Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today's Blind Items

So, this is not really celebrity gossip per se, but it is tabloid fodder, so I think it works. There is a Republican out there who is in the top 3 or 4 potential candidates for President. He wants to desperately run, but is trying to come up with a payoff for his mistress. Cheating is not unusual for him considering he even married a mistress in the past.


MontanaMarriott said...

McCain or Romney

Linnea said...

Nono, its Gingrich. He married his mistress

Ice Angel said... be different

FrenchGirl said...

yes,he's Gingrich

MontanaMarriott said...

Oops, yeah after reading Gingrich's WiKi, it said "Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior." He would eventually marry her.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...




The Republican base doesn't care. Toss some guns, gay-bashing, and Jesus into the campaign, and this guy would STILL has a shot at winning. Especially if the mistress is hot.

heatherhug said...

Newt. Not even blind.

Rose said...

Please don't be Donald Trump. He's such a joke. He's making the announcement of when he'll announce whether he'll run or not on the Celebrity Apprentice finale.

Cancan said...

Of course it's Trump. Marla Maples is the former mistress.

looserdude said...
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Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I concur with Cancan.

looserdude said...

I hate Newt, but we as a country need to get over this moralizing bullshit. Clinton was a no-good dirty dog as a human being BUT a damn good President.

timebob said...

Nope, I am going to say Rudy Guliani.

His current wife was his mistress that he cheated on his last wife with.

He is a sleaze and I have been in an elvator with him. Way creepy but gives off the "power vibe" women love.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@looserdude -- Clinton, Carter, and Lincoln are my all-time favorite Presidents.

My least favorite? Dubya, Dubya, and Dubya. Oh, and also, George W. Bush.

bluebonnetmom said...

It could be Newt or "The Donald"....Either one makes me howl with laughter, self righteous hypocritical Republican scumbags. I hope they make my decade and run good old Sarah! That will be funnier than a good SNL. I miss Bill Clinton. He was a damn good president regardless of his sexual escapades. Hillary would have been great as well because a vote for her is for him in the wings as well.

Genericuserprofile said...

Face it no matter what side of the political spectrum you are, they all cheat. This would be a better blind if it was a politican who has remained faithful to his wife. Much harder to find and guess about!

KLM said...

^ITA Genericuserprofile... Hate to say it, but it's true.

looserdude said...

@Ida - Carter is exactly my point. Good people don't necessarily make good Presidents, just like bad people can be very good Presidents. Some are both, like Lincoln. (I'm saying people because I hope to see a woman President before long. ...Uhhh, not you, Sarah.)

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@generic -- I LARGELY agree, but if Obama's a cheater, than I'll be genuinely sad and shocked. I have a LOT of criticism to toss his way right now, but I've always respected the life he's provided for his kids, and how much he seems to love and respect his wife. If nothing else, I admire Obama as a family man, if not a politician.

Okay. This comment means that he'll be caught with ten teenaged/impregnated strippers next week...

Also, I'm NOT excusing Clinton's behavior, but there's something to be said for the fact that B&H WORKED THROUGH their marital struggles, and how they appear to be really great confidantes right now. I don't know if they're still lovers, but they're definitely business associates who totally respect each other's intelligence.

NOT excusing philandering. I know it's something that transcends political parties, but I still think that the Clintons have a somewhat extraordinary partnership. If anything, they're a model of ~traditional marriage~ and ~staying the course.~ They should speak at churches...;-)

Ramona Rinkles said...
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Whitney said...

So let's see - it could actually be any of the front runners. Gingrich, Trump, Giuliani... I think it'd be more interesting to point out who wasn't having an affair- certainly a shorter list.

Hendrix said...

The Donald? He married Marla Maples, who was one of the most famous (and shameless) mistresses of her day....

memyselfandi said...

Donald Trump for sure.

Dianne said...

I think it is all of them, except maybe Tim Pawlenty and Mitt.

Maybe this is what has kept Newt from announcing his candidacy? I don't know. Maybe he will blame it on patriotism and loving America, like he did with the last one.

And no, I don't think Dems are any better in this area.

Hendrix said...

@Dianne, you know Newt...patriotism makes him very, very horny!

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...


Unknown said...

It's not Newt. He's not nearly in the top 3 or 4 candidates in the polls or otherwise. He's only raised about $50k so far.

Anonymous said...

