Friday, September 16, 2011

Your Turn

OK, it is time to fess up. Is that a word? I guess it sounds better to use fess up than confess because that sounds harsh and this sounds more light and playful. Like frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. Speaking of which, I don't really see the point of going to get frozen yogurt at one of the do it yourself places and then loading up a million calories on the extras. Just give me the ice cream and not play any games.

Anyway, I want to know who you had a crush on when you were younger. Come on. Who did you write that fan mail to or have up on your wall. Everyone had someone. I had a picture of a cow. There must be a boy band you went and saw or had a Britney Spears picture on your wall.


danatestingsite said...

Ugh. I'm so embarrassed to admit mine because of what he turned into. Shudder. It was Kirk Cameron.

But then, in 7th grade, I graduated to Jon Bon Jovi.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Lots of crushes John Travolta, Michael Jackson, but I actually took time and wrote to Todd Bridges from Different Strokes...

He sent back a picture that he signed.

Wait, is that dating me? yep I'm getting old.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Joe McIntyre from NKOTB. My best friend loved Donny, but I thought he was skeezy.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Mario Lopez as A.C. Slater.

Shut up.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Oh yeah, I also wrote to them, but still haven't heard back.


Henriette said...

I liked Scott Baio. Those big brown eyes did it to me. It was so sad to find out he was such a douchebag.

Anonymous said...

Carrie Fisher. C'mon.... I was 8 when I saw Star Wars and it just went from there.

I graduated to Catherine Bach (Daisy Duke) when the time came IE: middle school.

Still trying to get my wife into a gold bikini.... :)

heatherhug said...

If we're talking younger as in high school - Gavin Rossdale. Ungh, so hot. He was my serious fantasy crush, even though I was aware the band sucked. i kept cool posters of Michael Stipe and Kurt Cobain above my bed to deter the naysayers, but Gavin was who I dreamed about.

If we're talking much younger as in elementary, Michael Jackson, Bon Jovi, and Jonathan Knight.

My choices really do not stand the test of time, do they? I suck.

Momster said...

Mark Hamill. I thought I would die if he didn't marry me. (Never mind that I was 10 or so when Star Wars came out). I was convinced CArrie Fisher was after my man and I would tear her out of every poster/bubble gum card/Dynamite magazine I had.

I also made a scrapbook of John McEnroe articles and pictures. Yeah. Kinda embarrassed about that one.

Diane said...

Ok, this is showing my age but Leif Garret.
On another note, Kevin Costner was in my little town of 300 people over the weekend with his band. Our town grew to 3500 people in 1 night. He put on a wonderful show & put our town on the map. Good Job to Kevin & Modern West. BTW, the town was Spencerville, Ontario.

Green Wave Gal said...

heatherhug is clearly younger than I am. lol


I liked Chad Allen also...I always like the gay boys! :)

Margaret said...

Andy Gibb.

I think I win. =D

NotAMeanGirl said...

Shaun Cassidy and Parker Stevenson. OMG... I am so. very. OLD.

skeeball said...

Paul Mc/Cartney cause he was sooo cute and looked so sweet.

David Cassidy, cause all my friends loved him

Bobby Sherman!! LOL! a 16 magazine cover picture.

Ron Howard when he was in American Graffiti(I know, but he was cute!!!)
Okay, I totally just dated myself

Henriette said...

@Green Wave Girl
Was it the General Hospital John Stamos or the Full House John Stamos? I had a wet dream about him when he was in Dreams back in 1984. That was a crapfest show.

I LOVED the episode of Full House where Scott Baio was a guest and played his best friend. Drool.

ms snarky said...

John Stamos, definitely. Kinda still do.

Chandler. I can't believe I'm admitting that. I will watch anything he's in. Studio 60/Mr Sunshine, why did you leave me???

and from baseball, Tino Martinez. Any day now, Tino is totally going to be my boyfriend. Damn it.

Patty said...

Shaun Cassidy, Scott Baio, Tom Cruise (early 80's and before I know whe was sooo short), and Kevin Costner. Joe Elliott from Def Leppard will always hold a place in my heart. He's outlasted them all. Oh, that voice!

Moxie said...

My biggest young teenage crush: John Taylor from Duran Duran. *swoon*

BigMama said...

C.Thomas Howell - though his bit on Criminal Minds might have permenatly killed that for me.

Later when I was a teen - Sting. I still love that man. I think I would just pass out if I ever met him.

RocketQueen said...

Sigh. Corey Haim.

These days though, I have it BAD for Ryan Gosling. Like, BAD. I just read his latest interview comments on Lainey and he makes my womb ache.

von said...

I remember early on I liked Jason Bateman when he was on Silver Spoons. I was pretty young but I recall it being a thing about liking Jason Bateman or Ricky Schroeder. I chose wisely!

Then, inevitably, Corey Haim. c. Lucas and The Lost Boys. He was really cute back then. But sometime around 1988 I got into Alec Baldwin. I was about 14 and I'd seen Working Girl. Quite the transition from Haim to Baldwin!

Reese said...

Mick Jagger. Keith Richards too, sort of. They have kids older than me, but I adored the Stones. Still do.

I used to watch Stewart Copeland (drummer for the Police) play polo at our club and thought he was pretty cool too. Met him a few times; very entertaining and quite nice.

Ray said...

