seem to be so uptight, as opposed to those of us who choose to come here because we enjoy what the blog says, and what each other have to say, just pack it in and leave. Maybe Perez is more their style. Just let us enjoy!! Thanks for all your hard work Enty, it is appreciated.

Coloratura said...

I believe it was P.T. Barnum who said 'There's a sucker born every minute.'

I am not sure, but I think Enty is very familiar with that phrase.

Not a word about the money, why a lawyer is asking for money (an entertainment lawyer who needs money? PUH-leeze, folks!), about the books that were never sent.

He tosses a little bone about the radio show (easy, nebulous) and that's it.

Callin' like I seez 'em: SUCKERS.

A lawyer who can sneak in a laptop and then blog for 5 hours without anyone catching him? Um, do any of work in an office? How likely do you think it is that no one can catch this dude blogging on his own laptop at work?

A lawyer who posts photos of himself on this site and Facebook, and thinks no one out there is going to recognize him? This is the guy who is afraid of outing himself? People who are worried about being outed don't posts pictures of themselves.

The fat man in the pool is PHOTOSHOPPED, people. Look at the hand with the hamburger. Look at the shadow below that hand/burger. They don't match up. His fingers are holding the hamburger, they should not be visible in the shadow. I'll out myself a bit here and say I know quite a bit about PS and I knew the 2nd I saw that photo that it had been 'shopped.

This is just a theory, but I have long thought that 'Enty' is using someone else's photo here and on FB. Possibly someone he has a beef with. Who knows. But I don't think those photos are the 'real' Enty, whoever that is. The fat man in those photos is a very easily recognized person. If I didn't want to be outed, I sure wouldn't be posting those shots. Or any shots of myself, for that matter.

Here's some more food for thought: I know a guy who scammed hundreds of people for relatively small amounts of money (about $15K). That might sound like a lot of money to some of you, but in the legal world, it's a pittance. It's nothing you'd ever go after. I think it's very interesting that Enty has asked for small donations. I have always found those requests extremely odd. How many lawyers do you know are hurting for money that they couldn't finance a blog or even a radio show? And have any of you researched what he's making from the ads on this site? It's more than you might think.

Just some things for some of you 'fans' to think about.

Watch your wallets, folks. Here and everywhere.

Maja With a J said...

Jamee, you're absolutely right - in a way, he did address the money.

-P said...

Enty, how about a podcast? You wouldn't be kept to one location, you could do it in your undies in the basement :-)

Thanks for the effort and the gossip, I love this site!

Jasmine said...

Oh, by inconsistancies i meant to imply that a more slickly run show- ala Perez Hilton- is obviously run by a team of ppl now verese Enty's blog which has the unevenness of someone who is just doing this for fun and when they can.

Ellebee said...

Thank you Enty for the blog and the explanation. For what it's worth, this blog has given me lots of laughs and some tears (from the kindness blinds) while I have been learning to live with multiple autoimmune disorders. So thank you again for being entertaining and a wonderful diversion.

Coloratura said...

P.S. The scammer I mentioned above got away with his $15K bilking deal. And is doing it again. It's very easy to scam people for small amounts of money.

Anonymous said...

I think it says a lot when the blog becomes the gossip, because whether upset or not, everyone who reads (or writes) this blog cares a great deal. If they didn't, this discussion wouldn't have started in the first place. Thank you, Enty, for opening up and letting us know where you are and where everything stands. A very refreshing post and a tribute to why we all come back to you day after day. And night.

Tam said...

I never thought the fat man was Enty. I thought that was the point? To help keep his anonymity....

Middle-aged Diva (Carol) said...

Coloratura, no one has ever believed that photo is anything but tongue in cheek. Even the sychophants.

kelly said...

RocketQueen: 100% agree this is the first I've posted since the trolls started....if we just ignore their "where is my money" they will eventually get tired of posting. Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Bart wins the elephant and he keeps ranting "I want the elephant" in the background.

I have been reading this blog since the beginning and have donated and don't feel taken advantage of at all. I didn't donate because I wanted recognition I did it because I wanted to help with some expenses so Enty didn't have to do it all himself.

I LOVE this site, and though I don't comment often I read it, and the comments, every single day.

Alli Morgan said...

I had a very long rant that I just wrote but Blogger is being a PITA today so I have to start all over again. If it suddenly shows up twice, I apologize.

First, Enty, let me say that I have been coming here for years, since probably the beginning and the Timmy/Shimmy days and will never stop. You seriously make my day and it's a great break from work.

