Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Random Photos Part Two

Ursula Andress gets the top spot because, I did not even know she was still alive.
A weight challenged Bobby Brown looks on as Johnny Gill talks about the last time he visited Eddie Murphy's house.
Charlize Theron and her new best friend Leighton Meester.
No bits and pieces of Duran Duran. Here they all are in one tidy package at South Park's 15th anniversary.
Also there was Jon Hamm. He may look different to you. Do not adjust your monitor. He just looks different because Jennifer Westfeldt is not in the picture.
This makes three nights in a row, Deborah Lee Furness was out in New York. While Hugh Jackman is gone she is out on the town.
Wait. People are still inviting Danielle Staub to events?
Emma Stone shares her cigarette breath with Ryan Gosling on the set of their new movie.
Hilary Duff on her way to go work out. I don't actually know that, but considering she does it everyday, I would say I have a good shot of being right.
Do you like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain?
Jessica Biel attempts to contain her fake pregnancy belly.


  1. So is there trouble in paradise with Hamm and his girl, or what, Enty? Dish it!!!

  2. And if there is, can you give him my number?

  3. Ursula Andress, Julie Newmar and the cat lady Jocelyn Wildenstein favor one another.

    I thought Johnny Gill lived in Eddie's guesthouse on his property?

    Charlize looks so young, fresh work done???

    Daamnnn Ryan Gosling is everywhere

  4. actually, Andy Taylor the guitarist is missing from Duran Duran picture. Wild Boys!
    (had to do it)

  5. Yeah, but he's not with them anymore.

    I'm finally seeing them next month! Woohoo!!!!

  6. Anonymous12:39 PM

    WOW, Jessica Biel reminds me so much of Katie Holmes during HER pregnancy!

  7. Love both Charlize and Leighton.

    And seriously, Gosling is on a movie TEAR right now. I don't want to get sick of him. Ah, who am I kidding. I could never get sick of you, Ryan.

  8. I normally avoid anything Aniston, but don't y'all think it's douche-tastic to hog the umbrella from your girlfriend? There's a whole series of pictures where he's totally covered, and she's half wet.

  9. timebob said it first, but I'll repeat - there's a Taylor missing in that DD photo! No Andy! I know he's not officially part of the group anymore, but I still think you can only call it all of Duran Duran if all 5 members are there.

  10. Ditto what TimeBob and MacVixen said, and beat me to posting...

  11. Doesn't Harry Hamlin have a son with Ursula Andress? She looks old enough to be his mother (sorry, I couldn't resist!).

  12. LOL Enty- "if you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain"!!! LOL love that song!

  13. There are so many fashion disasters here!! Especially that Danielle person. I don't know who she is, but wtf is she wearing? Or actually wtf is she barely wearing?

  14. Mrs. Hugh always wears the most unfortunate looking shoes.

    Jen's guy is being ungentlemanly with the umbrella.

    Ryan Gosling starring in every new movie was just mentioned to me yesterday.

  15. RJ, she was fired from Jersey Real Housewives.

  16. Let it go, Ursula, just let it go. You are not a sex kitten any longer. Accept your age with grace and dignity.

  17. getting my duran on in 7 days. Andy doesn't want to be there, so I'm happy with the 4 that do. Roger looks so much better in person than he does in any photo, cameras are not kind to him for some reason.

  18. @ Surfer - Correct. I just looked it up and his name is Dimitri and he was born in 1980.

  19. @skeeball - "though I'm nobody's poet, I thought it wasn't half bad"

    Love that song too!

  20. I like to imagine that's Jessica's fake beer gut. AS IF!

  21. The only aging diva I wanna see is the awsomest Ms. Jane Fonda.

    That woman! She can show all of those aging divas how it's done. And then show the younger generation what sex appeal is.

  22. Damn straight, Rita.

    Jennifer Aniston might hate sharing umbrellas. I don't do it either. I always feel so crowded.

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  25. The war is over, well the one in vietnam anyways, and she'd apologized.

    Admit, she looks amazing compared to most women who had work done. And she does seem to live her life admirably, devil or saint.

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  27. She actually has. Did a big Mea Culpa, with her usual style. Admitted she was young and her actions insulted Americans who sacrificed their lives for their countries. Said it was un-American of her. Will find you the link if I can.

    But it's been more then 40 years. Live and Let Live I say. There are bigger a-holes to fry who are responsible for American misery on American soil.


  28. Yep, she did apologize. I remember seeing it. I believe it was a couple of years ago or so. She seemed very sincere about it.

  29. WAIT - is Jessica Biel pregnant? Who's the daddy?

  30. Zuzu Petals, love your name! tis a happy name. Forgive my dorkiness, but does it mean anything?

    Monica - hope you were being sarcastic... or sincere? If the latter, it's for a movie, I think for that cheesy New Year's Eve.

  31. Zuzu petals are what George Bailey finds in his pants when he decides he wants to live in It's a Wonderful Life.

    What did Jane Fonda say that was so offensive.

    I hope someone comes back to read this. I am a little late to the party after all.

  32. Sue Ellen -- Google Jane Fonda, Hanoi and POWs. Snopes has an extensive discussion, and the site seems to be pretty reliable WRT urban legends, etc.

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