Debbie Harry from Blondie

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Oh my God. I cannot BELIEVE I forgot about Luke Perry.

sassyyankee said...

Donny Osmond when I was five years old. Then, when I was pregnant with my second daughter and on bed rest he was playing in Detroit. My husband was the theater manager and told him I wanted to be there but could not because of the pregnancy. He called and then sent home roses and an autographed photo. It is on the wall in my office today.

Shaun Cassidy. Da-do-ron-ron. I hearted him.

I still heart Jake Ryan.

But the crush of my life had to be Kirk Gibson, the baseball player. I went to every single Tigers home game in 1984 (also the year they last won the World Series) just so I could watch him play right field.

Anonymous said...

jennifer beals and susanna hoffs

Blackberry75 said...

Alex P. Keaton

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

now i'ts Shemar so fine

Lissette said...

Randolph Mantooth (Emergency). He was older than me (a lot), but so exotic looking. I had the pleasure of meeting him twice and he remembered me the second time. Sigh!

lisap515 said...

Me too: Donny Osmond/Michael Jackson at age 5; then Shaun Cassidy...ahh those Hardy Boys; John Taylor of Duran Duran; SPIKE from Buffy tVS (yes, the character not the actor); NOW: Ian Somerhalder (that one makes me feel pervish as he's younger than me); Eric Northman (LOL yes another character);

amh.producer said...

Ricky Schroeder a la Silver Spoons. Joey Lawrence from Gimme a Break. Totally dug Kirk Cameron too. My friends were all in love with John Taylor from Duran Duran in Jr. High but he didn't do it for me. Trying to remember who did.

AndrewBW said...

Barbara Eden. I dreamed night and day of seeing her bellybutton.

WednesdayFriday said...

Ummm....very sad to say, but Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys. I was like 12, okay? Thats embarrassing to admit.

Anyway, @WorstCompanytoworkfor- I see Todd Bridges like once a week. He comes into my workplace. He is as nice a person as you could hope, so let that crush live on.

Also, I recently met John Stamos, and he made my knees weak. Like so amazingly handsome, more handsome on than he looks on TV, and so genuine. So, I have let that crush live on.

figgy said...

haha, laughing at all the other "old" people here! Glad to know I'm not the only add me to the list of Leif Garrett and Shaun Cassidy crushers! hee hee

Anonymous said...

This is such fun! My first fan letter was to Ricky Schroeder...he sent an autographed picture back and I had it for-ev-er...til I graduated to John Taylor and then Jordan Knight later on.

Danielle said...

I have to be honest, even tho I'm not a huge fan anymore it was always Brad Pitt for me.. ever since I saw him in Interview with the Vampire when I was 7 I was in love. Then I saw "Legends" and Thelma and Louise and have been watching his amazing-ness ever since lol. Even though he's a douche he is gorgeous and a phenomenal actor.

Nickola-Lola said...

My first crushes were on various members of Duran Duran. I switched weekly, as did my friends. I have loved them since I was 12 and still do! I will see them in Las Vegas in a few weeks, so excited! :)

ForSure said...

Donnie Wahlberg is skeezy. Very much so.

My crushes (and this will date me for sure):
Donny Osmond
Michael Jackson (when he was 12 or so and I was 10 I think)
Tony DeFranco
John Travolta
Bjorn Borg
Johnny Whittaker (my red head phase)
Robin Cousins (1980 Olympics)
Barry Manilow
Parker Stevenson
Shaun Cassidy

I could go on and on. It seems I had a major crush every year of my life. Made for a lot of hanging and rehanging posters on my wall each season. Ahh memories...

MISCH said...

No fan letters...ever. I don't understand why anyone would want to date someone famous.
And I love tart frozen yogurt...yum

sassyyankee said...

@Lissette (facepalm) I forgot all about Randolph Mantooth. I loved Johnny Gage! I remember being embarrassed just watching him on Emergency.

ForSure said...

I'll co-sign onto Leif Garret as well, although that was very short lived. When he appeared on Family as Kristy McNichol's boyfriend I could not stop cringing.

Yeah, Duran Duran. Still. Especially John Taylor. I will see them in less than two weeks (LA and San Diego) and I just saw them in Pomona last April. I would pay for a meet and greet just to say hello to them once, especially John. His sobriety and quitting smoking this year are admirable.

Maja With a J said...

I just realized that I never wrote any fan mail! But, I have at some point planned on marrying and living happily ever after with many, many musicians, including but not limited to Mike Patton, Steven Adler, Slash, Chris Cornell, Kirk Hammett, Sebastian Bach, Nikki Sixx, Rachel Bolan...some are still on the list. I still have an extensive roster of celebrities with whom I would like to have crazy monkey sex. But that's another "Your Turn", I think! :P

ForSure said...

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I wrote to Matthew Perry once, got a signed photo in return. I've since heard that he can be a real douche bag sometimes, but his addiction problems really did a number on him. I still hold out hope for him.

amh.producer said...

Oh and Mackenzie Astin from Facts of Life. Didn't swoon over Clooney AT ALL back then.

LisbethSalander said...

@Lauren don't be embarrassed, Justin Timberlake was it for me,(my head is down in shame as I type this)just like you I was about 13 at the time. Not so much anymore, so I think I redeem myself:)

lutefisk said...

Donny Osmond when I was about 9. By the time I was 12 I graduated to Roddy McDowell. That was short lived. I spent too much time watching the Planet of the Apes movies.

