Friday, June 17, 2011

Your Turn

A simple question. How often do you have sex? When you are in a relationship is it more or less? How many times a week do you consider normal?


MacVixen said...

Not a simple answer, but it depends on the couple and their sex drive. For me, I'm good like 2x a week. But I have friends that are a couple that are all about every day, twice a day. Whatever works for folks.

Anonymous said...

If they are having sex twice a day, they better make sure they are using contraception. Because kids are going to KILL THEM.

pwner said...

i think in relationships you go through phases of hot and heavy and then lulls so there really is no "normal" amount IMO

Anothergrayhare said...

brendalove: boy are you right! I always remember my husband saying 'are we still going to be doing it this often once we have kids". Sure, we are....

BigMama said...

my husband works wonky hours so sometimes we can go three weeks and then turn around and go 5x's a week. But we also have a combination of teenager and toddlers so that also messes us up. Personally, I would be ok with every night if the circumstances were right. He would be good with every hour on the hour and probably would be cool with me waking him every hour as well. :)

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

What pwner said. I don't think there's any *average* amount. Sometimes three times a week, sometimes once a week, and sometimes my man and I are just TIRED and we go longer than a week. Neither of us are into forcing anything, either. We don't plan it. It still happens, and it's great whenever it does. I've got no complaints! :-)

Privacy said...

if i didn't feel so much like my husbands mother, it would probably be more than 1x.

Maja With a J said...

I personally like to have a bit of downtime between screws. It's more exciting for me if I haven't done it in a while! *L* While we're on this topic, I will also divulge that I prefer afternoon sex, and I don't do it in the butt!

Maja With a J said...

"What, what?"

Henriette said...

Hmm, depends on how the hubby and me are feeling about each other. When we are really into each other-nightly-when we are in a funk-nothing. 9 times out of 10 we feel good about each other, but that one time can stretch into a week or two until we feel good again.

My husband has never had my high sex drive actually. He would be fine with one to two times a week, but I like more because it is so good for you!

Kids do tire you out, but I think kids are also a good excuse when you don't want to deal with something.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Maja -- Okay. Now there are two *more* things we have in common. ;-)

Robert said...

To quote Rodney Dangerfield: "These days, I'm sexually satisfied when I can fit my car into a tight parking space!"

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ Robert!!!

HeyThere said...

We only have sex 5x a week now, but that's because I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant. Before pregnancy, it was every day and sometimes twice a day. Which is how I ended up pregnant so.....

RocketQueen said...

According to my boyfriend, "not often enough".

Lindsey said...

@RocketQueen - Same here!!! Haha.

Angie said...

@Carolyn took the words right outta my mouth.

KLM said...

Ha! Love it, Maja!!

KLM said...

Oh - and yeah, right there with you, Carolyn and angie. Right there with you and boy is it annoying.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Weekends mostly. I live alone and my GF lives with her mother. So, yeah. You can imagine.

Seachica said...

1-2x/week, depending on how often I see my BF. When I was unattached, it was much less often - whenever I'd see my FWB, which was 3x/year (but 2-3times a day during those times).

I'm curious for those in relationships, which of you has the higher sex drive? I have the higher one, which is taking some getting used to.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

Typically 3-4 x a week, but there are some weeks when I need it more than that.

pwner said...

@valerie: I have the higher one as well which does take getting used to. My bf has a high stress job that effects his drive, but when he's on down time, look out! lol

Jason Blue Eyes said...

@Valerie - ME ME ME. My sex drive is INSANE. My GF says I wear her out. During the weeknights when she's not around I have to occupy my mind or I'll go crazy. I watch a lot of TV, movies, read and snark about celebs online to distract me until she and I get together. LoL.

bflogurl said...

I'm with pwner. Sometimes a few times a week, sometimes once a week.... and then there's the dreaded "week off". Blah. TMI.

BLT said...

I haven't had sex with a human in years. Seeing your husband gratifying himself with the kids right there will do that to a girl. We are no longer married.

Treesap-Covered Lady, the Humanist said...

I was about to say I have the higher sex drive between the b/f and I, but buttercup just killed it. Gross.

