Friday, November 04, 2011

November Is Native American Heritage Month - Kris Jenner Ruins It

Just three days into Native American Heritage Month, Kris Jenner appeared on Good Morning America and ticked off the Native Americans. When asked whether Kim Kardashian would be giving back the $2M ring that Kris Humphries allegedly bought Kim, she said absolutely not and that it was a gift. "I hate an Indian Giver." Whoa. Obviously someone who lacks sensitivity. I wonder what she calls Lamar behind his back. Hey, if you insult one group of people on national television, then what are you saying about other groups of people in your home. Here is my thing on the ring. I would normally say for Kim to return it. I mean she is not going to give Kris anything extra outside of the pre-nup, and she already profited from her marriage. Even if she did not make money off the ceremony, she made $2M from the ring. That is pretty good for 72 days of marriage. Kris is not getting $2M for 72 days of marriage. However, I don't think Kris paid for it. Somehow I think Kim got it for a huge discount in exchange for publicity or she helped pay for it. Otherwise, I say give it back. It is one thing if you are married 5 years, but two months? Give it back. And Kris Jenner needs to apologize.



  2. Can we just stop with these people?

  3. On CeleBitchy there are pictures that show her engagement ring might be the one she bought herself in 2009 to give Reggie Bush a hint.

    I think he got the hint and broke up with her. I hope that this whole thing is a hint to any man who might date her in the future.

  4. what Lauren said.

  5. Yeah, it was an insensitive and stupid thing to say. Duh. But why is anyone surprised?

    I bet this post will rack up over sixty comments professing hatred for the Kardashians. And you people wonder why Enty spends about eighty percent of his time discussing them? Please.

    But you know what's worse?

    The Washington REDSKINS. I guess what I'm trying to say is this: save your indignation for the bigger offenses.

    Kris Jenner is an idiot, true, but she's laughing and bumbling all the way to the bank, and she largely makes her money from other people's disgust. Everyone hates Paris Hilton, but how often do you hear or read about HER anymore?

  6. If you're like myself and countless other people who are or have been sick to death of the overexposed, undertalented Kardashian Kunts for quite a while now, I present...

    Just installed and I'm LOVING it.

  7. Did I mention that money does not buy class? It's actually amusing to watch the Kardashians stumble over their own BS.

  8. If by apologize, you mean kill herself, then yes, she should certainly apologize.

  9. Why does everyone conveniently forget that Kim bought the ring herself! There are pap shots of her wearing it in 2008/2009.

  10. These people are just gutter trash. No offense meant to gutters.

  11. Because I'm feeling irreverent towards the Kardashians, and Ida made me think of it: Richmond, VA has a minor league baseball team called the Richmond Flying Squirrels, which was the name Richmond citizens voted on. Another option, later removed from consideration due to racial connotations, was the Richmond Hambones. According to the NAACP, 'hambone' has racial connotations because hambone refers a type of African dance slaves were forced to perform for white entertainment purposes. Fair enough NAACP, especially given that Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy.

  12. I actually didn't think the term "Indian Giver" was referring to Native Americans.
    Can we still say "Indian Summer"?

  13. As a person of Metis heritage I for one am sorry she doesn't like "Indian givers" since I keep hoping she'll take her family back from public display and lock them back up in the cellar.

  14. She is just an idiot...laughing all the way to the bank, now can they just go away?

    Looked up the orgin of the words, it's interesting.

  15. I've got lineage from two Native American nations in my family. And I understand Enty's outrage - though I'm questioning the correlation to "What does she call Lamar behind his back..." My question is what does one call someone who gives something then takes it back nowadays? I'm at a loss when it comes to synonyms for Indian Giver.

  16. I hope there is some serious backlash for that stupid, insulting comment.

  17. I carry my Treaty Card everywhere, however membership has it's downfalls, dealing with morons such as Kris Jenner - remember when Jessica Simpson made the same comment and later declared she was not a racist since she was Native..I nearly choked on my bannock.