I feel the need to defend you and the money for the radio show. I recall that you were asking for $3000 total and I remember being shocked that it was that low. I am on the radio in a top 50 US market. The cost for just a one minute ad on my station, not EVEN in prime time, can run as high as $300. And that is for what is considered a medium-sized market. Now, take into consideration that Enty lives in the second largest radio market in the country. He's had to find someone that covers that market, albeit outside the city, who will let him do what is called bartering time. While it's common for AM stations around the country to do this, it is most certainly not cheap. Most people that rent time on AM stations for whatever they want to hawk usually end up selling ads on their station as well to supplement the show and make it so that they can afford to do another one. It is NOT cheap. So who is to say that the money that you readers helped raise isn't gone after two weeks? I would bet that it is. And it's not the Ent scammed you or took your money. It is expensive, people. It might seem like radio is just a throwaway nowadays, but people are listening and programmers and managers know it. So they will keep charging what they feel their product is worth.

Enty has no producer, no one to do the leg work. So he has to call and email and do the leg work, all while still writing a blog five days a week and doing a job that pays his bills. Radio is 24/7, and yes, if he does a Saturday show he will have to be there every Saturday come rain or shine because either he's paying for it and using it or paying for it and losing it. Does that make sense? It makes sense to me that he would want to give it up after realizing how much work it is and how it takes time away from the time off that he has.

This is a man who writes a blog five days a week and never takes a day off. It's entertainment that is smart, and I enjoy it immensely. Ent, I love your inside info and I often find myself telling people, "well I read this blog and the guy's a lawyer and blah blah blah." And yes, I have used quite a bit of the stuff I have read on your site as my own show prep.

That being said, I will get off my soap box. You can't please everyone, this is true. But don't listen to the haters. Remember, if people truly did listen to them, Tori Spelling wouldn't still be on TV ;)

PhoebeS said...

Love you so much Enty! I do appreciate the hard work you do to keep this site up. I can't convey to you how much this site is a stress relief to me on a daily basis. It is the first site I check everyday. I donated to your site because I love it, enjoy it,and want to see it continue.

thanks for your time and effort!

Scando Queen said...

Thank you so much for your blog... I have a horrible job that really makes me hate my life... I really try and stay positive but sometimes its so hard. I read your blog every single day: at work, at school, on vacation, and everywhere else. I want you to know how much I love your blog... It really keeps me going! Thank you so much for all the time you spend on it, seriously I do not know what I would do without it.

I hope everything works out for you and wish you nothing but the best. I will continue to be one of your biggest fans, rain or shine, 1 post or 10 for as long as you keep up the site!!!

Thank you again, Enty!!! You are the best!!!!

lisap515 said...

Thanks, Enty...as long as you're willing to blog, I'll be reading. I (usually) enjoy the comments of the other readers just as much. I could do without the swipes at each other and you, but on the whole love this site and appreciate your efforts on our behalf.

potatogirl99 said...

@Alli thank you for that insight. I for one know nothing about radio or how it works so I appreciate you explaining how complicated/costly it really is!

MnGddess said...

Gee, Sue Ellen - still don't buy it? Then shut the f@ck up and go post elsewhere. I am sick of your stuck-up attitude. You are, IMO, the worst this about reading the comments. Anyone who continues to comment even though they can't stand the blog is an idiot. Why don't you go save the world and leave the blog to us who enjoy it.

And to Sue Ellen's followers - please, start a blog of your own. Or follow Sue Ellen. Whatever.

Coloratura - thank you for your comments. Those of us who have brains are well aware that the fat photo is not Enty. Shocking, isn't it? And I don't know if you are aware, but it's a free country. Enty can ask for all the money he wants. Maybe he doesn't want to pay for the radio show himself. But there is a word - it's called "no". I did not donate, and neither did many others. It's a damn CHOICE.

To reiterate, you may not believe Enty's real, or disagree with his comments. But to hang around just to say you don't believe him is plain ridiculous.

Someone give Sue Ellen a cookie.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you fellers.

caralw said...

The anonymity thing is what bugs me. How can you tell a story like that of MV without at least MV knowing who he is. Or people at work who would recognize his voice from the radio show?

It doesn't really matter to me as long as I'm entertained, but not everything adds up.

In the end, it's an entertaining blog. I don't care about the radio show if it is going to interfere with the blog itself, which it seemed to when he tried it.

gossipmonger01 said...

Ent- I just wanted to thank you. I cannot imagine what it is like with all the juggling etc you do in order to blog but thank you. On a personal note you helped me kick smoking and get over a really bad break up! Your blog was a nice escape from the realities of my crumbling world and your other reader comments/debates always great!