Snakeoiler said...

Since my separation and divorce about two years ago, never. And I never did it with anyone other then her, in our 22 years together, or the rest of my life.

So, I guess I did it more when I was in a relationship. A couple of times a week would have been normal, once we had kids.

NOTE: "Sex" here is defined as requiring at least one other person, and in my definition, PIV.

Liz said...

Ohhhhh, it definitely depends. Around 2x a week now but we have kids. Kids definitely changed our sex lives and sex drive. Now, once they're in bed I'm happy to get the house straightened up and get some zzz's. The little buggers get up so freaking early. I don't have any idea what's normal.

feraltart said...

I have the higher sex drive. I would like it every day, but I don't force the issue. My husband works away a lot, I don't cheat, and I have recently had a long discussion with one of my friends about things to enhance the singular experience. Her response, rabbit.

MizCaramel said...

2 to 3 times a week and I'm content with that, though some weeks it can be more and some way less like zero. It really just depends on what's going on in our lives. No kids so it's just adult time.

jax said...

daily if i can. last bf was a bit long distance.

littlemanwhatnow said...

3 to 5 a week. one weekend we did it about 10 times, stayed in bed and had sex, watched instant netflix, smoked pot and had bed picnics. i kind o f like it in the butt sometimes...not often but sometimes. my boyfriend is not into that.

RJ said...

Once or twice a week, which is plenty for me, but not nearly enough for my husband. However, even if we had sex every day, it wouldn't be enough for him. After a week or two, he'd be bugging me for twice a day. He'd probably get more sex if he was after me less. I figure what's the point in doing it any more than I want since I don't think he'll ever be satified any way.

RenoBlondee said...

1 to 2 times a week. But like PWNER said, it ebbs and flows.
I have the higher sex drive over my husband as he has a high stressed job.

Tempestuous Grape said...

Female. 38 years old. No sex in 2 years. I started having consensual sex when I was 11 years old and have been with a lot of dudes and a handful of broads, so I'm taking a, that's not the right word, lol...break. I'm taking a break! However, if Adrian Brody would like to break that run, that's coo'.

Anonymous said...

10 or so years since I had sex with a mammal. I can't call him a man or a human, although he looked like both those things. But for always-satisfying sex with the person who loves me more than anyone else and lives on the end of my right arm, couple times a week. I've slowed down a lot as I approach 70.

MoodyBlueEyes said...

my husband has a much higher sex drive, but i think mine is lower due to meds, and that should hopefully be adjusting. our BIG problem is that he lives in canada, i live in the us. we're working thru the immigration process, and it's long and tedious, and this whole conversation is making me a bit sad. i miss him terribly and would give anything to have sex once a month, never mind once a week, or even better - once a day!

BLT said...

I didn't mean animals or anything other than manually :-)

Stallis Garden Gal said...

My husband and I have been together 13 years, and we always have to do it at least 3 or more times a week. Of course, there have been a couple blips along the way, but it just gets better and better the longer we've been together!

And now that I've reached my mid-ish 30s, my sex drive has gone through the roof like a switch turned on. Which blows since the husband works long hours *sigh*

juicy said...

Maaaybe twice a month if I'm lucky :( Long-distance SUUUUUCKS! and when we DO get to spend time together, it's usually spending the weekend at his parent's house, since that is kinda in-between both of our places, and i feel like i'm 16 again... doin' it in his childhood bedroom. We're both 29, haha.

Unknown said...

I has sex once. Actually, it must have been three times since I have three kids. But that was a long time ago.

Lately -- not so much. Love the penis, it's the surrounding drama I have a problem with. But if I were in a relationship it would hope for a daily dose, at least. It's good for your health and I don't have insurance. Heh.

headrot said...

im happy at 1-3x a week. my bf wants it everyday 2x or more a day. kinda drives me nuts (he gets sulky if i tell him im not in the mood)

i definitely have more sex when in a relationship. i'll go months w/o if i am not in one.

nuclearnavymom said...

Once a week. I don't think thats too bad for a couple in the 50's who have been married for 32 years.

PollyPureBred said...

I can't get laid to save my sorry life. Or to perpetuate the species...pray it never comes to that.