Ms Cool said...

Paul Simon (no fooling), Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie, and Huey Lewis.

canadachick said...

Stevie Yzerman (detroit red wings) and he (or his office) sent me a picture ###over the moon###

4boys4Me said...

Shaun Cassidy. I had the life size poster of him in the black leather jacket in my room. Joined his fan club and they sent me a record needle for my record player(I AM OLD!) and a photo(unsigned.) Da doo run run run da doo run run! My poor parents had to listen to that album over and over and over again.

Tempestuous Grape said...

I think I was the text book definition of boy-crazy from a very young age; KISS was first my favorite band when I was 5 years (old circa '76-'79) and I was madly in love with Ace! At the same time, I was in love with Shawn Cassidy as well. Do-run-run-run-do-run-run!

The pics didn't go up on the wall until I discovered Duran Duran in 1980 and my life was forever changed. Oh the dramatics. I got grounded for 2 weeks after I racked up an $800+ telephone bill from calling their 900 lines, lol. That's just the tip of a huge iceberg!

Tempestuous Grape said...
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Darcey said...

Jonathan McKnight from NKOTB and then Lance Bass from NSync.

It's not surprise dudes hit on my hubby all the time.

Rita said...

I'm very embarrassed to say this, but... George Michael omggggg!

First music video I saw without my parents' supervision was Careless Whispers and booom: PUBERTY HIT. Bad!

Really was crazy for George. Went to see him a couple of years ago - before his last stint in prison - and boy, he has a magical voice to die for. Unfortunately the face is showing a bit too much of the bad life experience.

Still feel a bit swoonish when I hear the first saxophone notes of Careless Whispers, and go iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih, silently.


Patty said...

Oh, how can I forget John Taylor? mmmmmmmm.

ForSure said...

George Michael, Simon LeBon, John Taylor - 3 of my favorite people to follow on twitter. :)

Beth said...

Roger Daltrey. He was refreshing to a midwest girl, like the Raspberry Frozen Yogert instead of Vanilla Ice Cream.

lisap515 said...

oh lord, Jimmy McNichol too. Hahaha until I saw Kristy's name I'd forgotten. Oh and Steve Tyler still does it for me though I can admit dude is cray.

Went to several Manilow concerts in my youth as mom was a HUGE fanilow. Enjoyed them but HOW all these women didn't pick up on the fact that he is gay is beyond me. I must admit I can sing along to Barry with the rest of them. The Beatles and Beach Boys too. You were either Elvis or Beatles fans and we were Beatles' at my house.

Also, watched The Monkeys tv show and liked Davy of course.

this is fun going down memory lane. ok and yes a tad embarrassing!

Mella said...

never had a crush on anyone . I used to pretend to have them because my best friend was really boy crazy and I felt awkward around her.

Erin said...

Robert Downey Jr. Not a whole lot has changed.

Dolly72 said...

I was in lust with the guy from "Manimal"... almost cried when that show went off the air:(

moondancekat said...


I don't post much at all, but read everyday. This topic is right up my alley so I thought I would weigh in.

early crushes:
David Cassidy
Brett Hudson from Hudson Brothers
Andy Gibb
Peter Frampton
Bucky Dent - SS for NY Yankees back in the day
Bjorn Borg
Randy Mantooth
Don Johnson
A couple of dudes from the show SWAT
Mark Messier

These are the ones I remember.
Nowadays it's totally Steven Tyler.
I met him at a concert last year and he flirted with me. Note that he probably flirts with everyone, but I don't care. I call him my pepaw bf!

Have a great day everyone!

Interplanet Janet said...

Shaun Cassidy

Mary Ann said...

Oh, y'all are funny, talking about how old you are and then your first crush was -- Leif Garrett.

Mine was Duncan Renaldo. I can hear it now, "Who?" He played the Cisco Kid and I loved him with all the passion in my five-year-old heart. I got to meet him when he came to Washington, DC, one time. I was maybe six years old then. Bless his heart, he listened to me babble about how much I loved his role and his horse and him. And then he hugged me.

I know nothing at all of his personal life. I do know he made a little girl very happy that day.

heather said...

River Phoenix.
It's still so sad. So much potential.

Anonymous said...

In elementary school, I remember seeing Prince on MTV, shaking his tiny ass in some black bikini underwear and thigh-high boots. It was love at first sight. He's crazy as a loon, but I still love him!

Magic Johnson was my basketball boyfriend. His smile was so charming. But over the years I learned that he was a man-slut early in his career, so that went down the drain fast.

In middle school I ADORED R&B singer Al B. Sure! Yeah, he had a unibrow and wore acid-washed jeans that were too small. But I loved him dearly. A girl in my class had one of his T-shirts and I was jealous!

I had soft spots for Daryl Hall, George Michael and Robert Palmer, too.

DeVante Swing and Mr. Dalvin from Jodeci had my heart in high school. Dalvin still looks good, but DeVante is a full-blown crackhead now. Too bad, he was smoking hot back in the day. Talented songwriter/producer, too.

I got back into WWF/WWE during college and fell head over heels for Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. If I ever met him. . . *SWOONS*

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Richard Grieco from 21 Jumpstreet/Booker fame. Dude was hotter than Johnny Depp for a minute. Yet another one who lost his looks to crack/cocaine.

bluebonnetmom said...