Since that time 2 years ago I continually come back to your site so please keep blogging!

Coloratura said...

It. Don't. Add. Up.

Just sayin'...

Amazing what people will believe in just to get their celebrity fix.

What sad little lives you must lead.

I don't care who Enty is, or what he is doing... but I've seen people being scammed, and I know when something stinks in Denmark. Which is very much does here.

Keep believing. And be sure to send him more money. Why not your whole paycheck?

G said...

I agree with Sue Ellen. I think that this kind of explanation was due a few weeks ago.

You can't say that you respect people when you don't communicate with them properly.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update, it was all I was asking for from the start. I only spoke to loudly yesterday because the lack of updates prior to this made me feel like I had been scammed. Nobody wants to feel that way, and I am happy to see that you cared enough to address readers concerns. I was ready to quit you, glad I don't have to.

iheartjacksparrow said...

Another thing:

"Considering I was already giving five days a week to the site, Saturday's were going to be another day I would have to give up."

And he didn't think about that before he asked for everyone to send him money?

selenakyle said...

Love you, Enty!

I've been a reader and commenter from almost the very beginning and have LOVED and looked forward to every minute of it.

I got hooked on CDAN around the time of the long Hollywood blind about the old movie star with the raging Viagra boner who sent you on the liquor run.

Thank you soooooo much for all you do!

mwah, mwah, kiss, kiss,


Lioness70 said...

Thanks for this, Enty. Now keep doing what you're doing and giving us the best gossip around. ;)

Upside Downunder said...

Well said and thank you for all your efforts!

jenna! said...

I adore your blog...whenever you have time is cool with me.

ItsAJ said...

Thanks for the blog Enty. I read everyday via Google Reader so don't comment often but I read every post!!

Come to Ireland for a holiday!
Good golf + good food + good beer = good times!

Lissette said...

Enty, I can't imagine what you have sacrificed or done for our entertainment. I never asked questions, nor doubted you. I always felt it was a journey and I was just along for the free ride. Thanks for the great, juicy tidbits. Never let them see you sweat, and "don't stop believing, hold on to that feeling!"

Tank you so much!

Hendrix said...

Thanks for addressing this Enty and thanks for helping me out when I needed it. You know what I'm talking about!

Anonymous said...

I'm good widdit.

lutefisk said...

Winning!!!!!! Thank you Enty. I never doubted you.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Thanks, Ent. This obviously took a great deal of thought and time. Those of us who appreciate you also appreciate your candor.

I have to wonder about the people who log on simply to complain. Personally, I avoid websites that have a habit of pissing me off; Perez, Jezebel, and Celebitchy certainly don't profit from MY hits anymore. And I have to wonder about those of you who've dropped whiney impertinent comments like turds in so many threads during the past few days. There have been many fights picked, for sure. It seems like some of you are far angrier at other commenters than you are at Enty himself -- and Enty's audience didn't bilk anyone out of money, remember? It's weird.

At any rate, I'd like to second the request for a podcast instead of a radio show. Cheaper, more creative freedom, and your loyal listeners can just tune in whenever we dang well please!

Nicole said...

Thanks Enty, for this post and your many years of gossip. I was getting a bit worried about you - not mad, just concerned - but I totally get that sometimes real life gets in the way of your blogger life (as it should!). Please keep posting, but take some time for yourself every now and then!

J Ruth said...

Aw...Enty. :) Thanks for all the smiles through the years. Your writing makes the day a little brighter for so many of us. Thanks.

Lil said...

Enty, I've been reading you for years and as long as you're around, I'll be a fan. I've said it before and will say so again, I don't care if you're a lawyer or not. The fact that you do this blog, in an entertaining, caring & intelligent way, is more than enough for me. You give a crap about people and that makes you far better than most of the gossip sites out there. So good job, Enty, and I'll be reading as long as you're writing. Love you, big guy! :-)

Manda_kitty said...

Bravo Enty!

HannahPalindrome said...

I don't really care about the radio show because I didn't donate money, but I think it's funny how people are loving ENTY.

I enjoy this blog, but I don't really know anything about the person behind this site.

I like the blog, and I agree with most of the comments made by ENTY re: celebrities, but I have no idea who the real ENTY is, so I don't understand why people are so loving to a complete stranger.

He could sell you a bridge! LOL!

timebob said...

It is much more fun to be funny with you guys then be catty with just a few losers who are just dying for some attention.

I am going to try my best to ignore troll comments from now on. TRY I say TRY.

