Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Situation's Dad Is Crazy

Apparently if you live in the world of Frank Sorrentino, if your child makes money than this means you never have to work again a day of your life. Two videos were uploaded yesterday by a website and they featured the father of The Situation. Basically he is saying that he asked his son for a favor which I read to be money and his son told him no. So, dad gets upset and does not think he should have to work a real job anymore. Please. What an a-hole. You really want to be known as a guy who takes advantage of your kids? You should be happy for their success and happy they are not bugging you for money and living in your basement.

In a later video yesterday he accuses his son of getting fired from a job because he had oral sex with a 40 year old woman. Hey, if it was consensual, that is one hell of a way to be fired.


  1. my guess is he's a graduate of the Lohan school of parenting.

  2. is he not aware that this will live on the interwebs forever? it's like watching the making of michael lohan 2.0, the hood-rat version.


  3. He's a mesh shirt and slightly better vocabulary away from being Michael Lohan.
    And I thought they'd banned cloning?

  4. Now we know what kind of "fine" stock The Situation comes from. And we are surprised? LMAO.

  5. Aaagh! I grew up on Long Island, NY, (four town west of Merrick -- home of the "Blohan" family) in an Italian/Irish neighborhood and know this type quite well. What a pathetic excuse for a father!

  6. The enema doesn't fall far from the asshole. Sitch and his papa were cut from the same cloth... dirty, filthy cheesecloth.

  7. "The enema doesn't fall far from the asshole."


  8. Best comment ever, Little Miss!

    As much as I have no love for the Situation (he's gotta be my least favourite, and definitely disease ridden), this kinda sucks. People have NO SHAME anymore.

  9. (I hope Firefox is the reason why I keep double posting.)

  10. I thought The Situation mentioned his dad beat his mom all of his life? While I have never seen an episode of Jersey Shore or care for all the people on it, I give some small prop to the son for not giving any $$$ to a doofus like his dad.

    If I were ever rich, I would never give any $$$ to my greedy relatives, not even to my own kids. They have to earn their own living.

  11. Agree, Lohan school of parenting. Good for the Situation for getting out of there - unlike Lindsay. Wow - what if you were Lindsay and had to admit the Situation was more successful than you?!?!?!!??

  12. I'm glad Mike's dad is calling him and most of the rest of the cast out in the videos for being classless douchenozzles. I've met Mike before, and he is every bit the arrogant, misogynistic prick you would think he is. Pauly and Vinny were nice guys, and despite evidence to the contrary, Jenni is really a sweet down-to-earth girl. The rest of them are trash though.

  13. Well, excuse me while I clutch my pearls. You mean to say that someone who would be on a show like Jersey Shore has a questionable parent? NO! I won't believe it.

  14. I only watched part of the videos on TMZ last night and I don't know the back story on this family.

    I thought the "situation" was that the dad asked him for a loan and Sitch told him to go on welfare like anyone else would? Which I think is kind of crappy to tell your dad after you make it big.

    The last time I saw The Situation was on the Trump roast. Totally agree that he seems like an arrogant ass.
