Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gary Giordano Is A Free Man On Tuesday

100 days in jail is it for Gary Giordano. The man who has been in an Aruba jail accused of murdering Robyn Gardner is to be set free on Tuesday after police were unable to find any conclusive evidence tying Robyn's disappearance to Gary. Seriously? Nothing? How sad is it that if Gary decides to come home to the United States that the FBI will be waiting to arrest him and he will probably end up spending lots of time in jail but that he will never spend time in jail for the actual death of Robyn. Aruba is now 0 for 2 in high profile murder investigations.


RenoBlondee said...

This is just terrible!

surfer said...

Yeah, it is awful, but if there is nothing to actually tie him to her disappearance and/or murder, what are they supposed to do? They can't hold him indefinitely.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable he walks free.

Bubbles said...
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Bubbles said...

But her body has never been found so there isn't any proof she's dead, although that's what we all think. And if the FBI are waiting for him good; as long as he sits and rots in prison it doesn't matter to me what he's in there for. Prison is prison and he's getting what he deserves regardless.

Anonymous said...

What will the FBI arrest him for? I missed something.

timebob said...

I just hope this sends a message to women there are no free vacations and if you are in a bad relationship and your husband wants to go to Aruba, Mexico or some tiny island. Don't sign those life insurance papers.

Lelaina Pierce said...

@brendalove - I wondered the same. The only thing I could find was that he has some spousal support issues & other financial issues.

Anonymous said...

Good advice, timebob. I'm thinking it wouldn't be smart to go there and pick up guys in bars either. In fact, I just scratched Aruba off my list of places I'd like to go. It seems to be the place for women's bodies to disappear.

Anonymous said...

Aruba....the alternative to breaking up

msgirl said...

I think Aruba will be losing a lot of their tourism money.

parissucksliterally said...

I will never, ever EVER go to Aruba.

mooshki said...

I think not spending time with sleezy guys is much better protection than avoiding Aruba!

Sevenmack said...

Agreed, Mooshki. The Game Show Serial Killer, Rodney Alcala, murdered women on both coasts in the states. And we have plenty of sleazeballs here who will slash the throats of women right in the middle of suburbia. Aruba is not the problem here; human nature certainly is.

mooshki said...

And hell, look at the cops that freaking returned Jeffrey Dahmer's victim to his house when he tried to escape! Incompetent police are everywhere too.

RocketQueen said...

Agreed, Mooshki. For the right price I'd love to go to Aruba with my fiance. It's not the place, it's who you spend your time with.

Dishtlk said...

I have a friends that is, lets say, "intuitive" and she has a crazy theory that the reason they can't find any dna or a body was because this sketchy Gary guy is involved in a human trafficking ring... take it for what you will. And one way or another this guy was involved and its awful that he'll get to walk!

LauraM said...

I guess Aruba is the place to go if you want to get away with killing people.


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