Sigh, why do they bother? The dirty laundry always gets aired. And then we have to hear about it. At length. It's so tedious.

I feel sorry for Americans in that your election campaigning starts around now and goes on for a year and a half. Although we in Canada seem to have an election every two years (feels like it), the campaign itself only lasts about six weeks. Then we can stop hearing about it for awhile and life can move on.

Audrey said...

What saddens me the most is that Americans are seriously considering Trump for President. I'm scared that this may be something that comes to fruition. And this is him.

Anotheramy said...

All of them, they all cheat

Marybel said...

Character DOES matter, no matter what political party.
Ida I hope you stay home on election day.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Marybel -- I've never stayed home. Even when I was halfway across the world. Thanks for your concern. ;-)

RocketQueen said...

Wow - the U.S. must be a lot different from Canada in terms of voter turnout, then. Because even when people have different opinions, we still want everyone to get out there and vote here.

Miss X said...

@Marybel You are correct - character does matter to a large part of the voting public.

Dianne said...

"I feel sorry for Americans in that your election campaigning starts around now and goes on for a year and a half. Although we in Canada seem to have an election every two years (feels like it), the campaign itself only lasts about six weeks. Then we can stop hearing about it for awhile and life can move on."

1. I envy other countries that have shorter campaign cycles.
2. Every presidential election cycle I am absolutely disgusted by the amount of money spent on campaigning. If you took that same money and applied it to actual problems...
3. I think the campaigning itself becomes part of the Bread and Circus used to distract people from real issues.

Elizabeth said...

What's funny is how many Republican potential candidates have had not one, not two, but three marriages with cheating in between. And they're the "conservative, family values" candidates".

Merlin D. Bear said...

Remember, leopards don't change their spots - no matter how much spray paint they use to try and cover them up.

Unknown said...

I'm going with Newt, he's cheated on all of his wives, and was actively cheating on the second while prosecuting and demonizing Clinton for the same damn thing (and spent $50 million dollars of our money to do it!!). I really doubt Trump would bother to pay off a mistress, but he's a good guess. And, while I agree that infidelity is disappointing in all politicians, Democrats for the most part do not run on "family values" and Republicans do. Republicans are incredibly hypocritical on the "values" issue, and for that reason it IS worse that they cheat so often.

And Marybel, your comment is especially disappointing. No one has to agree with anyone when it comes to politics, but one of things I value most about being an American is the right to vote...even for a motherfucking DISGRACE like George W. Bush.

ForSure said...

Newt is on his 3rd wife right now, he left the first one while she was in the hospital fighting cancer for the second one, who was a mistress, then he left the second for his staffer, also a mistress. Newt Gingrich was screwing around with one of his staffers at the exact same time that Clinton was messing with Lewinsky. That summer, Newt said that every time someone put a microphone in front of his face, he would use it to remind the country what the President had done. Clinton was done with ML by then, but Newt was STILL cheating on his wife with his employee. There is no greater hypocrite in American politics than Newt Gingrich and it sickens me that he can continue to draw a paycheck from anyone, anywhere, much less ever open his mouth to discuss character and morality. I.hate.him.

But I don't think this blind is him, I'm guessing Romney.

Sherry said...

Ida...You ROCK! And please someone explain to me in what universe is Newt so freakin' hot that women drop their drawers for him..Ugh.

califblondy said...

I'm shocked to think that some of these guys could get even ONE woman.

As Diane pointed out, it'd be great to have shorter campaign cycles. These months (years) of interviews and bashing does turn the political process into a circus. By the end of the whole fiasco, it's sad to see what's left sometimes.

Barton Fink said...

Oh, y'all are being mean to little Newtie. He only cheated because he loves America so much, he explained the other day to the Fox audience. The Fox audience, I should add, bought it hook, line and sinker.

Theresa said...

Can't be Newt or Trump. Why try a pay off when your mistress has actually been listed on your wiki page? Also, Trump flaunted Marla Maples horribly while still married to Ivanka. Who would we not suspect? I assume all of them!

Barton Fink said...

My reading of the blind suggests that the, er, gentleman married a mistress but has a new one on retainer that must be paid off.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

That Stay Puft Marshmallow Man looking motherfucker Newt Gin-GRINCH!

Reese said...

Sounds like Newt, but The Donald has also married multiple mistresses.

Amartel said...


thisoldbroad said...

Newt, who was suspiciously invisible during the government shutdown threats.