David Cassidy, Shaun Cassidy, Parker Stevenson, Patrick Duffy, Randolph Mantooth, Barry Manilow, Donny Osmond, Eddie Van Halen, Peter Frampton, Andy and Barry Gibb, John Travolta, Duran Duran, Journey, Bon Jovi and Kevin Costner. Right now it is Ryan Gosling. I cannot hardly watch The Notebook, I am drooling. He looks just like my high school boyfriend. He brings back some nice memories! Brad Pitt I would jump as well. I love his wicked little smile. : )

*Miss_P* said...

Joey McIntyre
Corey Haim
Luke Perry

I had a poster of Patrick Swayze as Johnny Castle on my bedroom wall for years!

and I can't believe I'm admitting this .......... Tom Cruise! (makes my flesh creep to think of it now)

kelly said...

Burt Ward (Robin) I sent him a letter when I was maybe 9, just addressed to Burt Ward, Hollywood. It came back months later with a ton of stamps of places it had been but was never opened.

Also, as some of you know, Rick Springfield, my quote in the yearbook was about seducing him lol. I saw him years ago in his Vegas show and he still looked pretty darn good to me

Angie said...

Peter Frampton circa 1979.

amh.producer said...

I didn't remember until someone posted but wrestling was WAY popular in the '80's and I had a think for the Von Erick brothers.

Anonymous said...

@amh.proudcer: Ravishing Rick Rude was insanely hot back in the day, too.

shakey said...

LMAO! I was so THRILLED to find out Randolph Mantooth's birthday is the same day as mine! Loved Emergency.

Bobby Sherman, Donny Osmond (that was my HUGE crush), David Cassidy, Peter Tork of The Monkees, the kid who played on H.R. Puf'n'stuff (Jack Wilde?), Chris Atkins (Blue Lagoon, anyone?), Mark Hamill, almost any hockey player you could think of (but my heart really belonged to Inge Hammarstrom of the Leafs), Rocky from Rocky Horror Picture Show, Sting, Sting, and more Sting (Dune with that winged bikini brief, anyone?), John Taylor, Ben Orr from The Cars, Eric Roberts (even though he was so fug in Star 80) ... cripes I'm starting to blank out and there are so many others. Daniel Craig, of course. I think I can still name all the regular boys/men I've had crushes on (and a couple of new ones).

When my cousin was 9 he sent a fan letter to Madonna. He taped 2 quarters to the letter and told her to go and buy herself something nice. I thought for sure he'd get some kind of response. Nothing. He's still crazy for her to this day.

kelly said...


Tony Defranco was from my hometown although he always said he was from Niagara Falls. I remember Honeycomb had a record of the DeFranco's in the cereal and I played it so many times one of my brothers ripped it up lol.

I also had a crush on the Hardy Boys and last year found some DVD's of the old show and watched a couple. They did not hold up with time, sadly.

shakey said...

putting this in so I can see more comments.

Princess said...

Add me to the Shaun Cassidy list.

shakey said...

Kelly - love beat is heart beat ... lol!

fordellcastle said...

I joined the Partridge Family Fan Club in 6th grade because of David Cassidy. We got front row seats to one of his concerts, and I finally saw him up close. He said he had just come back from Honolulu. He was short, wearing lots of sweaty/oily makeup, and had horrible acne. I tore his posters off the wall that night. After that, in my teens and early 20s it was Chuck Norris, Robert de Niro, Christopher Walken, Don Johnson and...George Carlin.

FrenchGirl said...

Arnold Schwarzenegger then Tom Cruise(TOP GUN periode) than Kiefer Sutherland(THE FLATLINER PERIODE) then Andy Garcia(GODFATHER 3) then Kevin Costner(DANCE WITH WOLVES) then U2/REM then SMASHING PUMPKINS then NINE INCH NAILS and now i'm obsessed by movies

Mindrew2 said...

The Bay City Rollers.

Funniest thing is this though... I have a group of online friends that are connected through facebook because we all like a certain actor. About a week ago, we were just bullshitting about EXACTLY what you just asked. More than half of the group said the Bay City Rollers (the other half was either too old or too young to have had a crush on them).

Jesse D said...

George Michael (oh my)
Brad Pitt (pre- 2005)
Brett Michaels (Unskinny Bop!!??)
John Stamos (gets better with age)
Christian Slater (Untamed Heart!)
Angelina Jolie & Britney Spears (pre- 2005)

Now I can't decide if Gerard Butler disgusts me or lights my fire...

Johnny Depp, always, especially as a dirty, dirty pirate

SkittleKitty said...

Matt Dillon - The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, The Bodyguard, Little Darlings. He was taped on the closet door. There were others, too, but he's the one I remember.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

This is an odd one but my heart stopped when I first saw Emmanuelle Seigner in that movie "Frantic." She was gorgeous!!!

I also liked Alyssa Milano, Gabrielle Anwar, Tiffani Theisen and yes, even Shannen Doherty.

Margaret said...

@heather, you are right - River Phoenix and Keanu, back in the day.

Though I saw RP who was touring with his band a couple months before he died and stood right next to him at the bar. Didn't even recognize him. The boy was far, far gone. Sad.

Jaiden_S said...

Orlando Bloom and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Oh, and Taylor Kitsch. I've never written a fan letter, though. I just ogle them online.

YourNameHere said...

