Monday, August 22, 2011

Benicio Del Toro Is A No Show At Kimberly Stewart Delivery

Kimberly Stewart gave birth to a baby girl over the weekend but the father, Benicio del Toro was nowhere to be seen. You know, even if the two are not a couple don't you think the guy could at least show up to the hospital or send some flowers or do something to show he has some kind of heart. I mean Ryan Phillippe showed up for the birth of his child even though he is not with his ex-fling any longer. To me it is just kind of the right thing to do. He does not have to be in the delivery room, although it might be preferable to Rod Stewart being there who apparently went through a medley of his numbers because, well the story becomes much more funny if you can imagine him actually doing it. You know, while his daughter is pushing he is singing "Do You Think I'm Sexy?," then a flash mob of nurses and doctors comes in and dance.


MontanaMarriott said...

That visual is hilarious, Enty

Patty said...

Didn't he previously say he was not going to be invovled?

parissucksliterally said...

Ok, he obviously wants nothing to do with this situation, and I am sure he told her she was on her own. No big surprise here.

Daveb said...

He is probably waiting the results of the paternity tests.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

If he wants zero involvement in his own child's life, then why in the world should he be granted the privilege of witnessing that baby's entrance into the world?

Kimberly might not have wanted him there, and I certainly wouldn't blame her one bit. Regardless, it should ALWAYS be up the laboring mother who's allowed and not allowed in the delivery room.

I *just* read some item about a guy who recently cheated on his pregnant wife, left her for another woman, and still expected to be there for the birth of his baby.

Bitch, PLEASE.

Tempestuous Grape said...

He's a scumbag according to some folks, so who knows. Rod Stewart wasn't present for most of his kids lives, so this is par for the course for Kimmy.

crila16 said...


RocketQueen said...

What Ida said. Not a big deal.

Chrissy Buns said...

Ida took the words right out of my mouth. maybe it is HER who doesn't want HIM there. although i have a feeling that even if she did, he wouldn't be there. he seems like a real grungy asshat to me.

ms snarky said...

I'm kind of on the "don't want him there" train, but you know he's going to want to be around for photo ops when the kid is a cute toddler.
Well, considering both of them, possibly not so cute.

Linnea said...

I am so torn about this. On the one hand, it is his child just as much as hers and if he wants to be there, he should have the right to. On the other, she is the one actually delivering the baby and she should have the right to chose who sees it...

Unknown said...

I really hope Rod was not in the delivery room singing those songs.... that sounds like the premise of Knocked Up 2

PotPourri said...

I'm torn. A man should always show up in support of the birth of the child, not the delivery of the child. However, he should have shown up and been turned away, gracefully.

The other thing, it may really be a Paternity Case. Look at Owen Wilson...It's clear the baby was not his.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@JG -- "A man should always show up in support of the birth of the child, not the delivery of the child. However, he should have shown up and been turned away, gracefully."

I'm wondering how showing up for the birth and the delivery are two separate things. And why show up at all *just* to be turned away? If he had a RIGHT to be there in the first place, the nurse would usher him directly into the Maternity Ward.

Also, I think "should have" is kind of a moot point when discussing Beskeevio Del Doucho.

MacVixen said...

The thing that confuses me the most about this whole deal - Kimberly Stewart is a known famewhore. And yet, it was benicio's rep that announced the pregnancy and that he was the father and it was Benecio's rep that announced the arrival of the baby. Rod, his wife and Kimberly's mother were there for the birth, but not Benicio. Sounds like a very strange dynamic

ChasingHeaven said...

Forget the Mom, I just don't understand why these guys won't be there for their child.

timebob said...

Benecio isn't mr. relationship and i don't see him being dad of the year either other then sending the montly check. Which seems all Kim wants for the most part. She seemed to get her shit together awhile ago I think she will make a good mom.

ardleighstreet said...

I hope the baby has a good life. With it's asshat parents and Rod being grandpa I don't think it will stand much of a chance.

Cindy said...

@Ida -- maybe the birth of a child is a wanted child and delivery of a child is not? That was what I got from it -- but I could be wrong...

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

We don't know Kim's state of mind on Benicio or their relationship, but I can see more situations where it's correct for him to skip the birth than to be there. If he's not going to be involved, he should stay the fuck away.

I know a guy who did that to a new baby mama... showed up even though he had no intention of being with the woman or be involved with the kid. The new mother got very emotional and confused about their relationship. It was very hard on her in the ensuing weeks and months when he then didn't continue contact. She later wished he'd never bothered to show up in the first place.

BTW, doesn't Rod have a 3-month-old kid himself?

MISCH said...

This was a quick hit and run, there was no relationship the fact that she even had the baby amazes me...why would she want a child with him ? There is something seriously wrong with her.

Anonymous said...


Lelaina Pierce said...

I read that he is being "supportive" of the child, which I took to mean financially. And yeah, if he told her that he was not going to be involved in the child's life and she choose to still have the baby anyway...I just don't know why she'd expect anything different.

Anonymous said...

He's the kind of guy who would deduct the cost of flowers from her first child-support payment.

firebugDVM said...

@Jamie's Girl: Wow, what piece of good gossip am I missing? Owen Wilson isn't the father of the baby he claims???

Anonymous said...

Just a funny thought... she gave birth to her daughter on her birthday. Both mother and daughter have the same birthday! At least it's easy to not forget and if you do.... there not one but two people who are going to be pissed!

Jasmine said...

"This was a quick hit and run, there was no relationship the fact that she even had the baby amazes me...why would she want a child with him ? There is something seriously wrong with her."

also what Lelaina said.

Enty has made simliar posts/statements about Jude Law and his one night stand who had his baby and Jude didnt not show up to the delivery or I think even sees the child for that matter. I think he was also appalled at that.
I say, if a woman wants a child, good for her. But when men make it clear they arent looking for a relationship (and maybe the women arent either for that matter) than the whole showing up to delivery thing (which I think is a very personal, intimate moment) is very unique to the situation. Nowadays there are all sorts of nontraditional ways women are having families- judging people by mandates that are more old fashion is simply setting everyone in the senario up to be looked upon unfavorably. I think if Benicio and Jude for that matter, dont plan on actively being in the kid's life, its good they didnt show up to the delivery. Whats better- a kid who has a father show up periodically and is an unstable influence or someone who isnt in the picture all together because they know they cant deal with a kid?

Jasmine said...

*didnt show up

Tatyana said...

Blogger firebugDVM said...

@Jamie's Girl: Wow, what piece of good gossip am I missing? Owen Wilson isn't the father of the baby he claims???

In jamie's Girl's mind, neither is Ben Affleck ;3

MISCH said...

We have a family friend who wanted a baby very badly, she took a month off and went to europe and came back pregnant. She never told the father, never intended to include him in her life, she has a beautiful 12 year old girl now.
When anyone asks about the father she says her ex-husband didn't want children and he only agreed to father the child if it was understood he would play no part in her life.
It seems to work for her.

Linnea said...

MISCH - That makes me super angry! She didnt even tell the father that she was pregnant? That is f-d up. There are plenty of men who wouldnt mind fathering a child and then staying out of it, but not telling him is just horrible. What if the kid decides to find him? What if he finds out some other way? What if he NEVER finds out and there is a kid out there that is his?

RocketQueen said...

lol Tatyana! And she also thinks Colin Farrel is the father of any baby named "Henry".

Henriette said...

What if the kid marries her brother? Stranger things have happened. No good comes out of doing stuff like this.

Tatyana said...

Blogger Henriette said...

What if the kid marries her brother? Stranger things have happened. No good comes out of doing stuff like this.

That's why she went all the way to Europe I presume.


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