Enty and Howard Stern makes my boring office job bearable most days. Reading your comments gets me through a lot of dull times also.


Miranda said...

Enty, you're a fucking champ. If I had readers thinking that I owed them something, especially over something I wrote FOR FREE as a HOBBY, I'd just pack it in.

I've been reading this blog for a long time. I don't always comment but I do read a lot of the comments and, for the most part, we've got a really thoughtful and grateful community. It's been really sad to see the entitlement and ungratefulness come out in people lately.

Yes, I get being annoyed at donating money to something you appreciate and not seeing instant rewards. That's frustrating. But keep in mind you donated to an entertainment site so you can hear more GOSSIP. It's not like you sent $100 in to Haitian earthquake relief only to see it squandered on gold-plated jets. You gave your money in the quest for entertainment; you really shouldn't be holier than thou about it.

"I'm never reading this site again!" is the stupidest hollow threat that any of you could make. Of course you'll keep reading. Do the rest of us a favour and just STOP READING and take your sense of entitlement elsewhere. It's tiresome. And it's all about gossip, which is like the most trivial thing ever. We come to be amused; it's not exactly life or death.

TONIc said...

I've always enjoyed reading your blog. Love your sense of humor. Thank you for all the hard work.

L'auteur said...

Thanks, Enty. Now go take that vacation. We'll wait! :-)

ablake said...

Good show Ent.
Thanks for the blog, I enjoy your honest perspective on situations and celebs. I may not always agree but I always appreciate it.
Timebob and others mentioning the community, I concur.
We have some great folks here and that's a big draw as well.

Keep your chin up anonymous gossip blog man and just keep doing what you're doing.
Don't ever hesitate to let us know what's going on. We're all friends here (well, most of us) and we've got your back.

Sherry R. said...

Love you and your blog, Enty!

chopchop said...

Holy shit this place exploded the last few days!

Thanks for the heartfelt post, Enty. I don't give two shits about who you "really" are ... it is fun to speculate but in the grand scheme of things I don't care as long as you keep entertaining the hell out of me. Speaking of entertaining, how about that commenter who was all "ZOMG that is totally not him in the blog/Facebook photo!!!!! Conspiracy!!!!!!" Thank you, Captain Fucking Obvious. I'm seriously LMAOing all day about that.

Unknown said...

I appreciate thst Enty finally took a moment to address these issues.
I did not donate to the radio show, but felt swindled as a fan that I was promised a show one morning, it never appeared, and no answer was given as to why. People have been asking for weeks where it went. Carli suddenly stopped tweeting. Blog wasn't updated as much. Especially considering money was involved, it is normal for there to be questions.

I genuinely believe Enty is a lawyer and this is a larger dedication of his time, which I appreciate. I am a fan of the blog and after this began to start, I was very disappointed. My morals told me to boycott the site, but I just enjoy it too much. However, I feel guilt everytime I access the site, thinking myself and other fans have been taken for a ride. I wish I didn't feel this way, but I do. There was no excuse for there to not be an explanation about the delay for the radio show much earlier.

To speak to people discussing whether Enty is really overweight or lives in his parents' basement - the real Enty has created a cariactre of himself for the site. He is not himself, but himself as Enty. To remain anonymous, this is required. There is no issue with this. Think of Stephen Colbert the actor/comedian, and Stephen Colbert, the pundit.

All said and done, I do appreciate the work that goes into this site and enjoy reading it daily. It is fun and entertaining and I really hope nothing else happens to make me want to read elsewhere.

Bit dams said...

Hasn't addressed the "serious" issues?? Um, that's because there aren't any. This site is not about ending world hunger or aids relief, it's about fun and forgetting about serious stuff for a little while.

If coming on here is so distasteful to you: don't come on.
Start your own site of hate and serious stuff.

And honestly, do you think a business like tmz gives a shit if Enty is in his moms basement or how much he weighs? It's not news. It's not interesting to anyone but the handful of you here who apparently made it to adulthood w/o getting everything you wanted immediately and are now having a temper tantrum.

If entry was george bush, that story would be picked up. Otherwise, it's a non issue.

Audrey said...

I am Audrey #2.
One of the things I take umbrage to is that if you don't fall at the feet of the blogger and declare your devotion you are a troll. So those of us who like the gossip site, but are skeptical or not prone to handing out our praises of love and devotion to someone just because they post a few photos and write something that sounded more like a big whine fest than an explanation are demoted to nothing more than a group of trolls. I can't even muster up enough anger to feel insulted.

Lisa said...