Sean Astin when he was in Goonies. Then I moved on to Wil Wheaton when he was Stand By Me. It was pathetic because I had one friend who liked River Phoenix and another who liked Corey Feldman and we would talk about them every day at school. No one liked Jerry O'Connell back then though. Poor Vern!

Laura said...

The younger years it was Donny Osmond and David Cassidy. 16 and Tiger Beat magazine photos all over my bedroom walls!

Mid years it was Tom Selleck/Thomas Magnum and Tom Cruise in Risky Business. Also Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

Now I like Johnny Depp, Jason Bateman, Patrick Dempsey. I'd do Clooney.

Holosterik said...
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Holosterik said...

I've never written fan mail either. My crushes in junior high school and high school were Cindy Crawford and Stephanie Seymour. Had SFW photos of them in my locker and Swimsuit/lingerie pictures in my room. They can still get it.

Megley said...

Rock Hudson in McMillan and Wife. Never wrote to him, though.

Sheri said...

My first ever crush was Mr. Rogers. How I loved him, in that innocent 5 year old way. I couldn't wait for his show to come on.

My first real crush was Matt Dillon... so hot. He still kind of does it for me, even though I heard he's kind of a douche.

Tom Cruise was my next crush, and I don't care how crazy he is now, Top Gun Tom still works for me. Adult crushes have included: Willem Defoe, Gary Sinese, and Adam Beach.

thisoldbroad said...

I've never written a fan letter. But I did have a VAST collection of Bobby Sherman & Davey Jones pictures on my wall. Firmly convinced 7 Brides for 7 Brothers & the Monkeys were the best shows EVER!!!!! Good grief, I really am an old broad! AGH!!

RocketQueen said...

@Danielle - Pitt was always hot, but in Fight Club? Oh MY.

Maja - I forgot I also had a thing for Bach ;)

Oh, and whoever said River Phoenix...YES. What a beautiful boy he was.

Dale McCready said...

Olivia Newton John

Just wow. It's funny you ask because I was thinking about this recently and looked at this video to see what my taste was like as an 8 year old.

Pretty decent I think! :)

SpunkyPR said...

ok, Tom Cruise. I know lame, but he had me at Top Gun along with Val Kilmer, those abs!!!!!

Rickatoo said...

@thisoldbroad - 7 brides for 7 brothers is on AntennaTV (my new favorite channel) I watched it the other day!

David Cassidy was it for me!

lauramart said...

Chalk me up as another Randolph Mantooth fan!

I also wanted to be married to the Almonzo character from Little House and the Professor from Gilligan's Island.

My teen years it was Balthazar Getty and Corey Feldman.

And I have ALWAYS loved me some Harrison Ford.

FrenchGirl said...

i 'm going to forget David Fincher(director of SEVEN or THE SOCIAL NETWORK) because of his doll blue eyes and his mellow voice( a journalist friend says Fincher is a terror on a filming set and a horror to interview) but i don't care)

Alicia said...

I saw Lord of the Flies in 7th grade and fell head over heels in love with Bahltizar Getty. I KNOW..bad taste at a young age.

My all time biggest crush when I was young though was Corey Haim. RIP ..we will be driving that Mercedes in the sky someday baby!

mazshad said...

Oh my, how to give away my age - but Ricky Nelson was the boy I wanted to marry, but he never met me cos I lived in England. - I accidently joined his fan club by sending off for some pictures of him - but they were great pics and I loved him to pieces. To this day I can remember sitting on the floor with my daughter and the news came on that he had died in that awful plane crash and I started bawling ! Awww, Ricky !

Majik said...

Very first crush....Mighty Mouse. I was 3.

Second crush...Shaun Cassidy. I was 6.

Third crush...Eric Estrada. I was nine. He was the only one I ever wrote to, and I never heard back. :(

Alicia said...

Just read the other comments now..yay for us Haim lovah's!

Alicia said...

omg it horrible to say I also had a crush on He-Man and Frodo Baggins ( from the animated LOTR ) when I was like four or five? Yup..cartoon crushes..

And I wanted to be Jem SO BAD!

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Page. I thought he was so cute.

Nicole said...

First crush? Sean Astin. Biggest crush? Corey Haim. Last fan letter I wrote? Johnny Galecki, c. Roseanne. I didn't mail that one, though, as I was WAY too old for fan letters by then. Remember in those teen magazines where they would have a page of star addresses? A few times I wrote to everyone on the page, then kept track of who wrote back. My favorite response was from Christina Applegate - I never watched Married With Children, but I lied and said it was my favorite show. She wrote a very sweet note back to me. Scott Grimes did, too, and Tom Cruise autographed a picture I mailed to him.

ForSure said...

Okay I admit to the Randolph Mantooth thing as well, but I was so young at the time it just felt wrong!

Anyone remember Rex Smith? Remember his Farah Fawcett hair?

I love this topic. :)

Sis said...

Ok, mine was David Cassidy and Donny Osmond and then as I got older it was Leif Garrett.

My secret shame crush, was Denny Terrio (?) the guy who was host of Dance Fever or was is Disco Fever?
Didn't he come out (I am not sure)?

All of Bon Jovi!

Momster said...

LOL at how many of us loved Mantooth and Emergency! And Alicia, my first crush was on Speed Racer.

Also forgot to add James MacArthur to the list--Hawaii 5-O and some Disney movies. Book 'em Dano!

