Monday, November 28, 2011

Regis Philbin Wants To Host A Talent Show

What the world does not need is another talent show on television. Regis Philbin though apparently has not got that memo. He is teaming up with a former Regis And Kathie Lee director to try and sell a talent show which would be a family talent show. You know, like entire families getting up and competing. Sounds like a recipe for stage moms and dads to really bring misery to their kids. Regis also wants it to be on prime time. Don't you think there are enough talent competitions? How does anyone even keep track of them all at this point.


Rita said...

Oh great, a whole show on Lohan wannabes!

I think Regis is great, and whatever he touches turns into gold (for the most part). Remember "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"? It was a hit too because of the Reg.

But truly, who believed that he was really retiring? He'll be working until his last breath.

califblondy said...

It might work on Nick or ABC Family channels.

Anonymous said...

Just what we need....another talent show. Maybe he can open up a strip mall too. And start a clothing line.

Rita said...

Brenda - He already has a clothing line, believe it or not! I think it's a shirt and tie thing.

Momster said...

Seriously, just retire, dude. You've earned it.

Maybe he should put his name on a bottle of cologne, instead?

timebob said...

I guess he can't go back to America's Got Talent. Nick Cannon won't give that up.

annabella said...

totally sick of the talent show. and esp. totally sick of talent shows based on singing. I was slow to hop on to the singing talent show train, then I hopped on and now I am just sick of them. don't watch anymore, but they are always in your face.

the millionaire show might have been a hit because of Reg, but it was also the first show of its kind. simon cowell and paula can't breathe life into the ratings of the x-factor, so uncertain whether the Regis Magic could work w/a concept the public seems to be already tired of. and on prime time? my vote is no.

Comma Chaser said...

For some reason, this makes me think of that scene in About Schmidt, where Jack Nicholson's character wanders back into the office a day or two after his retirement and asks the new guy if he needs any help, and the new guy's like nope, we got it under control.

timebob said...

I think Regis thought that ABC would buckle and pay him to stay with Kelly. I don't think it ever really occured to him they would let him walk. He got some really bad career advice from his manager to play the ultimatum card like that.

ms snarky said...

I like Reege, but he has to relax a little. His style of old-school entertainment doesn't really have an audience any more.

MISCH said...

So much for retirement...

__-__=__ said...

Note to Regis: Sit down, shut up and give someone else a chance. Where are the people you've been mentoring your entire career? Where are the people you trained?? Did you help anyone besides yourself? Why not let them stand up and be counted. Let them show us what they've learned from you.

No? I thought as much.

Rita said...

@Timebob - from what I've read, it wasn't a Paula Abdul situation type. The network wanted him out because he was losing it. And having watched a few of those shows in the past year, it is unfortunate to say, but grandpa was really losing it. Often with hilarious consequences, where Kelly really had to hold his hand as if to shut him up, and turn the situation into a light joke :)

RocketQueen said...

"We call ourselves....The Aristocrats!" <--- this or I'm not interested, Regis.

figgy said...

I don't know how Rege or anyone like him could *stand* to retire, though. It's akin to saying you're waiting to die (in my opinion).

Rose said...

If working makes Regis happy I don't see why he should retire so other people can have a shot. That's not how Hollywood works. They generally pick who they want, not who is available. My Grandpa worked until he was 95 because he loved his job. Granted he had slowed down over the years.

Henriette said...

For the love of God, no more talent shows!

RJ said...

I don't watch any of the talent shows that are on the air now, and I think there are way too many of them. I won't watch Regis's show either.

hollywood dime said...

Regis go away!!!

Jennifer H. said...

Regis says he made no ultimatum to "Live." He said he "never got a chance." Sounds like they didn't even open anything up to a negotiation. They retired him. Period.

The man wants to keep working, so I hope he can, as long as he wants to. I like Kelly Ripa, but it will probably never occur to me to turn to that show now that Regis isn't on it.

The Bitch Next Door said...

Regis was making wayyy too much $$$$. No wonder ABC axed him. He needs to go away with grace and dignity. Don't turn into the same joke as Joan Crawford did.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Love Regis, but I thought he was beginning to lose it a bit too. Nothing major but...still.

This is like Larry King still popping up on occasion. Did anyone see him be the voice of Jeff on CraigyFerg? He took over the whole show. It was hilarious.

I don't understand after working THAT many hours, that many years, why these people (like Larry, Oprah, etc.) don't want to just kick back with a fruit beverage & RELAX??

Janet said...

Jennifer H.: "The man wants to keep working, so I hope he can, as long as he wants to. I like Kelly Ripa, but it will probably never occur to me to turn to that show now that Regis isn't on it."



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