LOVE reading your site. Usually check in once a day. (Not lately though. Too busy.) But de-lurking to say "hi" and "thanks" for so many great posts. (I can't believe you've been posting that long. That means I've been reading you almost that long. Time sure flies!)

RocketQueen said...

@chopchop - seriously funniest thing I'd read all day :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Audrey said...

@ Audrey, thanks for clarifying who you are. I saw your post yesterday and I completely agreed with so much, I was trying to remember if I had posted it!!! :) And, I agree - I don't "love" Enty...I don't even know him/her. I find it uncomfortable when people use "love" so loosely. And, questioning a post is not "trolling".

Anonymous said...

nah, you'll just stick to one paragraph posts with a pic about articles that you don't bother to take the time to read. which leads to confusing and misinterpreted posts. yeah you graduated from law school. higher education 'ain't' what it used to be.

hoosierlady said...

Read every day.


Selock said...

This was nice. And appreciated!

Unknown said...

Long time follower, some time commenter... I am glad that Enty addressed everyone and I hope it clears things up. Will his answer satisfy everyone? No. But I don't think there's much anyone could say to satisfy/clarify everything for everyone.

I come to this site mainly because of the community of commenters. They are generally insightful, always funny and tend to be respectful of one another. That's not common on many internet sites I've visited.

I just hope that those who just can't get past this don't try to derail the fun that people have daily in the comments section. If you are still not satisfied, perhaps try some of the suggestions from yesterday. But I think most of us just want to get back to what makes this site better than most-commenting on stars and their antics.

mooshki said...

Enty, you rock!

Meg said...

@chopchop - I had to re-read that post twice because I thought there was no way they were being serious.

THANK YOU, ENTY!! We appreciate this post. I agree with the others on the podcast idea, if it's something you really want to do. Thanks for keeping us all entertained all these years!

ardleighstreet said...

I don't care if you are a lawyer, I don't care if you really live in the basement on a hideaway bed. I think anyone with common sense knows you aren't the man in the photos. It never mattered to me. I came here and stayed for the gossip, the intellegence, and the snark.

This is how I decompress from a my job. I enjoy Enty's blog. I gave him money when he asked for it with the photos. I did it because I'd do the same paying for a magazine subscription and it's a hell of a lot less then my cable bill. I never asked or expected more from Enty.

@Enty-Thank you for what time and dedication you put in here. I greatly appreciate it. As long as you post I will be here reading.
If I could I'd send you a bottle of bacon vodka and a pound of chocolate dipped bacon. ;)

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Good to hear from you, Enty! Please don't ruin your health/career on our accounts, though; I'd hate to think of you working yourself into a state of collapse on our account. Thanks for all the fun dish (and for actually posting my blather from the last NIN tour), and take care of yourself, OK? *hugs*

iheartjacksparrow said...

Another thing: I find it strange that people were e-mailing "Enty" and posting messages asking for an explanation, and we got nothing. Suddenly, when people started talking about contacting TMZ and other blogs, "Enty" comes on with a message. If "Enty" really is an attorney, and some of the blinds he posts are from information he got from celebrity clients of his firm, he'd be facing possible disbarment for violating client confidentiality. So of course he wants everyone to drop the questions about his identity.

canopener said...

Exactly jacksparrow hearter. Also why wasn't the word, MONEY and DONATION used in the same sentence in this novel? None of the real questions were addressed, and I find the pleas for understanding and appreciation for all that's been done and sacrificed for the readers to be nothing more than a giant smokescreen. Two sentences about those STUPID BOOKS that never got to those who were supposed to get them would've gone a long way in lending a scintilla of accountability to this scam. If that DONATE button EVER appears again, I will unleash a "trolling" of epic proportion.

ablake said...

Iheartjacksparrow, I can see how someone already kind of unhappy with the situation would think that. Honestly though it very well could have been that he didn't want the trend that was happening yesterday to run people away. Seriously, just about every comments section I tried to read were threadjacked with the same kind of posts over and over. It got to the point where it became a "Why bother even reading?" when you see that there are 40 posts and can easily predict that 30 of them will be the same gripe. I certainly can't speak for him(or her or whatever) but that's just as likely as feeling like TMZ would try and 'out' you. Frankly I'm not too impressed with TMZ and would be shocked if they used any resources at all to 'out' someone that is a competitor in the gossip site world. They seem to grasp the point of the saying "any publicity is good publicity"
Could be wrong, though.

J said...

Been reading this site for years and have never commented, but I just felt compelled to thank Enty. This is probably one of my favourite blogs.

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