Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Oh Cameron

One great thing about Cameron Diaz is that she loves gossip. She is also ok with gossip about her as long as you guess wrong. Cameron is convinced that Alex Rodriguez is still into her and he is, when he is in town or she comes to New York. It is just that he is into some other people too, when he visits their town or they visit him. Over the weekend, Cameron said that she is amused by the false breakup stories involving Alex and Cameron. The guy came to town to play baseball for a weekend and his on again and off again girlfriend lives here, of course he is going to hang out with her. Why would he want to go through the hassle of finding someone else while he was here when Cameron will do very nicely?

I think Cameron is fooling herself if she thinks otherwise about the status of their relationship. There are just too many stories and too many people that say otherwise.


  1. Or maybe she just really doesn't care?
    Aren't they thinking about going into business together? THAT'S what worries me.

  2. I am starting to question her taste. I mean, do you know how many ballplayers are just as good looking/better looking than this fool? And better people, too.

  3. Get some self respect girl. Wow.

  4. Judging by the blinds about Cammie and ARod I don't think they mind sharing.

  5. There was a BV one time about A-rod. It said he is completely and totally into Latina women only. He's not attracted to the blonde, skinny white girls at all, but feels blonde skinny white girls are a symbol of "You've made it and here is your prize to wear on your arm". Supposedly, that's how he met his wife. There were hot Latina women in the club, but he saw his ex-wife across the room. Even though she wasn't as attractive as some of the latina women there, he told his friend...I'm going to get the blonde white girl. And he did. Cameron may be 1/2 Latina, but you'd never know. She's just a white, skinny blonde girl who's a famous actress. I personally don't think he's into her at all...he just likes the attention and notoriety.

  6. I will never, in a billion years, understand this woman's taste in men.

    I wish she'd just move to Hawaii and find some middle-aged, unpretentious guy who surfs as a hobby and makes his living doing something unglamorous. Like banking. I dunno. Something boring.

  7. @crilla
    I could beleive that story about ARod in the beginning of his career, but now? He has women of all colors throwing their panties at him on a regular basis - he'd have to be a pretty immature dick to be making those types of choices even now. Oh, wait....

  8. maybe she just doesn't care?

    crila16, ftr, (a-rod's preferences aside), there are caucasian latinas, and not b/c they're 1/2 this, or 1/2 that...they're simply full-on causcasian. they're obvs the minority (esp. in the US), but they exist. (at the other end of the spectrum, there are black ones too. gasp.)

  9. She has more money then she will ever need to spend. She doesn't seem to be chasing after an engagement ring. and he has the body of a god, she is enjoying herself and he isn't making a fool of her in public by trotting out other girls.

    She is fine and no Aniston in my book.

  10. I really don't follow sports and only know about A-Rod from what I've read here on CDAN.

    He seems like such a smug POS. Is it mean of me to wish his right arm would fall off or something?

  11. Maybe she knows and doesn't mind. Maybe she, too, has some side pieces?

  12. His ex-wife (a blonde shiksa) said they met when she made sure she was always on the treadmill next to his at his health club in Florida. She has a master's in psychology. Go figure.

  13. I think she knows, doesn't care and is just a fuck buddy.

  14. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I always got the impression that Cameron was willing to stick with a guy for a while if he was good in the sack or if she just thought he was cool. She doesn't come across as desperate, unlike Aniston. Cammy's in for a good time and a great lay. I can respect that.

    That said, Cammy should find someone who doesn't wear as much lipstick as her.

  15. @Ida - EXACTLY. She needs to go open a surf/smoothie shop with some beach bum that smokes REALLY good dank & let all the WAG's have the athletes...

  16. @TNC -- YES. And she should roll a blunt and invite a few select CDAN readers to join her. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii...

  17. BWT, Cameron is Latina (at least her father was.)

  18. Anonymous12:07 PM

    You know everytime I read that these celebrities break-up and come up with a lame excuse they have not and even have interviews to say they haven't. Within a week or 2 they will come out saying officially they have broken-up. So why drag it??

  19. @Ida - They grow medicinal ganj down there. Screw a blunt, I'll take a pound of dank & go find some little beach somewhere and chill...maybe go talk to Pele. I've always wanted to have a conversation with her.

  20. ^^ Now I've got the words to many songs from Boys for Pele in my head ;)

  21. he is a professional athlete, if he didn't have a piece in every city then I would be surprised.

  22. Okay, just this girls opinion-I think she is dickmatized. I have seen many a woman and men lose their minds, money and morals over good stuff.
    Personally, I think A-Rod is gross and I agree that she just needs to move on, but until the spell is broken or she goes to a couple of yankees games and they lose, she will hang on. That pic of her and him at the Super Bowl, where she is feeding him, girl, good damn day with that mess. He's making you look like a fool Cam!

  23. @RocketQueen - Now I need to go listen to that album...

  24. @NC - Give Caught A Lite Sneeze and Little Amsterdam an extra listen for me!

  25. @TNC and Rocket Queen -- I'm listening to "Professional Widow" right now. :-)

  26. I've never spoken to A-Rod but I've stood very close to him. Photos do him no justice. He has incredible skin. Not that any of this really matter, just putting it out there.

  27. :))) I have a friend whose email address has been "Spacedog75" ever since he heard it!

  28. Enty backpedaling from story lifted from perez and throwing mud at the same time.

  29. I just do not find this man attractive AT ALL, so its hard for me to fathom any woman throwing her panties at him.

    Other news outlets are reporting that they are buying a house together.