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of embarrassed at all the "old" people on here who had crushes on the same people that my KIDS had crushes on! For me it was Ricky Nelson. We didn't have cable TV...hell, we barely had TV at all, we were an hour away from the closest transmitters and had a huge antenna on the house that we had to rotate, and sometimes things just would not come in, or you strained your eyes trying to make out vague forms in all the snow. I always started praying around noon on Ozzie and Harriet day that the TV reception would be good that night and I could see my dream man.

Ice Angel said...

Scott Baio
Shawn Cassidy
Leif Garrett

Have I just dated myself?

kerri said...

Charlie Sexton, man I was in love with him

Ice Angel said...

OMG...almost forgot about Paul McCartney!!!

As I got older it went to Harrison Ford, Kevin Costner and Rob Lowe!

Ice Angel said...

@Sis...OMG....Danny Terrio!!!! I am laughing so hard right now tears are coming down my face and my kids are asking me what's so funny and I can't explain to them!!! Thanks for the giggle....Danny Terio!!!

MnGddess said...

I remember seeing a photo of Donny Osmond on the back cover of Teen Beat magazine and practically CRYING! that was in 8th grade. Oh Lord. I also remember when he came out with a song called "Soldier of Love" and they sent it out to rock stations without a label, and they played the record! I knew who it was.

Then I moved on to more manly men. I saw Rick Springfield in a small theater in Audubon NJ. I was twelve rows from the stage. Girls were just walking up to the stage. I was too chicken. But someone DID give me a small piece of his sweater that she stole from him. I may still have that somewhere.. the next year I saw him at the Spectrum. Couldn't get closer than first level seats. Did you know he has a yearly cruise - you can go to sea with Rick Springfield.

In '93 I developed a huge, long-standing crush on the Clooney. But I dumped him. I'm much more mature now. I just want Mike Rowe. Dirty Boy....

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

This will date me, but... Bobby Sherman, Tony DeFranco, David Cassidy.

I did *not* like Donny Osmond.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

@SassyYankee That is an awesome story about Donny Osmond, makes me wish I'd liked him back in the day. Oh well, I've never been known to pick nice guys. Case in point, I loved David Cassidy, and have come to learn he's a total jackass.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

@Lauren I am so jealous you met John Stamos! I have a crush on him NOW, but he and I are about the same age, and I never really watched his TV shows. I think I was in college or too busy hanging out in bars.

Chris said...

I had a major crush on this guy called Sajid Khan - he was the sidekick of Jay North (who used to be Dennis the Menace) in a short lived TV show called "Maya" - where the two of them rode around on an elephant looking for Jay's dad who went missing in India. I still have "Saj's Curry" recipe from 16 magazine. I wrote him TONS of letters - never got a reply because he probably thought I was a nut case. In my preadolescent mind, I was certain that if he just MET me, he'd KNOW WE WERE PERFECT for each other. I then moved onto Davy Jones of the Monkees, and nothing after that, I think real life and real boys took my attention :) I did have a head shot poster of Davy hanging in my room at the his exact height I used to kiss goodnight ROFL!

wny55 said...

As a tween it would have been Davy Jones....later would have been Rick Martin......later it was Dan Marino

Lelaina Pierce said...

I believe my first official "crush" was Davy Jones, which my mother thought was hilarious, since he was 2 years older than HER.

After Davy, I moved on to...
Chad Allen, Patrick Swayze, Jordan Knight, Jared Leto, Tom Cruise, Luke Perry, ALL of the Guys Next Door (I think my BFF & I were their only fans), Scott Wolf (I wrote a fan letter to either him or the whole cast & got some signed pics of him and the cast back). The total nerd that I am, created a celeb crush page on my first website in college, those were: Freddie Prinze, Jr., Eddie Cibrian (ha!), Carson Daly, Matthew Lillard, Matthew McConaughey, Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Nick Stabile (ha!), Ricky Martin (hahahaha!),
and Scott Reeves.

Ahhh, good times.

These days it's Paul Rudd.

NewYorkMoments said...

Rick Springfield & Duran Duran. I was going to marry Simon.

candyperfumegirl_14 said...

Cory Haim, I told my bestfriend off in the 7th grade because she though Cory Feldman look better than Haim(crazy girl). The sickkick of Cory Feldman in The Lost Boys Movie. He was hot!I had major love for River Phoenix & Balthazar Getty, My bedroom walls was posted with Tigerbeat pullouts of Johnny Depp & Richard Grieco.

I'm black and my dad had a heart-attack when he saw my bedroom. He said," You can't have any black people on your wall? The next day afterschool I came and home to stacks of the magazine "Right On!" So I had some New Edtion, Al B. Sure and the 90's new-jack band "Guy" mixed on the walls too.

The Dude Abides said...

I think it wasn't until my mid-teens that I started to get celebrity crushes. I think my first three were Olivia Hussey, Genevieve Bujold, and Kate Jackson. Late teens, and I'd moved on to Jenny Agutter. Yes, I always was a sucker for foreign accents.

OT - I wonder if this has ever been brought up on the blog as a blind item, from the Bill Simmons column today:
Back when Craig Kilborn had his CBS late-night show, he supposedly had a male actor on for two segments and they were supposedly talking about women during commercial. Either the actor didn't realize that they were miked and everyone in the control booth could hear him, or he didn't care. The actor asked if Kilborn had ever "had the Theron." Kilborn said no. That's when the actor smirked, leaned in and said, "Kilby … you have GOT to try the Theron."
I think the actor can only be Vince Vaughn. It sounds like the way he speaks, and he's friends with Kilborn.

