Friday, June 24, 2011

Casey Anthony Defense Gets Big Boost From Mom

To say I was stunned yesterday during the testimony of Cindy Anthony was an understatement. Not only what she said, which helped the defense immeasurably, but also the fact that the prosecutors must have known she was going to say it when they decided to bring into evidence what they did.

In case you did not watch or have not been watching, this is a quick summary. During the prosecution case they brought in this computer expert who said that just prior to Casey's death searches had been conducted on the computer for chloroform, neck breaking, and chest injuries. They then brought in this FBI guy who said he had never seen so much chloroform in a trunk before although there is always chloroform in the carpeting in a trunk. So, of course the jurors are all thinking guilty.

Well, yesterday, Casey Anthony's mom testified she was the one who was searching for all those terms and gave some pretty good explanations why, especially in regards to the chloroform. The prosecution must have known she would testify that she was the one searching those terms so now they look like they were lying to the jury. Not a good plan.


Anonymous said...

The question we believe it?

skeeball said...

Cindy's work records show she was at work at the time of the computer searches. She is knowingly committing perjury to spare her daughter from conviction and the death penalty.

Her first 911 call was the last time she told any sembelance of the truth, once she realized Casey really killed Caylee, the lies began and are now out of control.

RocketQueen said...

I watched this last night (Nancy Grace styles) and was stunned, too. Oh Cindy. Every single commentator agreed she perjured herself yesterday, even the parents' lawyer admitted they will do anything to keep Casey from the death penalty. I'm struggling to get why they're helping her, but I guess I get why. They know she did it, but I guess they'd rather have her alive and in jail for the rest of her life.
And I finally saw the clip of Cindy saying "I love you" to Casey and Casey just rolling her eyes. What.a.fucking.bitch. I don't even BELIEVE in the death penalty but if anyone deserves it, this one does.

RocketQueen said...

What skeeball said.
Not to mention her story completely changed from when she first spoke...she's now claiming she's on medication now (or was then?) so things weren't as clear. It's called "changing stories", quite simply. Oh Cindy.

WednesdayFriday said...

Can't they prove that she was at work then, and unable to make those searches from the home computer? I try to watch this stuff on tv, but it just makes me yawn.

Anyone know of a site that has in depth analysis on it every day?

Rose said...

Poor Caylee, she has no family fightig for her.

xoApril said...

I think the jury sees through it. Watch the jurors. Their reactions showed shock, they same way we did. I think they see through it as well, and they would be rational enough to understand why she would say these things.

RocketQueen said...

@Lauren - she's claiming that due to her seniority, she could have slipped out any time. The whole thing is ridiculous. She claimed she was looking up "chlorophyll" (and was prompted by the search engine to look up "chloroform") because she was worried her dogs were sick after eating bamboo in the backyard, but then shouldn't you have been looking up "bamboo" and "dogs"??

WednesdayFriday said...

Thanks, Girl!

All I know is that the woman needs a serious make over.

WednesdayFriday said...

Also, you would think she would realize that google or yahoo was giving her chloroform and not chlorophyll and try something else. Also, are there vet records to show the dogs were sick? Did she ever even call the vet to ask?

Goodgrief said...

That poor little girl. No one loves her enough to fight for justice for her. I can see Casey walking and not getting any prison time. I am not really following it because it makes my blood pressure rise. As someone who lost her baby boy a few hours after his birth, it breaks my heart that someone like my husband and I who really wanted a baby lost ours and then people who don't really want them have no problems having them. Of course keeping them alive when you don't want them is another story. I am a little bitter.

Ms Cool said...

Like mother, like daughter.

Anonymous said...

I just goggle the word "chlorophyll" and in no way did I get chloroform. So she is claiming a senior moment. I hope the jurors are smart enough to see that she is lying.

Nosey Parker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
skeeball said...

@RQ~exactly! those are the logical phrases someone would type in and Cindy is a nurse, it seems to me that she would know the effects of neck breaking on a body, why would she search for that on a computer, if it was work related she would do it at work.

She is reaching as far as she can to try and get the jury's sympathy and as usual Casey is still controlling Cindy without even acknowleging her.

The whole saying "i love you" and getting the eyeroll response from Casey shows how much Cindy is willing to grovel to her and how Casey has the power over everyone in that family. All the jury has to do is remember that look she gave Cindy to know what kind of person she is and that she is totally the person who killed her daughter.

ChasingHeaven said...

Enty, WTF. Are you dehydrated? There weren't good explanations for it! She was AT WORK when those searches occurred. Who would wait 3 plus years to say that if it were true? Were there any searches on dog illness or bamboo? NO. It's ridiculous. Eat some bacon, pronto! I still love you.

Margaret said...

@Lauren, in Orlando is streaming the trial and has good analysis. I like Bill Schaffer who is their legal analyst.

The thing that surprised me in Cindy's testimony is that she appeared to believe her email from work is not archived. She said access to her email is the only way she could know she was at work. I bet a few subpoenas went out this morning. My husband is an email admin and I asked him about it: he said many companies are required to archive all emails for seven years. And he laughed at the idea that her password would stop the opening of her email. Any admin on the system would simply reset it. It will be interesting to see.

I do feel for Cindy: Here's her life. My granddaughter is missing. No, dead. No, killed by my daughter. No, killed by my daughter who claims she was molested by my husband. No, my husband and my son... It's more than any one mind can take.