Although trump is equally douchy.

Anonymous said...

TimeBob - I agree with you on Giuliani. He was my first guess. However, I disagree that all women dig the "power vibe". Stupid women maybe... but not all of us are so shallow or ignorant. ;)

fairylights said...

I'm not sure why any woman would want Newt, Rudy, or the Donald....and I would LOVE it if the election was held down to maybe 3 months of hard campaining. Maybe that way the elected officials would actually govern instead of endlessly campaign. What a thought!

Sunnyhorse said...

Gingrich has embraced Jesus in a big way, converting to Catholicism to marry the current wife. I think people would be more scandalized to learn that he's screwing around than they would on learning that Trump is (and I'm certain he is).

Unknown said...

Once a cheater, always a cheater.

Yes, the election cycle is waaaay too long.

Enty, No more political posts please. The comments here were getting a bit hostile.

Icecat said...

I'm going to go with Mitt, because his is Mormon, and it would be funny.

empyrios said...

oh Ida, you've provided me with many LOL moments today *tips hat*

your comments have been better than the posts today, quite frankly

not a knock to you Enty, Ida's just ON today ;)

empyrios said...

geeez, think i could utilize the word "today" more in my post??

it's late...too much wine...whatev

City Councilman Doug said...

Hey looserdude

Could you add Michele Bachmann to the list? Thanks ever so much :)

ms snarky said...

good god, it's probably all of them. I hope the mistress goes to the National Enquirer. I need some entertainment.

Anonymous said...

first of all, it is not McCain, he is too old to run. Newt, we know has had a mistress. It is probably Trump, but I think this is ALL CRAP. After Clinton AND ALL HIS CRAP...NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING. Now, I don't believe in cheating, but, the way his chronic cheating was BRUSHED ASIDE... AND there have been WHISPERS OF OBAMA CHEATING, and I believe he has, but, he has been GROOMED FOR THE OFFICE FOR YEARS -voting present as a state senator as opposed to yes or no, being middle of the road as a democrat up until taking office, anything he did that was scandeless was paid off or covered up or as in the case of drugs, laughed off as 'all college students do it'. So, politicians are PIGS, CHEAT, don't like it, but POLITICS IN GENERAL IS A POWER TRIP-why else would anyone do it? NOT FOR THE MONEY! It is for THE POWER, THE CONTROL! and Trump might, probably is the blind, but HE IS NOT PAYING ANYONE OFF. ALL BULL. As obama says, unfortunately, BRING IT ON!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I do agree with you Dianne on that. Too much money is spent on our campaigns, too much time with policians out of office campaigning. Congress was 'dismissed' last October so that they were able to campaign. Meanwhile, they were not able to get a budget together the WHOLE YEAR AND PASS IT, even though one party had a Majority in BOTH HOUSES. disgusting. Obscene amounts of money, for MANY POSITIONS, (OVER $100 MILL for mayor of NYC spent by King Bloomberg). This is why basically only RICH PEOPLE are able to become politicians in high offices. The 'average joe' cannot become President. The average person is called idiot, moron, etc because they say the wrong words, statements, etc. Politicians are 'Professionals' groomed from an early age, some from childhood-Cuomo, Kennedy, etc. If you could only fundraise from a certain point, say Jan of the election year, then the primaries in June, then Campaign in Sept. for the position and only use money to campaign from fundraising, we would have a whole different group down there. Might be better, might be alot better for the United States. But, it will never happen, we only have term limits on President, not on congress :(

Barton Fink said...

It is somewhat ironic for someone named "bj" to have a sexually themed meltdown on a discussion board, no?

crila16 said...

First's not Obama whoever was the person who thought that. Obama is a Demo, not a Rep.

2nd, it's now just coming out that before Obama ran for Pres, he and Michelle were in fact, separated and not living together. They got back together when he decided to run for Prez.

3rd...Most, not all, but most politicians, dem or rep are Snakes and power hungry. Both Reps and Dems are both guilty of having cheated on their wives (JFK, Clinton, can't think of any Rep Prez who has, but I'm sure they have.) There are plenty of both Rep and Dem politicians who have. Dems act holier than thou and Reps act holier than goes back and forth and no one is innocent.

crila16 said... cousin is a Senator is MA. He wasn't born with money at all. He worked his butt off when he was young and worked hard in school and got into college, where he had to pay off student loans for his law degree. He interned with political parties and got to understand how the business worked. He got to know people who helped fund his campaign and did fund raisers. To say that only rich people can run for President is plain wrong. It's the average Joe who is unqualified to run, not because they don't have the $, but because they don't have the experience, knowledge or know the right people. People who are educated and have gotten to know people in the political world are the people who run.