Geebz said...

David Bowie moistened my teenaged parts.
Jon Knight from NKOTB...I know.
Steve Burton from General Hospital ooh wee!
Loved Jake the Snake Roberts from WWF.
Really thought that I'd date Malcolm Jamal Warner from the Cosby show.
Aristotle from Head of the Class...I love a nerdy black man with dreads.
(I remember and watched the Guys Next Door.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Geebz - YES!! There was more than 2 of us! :)

Audrey said...

George Harrison
Mark Lindsay from Paul Revere and the Raiders
Davy Jones of the Monkees
Jim Morrison
David Cassidy
and currently--I'd swim through molten lava for Jon Bon Jovi.

Mango said...


The singer from U2. Not Cher's ex.

trashtalker said...

Randolph Mantooth, Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica) and Peter Brady were the first boys I liked. I was maybe 5. (@lissette: I'm very jealous!)

Then I liked John Schneider (Dukes).

In junior high/high school, I especially liked Wil Wheaton (Stand By Me, TNG), Christopher Barnes (Starman, Day by Day) and Jeremy Licht (Valerie). God bless those teen pin-up mags. They had photos of every boy celebrity you could imagine.

As for the Monkees, I preferred Mike Nesmith.

RenoBlondee said...

This is gonna be fun to browse through tomorow when I have time, but I'm gonna post mine for now.
George Michael was my biggest. Errr, had little to no gaydar as a youngin', hee.
He was my MOST adored, thought I was gonna marry him some day, plastered all over my walls crush.

But in this order:
First crush: Shawn Cassidy
then Rick Springfield
Georgie boy
Simon LeBon

Yep, I'm a 80's girl. could ya not tell? :)

RenoBlondee said...

SassyYankee YES! I still adore and love Michael Schoeffling!!!!
He's so YUMMY! I wonder what he looks like now.

So glad to see I wasn't the only one crazy about George Michael, but he's still mine if he ever switches sides. ;)

argmoon said...

I had the following posters on my wall:

Christian Slater
Johnny Depp
Wil Wheaton
Chad Allen
Patrick Swayze

Anonymous said...

i always had picture of animals hanging. go figure...

Gina said...

Shaun Cassidy, John Travolta, Erik Estrada, Richard Hatch, Dirk Benedict(I loved Battlestar Galactica) Rick Springfield and lastly my true love Andy Gibb in his red stain jacket.

TV said...

Andy this day...*swoon*

pilly said...

Matt Dillon Over the Edge. Sigh

obitguy said...

Diana Rigg in the Avengers, Suzie Quatro, Joan Jett...something about ladies in leather!!!

hoosierf said...

Lynda Carter - Wonder Woman!

J said...

Curt Smith!

mygeorgie said...

Micheal Jackson
Joaquin Phoenix

GSP (My Georgie)

I'm hoping this last one works out better than the first two.

heatherlynn said...


Merlin D. Bear said...

Back in the day, Lee Majors (Six Million Dollar Man era), Jon Eric Hexum, and my HS English teacher.
(Yeah, he wasn't a celebrity, but GOD that man was HOT!)

ElizabethG said...

I wrote a letter to Douglas Fairbanks , JR when I was 21 and then he died. I stopped after that.

califblondy said...

When I was in first grade I knew that Paul McCartney would someday come to my town and marry me.

I love the comments about Andy Gibb because my heart still aches when I remember that he's not with us.

ForSure said...

I think Andy Gibb is the only celebrity that I've cried about when I heard he died. It was so sad, he was trying to get better, and seeing his brothers on TV so devastated by his death was so hard for me (and I was a moody teenager at the time anyway). Too young to die for sure.

Lelaina, you seem like a perfectly nice lady, but you need to back up off Paul Rudd, he is mine. ;)

MadLyb said...

My first crush was Donny Osmond, and it was intense and lasted many years, so I have no room to talk as far as the Bieber nonsense goes. :(

Rach said...

Lord Byron. I cut his picture out of a book and stuck it on my wall and read his poetry.

When I got older it was Keith Richards. But as a little girl, I loved Byron.

KellyLynn said...

I watched way too many old movies as a kid, so my crushes were mostly old men in real life. That didn't stop me from fantasizing that the younger versions of Jimmy Stewart or Gene Kelly would come sweep me off my feet. I cried a little with Jimmy Stewart died.
My nerd card would be revoked, too, if I didn't own up to crushes on most of the male actors involved in Star Trek TOS and TNG. The only ones exempt were George Takei, James Doohan and the guy who played Worf. I even had a crush on Brent Spiner.
In fact, the only crushes I had that were even close to being age-appropriate were Robert Palmer and St Louis Cardinals Joe Magrane and Tom Herr. Oh yeah -- I also lusted after John Malkovich for a short time in high school, after I found out he grew up a few counties south of me. Dangerous Liaisons could've had an influence, too.
I never wrote to any of these people. They were really just pawns in my childhood efforts to escape anything real by locking myself up inside my head.

nunaurbiz said...