Now, Jose has let the prosecution get a bunch of evidence in that the Judge had kept out. Even the judge is doubting "the theory of the defense" and I'm thinking Jose is going to call Casey. What do you all think?

Margaret said...

@ChasingHeaven... LOL! It's obvious Enty owes Jose some money, but we still love him (Enty). And Baez will end up one of the talking heads like Geragos (spelling? Scott Peterson's attorney) and look where Scott is now. Hellooo San Quentin! So, then Jose will forgive Enty's debt 'cause he'll be a well paid "journalist". All's well that ends well.

RocketQueen said...

@Margaret and skeeball - exactly.

@Lauren - I know!! If you're that worried, take your fucking dogs to the vet or call the vet. Her whole story is so weak. I guess she figures she's already lost Caylee, she doesn't want to lose another one.

SusanB said...

This family is less functional than the Manson family. I just hope they're able to prove perjury in Cindy's case and put her ass in jail.

Margaret said...

I'm beginning to suspect Baez doesn't realize that the state saves and has read the witness's depositions. One witness after another getting impeached by his or her own words is making me wonder if Jose skipped these classes in law school.

Carrie L. said...

This site has Cindy's deposition and discussion on the chloroform search:

It all starts on page 152. To me, this is different from what she said on the stand yesterday.

Sis said...

The problem is that it is still plausible no matter what we think...

The prosecution team already knew about this since it was in the first deposition 3 years ago, to the jury it might seem they are hiding items already said and questioned and the jury might hold this against them, the prosecution.

What I do find interesting is the father (the cop) not being questioned at length on the stand so as not to bring in an opening for other questioning by the defense, the judge has been firm on this, which is a little unusual. I believe he is the key to this whole thing, just my opinion though.

cara said...

Enty is sooo not an attorney.

RocketQueen said...

All the legal analysts that I saw last night agreed that there's no way anyone will go after Cindy for perjury. She's a sympathetic figure, and everyone gets why she's doing what she's doing and think she's been through enough.

Margaret said...

@Sis, this is the defense's case. They can call any witness or present any evidence that they disclosed and have even got a lot in that they skipped disclosing. If Jose wants to call George (the father), he certainly may.

And I think he has to because of his ill advised opening statement. But the state will impeach with the jailhouse tapes.

@Cara, it is kind of looking like that. =D

Elle said...

"just prior to Casey's death"

It was cayLEE that died, not casEY.

Also, her explanation was that chlorophyll gives out chloroform, hence she thought maybe it was the chloroform from the plant that was making the dogs sick. She didn't google chlorophyll and get chloroform - she claimed there was a chain of information that lead her there.

MadLyb said...

After reading some of the stories on this and getting some glimpes on tv at the gym, I'm really glad I'm not into this trial. It would drive me bonkers. The stuff coming out of this trial is some the craziest sh*t I've ever heard since the OJ thing. It stretches all credibility, which means she will likely walk like OJ did. I think the key here is to make this is messy as possible and perplex your jury.

Meg said...

I'm not understanding why ANYONE believe anything Cindy says in regards to the searches?? Total bullshit!

Casey's a pathological liar, so maybe she gets it honest from Cindy.

Am so with all of you that said that no one is fighting for Caylee. Absolutely heartbreaking.

Ashlea said...

I asked my mother today (who happens to be a very moral and just person) if I had killed my child, her grandchild, and the state wanted to give me the death penalty, would lie to a jury to save my life, she looked at me for a moment, then she said no. She was silent for a few seconds and said, I don't know what I would do. That right there just goes to show you what the mental state of cindy is. She simply wants to spare her daughter, even if that means being charged with purgory. She's not a evil woman, just a woman who has a daughter to lose.

Margaret said...

So, let me sum up. Lee meets with the defense this week and changes his testimony to favor the defense. And Jose does NOT bring up any molestation questions. Who is Cindy trying to spare? Maybe her husband and son (from further agony, I don't believe for one minute Casey was molested.) I smell a deal.

Rose said...

Wasn't there somewhere around 70-80 searches regarding chloroform, neck breaking, and whatever else? How many times was their dog sick and did Cindy explain why she was looking up neck breaking?

RocketQueen said...

Excellent point, Margaret.

Miss X said...

Margaret, I had the same thoughts re: Cindy's work email. Does she not know that anything you put on a computer can be recovered even if you've deleted it? Also, anyone else know a nurse with seniority who is allowed to leave work whenever she wants? Yeah, me neither. Could the jury be buying this? I'm all for innocent until proven guilty. I'm just not seeing/hearing anything that gives me a reasonable doubt.

Char said...

So if she searched for Bamboo and then Chlorphyll and then Chloroform, as she says, wouldn't that be pretty easy to verify? Or to disprove? I mean... they have the search records...

merrick said...

What the pros should have asked her after this great "revelation" was .. Mrs. Anthony, how do you delete a search history" And she would have been baffled, cause she doesnt know "what the computer does when it is on."

I am so sick of this family and their lies. Give it up Casey and let the good people of FLa spend their tax dollars on something a little better than Jose Bi-ez.

merrick said...

Also, keep in mind, that the pros have just added two new witnesses to their list for the rebuttal case. Two IT guys from Cindy's old job. Cant wait for her to impeached. Lee has already done it, now the pros can have their shot.


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