Monday, December 05, 2011

No More Kabbalah String Or Wedding Ring For Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher not only took photos of himself with cows while he was in Iowa, he also had swarms of women all over him all the time all vying to be the next person who can say they slept with Ashton Kutcher. Whoo hoo. Something to share with your friends and to pay for that next semester of school. If you sleep with someone but then sell your story for money is that the same thing as selling sex for money?

Anyway, while in Iowa, Ashton apparently made some kind of decision and now back in Los Angeles, has had enough of pretending to be married so removed his ring and also removed his Kabbalah string. For the first time in years he has taken off his red string. I guess that was all for show too.


Rita said...

Well... Good for him. He's admitting to not believing in Kabbalah, and has come to terms with the end of his marriage.

Douchebag? Still. But hey, everyone has a right to redemption.

And yeah, taking money for discussing sleeping arrangements with a star is whoring. You are simply using a different pimp. Or a more legal middle-man.

selenakyle said...

First of all, WHO dresses this dork?
His look is not attractive, at ALL.

MacVixen said...

"If you sleep with someone but then sell your story for money is that the same thing as selling sex for money?"
Why yes, yes it is the same thing. In fact, I'd say it's worse. At least a prostitute is honest about what the sitation is. People whoring it up for the fame (like one Sarah Leal) are the worst.

__-__=__ said...

Agree with MaxVixen. Kutcher is broken and can't be fixed. Some people can not be redeemed ever.

stubbins said...

Sigh. All for show business is its own secular religion.

yourfaceisamess said...

when is 2 1/2 Men gonna be canceled? I never thought I'd say this, but it was so much better with Charlie. My bf makes me watch the re-runs and it's not that bad but the Ashton version is painful.

Anonymous said...

Why does he always look as if his clothes are just about to fly off his body? Why can't he get a decent haircut? Even Great Clips does a better job than whoever cut his hair.

figgy said...

Freaky, my grandma has those SAME pants. They're a brushed polyester blend with an elastic waist and a built-in D-ring belt, faux zipper in front and big patch pockets for carrying mints and kleenexes. She says they feel like sweat pants but are dressy enough for church.

She's a 93 year old great-grandma. Not sure what Ashton's excuse is...?

Sylvia said...
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Sylvia said...

bloodonthescreen, I also saw 2 1/2 men just to see how funny this guy is and I could not believe how bad the show is with him. There was nothing funny and I could not watch the whole show. Don't think Jon Cryer will be in a job for long.

B626 said...

So funny the local radio station in Iowa had Ashton sightings on their Facebook page. 'Ashton buying beer at the Quiki Mart!' etc!!/Z102.9

RocketQueen said...

I'm now convinced that something's going on with this fool's hairline. No matter what he wears (I mean, this suit seems quite nice), he's always covering his lid with some stupid beanie or ballcap. Hiding plugs, maybe?

Anonymous said...

Sleeping with Ashton Kutcher is the new planking. And probably just as fulfilling as planking also.

FingerBinger said...

Same thing with Guy Ritchie as soon as he divorced Madonna he took off the red string too.

Pookie said...

i wonder, tho, if being skanktastic will be as fun for him now that he's can do it freely? i think he sort of got off on the 'getting away w/ it' thing...i could be reaching, but i totally get that vibe.

Pookie said...


Unknown said...

He is such a tool and not at all attractive.

Anotheramy said...

There must be something wrong with me. I like him, hes a tool but I like him anyway. I like 2.5 men, and I even like Brad and Angie.

The BrightSider said...

Another reason to hate him. He's a Bears fan.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

I was talking on the phone w/my dad last night, and he mentioned various TV shows he watches from time to time. He knows absolutely nothing about celebrity gossip, so he's completely unbiased in this regard, and he said that 2.5 Men used to be OK, but now it's just plain stupid and bad. So...when an 80-year-old man who spends half his TV time snoozing in his easy chair thinks you blow goats, it might just be time to strike the set and call it a day...

GladysKravitz said...

What kind of person chooses their spirituality based solely upon their spouse's beliefs? I'm surprised that Guy RItchie did, not surprised at all that this guy did. I admire people with the strength of their own convictions--I would never say I was a certain religion for the sake of my spouse and then give it up a week after the marriage died. It's one thing to have one's spirituality evolve over time (I'd like to believe that is what happened with Ritchie) and another thing to have it change instantaneously. Proves his lack of depth, in my opinion.

Barton Fink said...

Kutchner is grotesque and Demi Moore's involvement with him made me permanently write her off. He is beyond redemption, she is on the "do not call" list, and their sordid marriage was loathsome. Their divorce is the only they've ever done that I approve of. If they gracefully turn into human beings now, I'll ... I'll suddenly believe that human beings are potential of growth! But I'm not betting on it. He'll be paying sex workers to fellate him until he dies of a heart attack at age 41.


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