Majik said...

As often as I can which, unfortunately of late, is not near often enough.

I took four years off from sex and just started again last year--feel a little like I'm trying to make up for lost time...but hitting my 40's sent my sex drive through the roof!

Anonymous said...

Great question and sth of an issue for me and the bf right now. Personally I want it EVERY DAY. Wake me in the morning and drift me off to sleep this way. Love sex. Love the intimacy. Love the sharing and togetherness. Love making each other feel good. I'd settle for 4x per week, but he doesn't have the same drive I do!

pwner said...

I'm gonna respond to a whole bunch of peeps here so bear with me. People are being so open so i feel the need to respond. I've also had a few glasses of wine....

@buttercup: oh man, that's harsh and a little fucked up. Kudos to you for getting out of that one.

@Snakeoiler: This makes me kinda sad. I commend you for being faithful all those years, but you should get back in the saddle amigo!

@feraltart: yes, rabbit. very good advice ;)

@littlemanwhatnow: i hear you. my current relationship started out long distance. when he was home it was stay in bed, have lots of sex, eat when hungry and watch endless hours of streaming tv online. also in the butt sometimes. it's good if you're super horny. just sayin'.

@Tempestuous Grape: Well, I will say good for you if that's what your goal is right now :) For some people it's hard to refrain from sex and if you feel it's a problem or infringing on your life somehow, I'm all for "breaks"

@Syko: I'm assuming that you aren't referring to sex with non-mammals such as fish and the like and are simply referring to sex with yourself :) Hopefully you aren't giving up on the mammals though.

@MoodyBlueEyes: I've never really understood the immigration problem between Canada and the US. Seriously, if people can't move from one to the other, how the hell do all these people from across the ponds get in? I say that without judgement.

@Netta: I hope it happens again for you- on a daily basis that is. Also, I read your book. Awesome stuff :)

@nuclearnavymom: I strive to be like you one day. You rock.

@PollyPureBred: Don't give up.

@Majik: Have fun! :)

Unknown said...

@pwner Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. :)

Anotheramy said...

CDANers are more open minded and educated than the average bear. As a result we have more sex more often.

Personally, the usual, once or twice a week, never miss a week. We work weird hours so it has to go into the schedule. If we miss the scheduled day we both climb the walls.

dixieladychef said...

Been with my man a year. No kids and we both work over 40 hours a week. We still manage at least 7x a week. Sex keeps us both happy and our communication open. It is all about your appetite. Every couple is the same.

dixieladychef said...

Every couple is different. Whoops. Typo!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

On those nights when I'm anxious for sex and my GF is unavalible I'll just start thinking about Paris Hilton. BIGGEST SEX KILLER EVER.

DNBer said...

I masturbate when you post photos of Colin Firth.

Which brings me to my second point: why are there no photos of Colin Firth in the random pics section?

Which brings me to my third point: have you ever done a blind item on Colin Firth?

Which brings me to my fourth and most important point:

I don't think you take requests, but please, for the love of Firth, keep us constantly updated on him. Get dirt on him, boring stuff, anything. He's the only one I care to know anything about!


Henriette said...

That was our situation before we got married and now my mother lives with us. Can't complain. It's free childcare.

rubyjean said...

I'm so totally with you RJ
Once a fortnight with us, but hubby could do it 24/7 if posssible

Jesse D said...

I take a lot of meds that screw with my sex drive, deal with depression, diabetes, work two jobs and am a single mom. Yada yada, seriously, I'd rather sleep. Boyfriend definitely wants it way more than I do.

Kai said...

Well since we're being so open, we try for once a day, but we have a 5 year old so we have to be sneaky. His drive is higher. I've been with him for over 8 years so I guess I get more when in a relationship. The longest we've gone without is 3 months because he was 900 miles away for work. We've tried "in the butt" but it umm hasn't been very successful...

figgy said...

I went FIFTEEN YEARS without sex--I just gave up on relationships. Then I re-met my husband in August, married in October, and we have sex anywhere from once to five times a day. I've a lot to make up for! ;-)

RocketQueen said...

DNBer wins for best post ;)


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