Friday, July 22, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Is A Mess

When Lindsay Lohan pleaded poverty yesterday in court I think everyone was amused. It is tough to plead poverty when you live in a place that costs $7K a month to rent and are wearing about $3000 worth of clothes and shoes. Of course she could have stolen the clothes and shoes, so maybe that is not the best judge of her income.

What I saw yesterday was something else though. I saw someone who looks about 50 despite her age being half that. I saw someone who let her SAG insurance lapse because no one has hired her for anything in almost two years. I also can tell you that Lindsay will never complete her community service in one year. She just won't. At the pace she is going she has to average a little more than 8 hours a week every week for almost the next year. She won't do that. She could, but she will have excuses why she did not and the Judge, whoever it is a year from now will probably let it slide and give her another six months or a year.

If Lindsay really cared about getting off probation and getting serious, she could bust out that community service in two months of going everyday. What that would show is that she wanted to remove that albatross from around her neck and producers and casting people would see she is going everyday and serious about getting better and might take a chance on hiring her.


Anonymous said...

I know I should hate her since she boozed away her career and looks herself, but I just can´t. This is so so sad. Just rewatched Mean Girls, and she looks so healthy, young and radiant. 7 years later and THIS. Just sad.

bluebonnetmom said...

Bitch is done, career is over. And she has no one to blame but herself. Wow. : (

Basil said...

It is sad, but she did it all on her own. Can't blame anyone else no matter how hard she tries.

MISCH said...

Agree she's over....I have stopped trying to understand how she could throw away everything she's been given starting with her looks.
Bleaching out the most beautiful natural hair color, frying in the sun, hanging out with users and losers,
the drugs the booze.....the lying, the stealing, the jealous rage...
Sick she could have had it all...
Not firing her mother and getting real management ..
And worst of all not taking a long hard look at herself to even begin to see where she went wrong.
She's a nasty used up hag at 25....

jax said...

Emma Stone can pat her own back for successfully picking up where Lilo left off. Although not to crazy about her very thin appearances lately.

ChasingHeaven said...

It's not like Linds hasn't been given and continues to get chance after chance after chance to begin again...

I love Emma Stone!

__-__=__ said...

I think she's damaged her brain with drugs and alcohol beyond repair. She is beyond hope. It's all fun 'til the cops come. She's done.

RJ said...

I still maintain that this girl shows every sign of being an adult survivor of childhood rape/molestation. If this is the case, she will NEVER stop her self-destructive behavior until she seeks help for dealing with that. I feel bad for her in spite of her "It's everybody's fault but mine" mentality. However, if I'm right about her childhood, that attitude fits the pattern. Hell, we should all pity any child raised by Michael and Dina. Lindsay sure doesn't look like she just turned 25.

RocketQueen said...

Pleading poverty? Fuck you, Lohan. She's still managing to cell e-cigarettes, pose for a bunch of (clueless) magazines and appear in music videos. And what about her leggings line? Is that still a thing?
I'm so sick of this bitch wanting everyone to feel sorry for her. Here's a suggestion: stop breaking the law so you won't have to pay lawyer fees and fines! SOLVED.

RocketQueen said...

@RJ - I honestly believe if she had been raped or molested, she would have told the world by now. I think she's that despicable.

BigMama said...

she reminds me of McKenzie Phillips, all that talent = no clue how to use it. She will self destruct herself into oblivion.

yourfaceisamess said...

she looked FUCKED up yesterday too. hung the fuck over. i've done my share of drugs and partying and she is strung the fuck out.

flwrgurl said...

cosign @bigMama

LULU said...

I have read on a site that both her and britney were molested as kids by industry execs how true dont know

nancer said...

oh waah. she's a victim. how about this?

she's a spoiled brat who's been able to get away with shit the rest of us would be in jail for. did she have shitty parents? yes. but she's a grown woman and that's no excuse anymore. sick to fucking death of her, and can't believe she gets ANY sympathy.

RJ said...

@RocketQueen, I believe her silence has been purchased by the man (men?) who molested her for many years now. I think her parents knew what was happening and instead of stopping it, cashed in. How else has she been living her lavish lifestyle with no visible signs of an income all of these years? I know there are rumors that she turns the occasional trick, but I figure that's just for her drugs.

