Friday, September 09, 2011

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Dwayne Wade in New York for Fashion week.
Also there was Elisha Cuthbert who looks like she is about to slip and fall.
Desperate for action since Demi Moore wants nothing to do with him, Ashton turns to Ellen for comfort.
Jim Carrey is available for parties and weddings and home redecorating.
Katie and Suri in New York. Tell me again when Suri will start looking like Tom Cruise.
Miley Cyrus meets her first billionaire. This is the owner of Topshop.
Michael J Fox headed into Letterman.
The first pictures of Natalie Portman's baby and a
clear shot of Harper Seven Fourteen Twenty-One.
Paddy Doherty won Celebrity Big Brother. Kerry Katona came in second. I know many of you have never heard of the guy, but he beat Tara Reid so be thankful for that.
Peaches Geldof keeps dropping weight. Heroin again?
"Beastly? Sucker Punch? Yeah, with your credits, I think you are looking at the third row Ms. Hudgens. Could you move along, I have one of the girls who got smushed on Season 2 of Jersey Shore coming and we need to find her a spot. Everyone is so excited."


Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Ashton is sort of the female Jessica Alba: gorgeous, always photogenic even while scowling, and entirely useless. I still like Miseralba better, though.

I love Jim Carrey. Still. I don't give a shit.

Also, I'm tired of ragging on Miley. She doesn't strike me as a famewhore (anymore), and I appreciate how she hasn't tried to record a country single. Now, I KNOW that covering "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is musical sacrilege, but at least she's not redoing "Achy Breaky Heart" for the tweeners. Therefore -- thank you, Miley.

I'm just going to say it: HARPER SEVEN IS AN ADORABLE BABY. WOW.

Okay. Done. My uterus has stopped freaking out.

Vanessa Hudgens is really giving off that Kris Kardashian vibe, isn't she?

By the way, has it been, like, THREE whole days without a Kardashian update? What gives, Enty? ;-)

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

*I meant MALE Jessica Alba, though Ashton *is* kinda femme...

Patty said...

I think Suri bears a strong resemblence to Tom, especially around the eyes.

However, I question why Katie is in long pants, long sleves, and boots while Suri is in a dress, no sleves and sandals. One of them is not dressed appropriately for the weather. Either way, Katie is an idiot.

Lady J said...

Miley has been looking good lately. Very grown up.

mooshki said...

Vanessa Hudgens was so bad in Sucker Punch. When you are the worst part of a movie like that, you know you've got problems.

Anonymous said...

Harper is a sweetie pie!

Miley looks good here. And she's kept a low profile recently, so I have no problem with her. Maybe she was just having some growing pains. Hope so.

NBA followers always question Chris Bosh's sexuality. I can't call it on either of them, but I wouldn't be surprised if Dwayne Wade batted for both teams.

libby said...

There is a very fine line between genius and insanity, and Jim Carry is officially tap-dancing on it right now.
I love him, and I hope it's a happy, productive insanity for him.

Katie Holmes could not choose jeans to save her life. Her thighs look lumpy! The woman is not fat, why does she always look it?

Feisty said...

Wooo Paddy Doherty! Pffft, he's only the patriarch of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, aka the Most Interesting Show in The World. I love his wife more, can't believe he would leave his castle for Big Brother though.

Cindy said...

So those are interesting "bruises" on Peaches' left arm. Blow up the picture and you can really see 'em.

califblondy said...

Harper is dahling.

I wonder if Katie is wearing those same ugly tan booties she's been wearing for a month under those jeans? She looks chunky.

I worry about Jim Carrey sometimes, I really do.

Ariel said...

Sam Poueu

Missjenny619 said...

This really pains me to say it, but I realllly love Miley's ensemble. The shirt, the skirt, magnifique!

I don't care who Suri's daddy, she is adorable and every photo of her makes me smile real big. She has such a big personality and I just think she is the cutest!

RocketQueen said...

Meh, I'm not done ragging on Miley, Ida ;) She's cleaned up a bit lately, but I'm sure she'll be back to her old self as soon as she has something to promote.

Hmm, between Enty's comment on the Ashton picture and Demi's comment and picture of her back in her recent tweet, sounds like she's pissed and this shit is OVER.

Don't like Elisha's dress.

Meh, I know I'm in the minority, but I don't think Suri looks *unlike* Tom.

Basil said...

I have always thought Suri has features of both Tom and Katie. Especially when she was a baby. I do feel bad for Tom's adopted kids though. The were (and still are) pretty much kept out of the spotlight, while Suri got the cover of Vanity Fair. That has gotta sting for them.