I wrote to a ton of teenybopper stars, most notably Donny Osmond (who I've now met), but only got impersonal replies. When President Ford got into office (yeah, dating myself), my dad kinda dared me to write to one of his sons. I wrote to Steve Ford because he was the youngest and cutest (I was about 14 and he was 18 or 19). My parents never thought he'd write back, but he did on White House stationery and we actually became pen pals for years and years!

Discobitch said...

my first crush was Michael J Fox in BTTF <3 marty mcfly =p

after him was Jason Patric XD

now its Scott Caan from Hawaii 5-0 he can book me any time hehe

RudyLarue said...

My nerd flag was flying high when I papered my walls with all things Osmond - especially Donny. My parents took me to see them at Caesar's Palace and I almost passed out when Donny came within 20 feet of us during the show. I think I was around 10 years old.

I also loved Michael Jackson but I kept that secret. I didn't want to cheat on Donny.

EmEyeKay said...

I remember those posters distinctly: Shaun Cassidy, Donnie Osmond, and. . . (oh). . . Barry Manilow. I had the BEST Donnie Osmond stationery! Purple, of course, with his photo at the top middle, and stars shooting off of him right and left. Loved that stationery.

mooshki said...

Duran Duran in general, and John Taylor & Nick Rhodes in particular.

Fifi834 said...

Rick Springfield. Then, later Duran Duran. Loved, loved, LOVED John Taylor (and he still looks good, imo)!

YourNameHere said...

I once wrote a fan letter to Ralph Macchio during his Karate Kid/Teachers days and told him how much my friend Lisa loved him. He sent 2 autographed postcards for me and my friend.

Selock said...

Christian Bale - Newsies era...BIG TIME. I was maybe 14? It was to the point that I was one of the leaders of what was essentially a lobbying group of fans; a handful of us got together on AOL message boards and called ourselves the Baleheads. Rolling Stone wrote about us, I believe, we wrote so many letters everywhere, trying to get everyone to recognize his utter genius...somewhere I still have fan club newsletters, autographed stuff (I had a good email rapport with the assistant who ultimately sold him out to the Brit tabloids, Harrison). I was obsessed with everything he did up until about Swing Kids, all kinds of obscurities I had to get by mail order (!) ... then I grew up, went off to Europe and got my own life going so I lost interest, meanwhile he got pretty huge, didn't he?! Seeing him around everywhere is kinda like seeing an old boyfriend. Like, I used to *know* that guy *so well*. And then I tend to avoid his newer work, not entirely or purposefully, but it just seems to pan out that way. Kind of wistful memories, really, LOL. God, I feel like I've divulged one of the larger skeletons in my closet...

Henriette said...

John Stamos is a great guy. Becky Romain Lettuce was an utter fool!

That man is a Greek god. He looks better in person and has the greenest eyes.

Henriette said...

Oh my present crush is Julian McMahon from Nip/Tuck and Charmed. I also had a thing for Sam Waterson.

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Jungle007 said...

Ohh man.... I was reminded of mine the other day when i took my daughter to see the Lion King 3D.

Jonathan Taylor-Thomas.

s. said...

mark hammil, natty gann, river phoenix
mikhail baryshnikov

AnonPLS said...

Mine was totally John Taylor from Duran Duran. Like absolutely obsessed! Not too long ago I saw him at dinner and I thought "this would be the sighting of my life if I were 12 again!"

SolitaryAngel said...

Peter Frampton, Leif Garrett--but when I was 14 it all stopped and there was only ONE...Tommy Shaw. I'm 45 now and he is still the one.

Sherry said...

Skeeball must be my age because I too had a crush on Bobby Sherman and Donnie Osmond..Then, and this was WAAAY before he was even known, Mel Gibson. Too bad he turned into a douche. Funny, I was an actor and singer and always wanted to be famous but now I'm kind of glad I never was. Seems like it doesn't always change you for the better.

Mark B said...

I never sent fan mail or anything like that, but I always crushed on Mellissa Joan Hart and Amy Jo Johnson. Guy wise I always crushed on Brian Molko and Billie Joe Armstrong.

Sherry said...

OMG! How could I ever forget Davy Jones...My very very first crush. Also Glen Campbell.

Anonymous said...

THE GUYS NEXT DOOR! Ahh, that brings back memories! I remember they had a video and one of the guys walks away with his true love--a chimpanzee. Weird-o!

But back on topic, Patrick Dancy of TGND was pretty cute.

bluebonnetmom said...

All of your replies made me smile...Shame on me for forgetting Tom Selleck and Don Johnson. : )

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Layna Day - That would be "I've Been Waiting For You." ;)

I'm pretty sure I still have their CD (er...cassette, rather).

lunabelle said...

When I was 2 or 3 I used to kiss the screen when Mr. Rodgers came on. He is still one of my faves but not in a sexual way.
Never wrote a fan letter, seemed silly, write a letter a staff member would read and get a "signed" picture. I was jaded at a young age in spite of the goodness I recognized in
Mr. Rodgers.

Kiki said...

I was beyond obsessed with Michael Hutchence.

I cried for hours when he died.

Unknown said...

Hi Tony
I am in love with Tony Defranco and the Defranco family
ever since 1973 and I am still in love with Tony Defranco
and the Defranco family and I think their music is hot hot
hot and I love their songs on both albums of Heatbeat its
a lovebeat and save the last dance for me and I think Tony
Defranco and the Defranco family should get together and
make more new albums because I love it
I Love You
Jeannine Regis


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