I do agree though that the "poverty" is bullshit. Until she's living in subsidized housing and buying her clothes at Goodwill, and taking a bus to court, eff-that!!

iheartjacksparrow said...

If she's so broke that she can't pay her SAG insurance (which looks like it's only $273 per quarter), then who is paying her attorney's fees?

Sadie said...


parissucksliterally said...

Move into a cheaper apartment and get yourself a therapist, asshole.

She will never get better, because I have never ever seen her accept responsibility for any of her actions.

I am shocked she lived to 25, but I doubt she will see 30.

timebob said...

I think she is hanging her hat on this Gotti movie to revive her career. I think that won't happen.

I guess she thought community service was just supposed to be a photo op. Actual work wasn't in her crack headed thoughts.

She wouldn't even do 13 hours or so of alcohol ed. class over what? 2 years.

She is just a lazy addict and expects every one to give her a pass becuase she is a "victim" (of herself).

Anonymous said...

Agreed with Jax. Somewhere Emma Stone is secretly happy that LiLo has fallen/jumped off the pier. More work for her.

Feisty said...

@RJ, I think you're probably right about Lindsey, not sure if Brit had the same issue or not. I think Britney's problems (before she was drugged up by Lufti) weren't showing up the way I would expect if molestation was the case.

Then again, Aaron Carter was molested by that Pearlmen (sp?) guy, and way more R&B boys groups have someone who's come out as being molested than I would have thought.

This is why I think it's absolutely vile when I hear ads on the radio for casting for "agents from Hollywood. Would your child like to be on shows like Hannah Montana?" F*ck no.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Her head has gotten huge. Literally. look at the size of that thing. It's bigger than Rainn Wilson's at this point. Look at that dry, blistery, rough, crusty looking skin. She has dead eyes. As in Spaced out. I don't think she gives a f*ck about her career at this point. I doubt there's any joy at all left in this girl's world. Except drinking and shoving a coke straw up her nose. She completed 4 days of community service over two months. She has 56 more days. At this rate she'll be finished in 27 months.
Oh, who am I kidding. She'll NEVER complete that. Silly me.

The Lindsay in court saga and discussion will continue same time next month, Kids. And the month after, and the month after. At this point she's seen the inside of more courtrooms than Matlock.

solarpower said...

Bout to talk out of my ass here from Psych 101. I think it's more intrinsic than just addiction issues. To me she is practically the poster child for Borderline Personality Disorder. Her emotions fully dictate what she experiences as "reality." If she *feels* she is the most talented actress/not an addict/cannot afford a therapist/deserves to have dresses or necklaces for free, then it is really true to her. No matter that it is objectively untrue.

Her only sense of self comes from being in relation to others. It explains her total inability to spend time alone. Her violent reaction to rejection. Her constant excuses. It does not bode well for the hope that she will stop partying or refuse the grotesque enabling of those around her.

I'll admit I'm a pessimist, but Borderline is very hard to treat successfully, and I don't see a happy ending in the future here.

Not A Ninny said...

@ iheartjacksparrow -- Her attorney may be getting basic remuneration from the county for continuing to represent LiLo. Besides, it's great free advertising.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

What nancer said.

I'll save my sympathy -- or even casual interest -- for people who actually merit it.

L'auteur said...

I too believe she has a mental illness, possibly borderline. I think her drugging is self medication. There's not a lot of hope if she doesn't have people around her who are willing to set boundaries and get her help. I do wonder if she is even capable of completing community service. Just a really sad waste of a very talented actor.

Moosefan said...

The next one to go after Amy Winehouse. Bitch done it to herself. Guess she and her Mom thought that she was irreplaceable in the Hollywood game.. Sorry, she is a punchline now...

Lelaina Pierce said...

I guess I wouldn't bother doing community service if i knew I'd have no consequences. Why bother? She's never going to take responsibility for her actions b/c she doesn't think she's done anything wrong.

weezy said...

Let's argue the latest court outfit (incl. Loubutin pumps) was loaned for publicity for the designers. Wouldn't common sense and her law firm suggest she dial the whole Big Look back a couple of notches?

Today's NY Post says she's planning to go to St. Tropez to party -- but no one wants to invite her to their parties because PR firms think she's a liability.


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