  18. Now now @redronnie, don't ever let a fool put you off your bannock!

  19. @M -- Well, people could use the word "reneger" in lieu of "Indian giver," but THAT could also be easily misconstrued. :-/

    And I lol'd at "no offense to gutters".

    Why do we need a term for it at all? "I hate people who give you something and then expect it back."
    There. Done.

  21. Can't we just make up a new term for it? For example: "NBC-ing" it, as in

    "Man, they promised Conan the Tonight Show slot and then they just took it back. They totally NBC'd it"

  22. @Linnea -- HA! Or we could just say "Lenoed."

  23. I dont get why KK WOULDN'T return the ring! It's not like she's gonna wear the damn thing! Unless she really did buy it herself...maybe if there's enough public outcry everywhere she goes saying, " Give Back the Ring!" she will have to admit that she bought it herself, or let poor Kris H get SOMETHING out of this debacle!

  24. Last night my mother and I were watching Entertainment Tonight. Since right now Kim is the big news it is non-stop of these idiots. Anyway when Kim was talking my mom said "Is that really her voice" LOLOL. The girl was a mickey mouse voice hahahaha.

    I am getting tired of Kim saying "I have to follow my heart"

  25. Can the press just make a deal to not cover anything these vapid, insipid people do?

    And wasn't the whole wedding thing for the show?

    Please Magic Media Fairy, please make them go away....

  26. I think my 50% or more Native American Husband has more class in his pinky finger than this whole trashtastic family. Kim should give the damn ring back if Kris H. paid for it at all. If she bought the damn thing, then woman up and admit it. Keeping the presents, ring etc...just reminds me of a couple of toddlers fighting over a toy and they are both saying "Mine..Mine".

  27. @ Ida: Nice one (re: "renegers.")
    How about "Armenian givers?"

  28. @Robert -- Well, I'd be afraid of offending Cher, personally. ;-) She *was* the original famous half-Armenian after all...

  29. Anyone else finding it funny that E is still running reruns of the Fairy Tale wedding special? I was flipping channels last night and the scene was where Kim called a special meeting at Vera Wang to figure out which of the 3 dresses she should wear down the aisle. I watched a few minutes of it just for the shear laugh factor. And Kris J tried to look like she was wiping a tear away. Bwahahaha!

  30. Actually shouldn't it be American Govt. Givers ?? Since the Native Americans were promised so much and got so little in return??

    I still want Mama Kardashian to take on Dina Lohan in celeb. death match.

  31. YES! Throw in Courtney Stodden's mom too and I would pay a lot of money to see that

  32. All I can think about is the Seinfeld episode with the cigar store Indian.

    JERRY: You can't give something and then take it back. I mean, what are you...
    (catches himself)

    WINONA: What?

    JERRY: A uh, a person that uh...

    WINONA: A person that what?

    JERRY: Well, a person that gives something and then they're dissatisfied and
    they wish they had, had never uh...

    WINONA: And?

    JERRY: ...give, given it to the person that they originally gave it to.

    WINONA: You mean like, an Indian giver?!

    JERRY: I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that term

  33. What I'm curious about is, Kim has recently been in the process of developing a new show with Nigel Lythgoe, that's separate from the other Kardashians' shows. I wonder if all of this is part of her breaking away from the family?

  34. the mother will probably claim her great great great grandmother was half-cherokee or something along those lines...

  35. It's just such a shame overall. Especially as the K family is Armenian and thus a minority here and yet she is stereotyping another minority. Its ridiculous.

    But no, I dont think we should use their ethnicity against them and call them 'Armenian Givers' GOSH!

    The Armenian people STILL have yet to have their genocide acknowledged by the country it took place in nor by the American president/govt. THey live with this subtle form of marganalization, and yet this one cunt whose daughter is one of the few celebs who is Armenian opens her trap and spews out ignorance?!
    Talk about dumb ass!

  36. @0 - Love that!

    @linnea - That's perfect! :)

    It's not a GIFT, Kris Jenner, it's a promise of marriage. So if he paid for the ring, then it should go back. But we all know that probably didn't happen.

    The Indian giver remark is just more bad press for the K family, so you gotta just sit back and laugh.