Lux Luthor said...

I actually think Suri looks quite a bit like Tom. Something about the eyes. I see it in William Mapother too.

Rose said...

Patti, I thought I was the only one who thought Suri looked like Tom. Especially when she was a baby. She doesn't look like Chris Klein.

Love Michael J. Fox!!

I don't get Ashton's look for his new show but I don't care enough to watch his new show. I might be the only one in the world who thinks he is funny though.

RJ said...

Suri looks like Katie. Many daughters look a lot more like their moms than their dads. While I enjoy the stories of how L.R. Hubbard's sperm created Suri as much as the next person, her resemblance to her mother isn't really compelling evidence.

I wonder if Miley has hired a stylist? She's looked so nice and appropriate lately.

I will give Ashton some props for having a nice body, but the beard needs to go. His looks are his main appeal, and the beard is ruining them! And I am refering to the facial hair, not Demi.

Maja With a J said...

Oooh, that is a full on "Blue Steel" on little Harper!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Photos of Michael J. Fox always make my day.

That Ashton/Demi comment is telling - especially considering what she tweeted last night:

califblondy said...

What did Demi tweet?

RocketQueen said...

^A naked picture of herself showing only her back, saying "Remember only you have your own back."

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Suri looks exactly like Josh Hartnett.

MISCH said...

I doubt greatly that Tom shares any genetic material with Suri.....
My neighbor has two adopted daughters that look just like's just one of life's little mysteries.

Anonymous said...

OMG Peaches. mos def track marks.

Robert said...

Those are faint bruises on Peaches' arm, but the beyond-tacky tattoos are even worse.

KellyLynn said...

I love Miley's outfit. This is the second time I've seen a picture of her in public in something attractive and non-famewhore-y. Good job, girl!

Anonymous said...

Eli Roth forever tainted himself in my eyes when he started putting it to Peaches. Yuck.

I look nothing like my dad, who had black hair and eyes and dark skin (kind of weird since he was Dutch). I am milk white with green-blue eyes and auburn hair. Just one of life's little mysteries, indeed. That being said, I don't think Suri is Tom's. TCLTC.

I honestly think Jim Carrey is bipolar and either off his meds or self-medicating.

Ashton Kutcher never really did it for me, but I can't stand it when good-looking guys decide to look like they have stopped bathing and shaving. Gross. I'm also talking to you, Johnny Depp.

ForSure said...

If Miley is posing with the owner of TopShop, she was probably styled by them beforehand. Those clothes look like something they might sell (but I haven't been in one since 2007 or 2008, so I could be very wrong). She does look nice there, but it doesn't take away from the fact that there are far better singers and actresses out there waiting tables.

Lux Luthor said...

Jim Carrey has been open about having struggles with mental illness in the past, which is one reason why I love him. Still and always. Hope he's ok.

That dress on Vanessa Hudgens is horrible. I don't get her appeal at all. Don't see anything special about her at all.

ardleighstreet said...

Suri looks like Tommy because his cousin is her bio-daddy.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

I remember watching LOST and thinking "huh. That Ethan guy *really* looks like Suri Cruise." And that was BEFORE I learned how that actor (something Mapother -- William?) is Tommy Boy's cousin.

At any rate, I suspect Tom to be sterile. Never any kids with Mimi Rogers, never any (biological) ones with Nicole (who later went on to have one with Keith Urban, of course) and then Katie gets knocked up uber-quickly? *That's* something that made me go hmmmmmm...

msgirl said...

Ooooo, thanks for the Demi twitter info, juicy stuff!

Bit dams said...

something about suri gives me a weird vibe. she looks...i don't know, i know she's just a little child..kind of mean or something. its not attitude, because some of the jolie-pitt kids have that. its something else.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Is Ellen back on already? My DVR must not be recording it ($%^#*@).

Jim C. seemed to go a little bit more on the crazy train post breakup with Jenny McCarthy, which I cannot figure out.

Miley has been kinda laying low lately, hasn't she? As long as she stays off the ice cream truck/stripper pole, she's alright. ;)

MnGddess said...

There have been a few posters on here that have spoken of Suri's resemblance to Tom around the eyes. Check out the side-by-side photos of Suri and Chris Klein on I have noticed throughout my vast years that first born children very frequently look like their opposite-gender parent. And in my opinion, she looks a helluva lot like Chris...

Nickola-Lola said...

Thx for link mngddess.

I have to agree with your post. I was a mini-me of my father the majority of my life. However when I hit my 30's, while I still look like my father, more of my mother's looks have started to emerge.


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