Thursday, June 30, 2011

Puck Arrested For Domestic Violence

Did you know Puck was 42 years old now? Wow, time flies. For those of you to young to remember, back in day, The Real World was one of the very few reality shows so people actually watched it and this particular season in San Francisco was one of the most watched and talked about ever. Puck was the guy who everyone hated. I think every other person who came on the show wanted to stand out because they saw Puck had got a lot of attention. Look at the picture of that cast from above. That was a long time ago. Puck is the blonde guy on the far left. The one in front is married to a guy from Real World Boston who is now a Congressman. The one hugging her is a doctor married to the guy in the blue with his hand on her. Pedro, who is between them died of AIDS not long after the show ended. Does anyone know what happened to the other two?

This is not the first time Puck has been charged with domestic violence. He even was sentenced to a year of jail for it two years ago. When he got out he got drunk and drove his kid around and crashed down a hill leaving his son and himself injured. Puck was arrested for felony domestic violence and has been in jail for two weeks because he cannot make bond. His next hearing is on July 6.


timebob said...

Puck is the original Spencer Pratt.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

He's just one of many assholes out there who repeatedly beat women, recieve pitifully inadequate sentences, and go on to do the same thing as soon as they're no longer incarcerated.

RocketQueen said...

I've never seen one episode of this show, but I remember the story about this guy crashing with his kid in the car. Despicable.

Patty said...

His 15 minutes ended long ago.

Rose said...

I hated Puck and was so glad when they kicked him out. Pedro made them choose and they chose Pedro. That was a really bittersweet season. Pedro died the day after the final episode aired. That was back when diversity and careers were ok. Judd was a cartoonist as well.

Fabulous! said...

such a douchebag. i could never forgive him for how he treated pedro.

and i'll choose not to forgive him for how he treats women and children now. he's a disgusting and heartless pig :(

Fabulous! said...
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Maja With a J said...

The Real World was the first reality show as far as I recall, and this season was the last one that had some semblance of reality. I hated Puck. He was annoying, but still just to the point where you could imagine he was only doing it for the cameras.

Jennifer said...

When I was in 11th grade, 'in 95, I went to NY for a class art trip. In our hotel elevator, at 7:30 am, Puck stumbled on. He rambled on about how he'd been partying with Aerosmith all night and was obviously still wasted. He reeked, and was gross, constantly farting and burping. We got our picture with him, but was happy to say goodbye!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Wow. that photo just screams 1992.

Alicia said...

lol @ this post!

Cried with Pedro...that moment really was huge in bringing AIDS?HIV to the mainstream and humanizing it in retrospect.

I have no clue where they are now but I like the other updates so thanks E!

Alicia said...

lol @ jennifer :D He looks like he stinks!!

Lissette said...

Pedro was a nice guy. We had mutual friends and he did a lot of things to bring an awareness to the AIDS epidemic. He came to the school I was teaching at to talk to the kids (middle school) and then they had a ceremony to rename the street in front of the school Pedro Zamora Way. It is still named after him. His death was not in vain, it definitely had a purpose...

Pookie said...

timebob ftw!

(lissette, shoutout to kendall!)

Anonymous said...

I remember Puck! We called him Fuck though.

MnGddess said...

Laughed out loud at that one, Brenda. He was and probably still is a foul disgusting pig.

Virtual Boricua said...

Celebrity Rehab 6, here he comes!

Melanie said...

I read in a "Where Are They Now?" article that the blond one in the back is now a teacher and mother of two. I have no idea what happened to Mohamed.

Maja With a J said...

My music publishing and artist management teacher in college was Mohamed's manager. He even appeared on an episode. No, I don't know what Mohamed is doing know, I just wanted to let you know that I once knew someone who knew a Z-lister!

KatD said...

I miss how the Real World used to be. They actually showed young people pursuing their dreams and doing something with their lives as opposed to getting drunk and having sex with each other. I watched the first few seasons and gave up with all the loser drama. Puck was probably the first loser on that show.

Lelaina Pierce said...

I think I stopped watching after New Orleans. I sent in an audition tape for that season and thank GOD I was not selected. It was really good back in the day and San Fran was one of my favorite seasons.

@Lissette - I'm glad to hear that. He seemed like such a sweet person.

Really not surprised to hear this about Puck.

Henriette said...

Puck was the beginning of being an a-hole to get on TV. I did not like the San Francisco one. As a San Fran native, I thought they were all pretty lame and could not stand the twit from Arizona. I did like Pedro and Mohammed though.


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