Linnea said...

Or, people who have a vast collection of hair pieces and know how to say "You're fired!" in a memorable way

Anonymous said...

@crila, is he in a position to run for President? There's no doubt that many people not born of privilege can raise through the ranks of politics but to actually get to those few top jobs is rare. It's a very elite system (and not just reserved to the US).

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

But isn't one of America's selling points that it is the land of opportunity? That you can start off with nothing and can aspire to the top office? I don't think you have to be an elite for that to happen, but I'm sure it helps!

As for the blind, I think it's the Donald. Gross!

jfwlucy said...

I don't care WHO a politician or celebrity sleep with, AS LONG AS HE OR SHE:

doesn't lie about it and run or do self-promotion on "family values"

doesn't try and condemn others whose sexual tastes (i.e. being gay) are different then his or hers

doesn't try to keep other people from making responsible choices about the possible results of sex (i.e. pregnancy.)

If it doesn't hurt anyone (like pedophilia, bestiality, and polygamy DO) then I really, really don't care.

Daveb said...

"trying to come up with a payoff" leaves out Trump; he has the money. Same is true of Romney. If it said "trying to negotiate a payoff" then it could be them. So I'm left with the poorer potential candidates: Newt and Rudy.

crila16 said...

anita_mark. He may be...will ask him if he will ever plan on it. At this point he's been in politics so long he has such an in, there's no reason why he couldn't. unless he didn't want to. Actually...any man who is U.S. born can run for Prez, poor or rich.

Seachica said...

Top republican prez candidates (legitimately in the top 3 or 4 on some list):
- Mitt Romney
- Newt
- Donald Trump
- Michele Bachman
- Sarah Palin
- Mike Huckabee
- Ron Paul

Rudy wants to be a top candidate, but after his poor showing in the primaries, and in a year where the tea party has strong influence, Rudy is an also-ran no-chance candidate.

McCain had his chance and blew it. No one is mentioning his name in connection with a run in 2012.

I think this is Newt. He's desperate to run, and there's a lot of people crying out for him to do it. The biggest strike against him are his past affairs - if he were having one now (and can I just say "ewwww"?) - it would sink him in a heartbeat because of his past.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, technically they can but it doesn't mean they can. It costs a ridiculous amount of cash. I think a lot of it comes down to timing. You could be grooming yourself your entire life with that goal in mind but there are others who want it to and if they have the right people in their corner, etc.

All the best to him and I'm not saying he can't but for the most part, it's an elitist system that is very very difficult for the common man/woman to enter.

__-__=__ said...

All these comments here are exactly why every single politician in every single party in every single office in this entire country needs to be voted OUT of office. Doesn't matter if your Dem, Rep or whatever. Vote for who ever is coming up and has NOT been in office. It's time to take our country back. It's time to send a strong message that we are not paying taxes for our money to be thrown away only to line the pockets of the rich. I am beyond disgusted, obviously.

bluebonnetmom said...

@ jfwlucy - I agree with you completely. You are wise and well spoken. : )

RocketQueen said...

well said jfwlucy :) And where have you been, btw? Your comments are missed!

RayGarton said...

How does one run for president desperately?

ForSure said...

Actually, the average Joe can run and be elected to office, especially in a place like California which has ridiculous term limits. Our state is now run by average joes, with no clue. The number one characteristic required to be a politician in the US these days is the absolutely shameless ability to ask for money and convince people to give it to you. If you can do that, you are golden.

Frances said...

This could be Huckabee. He is BIG with the "Family Values" crowd, a southern baptist minister, and has been married for 36 years. It would be a very big deal if he was cheating. I am not sure anyone would bat an eye if Newt was caught cheating again.

Frances said...

my bad - missed the married his mistress part!

Nolesgirl said...

Its a shame to generalize by saying all Dems are John Edwards or all Reps are Newt... how simpleminded. Each side has their bad folks just as their good folks. Not every Repub hates gays or abortion or is even Christian - same came be said that not every Dem is liberal, socialist and atheist. Be realistic people.


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