Monday, October 24, 2011

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Ryan Gosling still hard at work on his latest movie.
I did not even recognize Samaire Armstrong. This outfit is a crazy mess.
Selena Gomez kisses her ten year old brother. Oh wait, I guess
that is The Biebs. That is some truly awful kissing.
Randomness. Jersey Shore meets Real Housewives. Vinny and Dana.
Will Ferrell got the Mark Twain award this weekend so Andy Samberg was there to honor him and
Molly Shannon and
Paul Rudd.
Jack Black was there and
also Tim Meadows and Vanessa Flanders who is not related to Ned.
Oh, and of course the man himself, Will Ferrell in velvet.


califblondy said...

Ooooh, I love Ryan's outfit.

Samaire's outfit ain't that bad Enty, but the hair is a different story.

I just don't think Will is that funny. I guess it's just me.

Anonymous said...

I have a rug that is the same as the collar (?) on Samaire Armstrong's shirt....I use it when it is wintertime...stuff it under the door to keep the cold air out.

cheesegrater15 said...

Will Farrell isn't funny. Ryan Gosling is sort of hot.
Jack Black NEEDS to stop that dumbass pose. Every time I see a picture of him, I want to smack him upside the head with an LA county phone book.

Anonymous said...

I love Will Ferrell with all my heart and find him hilarious. I'm not a movie person and I rarely go to the theatre but I go see his movies (except the kids ones).

I don't find Ryan Gosling hot either.

Anonymous said...

Ryan is hot and would be even hotter if he was snuggling with me! *swoons*

ms snarky said...

don't find Will Ferrell funny at all. I'm a Seth Myers kind of girl.

could someone please reassure me that Paul Rudd is straight? I love him. I guess I don't really care if he's gay, but I'd really like him to be not gay. Just for once, one of my Hwood crushes could actually be in my market domain! : )

Lolita Breckenridge said...

I find no celebrity Ryans hot or attractive in the least.

timebob said...

hugs not drugs Samaire. She used to be so pretty. Now she is so busted.

Unknown said...

@ms snarky~
Paul Rudd is married! :(

I love Will Ferrell...a lot. I really liked him on SNL.

The Gosling is mega hot.

Maja With a J said...

As far as I know, Paul Rudd is straight, however married to one lucky lady and I think they have a few kids as well. Doesn't stop him from being handsome though! :)

I am a Will Ferrell fan, although there are a few movies of his that I didn't care for. Like that basketball one. I do, however, still howl at "Anchorman", "Old School" and "Talladega Nights". And "Elf" is a Christmas tradition by now!

Jack Black, not so much.

chopchop said...

Will Ferrell's wife looks amazing! Love her outfit!!

New Life and Attitude said...

I love me some Paul Rudd so I'm happy to hear that he's straight. He can always get a divorce and come find me. = )

New Life and Attitude said...

I love me some Paul Rudd so I'm happy to hear that he's straight. He can always get a divorce and come find me. = )

SkittleKitty said...

Andy Samberg's date is very pretty but what the hell is she wearing?

Carrie L. said...

I actually bought the 10 year old brother comment, no questions asked. Ew.

RenoBlondee said...

I can tolerate Will in small doses. LOVE Paul Rudd though!

RenoBlondee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RenoBlondee said...

I can tolerate Will in small doses. LOVE Paul Rudd though!

RenoBlondee said...

I can tolerate Will in small doses. LOVE Paul Rudd though!

RenoBlondee said...

Oh my Lord, sorry for all the posts!!!! Puter froze!

hotchacha said...

Is Andy Samberg's date wearing the American flag as some kind of fajita wrap?

RocketQueen said...

Mmm...more Gosling for me!

What the heck is Samberg's date/wife wearing??

Yay! Winnipeg Jets are back! Jets jerseys!

Didn't Samaire have some drug problems a few years back? I always wondered what became of her...

califblondy said...

Doesn't it look like Bieber and Selena don't want to exchange bodily fluids?

Or maybe somebody just had onions?

selenakyle said...

Loving Mr.s Farrell's ensemble. Nice to see a lady dress and pose as a lady!

Slumlord Ave said...

is the pic of vinnie from jersey shore and dana from RHbh the possible answer to recent blind?

Rose said...

Paul Rudd is also best friends with Adam Scott and their children play together. I love them both. And Seth Meyers!

nunaurbiz said...

I'll take me some Gosling!

ms snarky: A comic friend of mine met Seth Meyers and says he is incredibly more handsome and sexy in person (but then I think he's sexy on TV)

Kary said...

Andy Samberg's date is his girlfriend, Joanna Newsom. She is stunningly beautiful but is quite possibly the strangest person/artist/musician on the planet.

ms_goddess said...

Andy Samberg's girlfriend is quite lovely.

Not a fan of Will Farrell - but his wife looks VERY elegant and classy - sort of "Golden-Age Hollywood)

Not on the Gosling-is-hot bandwagon. Seth Meyers on the other hand - YUM!

Seattle_Strips said...

The Mark Twain Award????


As a major fan of Mr. Clemens, I feel the need to point out that NO, BITCH, you aren't even .0000000001% as funny as he was.

Really stabby now.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who that Jersey Shore guy is, but he's adorable.

Anonymous said...

califblody, aside from the "more cowbell" skit on SNL, I don't think Will Ferrell is funny either.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I take that back. I do like Elf. That's it. I swear.

And there's something about Andy or Adam or whatever Samberg's mouth that makes me want to punch it. I don't know if it's the shape or the spaces between his teeth. Or maybe that he looks like he has this assy (is that a word) smirk all of the time. I don't know.

Okay, enough of my posting. Sorry to take up so much space.

Jasmine said...

"Is Andy Samberg's date wearing the American flag as some kind of fajita wrap?"

^^THIS made me literally LOL!!! Fantastic~

I think Andy Samberg's jaw makes me just delicious to me, that and his talented off the wall humor. Like a sexy jewish cookie I want to break off, piece by succulent piece....hahaha, that got a tad graphic at the end ;-O

I too love Paul Rudd but his eyes in this pic scream drugs to me.

The fact that the Molly Shannon's of the comedy world dont seem to have as much of a market value as the Will Farell's really PISSES me off.
Fucking sexist shit.
It's still prevalent in our society to not view woman as funny (or witty as men). For every one Lucy or Mary Tyler Moore, we have a million Jack Blacks, and that shit aint right.

Jasmine said...

lol, *Makes HIM just delicious to ME

mygeorgie said...

Ferrel's wife's dress..too boxy & shiny. It's one bow away from being a Christmas present & not flattering in the least. Even the Queen tapers her skirts a little.

Samaire's outfit is great, broken down individually, but not all at once. The hair however, is Lindseyriffic :( And ya, she looks wacked.

Cat said...

Damn, can Ryan Gosling be so attractive? Love Will Ferrell and Paul Rud.

nunaurbiz said...

I happen to like Will's wife's dress and at least she's posing properly and not looking like she has to pee urgently....

mooshki said...

Those kissing pics made me wanna barf.

Lelaina Pierce said...

hotchacha - Excellent description! :)

Will Farrell has definitely had some flops but I thought he was fantastic in SNL & has been in some of my favorite comedies. I think I may have already commented about this on another post, but I thought he was very good in Everything Must Go.

Paul Rudd & Seth Meyers are on my list. Yum.


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